Connect Pinterest Ads to Snowflake

Pinterest Ads to Snowflake

Stream marketing data from Pinterest Ads to Snowflake

Connect Pinterest Ads to Snowflake in 2023

It is very simple to connect Pinterest Ads to Snowflake, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


First Step

Follow the Tutorial Below:

  1. Add all the columns that are returned by your connector’s URL. 
  2. Create the WINDSOR_UPLOAD role (name has no importance) 
  3. Create a user and add the previously created role to that user 
  4. Grant rights to the DATABASE to the created user 
  5. Grand the rights to the destination table 
  6. Get the required fields from Snowflake to use the Snowflake destination in Onboard Form
  • Get the username 
  • Get the password 
  • Get the account 
  • Get the warehouse 
  • Get the database 
  • Get the schema 
  • Get the table name 


Second step

1.You need to select Pinterest ads as a Data Source and Grant Access to

pinterest ads onboarding


2. In Select Destination select Snowflake as destination

snowflake integration


3. Enter all the credentials required and click Save

4.Your data will now be streamed to Snowflake. In case there is an error you will be notified.

Pinterest Ads metrics and dimensions available for streaming into Snowflake

Connect your data


Account IDTEXTYour Pinterest Advertiser ID
Ad GroupTEXTAlias for ad group name.
Ad Group Entity StatusTEXTYour ad group entity status.
Ad Group IDTEXTYour ad group ID.
Ad Group NameTEXTYour ad group name.
Ad Group StatusTEXTYour ad group status.
Ad IDTEXTYour ad ID.
Ad Network Conversions (alias for Conversions)NUMERICTotal number of conversions for all event types using the Pinterest Tag integration after an ad interaction
Ad Network Revenue (alias for Total conversion value)NUMERICThe value from web conversions from your promoted Pins, including both first-order and downstream, in account currency
Advertiser IDTEXTYour Pinterest Advertiser ID
AgeTEXTAge bracket breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
App TypeTEXTApp type breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
CampaignTEXTAlias for Campaign Name
Campaign IDTEXTCampaign ID
Campaign NameTEXTCampaign Name
Total number of Pin clicks (alias for Pin clicks)NUMERICThe total number of clicks on your Pin to content on or off of Pinterest (paid and earned)
Pin clicksNUMERICThe total number of clicks on your Pin to content on or off of Pinterest (paid and earned)
Earned Pin clicksNUMERICTotal number of Pin clicks from ads saved to another person's board
NUMERICThe total number of clicks on your Pin to content on or off of Pinterest
CountryCOUNTRYCountry breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
CPANUMERICThe average CPA for all event types using the Pinterest Tag integration after an ad interaction
Cost Per ClickNUMERICCost-per-click (CPC) bidding means that you pay for each click on your ads
CPMNUMERICCost per 1000 impressions (paid and earned)
CTRPERCENTClick-through rate of clicks on your Pin to content on or off of Pinterest (paid and earned)
CurrencyTEXTAccount currency
Data SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
Day of monthTEXTDay of the month
Earned SavesNUMERICNumber of times your ad was saved from another person's board.
Earned engagementsNUMERICEarned actions from ads saved to boards
NUMERICPaid actions taken as a result of your ads
Engagements (alias for Total Engagements)NUMERICThe total number of engagements on your ads, including clicks, saves, carousel swipes, and collections secondary saves
FrequencyNUMERICThe average number of times each user saw your ad.
GenderTEXTGender breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
GeoTEXTGeo breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
ImpressionsNUMERICNumber of times someone saw your ad (paid and earned)
Earned impressionsNUMERICTotal number of times your ad was viewed after being saved to another person's board
NUMERICThe number of times your ad was seen
KeywordTEXTKeyword breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
LocationTEXTLocation breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
MonthTEXTNumber of the month
Outbound clicksNUMERICThe total number of clicks to the destination URL associated with your ad (paid and earned)
Earned outbound clicksNUMERICThe total number of clicks to the destination URL associated with your ad saved to another person's board
NUMERICThe total number of clicks to the destination URL associated with your ad
NUMERICTotal number of saves for ad.
Pin Promotion (Ad) IDTEXTYour ad ID.
Pin Promotion (Ad) NameTEXTYour ad name.
Pin Promotion (Ad) StatusTEXTAd status ('ACTIVE', 'OTHER', 'PAUSED')
Pinner InterestTEXTPinner Interest breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
PlacementTEXTPlacement breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
User ReachNUMERICTotal number of unique users who saw your ads
RegionREGIONRegion breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
ROASPERCENTThe average ROAS from web conversions from your promoted Pins, including both first-order and downstream, in account currency
SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
SpendNUMERICThe money you spend for promoted Pins, in account currency
Targeted InterestTEXTTargeted Interest breakdown (Targeting type). Up to 5 targeting types allowed. Note: The reporting per targeting type is independent from each other.
TodayDATEToday's date
Conversions (Add to cart)NUMERICTotal number of add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Add to cart)NUMERICTotal value of add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
Conversions (Checkout)NUMERICTotal number of checkout events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Checkout)NUMERICTotal value of checkout events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversions (Add to cart)NUMERICThe number of add to cart events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Add to cart)NUMERICTotal value of add to cart events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversions (Checkout)NUMERICThe number of checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Checkout)NUMERICTotal value of checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversion value (Checkout) in microsNUMERICTotal value of checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad, in micros of account currency
