Windsor brings all your Google Analytics data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL

Google Analytics Field Reference

Sample[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=source,medium,campaign,transactions

Combining dimensions and metrics

The Google Analytics API limits the amount of extracted metrics per source. You can extract up to 10 metrics and 7 dimensions per query.


14dayusersNUMERIC14 Day Active UsersTotal number of 14-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 14-day period ending on the given date.
1dayusersNUMERIC1 Day Active UsersTotal number of 1-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 1-day period ending on the given date.
28dayusersNUMERIC28 Day Active UsersTotal number of 28-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 28-day period ending on the given date.
30dayusersNUMERIC30 Day Active UsersTotal number of 30-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 30-day period ending on the given date.
7dayusersNUMERIC7 Day Active UsersTotal number of 7-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 7-day period ending on the given date.
account_idTEXTAccount IDGoogle Analytics view ID
account_nameTEXTAccount NameGoogle Analytics view name
adclicksNUMERICAd ClicksTotal number of times users have clicked on an ad to reach the property.
adcontentTEXTAd ContentFor manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_content campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is the first line of the text for the online Ad campaign. If you use mad libs for the AdWords content, it contains the keywords you provided for the mad libs keyword match. If you use none of the above, its value is (not set).
adcostNUMERICAd CostDerived cost for the advertising campaign. Its currency is the one you set in the AdWords account.
addestinationurlTEXTDestination URLThe URL to which the AdWords ads referred traffic.
addisplayurlTEXTDisplay URLThe URL the AdWords ads displayed.
addistributionnetworkTEXTAd Distribution NetworkThe network (Content, Search, Search partners, etc.) used to deliver the ads.
adformatTEXTAd FormatThe AdWords ad format (Text, Image, Flash, Video, etc.).
adgroupTEXTGoogle Ads: Ad GroupThe name of the AdWords ad group.
adkeywordmatchtypeTEXTKeyword Match TypeThe match type (Phrase, Exact, or Broad) applied to the keywords. For details, see
admatchedqueryTEXTAd Matched QueryThe search query that triggered impressions.
admatchtypeTEXTQuery Match TypeThe match type (Phrase, Exact, Broad, etc.) applied for users' search term. Ads on the content network are identified as "Content network". For details, see
adplacementdomainTEXTPlacement DomainThe domain where the ads on the content network were placed.
adplacementurlTEXTPlacement URLThe URL where the ads were placed on the content network.
adquerywordcountTEXTQuery Word CountThe number of words in the search query.
adslotTEXTGoogle Ads: Ad SlotThe location (Top, RHS, or not set) of the advertisement on the hosting page.
adtargetingoptionTEXTPlacement TypeIt is Automatic placements or Managed placements, indicating how the ads were managed on the content network.
adtargetingtypeTEXTTargeting TypeThis (keyword, placement, or vertical targeting) indicates how the AdWords ads were targeted.
adwordsadgroupidTEXTGoogle Ads Ad Group IDAdWords API
adwordscampaignidTEXTGoogle Ads Campaign IDAdWords API
adwordscreativeidTEXTGoogle Ads Creative IDAdWords API
adwordscriteriaidTEXTGoogle Ads Criteria IDAdWords API The geographical targeting Criteria IDs are listed at
adwordscustomeridTEXTGoogle Ads Customer IDCustomer's AdWords ID, corresponding to AdWords API AccountInfo.customerId.
adxclicksNUMERICAdX ClicksThe number of times AdX ads were clicked on the site.
adxcoveragePERCENTAdX CoverageCoverage is the percentage of ad requests that returned at least one ad. Generally, coverage can help identify sites where the Ad Exchange account isn't able to provide targeted ads. (Ad Impressions / Total Ad Requests) * 100
adxctrPERCENTAdX CTRThe percentage of pageviews that resulted in a click on an Ad Exchange ad.
adxecpmNUMERICAdX eCPMThe effective cost per thousand pageviews. It is the Ad Exchange revenue per 1,000 pageviews.
adximpressionsNUMERICAdX ImpressionsAn Ad Exchange ad impression is reported whenever an individual ad is displayed on the website. For example, if a page with two ad units is viewed once, we'll display two impressions.
adximpressionspersessionNUMERICAdX Impressions / SessionThe ratio of Ad Exchange ad impressions to Analytics sessions (Ad Impressions / Analytics Sessions).
adxmonetizedpageviewsNUMERICAdX Monetized PageviewsThis measures the total number of pageviews on the property that were shown with an ad from the linked Ad Exchange account. Note that a single page can have multiple ad units.
adxrevenueNUMERICAdX RevenueThe total estimated revenue from Ad Exchange ads.
adxrevenueper1000sessionsNUMERICAdX Revenue / 1000 SessionsThe total estimated revenue from Ad Exchange ads per 1,000 Analytics sessions. Note that this metric is based on sessions to the site, not on ad impressions.
adxviewableimpressionspercentPERCENTAdX Viewable Impressions %The percentage of viewable ad impressions. An impression is considered a viewable impression when it has appeared within users' browsers and has the opportunity to be seen.
affiliationTEXTAffiliationA product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar location.
avgdomainlookuptimeNUMERICAvg. Domain Lookup Time (sec)The average time (in seconds) spent in DNS lookup for this page.
avgdomcontentloadedtimeNUMERICAvg. Document Content Loaded Time (sec)The average time (in seconds) the browser takes to parse the document.
avgdominteractivetimeNUMERICAvg. Document Interactive Time (sec)The average time (in seconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts.
avgeventvalueNUMERICAvg. ValueThe average value of an event.
avgpagedownloadtimeNUMERICAvg. Page Download Time (sec)The average time (in seconds) to download this page.
