Windsor brings all your The Trade Desk data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL
The Trade Desk Field Reference
The The Trade Desk connector fetches TTD data on a advertiser and campaign level.
A sample URL on how to query data:[API_KEY]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=campaign,date,campaign_budget,campaign_budget_impressions,advertiser
ID | Type | Name | Description | Report |
ad_format | TEXT | Ad Format | Format of the ad. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_base_bid_cpm | NUMERIC | Ad Group Base Bid CPM (Adv Currency) | Base bid CPM of the ad group in advertiser currency. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_budget | NUMERIC | Ad Group Budget (Adv Currency) | Ad Group Budget in advertiser currency. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_daily_cap | NUMERIC | Ad Group Daily Cap (Adv Currency) | Daily cap of the ad group in advertiser currency. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_daily_target | NUMERIC | Ad Group Daily Target (Adv Currency) | Daily target of the ad group in advertiser currency. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_id | TEXT | Ad Group ID | ID of the ad group. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_impressions_budget | NUMERIC | Ad Group Budget In Impressions | Budget of the ad group in impressions. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_impressions_daily_cap | NUMERIC | Ad Group Daily Cap In Impressions | Daily cap of the ad group in impressions. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_impressions_daily_target | NUMERIC | Ad Group Daily Target In Impressions | Daily target of the ad group in impressions. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_group_name | TEXT | Ad Group Name | Name of the ad group. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_server_creative_placement_id | TEXT | Ad Server Creative Placement ID | ID of the ad server creative placement. | Ad Group Performance |
ad_server_name | TEXT | Ad Server Name | Name of the ad server. | Ad Group Performance |
adformat_height | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Format Height | The height in pixels. | Ad Format |
adformat_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Format ID | The ID of the Ad Format. | Ad Format |
adformat_inventory_type | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Format Inventory Type | An enumeration of the string type with the following values: Unknown, Display, Video, Native, Audio, NativeVideo | Ad Format |
adformat_is_display_rtb_eligible | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Format Is Display RTB Eligible | Whether this Ad Format is supported in general display RTB. This must be true for display creatives of this size to serve in RTB Ad Groups. | Ad Format |
adformat_name | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Format Name | The name of the Ad Format. | Ad Format |
adformat_width | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Format Width | The width in pixels. | Ad Format |
adgroup_advertiser_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Advertiser ID | The platform ID of the advertiser that owns the Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_are_future_koa_features_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group Are Future Koa Features Enabled | Get whether future Koa features will be enabled for this Ad Group automatically. | Ad Group |
adgroup_associated_bid_lists | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Associated Bid Lists | The BidLists that are associated with this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_availability | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Availability | Whether the ad group is active and available for normal operation or archived and hidden from normal view. If not specified, the default value is Available. | Ad Group |
adgroup_budgeting_version | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Budgeting Version | The budgeting used for the campaign that owns the ad group. This property is only returned if the budgeting version is Kokai. | Ad Group |
adgroup_campaign_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Campaign ID | The ID of the Campaign that owns this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_category_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Category ID | The category ID of this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_category_mappings | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Category Mappings | The mappings between the industry category taxonomies (IAB 1.0 and IAB 2.2). | Ad Group |
adgroup_category_name | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Category Name | The category name of this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_category_taxonomy_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Category Taxonomy ID | The category ID of the taxonomy of this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_category_taxonomy_name | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Category Taxonomy Name | The category name of the taxonomy of this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_category_taxonomy_version | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Category Taxonomy Version | The category taxonomy version of this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_channel_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Channel ID | The Channel ID for this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_created_at_utc | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Ad Group Created At UTC Timestamp | The date and time in UTC the ad group was created. | Ad Group |
adgroup_current_and_future_additional_fee_cards | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Current And Future Additional Fee Cards | The additional fee card that is currently active and future fee cards for ad group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_custom_labels | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Custom Labels | Custom Labels assigned to this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_description | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Description | An optional description of the creative. The maximum character length is 512. | Ad Group |