Click-through conversions (Custom)NUMERICThe number of custom events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Custom)NUMERICTotal value of custom events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversions (Lead)NUMERICThe number of lead events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Lead)NUMERICTotal value of lead events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversions (Page visit)NUMERICThe number of page visit events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Page visit)NUMERICTotal value of page visit events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversions (Website search)NUMERICThe number of website search events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Website search)NUMERICTotal value of website search events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversions (Signup)NUMERICThe number of signup events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Signup)NUMERICTotal value of signup events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversions (Category view)NUMERICThe number of category view events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Category view)NUMERICTotal value of category view events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
Click-through conversions (Watch video)NUMERICThe number of watch video events resulting from clicks on your ad
Click-through conversion value (Watch video)NUMERICTotal value of watch video events resulting from clicks on your ad, in account currency
ConversionsNUMERICTotal number of conversions for all event types using the Pinterest Tag integration after an ad interaction
Total conversion valueNUMERICThe value from web conversions from your promoted Pins, including both first-order and downstream, in account currency
Conversions (Custom)NUMERICTotal number of custom events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Custom)NUMERICTotal value of custom events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
Total engagementsNUMERICThe total number of engagements on your ads, including clicks, saves, carousel swipes, and collections secondary saves
Engagement conversions (Add to cart)NUMERICTotal number of add to cart events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Add to cart)NUMERICTotal value of add to cart events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement conversions (Checkout)NUMERICTotal number of checkout events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Checkout)NUMERICTotal value of checkout events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement conversions (Custom)NUMERICTotal number of custom events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Custom)NUMERICTotal value of custom events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement conversions (Lead)NUMERICTotal number of lead events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Lead)NUMERICTotal value of lead events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement conversions (Page visit)NUMERICTotal number of page visit events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Page visit)NUMERICTotal value of page visit events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement conversions (Website search)NUMERICTotal number of website search events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Website search)NUMERICTotal value of website search events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement conversions (Signup)NUMERICTotal number of signup events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Signup)NUMERICTotal value of signup events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement conversions (Category view)NUMERICTotal number of category view events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Category view)NUMERICTotal value of category view events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement conversions (Watch video)NUMERICTotal number of watch video events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Engagement value (Watch video)NUMERICTotal value of watch video events resulting from engagements with your ad. Engagements includes saves, closeups, carousel swipes, collection secondary closeups, and collection secondary saves.
Conversions (Lead)NUMERICTotal number of lead events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Lead)NUMERICTotal value of lead events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
Conversions (Page visit)NUMERICTotal number of page visit events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Page visit)NUMERICTotal value of page visit events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
Total SavesNUMERICThe number of Repins from earned and paid sources.
Conversions (Website search)NUMERICTotal number of website search events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Website search)NUMERICTotal value of website search events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
Conversions (Signup)NUMERICTotal number of signup events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Signup)NUMERICTotal value of signup events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
Total video played at 75%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad played 75% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point (paid and earned)
Total video startsNUMERICTotal number of times your video ad started playing (paid and earned)
Total video played at 100%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad played 100% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point (paid and earned)