avgpageloadtimeNUMERICAvg. Page Load Time (sec)The average time (in seconds) pages from the sample set take to load, from initiation of the pageview (e.g., a click on a page link) to load completion in the browser.
avgredirectiontimeNUMERICAvg. Redirection Time (sec)The average time (in seconds) spent in redirects before fetching this page. If there are no redirects, this is 0.
avgsearchdepthNUMERICAvg. Search DepthThe average number of pages people viewed after performing a search.
avgsearchdurationNUMERICAdverage Time after SearchThe average time (in seconds) users, after searching, spent on the property.
avgsearchresultviewsNUMERICResults Pageviews / SearchThe average number of times people viewed a page as a result of a search.
avgserverconnectiontimeNUMERICAvg. Server Connection Time (sec)The average time (in seconds) spent in establishing a TCP connection to this page.
avgserverresponsetimeNUMERICAvg. Server Response Time (sec)The average time (in seconds) the site's server takes to respond to users' requests; this includes the network time from users' locations to the server.
avgsessiondurationNUMERICAvg. Session DurationThe average duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.
avgtimeonpageNUMERICAvg. Time on PageThe average time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages.
bounceratePERCENTBounce RateThe percentage of single-page session (i.e., session in which the person left the property from the first page).
bouncesNUMERICBouncesThe total number of single page (or single interaction hit) sessions for the property.
browserTEXTBrowserThe name of users' browsers, for example, Internet Explorer or Firefox.
browsersizeTEXTBrowser SizeThe viewport size of users' browsers. A session-scoped dimension, browser size captures the initial dimensions of the viewport in pixels and is formatted as width x height, for example, 1920x960.
browserversionTEXTBrowser VersionThe version of users' browsers, for example,
buytodetailratePERCENTBuy-to-Detail RateUnique purchases divided by views of product detail pages (Enhanced Ecommerce).
campaignTEXTCampaignFor manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is the name(s) of the online ad campaign(s) you use for the property. If you use neither, its value is (not set).
campaigncodeTEXTCampaign CodeFor manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_id campaign tracking parameter.
carttodetailratePERCENTCart-to-Detail RateProduct adds divided by views of product details (Enhanced Ecommerce).
channel_groupingTEXTDefault Channel Grouping (duplicate)The Channel Group associated with an end user's session for this View (defined by the View's Channel Groupings).
channelgroupingTEXTDefault Channel GroupingThe Channel Group associated with an end user's session for this View (defined by the View's Channel Groupings).
checkoutoptionsTEXTCheckout OptionsUser options specified during the checkout process, e.g., FedEx, DHL, UPS for delivery options; Visa, MasterCard, AmEx for payment options. This dimension should be used with ga:shoppingStage (Enhanced Ecommerce).
cityCITYCityUsers' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs.
cityidTEXTCity IDUsers' city ID, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. The city IDs are the same as the Criteria IDs found at
clientidTEXTclientid from google analyticsclientid from google analytics.
continentTEXTContinentUsers' continent, derived from users' IP addresses or Geographical IDs.
continentidTEXTContinent IDUsers' continent ID, derived from users' IP addresses or Geographical IDs.
costperconversionNUMERICCost per ConversionThe cost per conversion (including ecommerce and goal conversions) for the property.
costpergoalconversionNUMERICCost per Goal ConversionThe cost per goal conversion for the property.
costpertransactionNUMERICCost per TransactionThe cost per transaction for the property.
countryCOUNTRYCountryUsers' country, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs.
countryisocodeCOUNTRYCountry ISO CodeUsers' country's ISO code (in ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 format), derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. For example, BR for Brazil, CA for Canada.
cpcNUMERICCPCCost to advertiser per click.
cpmNUMERICCPMCost per thousand impressions.
ctrPERCENTCTRClick-through-rate for the ad. This is equal to the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions for the ad (e.g., how many times users clicked on one of the ads where that ad appeared).
currencycodeTEXTCurrency Code (googleanalytics)The local currency code (based on ISO 4217 standard) of the transaction.
data_driven_conversionsNUMERICData driven conversions (All goals)The total data driven conversions for all goals.
data_driven_revenueNUMERICData driven revenueThe total data driven revenue.
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe data source of a hit. By default, hits sent from analytics.js are reported as "web" and hits sent from the mobile SDKs are reported as "app". These values can be overridden in the Measurement Protocol.
dateDATEDateThe date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD.
datehourTIMESTAMPHour of DayCombined values of ga:date and ga:hour formated as YYYYMMDDHH.
datehourminuteTIMESTAMPDate Hour and MinuteCombined values of ga:date, ga:hour and ga:minute formated as YYYYMMDDHHMM.
dayTEXTDay of the monthThe day of the month, a two-digit number from 01 to 31.
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
dayofweekTEXTDay of WeekDay of the week, a one-digit number from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
dayofweeknameTEXTDay of Week NameName (in English) of the day of the week.
dayssincelastsessionTEXTDays Since Last SessionThe number of days elapsed since users last visited the property, used to calculate user loyalty.
daystotransactionTEXTDays to TransactionThe number of days between users' purchases and the most recent campaign source prior to the purchase.
devicecategoryTEXTDevice CategoryThe type of device: desktop, tablet, or mobile.
domainlookuptimeNUMERICDomain Lookup Time (ms)The total time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in DNS lookup for this page.
domcontentloadedtimeNUMERICDocument Content Loaded Time (ms)The time (in milliseconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts (DOMContentLoaded). When parsing of the document is finished, the Document Object Model (DOM) is ready, but the referenced style sheets, images, and subframes may not be finished loading. This is often the starting point of Javascript framework execution, e.g., JQuery's onready() callback.
