Windsor brings all your Shopify data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL
Shopify Field Reference
Sample[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=order_id,order_current_total_price,order_email,order_updated_at&_renderer=csv
The Shopify connector lets you pull Shopify data on an object level (e.g. order, contact). If you specify the fields
and date_to
it will filter for a date range in which the objects were created.Sample query for order objects[your API key]&date_preset=last_28d&fields=order_app_id,order_sales_channel,order_name,order_note,order_tags,order_cancelled_at,order_cancel_reason,order_closed_at,order_created_at,order_count,order_currency,order_current_total_discounts,order_total_discounts,order_total_discounts_set,order_current_total_price,order_current_subtotal_price,order_current_total_tax,order_total_price,order_email,order_financial_status,order_updated_at,order_line_items,order_fulfillable_quantity,order_shipping_address
Sample query for customer objects[your API key]&date_preset=last_28d&fields=customer_email,customer_created_at,customer_updated_at,customer_date,customer_first_name,customer_last_name,customer_state,customer_total_spent,customer_verified_email,customer_multipass_identifier,customer_tax_exempt,customer_phone,customer_currency,customer_id,customer_last_order_id,customer_last_order_name,customer_note,customer_orders_count,customer_tags&_renderer=powerbi
ID | Type | Name | Description | Report |
account_id | TEXT | Account ID | Shopify Account URL | |
account_name | TEXT | Account Name | Shopify Account URL | |
breadcrumb_id | TEXT | Marketing Event Breadcrumb ID | The breadcrumb ID of the event. | marketing_events |
budget_type | TEXT | Marketing Event Budget Type | The budget type of the event. | marketing_events |
customer_aov | NUMERIC | Customer Average Order Value | Average order value is the average dollar amount customer spend each time an order is placed on your ecommerce website. | customers |
customer_created_at | TIMESTAMP | Customer Created at (Timestamp) | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the customer was created. | customers |
customer_currency | TEXT | Customer Currency | The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order. Defaults to the shop currency. Returns the shop currency for test orders. | customers |
customer_date | DATE | Customer Created At (Date) | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the customer information was last updated. | customers |
customer_default_address | OBJECT | Customer Default Address | The customer's default address. | customers |
customer_email | TEXT | Customer E-Mail Address | The unique email address of the customer. Attempting to assign the same email address to multiple customers returns an error. | customers |
customer_email_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | TEXT | Customer Email Marketing Consent Updated At | The date and time at which the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. The customer's consent state reflects the consent record with the most recent consent_updated_at date. If no date is provided, then the date and time at which the consent information was sent is used. | customers |
customer_email_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | TEXT | Customer Email Marketing Consent Opt-In Level | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described by the M3AAWG best practices guidelines, that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email. | customers |
customer_email_marketing_consent_state | TEXT | Customer Email Marketing Consent State | The current email marketing state for the customer. | customers |
customer_first_name | TEXT | Customer First Name | The customer's first name. | customers |
customer_id | TEXT | Customer ID | A unique identifier for the customer. | customers |
customer_last_name | TEXT | Customer Last Name | The customer's last name. | customers |
customer_last_order_id | TEXT | Customer Last Order ID | The ID of the customer's last order. | customers |
customer_last_order_name | TEXT | Customer Last Order Name | The name of the customer's last order. This is directly related to the name field on the Order resource. | customers |
customer_multipass_identifier | NUMERIC | Customer Multipass Identifier | A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login. | customers |
customer_note | TEXT | Customer Note | A note about the customer. | customers |
customer_orders_count | NUMERIC | Customer Orders Count | The number of orders associated with this customer. | customers |
customer_phone | TEXT | Customer Phone Number | The unique phone number (E.164 format) for this customer. | customers |
customer_state | TEXT | Customer state | The state of the customer's account with a shop (Can be disabled, invited, enabled and declined) | customers |
customer_tags | TEXT | Customer Tags | Tags that the shop owner has attached to the customer, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. | customers |
customer_tax_exempt | BOOLEAN | Customer Tax Exempt | Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true, then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false, then taxes will be applied at checkout. | customers |
customer_total_spent | NUMERIC | Customer Total Spent | The total amount of money that the customer has spent across their order history. | customers |
customer_updated_at | TIMESTAMP | Customer Updated at (Timestamp) | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the customer information was last updated. | customers |