adgroup_enabled_value_added_providers | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Enabled Value Added Providers | A list of third-party providers enabled to set rates and bill for their services rendered to the client managing this ad group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_funnel_location | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Funnel Location | The funnel location that identifies the focus or objective of the ad group. For details, see | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_base_bid_cpm_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Base Bid CPM Amount | The base bid CPM is automatically set to the floor price of the targeted contract. The value returned is the floor price in the currency of the Advertiser that owns the Ad Group. The money amount, specified as a decimal, for example, 1.5 for $1.50. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_base_bid_cpm_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Base Bid CPM Currency Code | The base bid CPM is automatically set to the floor price of the targeted contract. The value returned is the floor price in the currency of the Advertiser that owns the Ad Group. The currency of the money value specified in the Amount, for example, 'USD' for $1.50 US dollars. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_ad_group_flights | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Ad Group Flights | The List of flights associated with this adgroup. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Amount | The total amount the ad group may spend over its lifetime. The money amount, specified as a decimal, for example, 1.5 for $1.50. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_auto_allocator_priority | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Auto Allocator Priority | The rank or priority that determines the order of which this ad group automatically receives spend from the campaign budget. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Currency Code | The total amount the ad group may spend over its lifetime. The currency of the money value specified in the Amount, for example, 'USD' for $1.50 US dollars. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_daily_budget_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Daily Budget Amount | The total amount the Ad Group should spend in a single day, if able. The money amount, specified as a decimal, for example, 1.5 for $1.50. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_daily_budget_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Daily Budget Currency Code | The total amount the Ad Group should spend in a single day, if able. The currency of the money value specified in the Amount, for example, 'USD' for $1.50 US dollars. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_daily_budget_impressions | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Daily Budget Impressions | The total number of impressions the Ad Group should serve in a single day, if able. This may only be set if the Ad Group has an impression budget. If you have an impression budget but do not wish to limit the daily impressions of the Ad Group, set this equal to the total Ad Group impression budget. NOTE: If you have pacing enabled, the Ad Group may serve more impressions than this in a given day if it needs to increase the average rate to meet overall pacing goals. In case of ad groups that have flights, this value will be determined based on the values from the AdGroupFlights, and may not be modified. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_impressions | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Impressions | The total number of impressions the Ad Group may serve over its lifetime. This may only be set if the Campaign has an impression budget. The sum of the Ad Group impression budgets within a Campaign must not exceed the Campaign's impression budget. NOTE: An impression budget may not be set for an ad group with base bid auto-optimization enabled. If an impression budget is set for such an ad group, an error will be returned with http status 400 (BadRequest). In case of ad groups that have flights, this value will be determined based on the values from the AdGroupFlights, and may not be modified. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_max_bid_cpm_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Max Bid CPM Amount | The maximum bid CPM is automatically set to the floor price of the targeted contract. The value returned is the floor price in the currency of the Advertiser that owns the Ad Group. The money amount, specified as a decimal, for example, 1.5 for $1.50. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_max_bid_cpm_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Max Bid CPM Currency Code | The maximum bid CPM is automatically set to the floor price of the targeted contract. The value returned is the floor price in the currency of the Advertiser that owns the Ad Group. The currency of the money value specified in the Amount, for example, 'USD' for $1.50 US dollars. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_budget_pacing_mode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Budget Settings Pacing Mode | The pacing mode specifies how an ad group attempts to spend its budget over time. This parameter is required when an ad group is created and PacingEnabled is not set. When specified, PacingMode overrides the value of PacingEnabled. | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_creative_ids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Creative IDs | The complete list of Creative IDs the Ad Group can serve. If the Ad Group has no associated Creatives, it will not serve! | Ad Group |
adgroup_high_fill_guaranteed_private_contract_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group High Fill Guaranteed Private Contract ID | The guaranteed-type Contract driving the High-Fill (a.k.a. Programmatic Guaranteed) Ad Group settings, which can be either a Programmatic Guaranteed Contract or a Publisher Direct Guaranteed Contract. Ad Group Base and Max Bid values are automatically set to the floor price of the Contract at the time of bidding. | Ad Group |
adgroup_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group ID | The ID of this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_include_defaults_from_campaign | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group Include Defaults From Campaign | The default value is false. If set to true, all default bid lists associated with the campaign are automatically applied this ad group upon its creation. If the same bid list is already applied to the ad group, it will be included only once. The applied lists can be removed, as needed. | Ad Group |
adgroup_increments | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group Increments | A list of frequency CounterIds to increment based on impressions served for this ad group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_is_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group Is Enabled | Whether the Ad Group is enabled to spend. If this is not specified on create, the Ad Group will be disabled until it is explicitly enabled. | Ad Group |
adgroup_is_high_fill_rate | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group Is High Fill Rate | Whether the Ad Group is a high fill rate Ad Group. A high fill rate ad group allows for a limited set of attributes to be set in RTBAttributes and it may only target a single contract that must be a programmatic guaranteed high fill rate contract. | Ad Group |
adgroup_marketplace_opt_out | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group Is Marketplace Opt Out | When ad group is created in Kokai campaign and campaign Marketplace setting is on, it will be automatically opted into it. This flag allows to opt-out from this behavior. Applicable only on creation. Will not be returned when ad group information is returned. | Ad Group |
adgroup_name | TEXT | (Deprecated) Adgroup Name | The name of this Ad Group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_new_bid_lists | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group New BidLists | The BidLists that will be created and associated with this AdGroup. If one of those bidlist is not valid it will fail the adgroup creation and update and they will need to be retried after correcting the offending bid list. | Ad Group |