dominteractivetimeNUMERICDocument Interactive Time (ms)The time (in milliseconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document (DOMInteractive). At this time, users can interact with the Document Object Model even though it is not fully loaded.
domlatencymetricssampleNUMERICDOM Latency Metrics SampleSample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the averages for site speed DOM metrics. This metric is used to calculate ga:avgDomContentLoadedTime and ga:avgDomInteractiveTime.
entranceratePERCENTEntrances / PageviewsThe percentage of pageviews in which this page was the entrance.
entrancesNUMERICEntrancesThe number of entrances to the property measured as the first pageview in a session, typically used with landingPagePath.
eventactionTEXTEvent ActionEvent action.
eventcategoryTEXTEvent CategoryThe event category.
eventlabelTEXTEvent LabelEvent label.
eventspersessionwitheventNUMERICEvents / Session with EventThe average number of events per session with event.
eventspervisitwitheventNUMERICEvents / Session with Event (deprecated)The average number of events per session with event.
eventvalueNUMERICEvent ValueTotal value of events for the profile.
exitpagepathTEXTExit PageThe last page or exit page in users' sessions.
exitratePERCENT% ExitThe percentage of exits from the property that occurred out of the total pageviews.
exitsNUMERICExitsThe number of exits from the property.
first_touch_conversionsNUMERICFirst touch conversions (All goals)The total first touch conversions for all goals.
first_touch_revenueNUMERICFirst touch revenueThe total first touch revenue.
flashversionTEXTFlash VersionThe version of Flash, including minor versions, supported by users' browsers.
fullreferrerTEXTFull ReferrerThe full referring URL including the hostname and path.
genderTEXTGenderGender of users.
goal10_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 10 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 10.
goal10_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 10 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 10
goal10_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 10 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 10.
goal10_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 10 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 10
goal10_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 10 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 10.
goal10_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 10 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 10
goal10_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 10 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 10.
goal10_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 10 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 10
goal10completionsNUMERICGoal 10 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 10.
goal10valueNUMERICGoal 10 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 10.
goal11_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 11 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 11.
goal11_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 11 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 11
goal11_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 11 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 11.
goal11_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 11 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 11
goal11_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 11 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 11.
goal11_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 11 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 11
goal11_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 11 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 11.
goal11_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 11 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 11
goal11completionsNUMERICGoal 11 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 11.
goal11valueNUMERICGoal 11 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 11.
goal12_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 12 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 12.
goal12_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 12 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 12
goal12_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 12 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 12.
goal12_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 12 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 12
goal12_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 12 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 12.
goal12_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 12 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 12
goal12_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 12 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 12.
goal12_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 12 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 12
goal12completionsNUMERICGoal 12 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 12.
goal12valueNUMERICGoal 12 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 12.
goal13_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 13 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 13.
goal13_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 13 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 13
goal13_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 13 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 13.
goal13_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 13 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 13
goal13_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 13 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 13.
goal13_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 13 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 13
goal13_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 13 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 13.
goal13_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 13 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 13
goal13completionsNUMERICGoal 13 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 13.
goal13valueNUMERICGoal 13 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 13.
goal14_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 14 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 14.
goal14_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 14 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 14
goal14_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 14 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 14.
goal14_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 14 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 14
goal14_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 14 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 14.
goal14_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 14 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 14
goal14_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 14 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 14.
goal14_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 14 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 14
goal14completionsNUMERICGoal 14 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 14.
goal14valueNUMERICGoal 14 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 14.
goal15_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 15 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 15.
goal15_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 15 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 15
goal15_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 15 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 15.
goal15_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 15 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 15
goal15_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 15 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 15.
goal15_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 15 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 15
goal15_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 15 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 15.
goal15_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 15 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 15
goal15completionsNUMERICGoal 15 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 15.
goal15valueNUMERICGoal 15 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 15.
goal16_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 16 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 16.
goal16_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 16 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 16
goal16_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 16 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 16.
goal16_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 16 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 16
goal16_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 16 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 16.
goal16_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 16 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 16
goal16_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 16 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 16.
goal16_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 16 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 16
goal16completionsNUMERICGoal 16 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 16.
goal16valueNUMERICGoal 16 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 16.
goal17_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 17 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 17.
goal17_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 17 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 17
goal17_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 17 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 17.
goal17_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 17 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 17
goal17_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 17 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 17.
goal17_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 17 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 17
goal17_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 17 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 17.
goal17_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 17 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 17
goal17completionsNUMERICGoal 17 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 17.
goal17valueNUMERICGoal 17 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 17.
goal18_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 18 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 18.
goal18_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 18 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 18
goal18_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 18 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 18.
goal18_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 18 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 18
goal18_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 18 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 18.
goal18_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 18 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 18
goal18_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 18 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 18.
goal18_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 18 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 18
goal18completionsNUMERICGoal 18 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 18.
goal18valueNUMERICGoal 18 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 18.
goal19_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 19 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 19.
goal19_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 19 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 19
goal19_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 19 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 19.
goal19_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 19 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 19
goal19_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 19 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 19.
goal19_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 19 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 19
goal19_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 19 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 19.
goal19_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 19 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 19
goal19completionsNUMERICGoal 19 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 19.
goal19valueNUMERICGoal 19 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 19.
goal1_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 1 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 1.
goal1_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 1 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 1
goal1_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 1 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 1.
goal1_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 1 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 1
goal1_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 1 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 1.
goal1_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 1 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 1
goal1_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 1 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 1.
goal1_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 1 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 1
goal1completionsNUMERICGoal 1 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 1.
goal1valueNUMERICGoal 1 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 1.