customer_verified_email | BOOLEAN | Customer Email Verified | Whether the customer has verified their email address. | customers |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
date | DATE | Date | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) of the queried object. | |
day_of_month | TEXT | Day of month | Day of the month | |
TEXT | Order Email | The customers email address. | orders | |
ended_at | TIMESTAMP | Marketing Ended At | The event end datetime. | marketing_events |
event_type | TEXT | Marketing Event Type | The event type. | marketing_events |
line_item__discount_allocations | TEXT | Line Item Discount Allocations | An ordered list of amounts allocated by discount applications. Eachdiscount allocation is associated with a particular discount application.amount: The discount amount allocated to the line in the shop currency.discount_application_index: The index of the associated discount application in the order'sdiscount_applications list.amount_set: The discount amount allocated to the line item in shop and presentmentcurrencies. | orders |
line_item__duties | TEXT | Line Item Duties | A list of duty objects, each containing information about a duty on the line item. | orders |
line_item__fulfillable_quantity | NUMERIC | Line Item Fulfillable Quantity | The amount available to fulfill | orders |
line_item__fulfillment_status | TEXT | Line Item Fulfillment Status | How far along an order is in terms line items fulfilled. Valid values:null, fulfilled, partial, and not_eligible. | orders |
line_item__grams | NUMERIC | Line Item Grams | The weight of the item in grams. | orders |
line_item__id | TEXT | Line Item Id | The ID of the line item. | orders |
line_item__name | TEXT | Line Item Product Name | The name of the product. | orders |
line_item__price | NUMERIC | Line Item Price | The price of the item before discounts have been applied in the shop currency. | orders |
line_item__product_id | TEXT | Line Item Product Id | The ID of the product that the line item belongs to. Can be null ifthe original product associated with the order is deleted at a later date. | orders |
line_item__properties | TEXT | Line Item Properties | An array of custom information for the item that has been added to the cart. Often used to provide product customization options. | orders |
line_item__quantity | NUMERIC | Line Item Quantity | The number of items that were purchased. | orders |
line_item__refundable_quantity | TEXT | Line Item Refundable Quantity | The line item's quantity, minus the refunded quantity. | orders |
line_item__refunds | TEXT | Line Item Refunds | A list of refund objects | orders |
line_item__refunds_price | NUMERIC | Line Item Refunds Price | The price of a refunded line item in shop currency over all refunds. | orders |
line_item__refunds_quantity | NUMERIC | Line Item Refunds Quantity | The quantity of a refunded line item over all refunds. | orders |
line_item__refunds_subtotal | NUMERIC | Line Item Refunds Subtotal | The subtotal price of a refunded line item in shop currency over all refunds. | orders |
line_item__refunds_total_tax | NUMERIC | Line Item Refunds Total Tax | The total tax charged on a refunded line item in shop currency over all refunds. | orders |
line_item__requires_shipping | TEXT | Line Item Requires Shipping | Whether the item requires shipping. | orders |
line_item__sku | TEXT | Line Item SKU | The item's SKU (stock keeping unit). | orders |
line_item__tax_lines | TEXT | Line Item Tax Lines | A list of tax line objects, each of which details a tax applied to the item.title: The name of the tax.price: The amount added to the order for this tax in the shop currency.price_set: The amount added to the order for this tax in shop and presentment currencies.rate: The tax rate applied to the order to calculate the tax price.channel_liable: Whether the channel that submitted the tax line is liable for remitting. Avalue of null indicates unknown liability for the tax line. | orders |
line_item__taxable | TEXT | Line Item Taxable | Whether the item was taxable. | orders |
line_item__tip_payment_gateway | TEXT | Line Item Tip Payment Gateway | The payment gateway used to tender the tip, such as shopify_payments. Present only on tips. | orders |
line_item__title | TEXT | Line Item Title | The title of the product. | orders |
line_item__total_discount | NUMERIC | Line Item Total Discount Set | The total amount allocated to the line item in the shop currency. Instead of using this field, Shopify recommends using discount_allocations, which provides the sameinformation. | orders |
line_item__variant_available_for_sale | BOOLEAN | Line Item Product Variant Available For Sale | Whether the product variant is available for sale. | orders |
line_item__variant_barcode | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Barcode | The value of the barcode associated with the product. | orders |
line_item__variant_compare_at_price | NUMERIC | Line Item Product Variant Compare At Price | The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. | orders |
line_item__variant_created_at | TIMESTAMP | Line Item Product Variant Created At Datetime | The date and time when the variant was created. | orders |
line_item__variant_display_name | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Display Name | Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. | orders |
line_item__variant_id | TEXT | Line Item Variant ID | The ID of the product variant. | orders |
line_item__variant_metafield_created_at | TIMESTAMP | Line Item Product Variant Metafield Created At | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the metafield was last updated. | products |