adgroup_new_frequency_configs | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group New Frequency Configs | Frequency configurations associated with this ad group. For concepts and details on configuring frequency settings, see | Ad Group |
adgroup_predictive_clearing_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group Is Predictive Clearing Enabled | If set to true, enables Koa to analyze historical clearing prices to find a lower, optimal bid for each impression served in a first-price auction. For details, see . The default value for this property is false. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_audience_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Audience ID | The ID of the Audience to target. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_audience_predictor_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Audience Predictor Enabled | Enabling Koa™ Audience Predictor automatically generates a lookalike audience targeting users known to be of high value based on the configured goal for the AdGroup. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_audience_retargeting_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Audience Retargeting Enabled | Enabling this optimization will only include users determined to be high value, and will calculate bids for these users based off their scored value. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_booster_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Booster Enabled | If set to true, adds more relevant, high-performing data segments that are similar to the advertiser's target audience. In other words, ads will be served only to users who benefit the campaign and are most likely to convert. IMPORTANT: To take advantage of this performance-enhancing functionality, the ad group must have CPA or ROAS goals. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_cross_device_vendor_list_for_audience | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Cross Device Vendor List For Audience | Cross-device data from your selected provider will be used to extend the reach of your Audience across devices. This provider’s data will also be used for f-capping at the Ad Group and Campaign level. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_demographic_settings_country_code | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Demographic Settings Country Code | The country (the code) that is being targeted for Nielsen analytics. See nielsen/reportingcountries api for a list of valid country codes. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_demographic_settings_data_rate_type | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Demographic Settings Data Rate Type | Specifies the DataRateType which is detailed in the TargetDemographicDataRateType enum. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_demographic_settings_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Demographic Settings Enabled | Target specific demographic data that will be used to target segments of your Audience. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_demographic_settings_end_age | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Demographic Settings End Age | The end age being targeted for Nielsen analytics. The end age is required when Nielsen settings are specified for the first time. If this value is lower than the start age, the API will throw an error. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_demographic_settings_gender | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Demographic Settings Gender | The gender being targeted for Nielsen analytics. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_demographic_settings_start_age | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Demographic Settings Start Age | The start age being targeted for Nielsen analytics. The start age is required when Nielsen settings are specified for the first time. If this value is greater than the end age, the API will throw an error. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Enabled | If set to true, generates a custom audience for the ad group that excludes the less relevant data segments that are different from the advertiser's target audience. In other words, this custom audience excludes users who are less likely to benefit the campaign. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_cpc_rate_advertiser_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee CPC Rate In Advertiser Currency Amount | An approximation of the CPC rate in the Advertiser's currency. The actual amount charged will depend on exchange rates, but this serves as a guideline and will be accurate within normal currency fluctuations. The money amount, specified as a decimal, for example, 1.5 for $1.50. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_cpc_rate_advertiser_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee CPC Rate In Advertiser Currency Code | An approximation of the CPC rate in the Advertiser's currency. The actual amount charged will depend on exchange rates, but this serves as a guideline and will be accurate within normal currency fluctuations. The currency of the money value specified in the Amount, for example, 'USD' for $1.50 US dollars. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_cpc_rate_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee CPC Rate Amount | The CPC rate in the currency the provider charges. At billing time, this will be used to determine the charge in the Advertiser's currency based on applicable exchange rates. The money amount, specified as a decimal, for example, 1.5 for $1.50. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_cpc_rate_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee CPC Rate Currency Code | The CPC rate in the currency the provider charges. At billing time, this will be used to determine the charge in the Advertiser's currency based on applicable exchange rates. The currency of the money value specified in the Amount, for example, 'USD' for $1.50 US dollars. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_cpm_rate_advertiser_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee CPM Rate In Advertiser Currency Amount | An approximation of the CPM rate in the Advertiser's currency. The actual amount charged will depend on exchange rates, but this serves as a guideline and will be accurate within normal currency fluctuations. The money amount, specified as a decimal, for example, 1.5 for $1.50. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_cpm_rate_advertiser_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee CPM Rate In Advertiser Currency Code | An approximation of the CPM rate in the Advertiser's currency. The actual amount charged will depend on exchange rates, but this serves as a guideline and will be accurate within normal currency fluctuations.. The currency of the money value specified in the Amount, for example, 'USD' for $1.50 US dollars. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_cpm_rate_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee CPM Rate Amount | The CPM rate in the currency the provider charges. At billing time, this will be used to determine the charge in the Advertiser's currency based on applicable exchange rates. The money amount, specified as a decimal, for example, 1.5 for $1.50. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_cpm_rate_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee CPM Rate Currency Code | The CPM rate in the currency the provider charges. At billing time, this will be used to determine the charge in the Advertiser's currency based on applicable exchange rates. The currency of the money value specified in the Amount, for example, 'USD' for $1.50 US dollars. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_percent_of_data_cost_rate | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee Percent Of Data Cost Rate | The Percent of Data Cost rate of the data/feature. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_excluder_fee_percent_of_media_cost_rate | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Excluder Fee Percent Of Media Cost Rate | The Percent of Media Cost rate of the data/feature. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_first_party_data_ids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Settings First Party Data IDs | A list of First Party Data Ids you would like to add to the audience in addition to the scored users data element. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_interest_settings_category_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Interest Settings Category ID | The ID of the interest category. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_interest_settings_category_name | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Interest Settings Category Name | The name of the interest category. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_interest_settings_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Interest Settings Enabled | Target specific interest data that is most relevant to you. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_recency_exclusion_window_in_minutes | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Recency Exclusion Window In Minutes | The complement to Recency Adjustments, this is the amount of time to exclude users who are in the Excluded Data Groups of the Audience. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_settings_customize_retargeting_audience | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Settings Customize Retargeting Audience | Whether to customize the retargeting audience | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_trackable_users_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Trackable Users Enabled | Enabling this optimization will restrict targeting to only trackable users (Users with a TDID) | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_audience_targeting_use_mc_id_as_primary | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Audience Targeting Use Mc ID As Primary | Base your primary audience targeting strategy on geo interest segments. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_basebidcpm_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Base Bid CPM Amount | The base bid CPM to use before applying bid adjustments. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_basebidcpm_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Base Bid CPM Currency Code | The base bid CPM to use before applying bid adjustments. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_adgroupflights | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Ad Group Flights | The List of flights associated with this adgroup. AdGroupFlights that are no longer active should not be modified. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_autoallocatorpriority | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Auto Allocator Priority | The rank or priority that determines the order of which this ad group automatically receives spend from the campaign budget. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_budget_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Budget Amount | The total amount the ad group may spend over its lifetime. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_budget_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Budget Currency Code | The total amount the ad group may spend over its lifetime. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_budgetinimpressions | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Budget Impressions | The total number of impressions the Ad Group may serve over its lifetime. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_dailybudget_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Daily Budget Amount | The total amount the Ad Group should spend in a single day, if able. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_dailybudget_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Daily Budget Currency Code | The total amount the Ad Group should spend in a single day, if able. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_dailybudgetinimpressions | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Daily Budget Impressions | The total number of impressions the Ad Group should serve in a single day, if able. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_budgetsettings_pacingmode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Pacing Mode | The pacing mode specifies how an ad group attempts to spend its budget over time. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_demographicmemberids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Demographic Member IDs | The id(s) of the demographic members within the specified population for which the Comscore key metrics will be captured. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Enabled | The field that indicates whether Comscore reporting has been enabled for the ad group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_cpcrate_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee CPC Rate Amount | The CPC rate in the currency the provider charges. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_cpcrate_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee CPC Rate Currency Code | The CPC rate in the currency the provider charges. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_cpcrateinadvertisercurrency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee CPC Rate Advertiser Amount | An approximation of the CPC rate in the Advertiser's currency. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_cpcrateinadvertisercurrency_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee CPC Rate Advertiser Currency Code | An approximation of the CPC rate in the Advertiser's currency. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_cpmrate_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee CPM Rate Amount | The CPM rate in the currency the provider charges. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_cpmrate_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee CPM Rate Currency Code | The CPM rate in the currency the provider charges. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_cpmrateinadvertisercurrency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee CPM Rate Advertiser Amount | An approximation of the CPM rate in the Advertiser's currency. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_cpmrateinadvertisercurrency_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee CPM Rate Advertiser Currency Code | An approximation of the CPM rate in the Advertiser's currency. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_percentofdatacostrate | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee Percent Of Data Cost Rate | The Percent of Data Cost rate of the data/feature. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_fee_percentofmediacostrate | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Fee Percent Of Media Cost Rate | The Percent of Media Cost rate of the data/feature. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_mobiledemographicmemberids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Mobile Demographic Member IDs | The id(s) of the demographic members within the specified population for which the Comscore key metrics will be captured. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_comscoresettings_populationid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ComScore Settings Population ID | The Population Id (country) for which the Comscore key metrics will be captured. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_contracttargeting_allowopenmarketbiddingwhentargetingcontracts | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Contract Targeting Allow Open Market Bidding When Targeting Contracts | When targeting contracts, this property controls whether the ad group will bid exclusively on contracts or bid on both contracts and the open market. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_contracttargeting_contractfloorpricepercentageincrease | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Contract Targeting Contract Floor Price Percentage Increase | This setting defines a percentage that will be added on top of the contract floor price. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_contracttargeting_usecontractfloorpriceasbasebid | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Contract Targeting Use Contract Floor Price As Base Bid | When enabled, we will use the contract floor price instead of the Ad Group's base bid. When a contract floor price can't be found, the Ad Group's base bid will be used. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_creativeids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes | The complete list of Creative IDs the Ad Group can serve. If the Ad Group has no associated Creatives, it will not serve! See the Creative API for a complete list of this Advertiser's Creatives. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_dimensionalbiddingautooptimizationsettings | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Dimensional Bidding Auto Optimization Settings | Specify AutoOptimization for ad groups. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_displayviewabilitystandardintegral | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Display Viewability Standard Integral | Viewability standard used for Integral display viewability targeting. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_isuseclicksasconversionsenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Is Use Clicks As Conversions Enabled | Controls whether clicks may be counted as primary conversions when conversion data is sparse for optimizing toward conversion-based goals. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_isusesecondaryconversionsenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Is Use Secondary Conversions Enabled | Controls whether secondary conversions may be counted as primary conversions when conversion data is sparse for optimizing toward conversion-based goals. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_koaoptimizationsettings_isbiddingupenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Koa Optimization Settings Is Bidding Up Enabled | This property indicates whether bidding up is automatically enabled for this ad group or not. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_koaoptimizationsettings_isenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Koa Optimization Settings Is Enabled | This property indicates whether Koa automatically applies optimizations and dynamic exclusions to the ad group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_koaoptimizationsettings_optionaldimensions | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Koa Optimization Settings Optional Dimensions | Optionally enable dimensions for Koa Optimizations. If IsEnabled is set to true, a non-null value is required for this field. If empty, no optional dimensions will be enabled. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_koaoptimizationsversion | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Koa Optimizations Version | This read-only property indicates the version of Koa being used to apply automatic optimizations or manual recommendations to the ad group. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_maxbidcpm_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Max Bid CPM Amount | The maximum the Ad Group will ever bid on a single impression. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_maxbidcpm_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Max Bid CPM Currency Code | The maximum the Ad Group will ever bid on a single impression. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_cpcrate_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee CPC Rate Amount | The CPC rate in the currency the provider charges. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_cpcrate_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee CPC Rate Currency Code | The CPC rate in the currency the provider charges. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_cpcrateinadvertisercurrency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee CPC Rate Advertiser Amount | An approximation of the CPC rate in the Advertiser's currency. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_cpcrateinadvertisercurrency_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee CPC Rate Advertiser Currency Code | An approximation of the CPC rate in the Advertiser's currency. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_cpmrate_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee CPM Rate Amount | The CPM rate in the currency the provider charges. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_cpmrate_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee CPM Rate Currency Code | The CPM rate in the currency the provider charges. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_cpmrateinadvertisercurrency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee CPM Rate Advertiser Amount | An approximation of the CPM rate in the Advertiser's currency. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_cpmrateinadvertisercurrency_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee CPM Rate Advertiser Currency Code | An approximation of the CPM rate in the Advertiser's currency. Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_percentofdatacostrate | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee Percent Of Data Cost Rate | The Percent of Data Cost rate of the data/feature. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_fee_percentofmediacostrate | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Fee Percent Of Media Cost Rate | The Percent of Media Cost rate of the data/feature. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_nielsentrackingattributes_countries | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Tracking Countries | The list of countries (the codes) that are being targeted for Nielsen analytics. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_nielsentrackingattributes_endage | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Tracking End Age | The end age being targeted for Nielsen analytics. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_nielsentrackingattributes_enhancedreportingoption | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Tracking Enhanced Reporting Option | The selected Nielsen reporting option. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_nielsentrackingattributes_gender | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Tracking Gender | The gender being targeted for Nielsen analytics. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_nielsensettings_nielsentrackingattributes_startage | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Nielsen Settings Start Age | The start age being targeted for Nielsen analytics. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_qualityallianceviewabilityprofile | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Quality Alliance Viewability Profile | Viewability profile used for Quality Alliance viewability targeting. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_cpainadvertisercurrency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal CPA In Advertiser Currency Amount | The Cost Per Acquisition goal (in the Advertiser currency). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_cpainadvertisercurrency_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal CPA In Advertiser Currency Code | The Cost Per Acquisition goal (in the Advertiser currency). Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_cpcinadvertisercurrency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal CPC In Advertiser Currency Amount | The Cost Per Click goal (in the Advertiser currency). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_cpcinadvertisercurrency_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal CPC In Advertiser Currency Code | The Cost Per Click goal (in the Advertiser currency). Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_cpcvinadvertisercurrency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal CPCV In Advertiser Currency Amount | Cost Per Completed View goal (in the advertiser currency). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_cpcvinadvertisercurrency_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal CPCV In Advertiser Currency Code | Cost Per Completed View goal (in the advertiser currency). Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_ctrinpercent | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal CTR In Percent | The Click Through Rate goal (in percent), for example, 1 = 1% (1 in 100). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_maximizeltvincrementalreach | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal Maximize Ltv Incremental Reach | The goal is to reach as many users as possible beyond those who have already reached on Linear TV. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_maximizereach | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal Maximize Reach | Reach as many unique users as possible in your intended audience. | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_miaozhenotpinpercent | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal Miaozhen OTP In Percent | The Miaozhen On Target Percentage goal (in percent), for example, 1 = 1% (1 in 100). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_nielsenotpinpercent | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal Nielsen OTP In Percent | The Nielsen On Target Percentage goal (in percent), for example, 1 = 1% (1 in 100). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_returnonadspendpercent | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal Return On Ad Spend Percent | The Return on Ad Spend goal (in percent of ad spend). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_vcpminadvertisercurrency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal VCPM In Advertiser Currency Amount | The Estimated Viewable Cost Per Mille (thousand) goal (in the Advertiser currency). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_vcpminadvertisercurrency_currencycode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal VCPM In Advertiser Currency Currency Code | The Estimated Viewable Cost Per Mille (thousand) goal (in the Advertiser currency). Currency Code | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_vcrinpercent | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal VCR In Percent | The Video Completion Rate goal (in percent), for example, 1 = 1% (1 in 100). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_roigoal_viewabilityinpercent | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes ROI Goal Viewability In Percent | The Viewability goal (in percent), for example, 1 = 1% (1 in 100). | Ad Group |
adgroup_rtb_videoviewabilitystandardintegral | TEXT | (Deprecated) Ad Group RTB Attributes Video Viewability Standard Integral | Viewability standard used for Integral video viewability targeting. | Ad Group |
advertiser | TEXT | Advertiser Name | Name of the advertiser. | Ad Group Performance |
advertiser_advertiser_audience_settings_audience_booster_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Advertiser Audience Settings Audience Booster Enabled | Add segments resembling your target customer when they will benefit your campaign. When turned on for an ad group, it will add highly relevant segments to your audience when there is confidence they will improve your targeting and boost performance. | Advertiser |
advertiser_advertiser_audience_settings_audience_excluder_enabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Advertiser Audience Settings Audience Excluder Enabled | Exclude users unlikely to benefit your campaign. When turned on for an ad group, it will remove the least relevant users from your audience without harming your pacing. | Advertiser |
advertiser_advertiser_name_dsa | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Name DSA | The name of the advertiser to be displayed for campaigns targeting individuals established or located in the European Union (EU). 1. This property is required by the Digital Services Act (DSA) only for the EU. Otherwise, the property is optional and its value is set to null by default. 2. If required and not specified, the AdvertiserName value is used by default. IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility, as required under Tradedesk Master Services Agreement, to ensure any information you provide to Tradedesk is truthful and correct. If you fail to confirm the values, you agree to Tradedesk using the default values. For details or assistance, contact your Tradedesk Account Manager or Technical Account Manager. | Advertiser |
advertiser_attribution_click_lookback_window_in_seconds | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Attribution Click Lookback Window In Seconds | Advertiser Attribution Click Lookback Window In Seconds | Advertiser |
advertiser_attribution_impression_lookback_window_in_seconds | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Attribution Impression Lookback Window In Seconds | Advertiser Attribution Impression Lookback Window In Seconds | Advertiser |
