Connect Awin to Snowflake

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Stream all data from Awin to Snowflake

Connect Awin to Snowflake

It is very simple to connect Awin to Snowflake, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


First Step

Follow the Tutorial Below:

  1. Add all the columns that are returned by your connector’s URL. 
  2. Create the WINDSOR_UPLOAD role (name has no importance) 
  3. Create a user and add the previously created role to that user 
  4. Grant rights to the DATABASE to the created user 
  5. Grand the rights to the destination table 
  6. Get the required fields from Snowflake to use the Snowflake destination in Onboard Form
  • Get the username 
  • Get the password 
  • Get the account 
  • Get the warehouse 
  • Get the database 
  • Get the schema 
  • Get the table name 


Second step

1.You need to select Awin as a Data Source and Grant Access to

Awin Onboarding Screen


2. In Select Destination select Snowflake as destination

snowflake integration


3. Enter all the credentials required and click Save

4. Your data will now be streamed from Awin to Snowflake. In case there is an error you will be notified.

Awin metrics and dimensions available for streaming into Snowflake

Connect your data


Account IDTEXTThe Advertiser ID (Duplicate)
Account NameTEXTThe Advertiser Name (Duplicate)
Ad Network ConversionsNUMERICThe Ad Network Reported Conversions
Awin RevenueNUMERICAwin Revenue
Advertiser CostNUMERICAdvertiser cost
Advertiser Cost CurrencyTEXTAdvertiser cost currency
Advertiser CountryCOUNTRYAdvertiser country
Advertiser IDTEXTThe Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameTEXTThe Advertiser Name
Amend ReasonTEXTTransaction amendment reason
AmendedTEXTWhether the transaction was amended
Basket ProductsTEXTBasket products
Bonus CommissionNUMERICThe Commission of Bonus Transactions
Bonus Transaction RevenueNUMERICThe Value of Bonus Transactions
Bonus TransactionsNUMERICThe Number of Bonus Transactions
CampaignTEXTThe Name of the Publisher (Duplicate)
Click DateDATEClick date
Click DeviceTEXTClick device
ClicksNUMERICThe Number of Clicks
Commission AmountNUMERICCommission amount
Commission CurrencyTEXTCommission currency
Commission Sharing Publisher IdTEXTCommission sharing publisher Id
Commission StatusTEXTCommission status
Confirmed CommissionNUMERICThe Commission of the Confirmed Transactions
Confirmed RevenueNUMERICThe Total Value of Confirmed Transactions
Confirmed TransactionsNUMERICThe Total Number of Confirmed Transactions
CurrencyTEXTThe Currency
Customer AcquisitionTEXTCustomer acquisition
Customer CountryCOUNTRYCustomer country
Data SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
DateDATEThe Date
Day of monthTEXTDay of the month
Decline ReasonTEXTDecline reason
Declined CommissionNUMERICThe Commission of Declined Transactions
Declined RevenueNUMERICThe Value of Declined Transactions
Declined TransactionsNUMERICThe Number of Declined Transactions
ImpressionsNUMERICThe Number of Impressions
Lapse TimeNUMERICLapse Time
MonthTEXTNumber of the month
Network FeeNUMERICNetwork fee
Network Fee CurrencyTEXTNetwork fee currency
Old Commission AmountNUMERICOld commission amount
Old Sale AmountNUMERICOld sale amount
Order ReferenceTEXTOrder reference
Original Sale AmountNUMERICOriginal sale amount
TEXTPaid to publisher
Payment IdTEXTPayment Id
Pending CommissionNUMERICThe Commissions of Pending Transactions
Pending Transaction RevenueNUMERICThe Value of Pending Transactions
Pending TransactionsNUMERICThe Number of Pending Transactions
Publisher URLTEXTClick device
Publisher IDTEXTThe ID of the Publisher
Publisher NameTEXTThe Name of the Publisher
RegionREGIONThe Region
Sale AmountNUMERICTransaction sale amount
Sale CurrencyTEXTSale currency
Site NameTEXTsite Name
SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
Transaction CommissionNUMERICThe same as Transaction Commission
Publisher TagsOBJECTThe publisher tags
TodayDATEToday's date
Transaction Commission (Duplicate)NUMERICThe Total Commission of all Transactions
Total CostNUMERICThe same as Transaction Commission
Tracked CurrencyTEXTTracked currency amount
Tracked Currency AmountNUMERICTracked currency amount
Transaction DateDATETransaction date
Transaction DeviceTEXTTransaction device
ID of the transactionTEXTTransaction id
Transaction Parts ListTEXTList of the transaction parts
Transaction Query IdTEXTTransaction query Id
Transaction TypeTEXTTransaction date
Transaction URLTEXTTransaction URL
Transaction CommissionNUMERICThe Total Commission of all Transactions
Transaction RevenueNUMERICThe Total Value of all Transactions
TransactionsNUMERICThe Total Number of Transactions
TypeTEXTThe Region (duplicate)
Voucher CodeTEXTCode of the voucher used
Voucher Code UsedTEXTWhether a voucher code was used
WeekTEXTWeek (Sun-Sat).
Day of week and day numberTEXTWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
Day of week and day number, ISOTEXTWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
Week ISOTEXTWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
YearmonthTEXTYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
Year of weekTEXTThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
Year of week, ISOTEXTThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
Year weekTEXTYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
Year week ISOTEXTYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20

Easily connect Awin to Snowflake

See the value and return on every marketing touchpoint

data warehouse

Providing 70+ marketing data streams, we make sure that all the data we integrate is fresh and accessible by marketers, whenever they want.


Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.

Build your Awin and Snowflake Integrations