line_item__variant_metafield_description | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Metafield Description | The description of the metafield. | products |
line_item__variant_metafield_key | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Metafield Key | The unique identifier for a metafield within its namespace. | products |
line_item__variant_metafield_type | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Metafield Type | The type of data that is stored in the metafield. | products |
line_item__variant_metafield_update_at | TIMESTAMP | Line Item Product Variant Metafield Updated At | The type of resource that the metafield is attached to. | products |
line_item__variant_metafield_value | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Metafield Value | The data stored in the metafield. Always stored as a string, regardless of the metafield's type. | products |
line_item__variant_price | NUMERIC | Line Item Product Variant Price | The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. | orders |
line_item__variant_sellable_online_quantity | NUMERIC | Line Item Product Variant Sellable Online Quantity | The total sellable quantity of the variant for online channels. This doesn't represent the total available inventory or capture limitations based on customer location. | orders |
line_item__variant_selling_plan_group_count | NUMERIC | Line Item Product Variant Selling Plan Group Count | Count of selling plan groups associated with the product variant. | orders |
line_item__variant_tax_code | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Tax Code | The tax code for the product variant. | orders |
line_item__variant_title | TEXT | Line Item Variant Title | The title of the product variant. | orders |
line_item__variant_unit_cost | NUMERIC | Line Item Product Variant Unit Cost | Unit cost associated with the inventory item. Note: the user must have 'View product costs' permission granted in order to access this field once product granular permissions are enabled. | orders |
line_item__variant_unit_cost_currency | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Unit Cost Currency | Currency of the money for unit cost associated with the inventory item. | orders |
line_item__variant_updated_at | TIMESTAMP | Line Item Product Variant Updated At | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was last modified. | orders |
line_item__variant_weight | NUMERIC | Line Item Product Variant Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. | orders |
line_item__variant_weight_unit | TEXT | Line Item Product Variant Weight Unit (weight_unit) | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. If you don't specify a value for weight_unit, then the shop's default unit of measurement is applied. Valid values: g, kg, oz, lb. | orders |
line_item__vendor | TEXT | Line Item Vendor | The name of the item's supplier. | orders |
manage_url | TEXT | Marketing Event Manage URL | The manage URL of the event. | marketing_events |
marketing_activity_id | TEXT | Marketing Event Activity ID | The activity ID of the event. | marketing_events |
marketing_channel | TEXT | Marketing Event Channel | The markerting channel of the event. | marketing_events |
marketing_event_budget | NUMERIC | Marketing Event Budget | The budget of the event. | marketing_events |
marketing_event_currency | TEXT | Marketing Event Currency | The currency of the event. | marketing_events |
marketing_event_description | TEXT | Marketing Event Description | The event description. | marketing_events |
marketing_event_paid | BOOLEAN | Marketing Event Paid | The flag that indicates if an event is paid. | marketing_events |
month | TEXT | Month | Number of the month | |
order_app_id | TEXT | Order App ID | The id of the application. | orders |
order_app_name | TEXT | Order App name | The name of the application. | orders |
order_billing_address | TEXT | Order Billing Address | The orders billing address. | orders |
order_billing_address_city | CITY | Order Billing Address City | The orders billing address city. | orders |
order_billing_address_country | COUNTRY | Order Billing Address Country | The orders billing address country. | orders |
order_billing_matches_shipping | BOOLEAN | Order Billing Address Matches Shipping Address | Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. | orders |
order_can_mark_as_paid | BOOLEAN | Order Can Mark As Paid | Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. | orders |
order_can_notify_customer | BOOLEAN | Order Can Notify Customer | Whether a customer email exists for the order. | orders |
order_cancel_reason | TEXT | Order Cancel Reason | The reason why the order was canceled. | orders |
order_cancellation_staff_note | TEXT | Order Cancellation Staff Note | Staff provided note for the order cancellation. | orders |
order_cancelled_at | TIMESTAMP | Order Cancelled At | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the order was canceled. | orders |
order_capturable | BOOLEAN | Order Capturable | Whether payment for the order can be captured. | orders |
order_channel_handle | TEXT | Order Channel Handle | Unique string used as a public identifier for the channel definition associated with the channel that created the order. | orders |
order_client_ip | TEXT | Order Client IP | The IP address of the API client that created the order. | orders |
order_closed | BOOLEAN | Order Closed | Whether the order is closed. | orders |