advertiser_availability | TEXT | (Deprecated) Availability of advertiser | Availability state of the Advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_category_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Category ID | The ID of the industry category for this advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_category_mappings | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Category Mappings | The mappings between the industry category taxonomies (IAB 1.0 and IAB 2.2). | Advertiser |
advertiser_category_name | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Category Name | The name of the industry category for this advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_category_taxonomy_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Category Taxonomy ID | The ID of the taxonomy for this advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_category_taxonomy_name | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Category Taxonomy Name | The name of the taxonomy for this advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_category_taxonomy_version | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Category Taxonomy Version | The version of the taxonomy for this advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_click_dedup_window_in_seconds | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Click Dedup Window In Seconds | Advertiser Click Dedup Window In Seconds | Advertiser |
advertiser_conversion_dedup_window_in_seconds | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Conversion Dedup Window In Seconds | Advertiser Conversion Dedup Window In Seconds | Advertiser |
advertiser_cost_adv_currency | NUMERIC | Advertiser Cost (Adv Currency) | Advertiser cost in advertiser currency. | Ad Group Performance |
advertiser_cost_partner_currency | NUMERIC | Advertiser Cost (Partner Currency) | Advertiser cost in partner currency. | Ad Group Performance |
advertiser_cost_usd | NUMERIC | Advertiser Cost (USD) | Advertiser cost in USD. | Ad Group Performance |
advertiser_currency_code | TEXT | Advertiser Currency Code | Advertiser currency code. | Ad Group Performance |
advertiser_default_right_media_offer_type_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Default Right Media Offer Type Id | Advertiser Default Right Media Offer Type Id | Advertiser |
advertiser_description | TEXT | (Deprecated) Description of advertiser | An optional description of the advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_domain | TEXT | (Deprecated) Domain of advertiser | The domain address for the Advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_id | TEXT | Advertiser ID | ID of the advertiser. | Ad Group Performance |
advertiser_ignore_referral_url_in_conversion | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Ignore Referral Url In Conversion | Advertiser Ignore Referral Url In Conversion | Advertiser |
advertiser_industry_category_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) (Deprecated) Advertiser Industry Category Id | (Deprecated). Please use 'Advertiser Category ID' instead. | Advertiser |
advertiser_industry_category_mapping_category_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Industry Category Mapping Category Id | (Deprecated) Use 'Advertiser Category Mappings' instead. | Advertiser |
advertiser_industry_category_mapping_category_taxonomy_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Industry Category Mapping Category Taxonomy Id | (Deprecated) Use 'Advertiser Category Mappings' instead. | Advertiser |
advertiser_industry_category_mapping_external_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Industry Category Mapping External Id | (Deprecated) Use 'Advertiser Category Mappings' instead. | Advertiser |
advertiser_industry_category_taxonomy_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Industry Category Taxonomy Id | (Deprecated) Use 'Advertiser Category Taxonomy ID' instead. | Advertiser |
advertiser_is_ballot_measure | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Is Ballot Measure | Advertiser Is Ballot Measure | Advertiser |
advertiser_is_candidate_election | TEXT | (Deprecated) Advertiser Is Candidate Election | Advertiser Is Candidate Election | Advertiser |
advertiser_keywords | TEXT | (Deprecated) Keywords of advertiser | Keywords that classify the Advertiser. | Advertiser |
advertiser_logo | TEXT | (Deprecated) Logo of advertiser | The URL for the Advertiser's logo or brand image. | Advertiser |
advertiser_payer_name_dsa | TEXT | (Deprecated) Payer Name DSA | The name of the entity paying for this advertiser's campaigns. The Digital Services Act (DSA) requires online platforms to declare the natural or legal person paying for the ad, if different from the advertiser. 1. This property is required by the Digital Services Act (DSA) only for the EU. Otherwise, the property is optional and its value is set to null by default. 2. If required and not specified, the CustomerName value is used by default. IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility, as required under Tradedesk Master Services Agreement, to ensure any information you provide to Tradedesk is truthful and correct. If you fail to confirm the values, you agree to Tradedesk using the default values. For details or assistance, contact your Tradedesk Account Manager or Technical Account Manager. | Advertiser |
advertiser_vetting_status | TEXT | (Deprecated) Vetting status of advertiser | Vetting status of the advertiser. | Advertiser |
bids | NUMERIC | Bids | Bids. | Ad Group Performance |
campaign | TEXT | Campaign Name | Name of the campaign. | Ad Group Performance |
campaign_advertiser_id | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Advertiser ID | The platform ID of the advertiser that owns this Campaign. | Campaign |
campaign_auto_allocator_enabled | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Auto Allocator Enabled | Campaign Auto Allocator Enabled | Campaign |
campaign_auto_prioritization_enabled | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Auto Prioritization Enabled | Campaign Auto Prioritization Enabled | Campaign |
campaign_availability | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Availability | Campaign Availability | Campaign |
campaign_budget | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Budget of campaign | The maximum amount the Campaign may spend. | Campaign |
campaign_budget_currency_code | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Budget Currency Code | Campaign Budget Currency Code | Campaign |
campaign_budget_impressions | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Budget for impressions of campaign | The maximum amount of impressions the Campaign should buy. | Campaign |
campaign_campaign_flight_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Campaign Flight Id | Campaign Campaign Flight Id | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_campaign_type | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Campaign Type | Campaign Campaign Type | Campaign |
campaign_created_at_utc | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Campaign Created At UTC | Campaign Created At UTC | Campaign |
campaign_creation_time | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Creation time of campaign | The time in UTC the Campaign was created. | Campaign |