goal20_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 20 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 20.
goal20_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 20 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 20
goal20_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 20 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 20.
goal20_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 20 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 20
goal20_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 20 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 20.
goal20_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 20 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 20
goal20_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 20 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 20.
goal20_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 20 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 20
goal20completionsNUMERICGoal 20 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 20.
goal20valueNUMERICGoal 20 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 20.
goal2_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 2 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 2.
goal2_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 2 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 2
goal2_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 2 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 2.
goal2_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 2 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 2
goal2_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 2 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 2.
goal2_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 2 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 2
goal2_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 2 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 2.
goal2_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 2 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 2
goal2completionsNUMERICGoal 2 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 2.
goal2valueNUMERICGoal 2 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 2.
goal3_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 3 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 3.
goal3_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 3 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 3
goal3_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 3 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 3.
goal3_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 3 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 3
goal3_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 3 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 3.
goal3_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 3 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 3
goal3_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 3 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 3.
goal3_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 3 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 3
goal3completionsNUMERICGoal 3 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 3.
goal3valueNUMERICGoal 3 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 3.
goal4_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 4 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 4.
goal4_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 4 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 4
goal4_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 4 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 4.
goal4_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 4 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 4
goal4_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 4 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 4.
goal4_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 4 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 4
goal4_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 4 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 4.
goal4_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 4 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 4
goal4completionsNUMERICGoal 4 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 4.
goal4valueNUMERICGoal 4 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 4.
goal5_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 5 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 5.
goal5_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 5 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 5
goal5_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 5 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 5.
goal5_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 5 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 5
goal5_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 5 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 5.
goal5_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 5 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 5
goal5_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 5 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 5.
goal5_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 5 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 5
goal5completionsNUMERICGoal 5 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 5.
goal5valueNUMERICGoal 5 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 5.
goal6_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 6 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 6.
goal6_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 6 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 6
goal6_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 6 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 6.
goal6_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 6 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 6
goal6_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 6 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 6.
goal6_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 6 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 6
goal6_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 6 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 6.
goal6_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 6 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 6
goal6completionsNUMERICGoal 6 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 6.
goal6valueNUMERICGoal 6 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 6.
goal7_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 7 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 7.
goal7_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 7 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 7
goal7_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 7 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 7.
goal7_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 7 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 7
goal7_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 7 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 7.
goal7_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 7 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 7
goal7_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 7 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 7.
goal7_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 7 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 7
goal7completionsNUMERICGoal 7 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 7.
goal7valueNUMERICGoal 7 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 7.
goal8_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 8 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 8.
goal8_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 8 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 8
goal8_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 8 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 8.
goal8_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 8 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 8
goal8_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 8 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 8.
goal8_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 8 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 8
goal8_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 8 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 8.
goal8_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 8 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 8
goal8completionsNUMERICGoal 8 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 8.
goal8valueNUMERICGoal 8 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 8.
goal9_data_driven_conversionsTEXTGoal 9 Data driven CompletionsThe total number of Data driven completions for Goal 9.
goal9_data_driven_revenueTEXTGoal 9 Data driven valueThe total Data driven value for Goal 9
goal9_first_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 9 First touch CompletionsThe total number of First touch completions for Goal 9.
goal9_first_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 9 First touch valueThe total First touch value for Goal 9
goal9_last_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 9 Last touch CompletionsThe total number of Last touch completions for Goal 9.
goal9_last_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 9 Last touch valueThe total Last touch value for Goal 9
goal9_linear_touch_conversionsTEXTGoal 9 Linear touch CompletionsThe total number of Linear touch completions for Goal 9.
goal9_linear_touch_revenueTEXTGoal 9 Linear touch valueThe total Linear touch value for Goal 9
goal9completionsNUMERICGoal 9 CompletionsThe total number of completions for Goal 9.
goal9valueNUMERICGoal 9 ValueThe total numeric value for Goal 9.
goalabandonrateallPERCENTTotal Abandonment RateGoal abandonment rate.
goalabandonsallNUMERICAbandoned FunnelsThe overall number of times users started goals without actually completing them.
goalcompletionlocationTEXTGoal Completion LocationThe page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal completion.
goalcompletionsallNUMERICGoal CompletionsTotal number of completions for all goals defined in the profile.
goalconversionrateallPERCENTGoal Conversion RateThe percentage of sessions which resulted in a conversion to at least one of the goals.
goalpreviousstep1TEXTGoal Previous Step - 1The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, one step prior to the goal completion location.
goalpreviousstep2TEXTGoal Previous Step - 2The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, two steps prior to the goal completion location.
goalpreviousstep3TEXTGoal Previous Step - 3The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, three steps prior to the goal completion location.
goalstartsallNUMERICGoal StartsTotal number of starts for all goals defined in the profile.
goalvalueallNUMERICGoal ValueTotal numeric value for all goals defined in the profile.
goalvalueallpersearchNUMERICPer Search Goal ValueThe average goal value of a search.
goalvaluepersessionNUMERICPer Session Goal ValueThe average goal value of a session.
goalvaluepervisitNUMERICPer Session Goal Value (deprecated)The average goal value of a session.
hassocialsourcereferralTEXTSocial Source ReferralA boolean, either Yes or No, indicates whether sessions to the property are from a social source.
hitsNUMERICHitsTotal number of hits for the view (profile). This metric sums all hit types, including pageview, custom event, ecommerce, and other types. Because this metric is based on the view (profile), not on the property, it is not the same as the property's hit volume.
hostnameTEXTHostnameThe hostname from which the tracking request was made.