order_closed_at | TIMESTAMP | Order Closed At | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was closed. | orders |
order_confirmation_number | TEXT | Order Confirmation Number | A randomly generated alpha-numeric identifier for the order that may be shown to the customer instead of the sequential order name. | orders |
order_confirmed | TEXT | Order Confirmed | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. | orders |
order_count | NUMERIC | Order Count | The number of orders. Default value is 1, but for refunds, the value is zero. This value is displayed in Analytics Sales report. | orders |
order_created_at | TIMESTAMP | Order Created At | The autogenerated date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was created in Shopify. The value for this property cannot be changed. | orders |
order_currency | TEXT | Order Currency | The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the shop currency. | orders |
order_current_discount_cart | NUMERIC | Order Current Discount Cart | The current order-level discount amount after all order updates, in shop currency. | orders |
order_current_subtotal_line_items_quantity | NUMERIC | Order Current Subtotal Line Items Quantity | The current order-level discount amount after all order updates, in shop currency. | orders |
order_current_subtotal_price | NUMERIC | Order Current Subtotal Price | The current subtotal price of the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds. | orders |
order_current_total_additional_fees_amount | NUMERIC | Order Current Total Additional Fees Amount | The total amount of additional fees after returns, in shop currency. | orders |
order_current_total_discounts | NUMERIC | Order Current Total Discounts | The current total discounts on the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds. | orders |
order_current_total_duties_amount | NUMERIC | Order Current Total Duties Amount | The total amount of duties after returns, in shop currency. | orders |
order_current_total_price | NUMERIC | Order Current Total Price (A duplicate of `order_total_price`) | The current total price of the order, after returns.This includes taxes and discounts.refunds. | orders |
order_current_total_tax | NUMERIC | Order Current Total Tax | The current total taxes charged on the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, or refunds. | orders |
order_current_total_weight | NUMERIC | Order Current Total Weight | The total weight of the order after returns, in grams. | orders |
order_customer_accepts_marketing | BOOLEAN | Order Customer Accepts Marketing | Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. | orders |
order_customer_id | TEXT | Order Customer ID | The ID of the customer that placed the order. | orders |
order_customer_last_visit_source | TEXT | Order Customer Last Visit Source | Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. | orders |
order_customer_last_visit_utm_campaign | TEXT | Order Customer Last Visit UTM Campaign | The name of a marketing campaign gathered from the last customer visit (session) before an order is made. | orders |
order_customer_last_visit_utm_content | TEXT | Order Customer Last Visit UTM Content | The name of a marketing content gathered from the last customer visit (session) before an order is made. | orders |
order_customer_last_visit_utm_medium | TEXT | Order Customer Last Visit UTM Medium | The name of a marketing medium gathered from the last customer visit (session) before an order is made. | orders |
order_customer_last_visit_utm_source | TEXT | Order Customer Last Visit UTM Source | The name of a marketing source gathered from the last customer visit (session) before an order is made. | orders |
order_customer_last_visit_utm_term | TEXT | Order Customer Last Visit UTM Term | The name of a marketing term gathered from the last customer visit (session) before an order is made. | orders |
order_customer_number_of_orders | NUMERIC | Order Customer Number Of Orders | The number of orders that the customer has made at the store in their lifetime. | orders |
order_discount_code | TEXT | Order Discount Code | The discount code used for the order. | orders |
order_discount_codes | TEXT | Order Discount Codes | The discount codes used for the order. | orders |
order_edited | BOOLEAN | Order Edited | Whether the order has had any edits applied. | orders |
order_email | TEXT | Order Email | The customers email address. | orders |
order_estimated_taxes | BOOLEAN | Order Estimated Taxes | Whether taxes on the order are estimated. This field returns false when taxes on the order are finalized and aren't subject to any changes. | orders |
order_financial_status | TEXT | Order Payment Status | The status of payments associated with the order. Can only be set when the order is created. | orders |
order_fulfillable | BOOLEAN | Order Fulfillable | Whether there are line items that can be fulfilled. This field returns false when the order has no fulfillable line items. | orders |
order_fulfillable_quantity | NUMERIC | Order Fullfillable Quantity | The total number of units that can't be fulfilled. For example, if items have been refunded, or the item is not something that can be fulfilled, like a tip. | orders |
order_fulfillment_created_first_date | TIMESTAMP | Order Fulfillment Created First Date | Created date of the first successful order fulfullment. | orders |
order_fulfillment_created_last_date | TIMESTAMP | Order Fulfillment Created Last Date | Created date of the last successful order fulfullment. | orders |
order_fulfillment_delivered_first_date | TIMESTAMP | Order Fulfillment Delivered First Date | Delivered date of the first successful order fulfullment. | orders |
