Connect The Trade Desk to BigQuery

Send the Trade Desk data to BigQuery with the connector. Let our no-code solution automate the ETL process and save time. Get more value from your ad campaigns and put your business on the top.

Connect The Trade Desk to BigQuery

How to connect The Trade Desk to BigQuery

1. Register

Register or login if you already have an account.

2. Select your source

You need to select The Trade Desk as a Data Source and Grant Access to


The Trade Desk




3. Select Destination
Choose BigQuery as the destination.

select bigquery

4. Create a destination task
Click the Add Destination Task Button and fill out the necessary fields.


Bigquery destination task

5. Sync your Data
In the final step, grant access to the user: [email protected]. That’s all!
Once you go through these steps, you will see that the data is automatically populated into your BigQuery account.


*Note: As a connector URL, you can use any URL providing a JSON. Either from the connectors or for example a URL with cached and transformed data.



What is The Trade Desk?

The Trade Desk is a demand-side platform (DSP) that marketers use to buy digital ad inventory to advertise their products/services on digital media. It includes tools to help users with campaign optimization, audience targeting, and real-time bidding.

What is BigQuery?

BigQuery is a cloud-based data warehouse service by Google Cloud platform. It’s designed to hold large data amounts and process SQL-like queries in seconds or minutes.


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