hourTEXTHourA two-digit hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. If the timezone follows daylight savings time, there will be an apparent bump in the number of sessions during the changeover hour (e.g., between 1:00 and 2:00) for the day per year when that hour repeats. A corresponding hour with zero sessions will occur at the opposite changeover. (Google Analytics does not track user time more precisely than hours.)
impressionsNUMERICImpressionsTotal number of campaign impressions.
interestaffinitycategoryTEXTAffinity Category (reach)Indicates that users are more likely to be interested in learning about the specified category.
interestinmarketcategoryTEXTIn-Market SegmentIndicates that users are more likely to be ready to purchase products or services in the specified category.
interestothercategoryTEXTOther CategoryIndicates that users are more likely to be interested in learning about the specified category, and more likely to be ready to purchase.
internalpromotionclicksNUMERICInternal Promotion ClicksThe number of clicks on an internal promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce).
internalpromotioncreativeTEXTInternal Promotion CreativeThe creative content designed for a promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce).
internalpromotionctrPERCENTInternal Promotion CTRThe rate at which users clicked through to view the internal promotion (ga:internalPromotionClicks / ga:internalPromotionViews) - (Enhanced Ecommerce).
internalpromotionidTEXTInternal Promotion IDThe ID of the promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce).
internalpromotionnameTEXTInternal Promotion NameThe name of the promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce).
internalpromotionpositionTEXTInternal Promotion PositionThe position of the promotion on the web page or application screen (Enhanced Ecommerce).
internalpromotionviewsNUMERICInternal Promotion ViewsThe number of views of an internal promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce).
isoweekTEXTISO Week of the YearISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. For details, see ga:isoWeek should only be used with ga:isoYear because ga:year represents Gregorian calendar.
isoyearTEXTISO YearThe ISO year of the session. For details, see ga:isoYear should only be used with ga:isoWeek because ga:week represents Gregorian calendar.
isoyearisoweekTEXTISO Week of ISO YearCombined values of ga:isoYear and ga:isoWeek.
istrueviewvideoadTEXTTrueView Video AdA boolean, Yes or No, indicating whether the ad is an AdWords TrueView video ad.
itemquantityNUMERICQuantityTotal number of items purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls, this will be 7.
itemrevenueNUMERICProduct RevenueThe total revenue from purchased product items.
itemsperpurchaseNUMERICAvg. QTYThe average quantity of this item (or group of items) sold per purchase.
javaenabledTEXTJava SupportA boolean, either Yes or No, indicating whether Java is enabled in users' browsers.
keywordTEXTKeywordFor manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_term campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords traffic, it contains the best matching targeting criteria. For the display network, where multiple targeting criteria could have caused the ad to show up, it returns the best matching targeting criteria as selected by Ads. This could be display_keyword, site placement, boomuserlist, user_interest, age, or gender. Otherwise its value is (not set).
landingpagepathTEXTLanding Page PathThe first page in users' sessions, or the landing page.
languageTEXTLanguageThe language, in ISO-639 code format (e.g., en-gb for British English), provided by the HTTP Request for the browser.
last_touch_conversionsNUMERICLast touch conversions (All goals)The total last touch conversions for all goals.
last_touch_revenueNUMERICLast touch revenueThe total last touch revenue.
latitudeTEXTLatitudeThe approximate latitude of users' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Locations north of the equator have positive latitudes and locations south of the equator have negative latitudes.
linear_touch_conversionsNUMERICLinear touch conversions (All goals)The total linear touch conversions for all goals.
linear_touch_revenueNUMERICLinear touch revenueThe total linear touch revenue.
localitemrevenueNUMERICLocal Product RevenueProduct revenue in local currency.
localproductrefundamountNUMERICLocal Product Refund AmountRefund amount in local currency for a given product (Enhanced Ecommerce).
localrefundamountNUMERICLocal Refund AmountTotal refund amount in local currency for the transaction (Enhanced Ecommerce).
localtransactionrevenueNUMERICLocal RevenueTransaction revenue in local currency.
localtransactionshippingNUMERICLocal ShippingTransaction shipping cost in local currency.
localtransactiontaxNUMERICLocal TaxTransaction tax in local currency.
longitudeTEXTLongitudeThe approximate longitude of users' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Locations east of the prime meridian have positive longitudes and locations west of the prime meridian have negative longitudes.
mediumTEXTMediumThe type of referrals. For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_medium campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is cpc. If users came from a search engine detected by Google Analytics, it is organic. If the referrer is not a search engine, it is referral. If users came directly to the property and document.referrer is empty, its value is (none).
metroTEXTMetroThe Designated Market Area (DMA) from where traffic arrived.
metroidTEXTMetro IdThe three digit Designated Market Area (DMA) code from where traffic arrived, derived from users' IP addresses or Geographical IDs.
minuteTEXTMinuteReturns the minutes, between 00 and 59, in the hour.
mobiledevicebrandingTEXTMobile Device BrandingMobile manufacturer or branded name.
mobiledeviceinfoTEXTMobile Device InfoThe branding, model, and marketing name used to identify the mobile device.
mobiledevicemarketingnameTEXTMobile Device Marketing NameThe marketing name used for the mobile device.
mobiledevicemodelTEXTMobile Device ModelMobile device model.
mobileinputselectorTEXTMobile Input SelectorSelector (e.g., touchscreen, joystick, clickwheel, stylus) used on the mobile device.
monthTEXTMonth of the yearMonth of the session, a two digit integer from 01 to 12.
networkdomainTEXTNetwork DomainThe domain name of users' ISP, derived from the domain name registered to the ISP's IP address.
networklocationTEXTService ProviderThe names of the service providers used to reach the property. For example, if most users of the website come via the major cable internet service providers, its value will be these service providers' names.