order_fulfillment_delivered_last_date | TIMESTAMP | Order Fulfillment Delivered Last Date | Delivered date of the last successful order fulfullment. | orders |
order_fulfillment_service | TEXT | Order Fulfillment Service | The order fulfillment service. | orders |
order_fulfillment_updated_first_date | TIMESTAMP | Order Fulfillment Updated First Date | Updated date of the first successful order fulfullment. | orders |
order_fulfillment_updated_last_date | TIMESTAMP | Order Fulfillment Updated Last Date | Updated date of the last successful order fulfullment. | orders |
order_fully_paid | BOOLEAN | Order Fully Paid | Whether the order has been paid in full. | orders |
order_gross_sales | NUMERIC | Order Gross Sales | The order gross sales (before taxes, shipping, discounts, and returns). Pending and unpaid orders are included. Test, canceled, and deleted orders aren't included. | orders |
order_has_timeline_comment | BOOLEAN | Order Has Timeline Comment | Whether the merchant added a timeline comment to the order. | orders |
order_id | TEXT | Order ID | The unique identifier of the order | orders |
order_inventory_item_cost | NUMERIC | Total inventory item cost of an order | Total inventory item cost of an order. | inventory_items |
order_line_items | OBJECT | Order Line Items | The line items of the order. | orders |
order_location | TEXT | Order Location Name (Deprecated) | The fulfillment location that was assigned when the order was created. | orders |
order_merchant_editable | BOOLEAN | Order Merchant Editable | Whether the order can be edited by the merchant. For example, canceled orders can’t be edited. | orders |
order_merchant_editable_errors | TEXT | Order Merchant Editable Errors | A list of reasons why the order can't be edited. For example, `Canceled orders can't be edited`. | orders |
order_name | TEXT | Order name | The name of the order | orders |
order_net_payment | NUMERIC | Order Net Payment | The net payment for the order, based on the total amount received minus the total amount refunded. | orders |
order_net_sales | NUMERIC | Order Net Sales | The order net sales. Equates to gross sales - discounts - returns. Pending and unpaid orders are included. Test, canceled, and deleted orders aren't included. | orders |
order_note | TEXT | Order note | An optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order. | orders |
order_original_price | NUMERIC | Order Original Price | The total price of the order at the time of order creation. | orders |
order_original_total_duties_amount | NUMERIC | Order Original Total Duties Amount | The total amount of duties before returns, in shop currency. | orders |
order_payment_gateways | TEXT | Order Payment Methods (Gateways) | A list of the names of all payment gateways used for the order. | orders |
order_physical_location | TEXT | Order Physical Location Name (Deprecated) | The fulfillment location that was assigned when the order was created. | orders |
order_po_number | TEXT | Order PO Number | The PO number associated with the order. | orders |
order_processed_at | TIMESTAMP | Order Processed At | The date and time when the order was processed. | orders |
order_product_price | NUMERIC | Line Item Product Price | The product price of this line item. | orders |
order_quantity | NUMERIC | Order Quantity | The order quantity. | orders |
order_refund_discrepancy_amount | NUMERIC | Order Refund Discrepancy Amount | The difference between the suggested and actual refund amount of all refunds that have been applied to the order. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchant's favor, and a negative value indicates a difference in the customer's favor. | orders |
order_refundable | BOOLEAN | Order Refundable | Whether the order can be refunded. | orders |
order_refunds | TEXT | Order Refunds | Id of refund assigned to the order. | orders |
order_refunds_net | NUMERIC | Aggregated Order Refunds Net | (Equates to order_gross_sales - order_total_discounts - order_net_sales). | orders |
order_refunds_quantity | NUMERIC | Order refunded items quantity | Total quantity of refunded items. | orders |
order_refunds_subtotal | NUMERIC | Order Refunds total | The order total refunds. | orders |
order_refunds_total_tax | NUMERIC | Aggregated Order Refunds Total Tax | The total tax on the refund line items. | orders |
order_registered_source_url | TEXT | Order Registered Source URL | The URL of the source that the order originated from, if found in the domain registry. | orders |
order_requires_shipping | BOOLEAN | Order Requires Shipping | Whether the order has shipping lines or at least one line item on the order that requires shipping. | orders |
order_restockable | BOOLEAN | Order Restockable | Whether any line item on the order can be restocked. | orders |
order_return_status | TEXT | Order Return Status | The order's aggregated return status for display purposes. | orders |
order_returns_amount | NUMERIC | Order returned items value | The order total returned items value. | orders |
order_returns_quantity | NUMERIC | Order returned items quantity | The order total returned items quantity. | orders |
order_sales_channel | TEXT | Order Sales Channel (A duplicate of `order_app_name`) | The name of the application. | orders |
order_shipping_address | TEXT | Order Shipping Address | The orders shipping address. | orders |
order_shipping_address_city | CITY | Order Shipping Address City | The orders shipping address city. | orders |
order_shipping_address_country | COUNTRY | Order Shipping Address Country | The orders shipping address country. | orders |