Total video played at 25%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad played 25% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point (paid and earned)
Total video played at 50%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad played 50% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point (paid and earned)
Total video played at 95%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad played 95% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point (paid and earned)
Total video views.NUMERICTotal video views.
View-through conversions (Add to cart)NUMERICTotal number of add to cart events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Add to cart)NUMERICTotal value of add to cart events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
Conversions (Category view)NUMERICTotal number of category view events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Category view)NUMERICTotal value of category view events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
View-through conversions (Checkout)NUMERICTotal number of checkout events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Checkout)NUMERICTotal value of checkout events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
View-through conversion value (Checkout) in microsNUMERICTotal value of checkout events resulting from views of your ad, in micros of account currency
View-through conversions (Custom)NUMERICTotal number of custom events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Custom)NUMERICTotal value of custom events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
View-through conversions (Lead)NUMERICTotal number of lead events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Lead)NUMERICTotal value of lead events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
View-through conversions (Page visit)NUMERICTotal number of page visit events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Page visit)NUMERICTotal value of page visit events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
View-through conversions (Website search)NUMERICTotal number of website search events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Website search)NUMERICTotal value of website search events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
View-through conversions (Signup)NUMERICTotal number of signup events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Signup)NUMERICTotal value of signup events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
View-through conversions (Category view)NUMERICTotal number of category view events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Category view)NUMERICTotal value of category view events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
View-through conversions (Watch video)NUMERICTotal number of watch video events resulting from views of your ad
View-through conversion value (Watch video)NUMERICTotal value of watch video events resulting from views of your ad, in account currency
Conversions (Watch video)NUMERICTotal number of watch video events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Watch video)NUMERICTotal value of watch video events resulting from interactions with your ad, in account currency
Total CostNUMERICThe money you spend for promoted Pins, in account currency
Transaction Revenue (alias for Total conversion value)NUMERICThe value from web conversions from your promoted Pins, including both first-order and downstream, in account currency
Transactions (alias for Conversions)NUMERICTotal number of conversions for all event types using the Pinterest Tag integration after an ad interaction
Earned video startsNUMERICTotal number of times your video ad started playing after it was saved to another person's board
NUMERICNumber of times your video ad started playing
Earned video played at 100%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad reached 100% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
NUMERICNumber of times your video ad reached 100% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Earned video played at 25%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad reached 25% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
NUMERICNumber of times your video ad reached 25% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Earned video played at 50%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad reached 50% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
NUMERICNumber of times your video ad reached 50% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Earned video played at 75%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad reached 75% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
NUMERICNumber of times your video ad reached 75% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Earned video played at 95%NUMERICTotal number of times your video ad reached 95% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
NUMERICNumber of times your video ad reached 95% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
WeekTEXTWeek (Sun-Sat).
Day of week and day numberTEXTWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
Day of week and day number, ISOTEXTWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
Week ISOTEXTWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
YearmonthTEXTYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
Year of weekTEXTThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
Year of week, ISOTEXTThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
Year weekTEXTYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
Year week ISOTEXTYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20

Easily connect Pinterest Ads to Snowflake

See the value and return on every marketing touchpoint

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Providing 70+ marketing data streams, we make sure that all the data we integrate is fresh and accessible by marketers, whenever they want.


Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.

Build your Pinterest Ads and Snowflake Integrations