newusersNUMERICNew UsersThe number of sessions marked as a user's first sessions.
newvisitsNUMERICNew Users (deprecated)The number of sessions marked as a user's first sessions.
nthdayTEXTDay IndexThe index for each day in the specified date range. The index for the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the second day 1, and so on.
nthhourTEXTHour IndexThe index for each hour in the specified date range. The index for the first hour of the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the next hour 1, and so on.
nthminuteTEXTMinute IndexThe index for each minute in the specified date range. The index for the first minute of the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the next minute 1, and so on.
nthmonthTEXTMonth IndexThe index for a month in the specified date range. In the date range, the index for the first month is 0, for the second month 1, and so on.
nthweekTEXTWeek IndexThe index for each week in the specified date range. The index for the first week in the date range is 0, for the second week 1, and so on. The index corresponds to week entries.
operatingsystemTEXTOperating SystemUsers' operating system, for example, Windows, Linux, Macintosh, or iOS.
operatingsystemversionTEXTOperating System VersionThe version of users' operating system, i.e., XP for Windows, PPC for Macintosh.
ordercouponcodeTEXTOrder Coupon CodeCode for the order-level coupon (Enhanced Ecommerce).
organicsearchesNUMERICOrganic SearchesThe number of organic searches happened in a session. This metric is search engine agnostic.
pagedepthTEXTPage DepthThe number of pages visited by users during a session. The value is a histogram that counts pageviews across a range of possible values. In this calculation, all sessions will have at least one pageview, and some percentage of sessions will have more.
pagedownloadtimeNUMERICPage Download Time (ms)The total time (in milliseconds) to download this page among all samples.
pageloadsampleNUMERICPage Load SampleThe sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the average page load time.
pageloadtimeNUMERICPage Load Time (ms)Total time (in milliseconds), from pageview initiation (e.g., a click on a page link) to page load completion in the browser, the pages in the sample set take to load.
pagepathTEXTPage PathA page on the website specified by path and/or query parameters. Use this with hostname to get the page's full URL.
pagepathlevel1TEXTPage path level 1This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the first hierarchical level in pagePath.
pagepathlevel2TEXTPage path level 2This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the second hierarchical level in pagePath.
pagepathlevel3TEXTPage path level 3This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the third hierarchical level in pagePath.
pagepathlevel4TEXTPage path level 4This dimension rolls up all the page paths into hierarchical levels. Up to 4 pagePath levels maybe specified. All additional levels in the pagePath hierarchy are also rolled up in this dimension.
pagetitleTEXTPage TitleThe page's title. Multiple pages might have the same page title.
pagevalueNUMERICPage ValueThe average value of this page or set of pages, which is equal to (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) / ga:uniquePageviews.
pageviewsNUMERICPageviewsThe total number of pageviews for the property.
pageviewspersessionNUMERICPages / SessionThe average number of pages viewed during a session, including repeated views of a single page.
pageviewspervisitNUMERICPages / Session (deprecated)The average number of pages viewed during a session, including repeated views of a single page.
percentnewsessionsPERCENT% New SessionsThe percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the property before.
percentnewvisitsPERCENT% New Sessions (deprecated)The percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the property before.
percentsearchrefinementsPERCENT% Search RefinementsThe percentage of the number of times a refinement (i.e., transition) occurs between internal keywords search within a session.
percentsessionswithsearchPERCENT% Sessions with SearchThe percentage of sessions with search.
percentvisitswithsearchPERCENT% Sessions with Search (deprecated)The percentage of sessions with search.
previouspagepathTEXTPrevious Page PathA page visited before another page on the same property, typically used with the pagePath dimension.
productaddstocartNUMERICProduct Adds To CartNumber of times the product was added to the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productcategoryTEXTProduct CategoryAny product variation (size, color) supplied by the ecommerce application for purchased items, not compatible with Enhanced Ecommerce.
productcheckoutsNUMERICProduct CheckoutsNumber of times the product was included in the check-out process (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productdetailviewsNUMERICProduct Detail ViewsNumber of times users viewed the product-detail page (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productlistclicksNUMERICProduct List ClicksNumber of times users clicked the product when it appeared in the product list (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productlistctrPERCENTProduct List CTRThe rate at which users clicked through on the product in a product list (ga:productListClicks / ga:productListViews) - (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productlistviewsNUMERICProduct List ViewsNumber of times the product appeared in a product list (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productnameTEXTProductThe product name, supplied by the ecommerce tracking application, for purchased items.
productrefundamountNUMERICProduct Refund AmountTotal refund amount associated with the product (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productrefundsNUMERICProduct RefundsNumber of times a refund was issued for the product (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productremovesfromcartNUMERICProduct Removes From CartNumber of times the product was removed from the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productrevenueperpurchaseNUMERICProduct Revenue per PurchaseAverage product revenue per purchase (commonly used with Product Coupon Code) (ga:itemRevenue / ga:uniquePurchases) - (Enhanced Ecommerce).
productskuTEXTProduct SKUThe product SKU, defined in the ecommerce tracking application, for purchased items.
profileidTEXTGoogle Analytics view (profile) ID (alias)Alias for Google Analytics view (profile) ID
profilenameTEXTGoogle Analytics view (profile) name (alias)Alias for Google Analytics view (profile) name
quantityaddedtocartNUMERICQuantity Added To CartNumber of product units added to the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce).
quantitycheckedoutNUMERICQuantity Checked OutNumber of product units included in check out (Enhanced Ecommerce).
quantityrefundedNUMERICQuantity RefundedNumber of product units refunded (Enhanced Ecommerce).
quantityremovedfromcartNUMERICQuantity Removed From CartNumber of product units removed from a shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce).