order_shipping_address_province | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Province | The orders shipping address province. | orders |
order_shipping_address_zip | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Zip | The orders shipping address zip or postal code. | orders |
order_shipping_line_amount | NUMERIC | Order Shipping Line Amount | The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied, in shop currency. | orders |
order_shipping_line_carrier_identifier | TEXT | Order Shipping Line Carrier Identifier | A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service. | orders |
order_shipping_line_code | TEXT | Order Shipping Line Code | A reference to the shipping method. | orders |
order_shipping_line_delivery_category | TEXT | Order Shipping Line Delivery Category | The general classification of the delivery method. | orders |
order_shipping_line_discounted_amount | NUMERIC | Order Shipping Line Discounted Amount | The shipping price after applying discounts, in shop currency. If the order_taxes_included field is true, then this price includes taxes. If not, it's the pre-tax price. | orders |
order_shipping_line_id | TEXT | Order Shipping Line ID | A globally-unique ID for this shipping line. | orders |
order_shipping_line_is_custom | BOOLEAN | Order Shipping Line Is Custom | Whether the shipping line is custom or not. | orders |
order_shipping_line_is_removed | BOOLEAN | Order Shipping Line Is Removed | Whether the shipping line has been removed. | orders |
order_shipping_line_phone | TEXT | Order Shipping Line Phone | The phone number at the shipping address. | orders |
order_shipping_line_shipping_rate_handle | TEXT | Order Shipping Line Shipping Rate Handle | A unique identifier for the shipping rate. The format can change without notice and isn't meant to be shown to users. | orders |
order_shipping_line_source | TEXT | Order Shipping Line Source | The rate source for this shipping line. | orders |
order_shipping_line_title | TEXT | Order Shipping Line Title | The title of this shipping line. | orders |
order_shipping_net_price | NUMERIC | Order Shipping Price (with taxes) | The shipping price without taxes, in shop currency. | orders |
order_shipping_price | NUMERIC | Order Shipping Price | The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied, in shop currency. | orders |
order_shipping_tax | NUMERIC | Order Shipping Tax | The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied, in shop currency. | orders |
order_source_identifier | TEXT | Order Source Identifier | A unique POS or third party order identifier. | orders |
order_subtotal_price | NUMERIC | Order Subtotal Price | The sum of the prices for all line items after discounts and before returns, in shop currency. If order_taxes_included is true, then the subtotal also includes tax. | orders |
order_tags | TEXT | Order tags | Tags attached to the order | orders |
order_tax_exempt | BOOLEAN | Order Tax Exempt | Whether taxes are exempt on the order. | orders |
order_taxes_included | BOOLEAN | Order Taxes Included | Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. | orders |
order_test | BOOLEAN | Order Is Test | Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. | orders |
order_total_capturable_amount | NUMERIC | Order Total Capturable Amount | The authorized amount that's uncaptured or undercaptured, in shop currency. This amount isn't adjusted for returns. | orders |
order_total_count | NUMERIC | Total Placed Order Count | The number of all placed orders (including orders with refunds). This value is displayed in Orders report. | orders |
order_total_discount_cart | NUMERIC | Order Total Discount Cart | The total order-level discount amount, before returns, in shop currency. | orders |
order_total_discounts | NUMERIC | Order Total Discounts | The total discounts applied to the price of the order in the shop currency. | orders |
order_total_discounts_set | NUMERIC | Order Total Discounts Set | The total discounts applied to the price of the order in shop currency. This includes both order and line level discounts. | orders |
order_total_outstanding_amount | NUMERIC | Order Total Outstanding Amount | The total amount not yet transacted for the order, in shop currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchant's favor (payment from customer to merchant) and a negative value indicates a difference in the customer's favor (refund from merchant to customer). | orders |
order_total_price | NUMERIC | Order Total Price | The current total price of the order, after returns.This includes taxes and discounts. | orders |
order_total_price_amount | NUMERIC | Order Total Price Amount | The total price of the order, before returns.This includes taxes and discounts. | orders |
order_total_tax_amount | NUMERIC | Order Total Tax Amount | The total tax amount before returns, in shop currency. | orders |
order_unpaid | BOOLEAN | Order Unpaid | Whether no payments have been made for the order. | orders |
order_updated_at | TIMESTAMP | Order Updated At | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was last modified. | orders |
order_user_id | TEXT | Order User ID | The ID of the user logged into Shopify POS who processed the order, if applicable. | orders |
preview_url | TEXT | Marketing Event Preview URL | The preview URL of the event. | marketing_events |
product_created_at_datetime | TIMESTAMP | Product Created At Datetime | The date and time the product was created. | products |
product_description | TEXT | Product Description | Description of the product. | products |
