Connect AppFollow to Power BI

Windsor offers no-code tools that simplify connecting AppFollow and Power BI. Extra data from AppFollow to Power BI swiftly and with no errors, and have time to make sense of the AppFollow data. The process occurs in minutes and does not require complicated setups.

Connect AppFollow to Power BI

Why do I need AppFollow and Power BI integration?

Integrating AppFollow and Power BI helps you connect better with your app users and understand their needs. Get instantaneous updates on key aspects of your App, such as downloads, user feedback and sentiments, reviews and ratings. You can respond to their inquiries and resolve issues promptly. Other benefits include:


Unified reporting 

Automatically sync AppFollow and Power BI to create integrated reports and dashboards that comprise a combination of app store metrics, sentiment analysis and pertinent data points. Monitor the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and keep track of the effectiveness of your app’s optimization efforts in a consolidated location.


Comprehensive data analysis

By consolidating AppFollow with Power BI, you can integrate data from various sources, like app stores, analytics platforms and user reviews, in a specific dashboard for extensive data analysis. Gain a deeper understanding of the application’s performances, market trends, and users’ feedback on their experiences with the app. 


Actionable insights 

AppFollow and Power BI integration allows you to capitalize on Power BI’s capabilities, like advanced analytics, to gain actionable insights that foster strategic decision-making. You can single out aspects of app optimization and benchmark against other competing apps. The integration helps merge solutions that help you make informed decisions to enhance the app’s performance and increase users’ satisfaction.


Saves time 

Power BI automates the data retrieval and visualization process, which simplifies your data analysis workflow. You can escape the wearying manual data extraction from different sources.  Set up an automated data pipeline that directly feeds pertinent app metrics and users’ feedback into Power BI for analysis. Make the data transformation process effortless and save valuable time. 


Enhanced collaboration 

Leverage Power BI to share reports and dashboards with the app development team. With each team member accessing the same information, analyzing data and sharing insights and views on app performance becomes easy. This access also fosters collaboration and alignment with strategic priorities that enhance the app’s performance. 


Gain competitive advantage 

You gain comprehensive insights into competitors’ strategies by analyzing their performance and users’ feedback and sentiments from AppFollow. Use gap analysis to identify niche markets and gain a better understanding of user preferences and needs. Apply the insights to develop superior strategies that generate a competitive advantage over competing apps. 


Increase data scalability 

By integrating AppFollow with Power BI, you can tap into Power BI capabilities like scalability to handle large datasets from apps with small and big traffic. Effectively manage and integrate data from different sources without compromising performance. You can scale your analytics infrastructure to ensure it advances and adapts to changes to meet the dynamic needs of your business. 


Improved data security

Optimize Power BI security features such as Row-Level Security (RLS) to enhance data security. Ensure sensitive app data is protected from access by unauthorized users and improve compliance. Control data accessibility based on roles and responsibilities with the development team to maintain data confidentiality and integrity.

How to connect AppFollow to Power BI

1. Register

Register or login if you already have an account.

 2. Select your source
You need to select AppFollow as a Data Source and Grant Access to

AppFollow source

3. Select Destination

Choose Power BI as the destination.


4. Sync your Data
Select the fields on the right, and click on “Get data” from the WEB in Power BI.

Power Bi click on “Get data” from WEB
Then copy the URL in the box below:

copy URL in box


What is AppFollow?

AppFollow is an integrated service that works with app stores. It comprises tools used in organic app performance analysis, competitor research, review management and automation, and app performance monitoring. AppFollow aims to enhance app store downloads and help developers enhance their products to make them more appealing. It also aids in monitoring and responding to users’ reviews and responses within the app store.

What is Power BI?

Power BI is a technology-driven business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft. It comprises a collection of software services, apps and connectors that work conjointly to transform unrelated sources of data into rational, visually alluring, and impactful insights. It lets people seamlessly use various features, such as their data sources, visualize and interpret them, uncover what is important, and share them with third parties.

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