redirectiontimeNUMERICRedirection Time (ms)The total time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in redirects before fetching this page. If there are no redirects, this is 0.
referralpathTEXTReferral PathThe path of the referring URL (e.g., document.referrer). If someone places on their webpage a link to the property, this is the path of the page containing the referring link.
refundamountNUMERICRefund AmountCurrency amount refunded for a transaction (Enhanced Ecommerce).
regionREGIONRegionUsers' region, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. In U.S., a region is a state, New York, for example.
regionidTEXTRegion IDUsers' region ID, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. In U.S., a region is a state, New York, for example. The region IDs are the same as the Criteria IDs listed at
regionisocodeREGIONRegion ISO CodeUsers' region ISO code in ISO-3166-2 format, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs.
revenueperitemNUMERICAvg. PriceThe average revenue per item.
revenuepertransactionNUMERICAvg. Order ValueThe average revenue of an ecommerce transaction.
revenueperuserNUMERICRevenue per UserThe total sale revenue (excluding shipping and tax) of the transaction divided by the total number of users.
roasPERCENTROASReturn On Ad Spend (ROAS) is the total transaction revenue and goal value divided by derived advertising cost.
rpcNUMERICRPCRPC or revenue-per-click, the average revenue (from ecommerce sales and/or goal value) you received for each click on one of the search ads.
screencolorsTEXTScreen ColorsThe color depth of users' monitors, retrieved from the DOM of users' browsers. For example, 4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, or undefined-bit.
screenresolutionTEXTScreen ResolutionResolution of users' screens, for example, 1024x738.
searchdepthNUMERICSearch DepthThe total number of subsequent page views made after a use of the site's internal search feature.
searchdestinationpageTEXTDestination PageThe page users immediately visited after performing an internal search on the site. This is usually the search results page.
searchdurationNUMERICTime after SearchThe session duration when the site's internal search feature is used.
searchexitratePERCENT% Search ExitsThe percentage of searches that resulted in an immediate exit from the property.
searchexitsNUMERICSearch ExitsThe number of exits on the site that occurred following a search result from the site's internal search feature.
searchgoalconversionrateallPERCENTSite Search Goal Conversion RateThe percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to at least one of the goals.
searchrefinementsNUMERICSearch RefinementsThe total number of times a refinement (transition) occurs between internal keywords search within a session. For example, if the sequence of keywords is "shoes", "shoes", "pants", "pants", this metric will be one because the transition between "shoes" and "pants" is different.
searchresultviewsNUMERICResults PageviewsThe number of times a search result page was viewed.
searchsessionsNUMERICSessions with SearchThe total number of sessions that included an internal search.
searchuniquesNUMERICTotal Unique SearchesTotal number of unique keywords from internal searches within a session. For example, if "shoes" was searched for 3 times in a session, it would be counted only once.
searchusedTEXTSite Search StatusA boolean, either Visits With Site Search or Visits Without Site Search, to distinguish whether internal search was used in a session.
searchvisitsNUMERICSessions with Search (deprecated)The total number of sessions that included an internal search.
secondpagepathTEXTSecond PageThe second page in users' sessions.
serverconnectiontimeNUMERICServer Connection Time (ms)Total time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in establishing a TCP connection to this page.
serverresponsetimeNUMERICServer Response Time (ms)The total time (in milliseconds) the site's server takes to respond to users' requests among all samples; this includes the network time from users' locations to the server.
sessioncountTEXTCount of SessionsThe session index for a user. Each session from a unique user will get its own incremental index starting from 1 for the first session. Subsequent sessions do not change previous session indices. For example, if a user has 4 sessions to the website, sessionCount for that user will have 4 distinct values of '1' through '4'.
sessiondurationNUMERICSession DurationTotal duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.
sessiondurationbucketTEXTThe Length of SessionThe length (returned as a string) of a session measured in seconds and reported in second increments.
sessionsNUMERICSessionsThe total number of sessions.
sessionsperuserNUMERICNumber of Sessions per UserThe total number of sessions divided by the total number of users.
sessionstotransactionTEXTSessions to TransactionThe number of sessions between users' purchases and the related campaigns that lead to the purchases.
sessionswitheventNUMERICSessions with EventThe total number of sessions with events.
shoppingstageTEXTShopping StageVarious stages of the shopping experience that users completed in a session, e.g., PRODUCT_VIEW, ADD_TO_CART, CHECKOUT, etc. (Enhanced Ecommerce).
socialnetworkTEXTSocial NetworkThe social network name. This is related to the referring social network for traffic sources; e.g., Google+, Blogger.
sourceTEXTSourceThe source of referrals. For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_source campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is google. If you use neither, it is the domain of the source (e.g., document.referrer) referring the users. It may also contain a port address. If users arrived without a referrer, its value is (direct).
sourcemediumTEXTSource / MediumCombined values of ga:source and ga:medium.
speedmetricssampleNUMERICSpeed Metrics SampleThe sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the averages of site speed metrics. This metric is used in all site speed average calculations, including avgDomainLookupTime, avgPageDownloadTime, avgRedirectionTime, avgServerConnectionTime, and avgServerResponseTime.
subcontinentTEXTSub ContinentUsers' sub-continent, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. For example, Polynesia or Northern Europe.
subcontinentcodeTEXTSub Continent CodeUsers' sub-continent code in UN M.49 format, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. For example, 061 for Polynesia, 154 for Northern Europe.
timeonpageNUMERICTime on PageTime (in seconds) users spent on a particular page, calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. This metric does not apply to exit pages of the property.
todayDATETodayToday's date
totaleventsNUMERICTotal EventsThe total number of events for the profile, across all categories.