product_handle | TEXT | Product handle | The product handle. | products |
product_id | TEXT | Product ID | Unique identifier for the product. | products |
product_image_src | IMAGE_URL | Product Image URL | The image URL of the product. | products |
product_inventory_quantity | NUMERIC | Product Inventory Quantity | The product quantity in inventory. | products |
product_inventory_value | NUMERIC | Product Inventory Value | The sell value of the product inventory. | products |
product_metafield_created_at | TIMESTAMP | Product Metafield Created At | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the metafield was last updated. | products |
product_metafield_description | TEXT | Product Metafield Description | The description of the metafield. | products |
product_metafield_id | TEXT | Product Metafield ID | The unique ID of the metafield. | products |
product_metafield_key | TEXT | Product Metafield Key | The unique identifier for a metafield within its namespace. | products |
product_metafield_namespace | TEXT | Product Metafield Namespace | The container for a group of metafields that the metafield is or will be associated with. | products |
product_metafield_owner_id | TEXT | Product Metafield Owner ID | The unique ID of the resource that the metafield is attached to. | products |
product_metafield_owner_resource | TEXT | Product Metafield Owner Resource | The type of resource that the metafield is attached to. | products |
product_metafield_type | TEXT | Product Metafield Type | The type of data that is stored in the metafield. | products |
product_metafield_update_at | TIMESTAMP | Product Metafield Updated At | The type of resource that the metafield is attached to. | products |
product_metafield_value | TEXT | Product Metafield Value | The data stored in the metafield. Always stored as a string, regardless of the metafield's type. | products |
product_price | NUMERIC | Product Price | The price of the product. | products |
product_published_at | TIMESTAMP | Product published at datetime | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was published. Can be null if unpublished. | products |
product_published_scope | TEXT | Product published scope | Whether the product is published to the Point of Sale channel (global) or not (web). | products |
product_status | TEXT | Product status | The status of the product (active/archived/draft). | products |
product_tags | TEXT | Product Tags | Tags attached to the product. | products |
product_template_suffix | TEXT | Product Template Suffix | The suffix of the Liquid template used for the product page. | products |
product_title | TEXT | Product Title | The title of the product. | products |
product_type | TEXT | Product Type | The type of the product. | products |
product_updated_at_datetime | TIMESTAMP | Product Updates At Datetime | The date and time when the product was last modified. | products |
product_variant_barcode | TEXT | Product Variant Barcode | The barcode, UPC, or ISBN number for the product. | products |
product_variant_compare_at_price | TEXT | Product Variant Compare At Price | The original price of the item before an adjustment or a sale. | products |
product_variant_created_at | TIMESTAMP | Product Variant Created At | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was created. | products |
product_variant_fulfillment_service | TEXT | Product Variant Fulfillment Service | The handle of a fulfillment service that stocks a product variant. | products |
product_variant_grams | NUMERIC | Product Variant Grams | The weight of the product variant in grams. | products |
product_variant_id | TEXT | Product Variant ID | The unique numeric identifier for the product variant. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_cost | NUMERIC | Product Variant Inventory Item Cost | Unit cost associated with the inventory item. Note: the user must have 'View product costs' permission granted in order to access this field once product granular permissions are enabled. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_country_code_of_origin | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item Country Code Of Origin | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of where the item originated from. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_created_at | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item Created At | The date and time when the inventory item was created. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_harmonized_system_code | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item harmonized System Code | The harmonized system code of the item. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_id | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item ID | The unique identifier for the inventory item, which is used in the Inventory API to query for inventory information. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_province_code_of_origin | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item Province Code Of Origin | The ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 province code of where the item originated from. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_province_tracked | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item Tracked | Whether inventory levels are tracked for the item. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_requires_shipping | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item Requires Shipping | Whether the inventory item requires shipping. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_sku | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item SKU | Inventory item SKU. | products |
product_variant_inventory_item_updated_at | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Item Updated | The date and time when the inventory item was updated. | products |
product_variant_inventory_management | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Management | The fulfillment service that tracks the number of items in stock for the product variant. | products |
product_variant_inventory_policy | TEXT | Product Variant Inventory Policy | Whether customers are allowed (continue) to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock or not (deny). | products |
product_variant_metafield_created_at | TIMESTAMP | Product Variant Metafield Created At | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the metafield was last updated. | products |
product_variant_metafield_description | TEXT | Product Variant Metafield Description | The description of the metafield. | products |
product_variant_metafield_id | TEXT | Product Variant Metafield ID | The unique ID of the metafield. | products |
product_variant_metafield_key | TEXT | Product Variant Metafield Key | The unique identifier for a metafield within its namespace. | products |
product_variant_metafield_namespace | TEXT | Product Variant Metafield Namespace | The container for a group of metafields that the metafield is or will be associated with. | products |
product_variant_metafield_owner_id | TEXT | Product Variant Metafield Owner ID | The unique ID of the resource that the metafield is attached to. | products |
product_variant_metafield_owner_resource | TEXT | Product Variant Metafield Owner Resource | The type of resource that the metafield is attached to. | products |
product_variant_metafield_type | TEXT | Product Variant Metafield Type | The type of data that is stored in the metafield. | products |
product_variant_metafield_update_at | TIMESTAMP | Product Variant Metafield Updated At | The type of resource that the metafield is attached to. | products |
product_variant_metafield_value | TEXT | Product Variant Metafield Value | The data stored in the metafield. Always stored as a string, regardless of the metafield's type. | products |
product_variant_option1 | TEXT | Product Variant Option 1 | The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. First option. | products |
product_variant_option2 | TEXT | Product Variant Option 2 | The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. Second option. | products |
product_variant_option3 | TEXT | Product Variant Option 3 | The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. Third option. | products |
product_variant_position | TEXT | Product Variant Position | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. | products |
product_variant_sku | TEXT | Product Variant SKU | A unique case-sensitive identifier for the product variant in the shop. | products |
product_variant_taxable | BOOLEAN | Product Variant Is Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. | products |
product_variant_title | TEXT | Product Variant Title | The title of the product variant. | products |
product_variant_updated_at | TEXT | Product Variant Updated At | The date and time when the product variant was last modified. Gets returned in ISO 8601 format. | products |
product_variant_weight | NUMERIC | Product Variant Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit (Product Variant Weight Unit). | products |
product_variant_weight_unit | TEXT | Product Variant Weight Unit | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. | products |
product_vendor | TEXT | Product Vendor | The vendor of the product. | products |
referring_domain | TEXT | Marketing Event Referring Domain | The referring domain of the event. | marketing_events |
remote_id | TEXT | Marketing Remote ID | The remote id. | marketing_events |
scheduled_to_end_at | TIMESTAMP | Marketing Event Scheduled To End At | The scheduled end date of the event. | marketing_events |
sku | TEXT | Variant SKU number | The product variant SKU number. | orders |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
started_at | TIMESTAMP | Marketing Started At | The event start datetime. | marketing_events |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date | |
utm_campaign | TEXT | Marketing Event UTM Campaign | The UTM campaign of the event. | marketing_events |
utm_medium | TEXT | Marketing Event UTM Medium | The UTM medium of the event. | marketing_events |
utm_source | TEXT | Marketing Event UTM Source | The UTM source of the event. | marketing_events |
variant_title | TEXT | Variant Title | The title of the product variant. | orders |
week | TEXT | Week | Week (Sun-Sat). | |
week_day | TEXT | Day of week and day number | Weekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday. | |
week_day_iso | TEXT | Day of week and day number, ISO | Weekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7 | |
week_iso | TEXT | Week ISO | Week, ISO format (Mon-Sun). | |
year | TEXT | Year | Year | |
year_month | TEXT | Yearmonth | Year and month, e.g. 2024|3 | |
year_of_week | TEXT | Year of week | The year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat). | |
year_of_week_iso | TEXT | Year of week, ISO | The year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun). | |
year_week | TEXT | Year week | Year and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15 | |
year_week_iso | TEXT | Year week ISO | Year and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20 |