totalpublisherclicksNUMERICPublisher ClicksThe number of times ads from a linked publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) were clicked on the site.
totalpublishercoveragePERCENTPublisher CoverageCoverage is the percentage of ad requests that returned at least one ad. Generally, coverage can help you identify sites where the publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) isn't able to provide targeted ads. (Ad Impressions / Total Ad Requests) * 100
totalpublisherctrPERCENTPublisher CTRThe percentage of pageviews that resulted in a click on a linked publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) ad.
totalpublisherecpmNUMERICPublisher eCPMThe effective cost per thousand pageviews. It is the total estimated revenue from all linked publisher accounts (AdSense, AdX, DFP) per 1,000 pageviews.
totalpublisherimpressionsNUMERICPublisher ImpressionsAn ad impression is reported whenever an individual ad is displayed on the website. For example, if a page with two ad units is viewed once, we'll display two impressions.
totalpublisherimpressionspersessionNUMERICPublisher Impressions / SessionThe ratio of linked publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) ad impressions to Analytics sessions (Ad Impressions / Analytics Sessions).
totalpublishermonetizedpageviewsNUMERICPublisher Monetized PageviewsThis measures the total number of pageviews on the property that were shown with an ad from one of the linked publisher accounts (AdSense, AdX, DFP). Note that a single page can have multiple ad units.
totalpublisherrevenueNUMERICPublisher RevenueThe total estimated revenue from all linked publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) ads.
totalpublisherrevenueper1000sessionsNUMERICPublisher Revenue / 1000 SessionsThe total estimated revenue from all linked publisher accounts (AdSense, AdX, DFP) per 1,000 Analytics sessions.
totalpublisherviewableimpressionspercentPERCENTPublisher Viewable Impressions %The percentage of viewable ad impressions. An impression is considered a viewable impression when it has appeared within users' browsers and has the opportunity to be seen.
totalrefundsNUMERICRefundsNumber of refunds that have been issued (Enhanced Ecommerce).
totalvalueNUMERICTotal ValueTotal value for the property (including total revenue and total goal value).
transactionidTEXTTransaction IDThe transaction ID, supplied by the ecommerce tracking method, for the purchase in the shopping cart.
transactionrevenueNUMERICTransaction RevenueThe total sale revenue (excluding shipping and tax) of the transaction.
transactionrevenuepersessionNUMERICPer Session ValueAverage transaction revenue for a session.
transactionrevenuepervisitNUMERICPer Session Value (deprecated)Average transaction revenue for a session.
transactionsNUMERICTransactionsThe total number of transactions.
transactionshippingNUMERICShippingThe total cost of shipping.
transactionspersessionPERCENTEcommerce Conversion RateThe average number of transactions in a session.
transactionsperuserNUMERICTransactions per UserTotal number of transactions divided by total number of users.
transactionspervisitPERCENTEcommerce Conversion Rate (deprecated)The average number of transactions in a session.
transactiontaxNUMERICTaxTotal tax for the transaction.
uniquedimensioncombinationsNUMERICUnique Dimension CombinationsUnique Dimension Combinations counts the number of unique dimension-value combinations for each dimension in a report. This lets you build combined (concatenated) dimensions post-processing, which allows for more flexible reporting without having to update your tracking implementation or use additional custom-dimension slots. For more information, see
uniqueeventsNUMERICUnique EventsThe number of unique events. Events in different sessions are counted as separate events.
uniquepageviewsNUMERICUnique PageviewsUnique Pageviews is the number of sessions during which the specified page was viewed at least once. A unique pageview is counted for each page URL + page title combination.
uniquepurchasesNUMERICUnique PurchasesThe number of product sets purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls from the site, this will be 2.
useragebracketTEXTAge bracketAge bracket of users.
userbucketTEXTUser BucketRandomly assigned users tag to allow A/B testing and splitting of remarketing lists. Ranges from 1-100.
userdefinedvalueTEXTUser Defined ValueThe value provided when defining custom user segments for the property.
usersNUMERICUsersThe total number of users for the requested time period.
usertypeTEXTUser TypeA boolean, either New Visitor or Returning Visitor, indicating if the users are new or returning.
viewidTEXTGoogle Analytics view (profile) IDGoogle Analytics view (profile) ID
viewnameTEXTGoogle Analytics view (profile) nameGoogle Analytics view (profile) name
visitbounceratePERCENTBounce Rate (deprecated)The percentage of single-page session (i.e., session in which the person left the property from the first page).
visitcountTEXTCount of Sessions (deprecated)The session index for a user. Each session from a unique user will get its own incremental index starting from 1 for the first session. Subsequent sessions do not change previous session indices. For example, if a user has 4 sessions to the website, sessionCount for that user will have 4 distinct values of '1' through '4'.
visitlengthTEXTSession Duration (deprecated)The length (returned as a string) of a session measured in seconds and reported in second increments.
visitoragebracketTEXTAge (deprecated)Age bracket of users.
visitorgenderTEXTGender (deprecated)Gender of users.
visitorsNUMERICUsers (deprecated)The total number of users for the requested time period.
visitortypeTEXTUser Type (deprecated)A boolean, either New Visitor or Returning Visitor, indicating if the users are new or returning.
visitsNUMERICSessions (deprecated)The total number of sessions.
visitswitheventNUMERICSessions with Event (deprecated)The total number of sessions with events.
weekTEXTWeek of the YearThe week of the session, a two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday.
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
yearTEXTYearThe year of the session, a four-digit year from 2005 to the current year.
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20
yearmonthTEXTMonth of YearCombined values of ga:year and ga:month.
yearweekTEXTWeek of YearCombined values of ga:year and ga:week.