campaign_ctv_targeting_and_attribution | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Ctv Targeting And Attribution | Campaign Ctv Targeting And Attribution | Campaign |
campaign_custom_cp_aclick_weight | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Custom Cp Aclick Weight | Campaign Custom Cp Aclick Weight | Campaign |
campaign_custom_cp_atype | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Custom Cp Atype | Campaign Custom Cp Atype | Campaign |
campaign_custom_cp_aviewthrough_weight | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Custom Cp Aviewthrough Weight | Campaign Custom Cp Aviewthrough Weight | Campaign |
campaign_custom_cpa_click_weight | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Custom CPA click weight | Weight to assign to click through pixels when calculating Custom CPA. | Campaign |
campaign_custom_ro_as_type | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Custom Ro As Type | Campaign Custom Ro As Type | Campaign |
campaign_custom_viewthroug_weight | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Custom CPA viewthroug weight | Weight to assign to view pixels when calculating Custom CPA. | Campaign |
campaign_daily_budget | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Daily budget udget of campaign | The maximum amount that the campaign should spend per day, if possible. | Campaign |
campaign_daily_budget_impressions | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Budget for impressions of compaig daily | The total number of impressions the Campaign should buy in a single day, if able. | Campaign |
campaign_description | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign description | An optional description of the Campaign. | Campaign |
campaign_end_date | DATE | (Deprecated) End date of campaign | The date and time (in UTC) that the Campaign should stop spending if it has not yet exhausted its budget. | Campaign |
campaign_frequency_settings_frequency_cap | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Frequency Settings Frequency Cap | Campaign Frequency Settings Frequency Cap | Campaign |
campaign_frequency_settings_frequency_period_in_minutes | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Frequency Settings Frequency Period In Minutes | Campaign Frequency Settings Frequency Period In Minutes | Campaign |
campaign_frequency_settings_lifetime_frequency_cap | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Frequency Settings Lifetime Frequency Cap | Campaign Frequency Settings Lifetime Frequency Cap | Campaign |
campaign_goal_info_cp_min_advertiser_currency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Goal Info Cp Min Advertiser Currency Amount | Campaign Goal Info Cp Min Advertiser Currency Amount | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_goal_info_cp_min_advertiser_currency_currency_code | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Goal Info Cp Min Advertiser Currency Currency Code | Campaign Goal Info Cp Min Advertiser Currency Currency Code | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_goal_info_impressions | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Goal Info Impressions | Campaign Goal Info Impressions | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_goal_info_last_calculated_at | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Campaign Goal Info Last Calculated At | Campaign Goal Info Last Calculated At | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_id | TEXT | Campaign ID | ID of the campaign. | Ad Group Performance |
campaign_is_ballot_measure | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Is Ballot Measure | Campaign Is Ballot Measure | Campaign |
campaign_last_updated_at_utc | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Campaign Last Updated At UTC | Campaign Last Updated At UTC | Campaign |
campaign_minimum_ad_group_spend_in_advertiser_currency | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Minimum Ad Group Spend In Advertiser Currency | Campaign Minimum Ad Group Spend In Advertiser Currency | Campaign |
campaign_objective | TEXT | (Deprecated) Objectiv of campaign. | The campaign objective. | Campaign |
campaign_pacing_advertiser_currency | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Pacing Advertiser Currency | Campaign Pacing Advertiser Currency | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_pacing_current_spend_in_advertiser_currency | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Pacing Current Spend In Advertiser Currency | Campaign Pacing Current Spend In Advertiser Currency | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_pacing_flight_budget_in_advertiser_currency | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Pacing Flight Budget In Advertiser Currency | Campaign Pacing Flight Budget In Advertiser Currency | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_pacing_last_calculated_at | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Campaign Pacing Last Calculated At | Campaign Pacing Last Calculated At | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_pacing_mode | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Pacing Mode | Campaign Pacing Mode | Campaign |
campaign_pacing_projected_spend_in_advertiser_currency | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Pacing Projected Spend In Advertiser Currency | Campaign Pacing Projected Spend In Advertiser Currency | Campaign Metrics |
campaign_partner_cost_percentage_fee | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Partner Cost Percentage Fee | Campaign Partner Cost Percentage Fee | Campaign |
campaign_partner_cp_cfee_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Partner Cp Cfee Amount | Campaign Partner Cp Cfee Amount | Campaign |
campaign_partner_cp_cfee_currency_code | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Partner Cp Cfee Currency Code | Campaign Partner Cp Cfee Currency Code | Campaign |
campaign_partner_cp_mfee_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Partner Cp Mfee Amount | Campaign Partner Cp Mfee Amount | Campaign |
campaign_partner_cp_mfee_currency_code | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Partner Cp Mfee Currency Code | Campaign Partner Cp Mfee Currency Code | Campaign |
campaign_primary_channel | TEXT | (Deprecated) Primary channel of campaign. | The campaign primary channel. | Campaign |
campaign_primary_goal_cp_cin_advertiser_currency_amount | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Campaign Primary Goal Cp Cin Advertiser Currency Amount | Campaign Primary Goal Cp Cin Advertiser Currency Amount | Campaign |
campaign_primary_goal_cp_cin_advertiser_currency_currency_code | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Primary Goal Cp Cin Advertiser Currency Currency Code | Campaign Primary Goal Cp Cin Advertiser Currency Currency Code | Campaign |
campaign_purchase_order_number | TEXT | (Deprecated) Purchase order number of campaign. | A property that you can use for internal reference. For example, a Purchase Order Number. | Campaign |
campaign_secondary_goal_ct_rin_percent | PERCENT | (Deprecated) Campaign Secondary Goal Ct Rin Percent | Campaign Secondary Goal Ct Rin Percent | Campaign |
campaign_start_date | DATE | (Deprecated) Start date of campaign | The date and time (in UTC) that the Campaign should start spending. | Campaign |
campaign_time_zone | TEXT | (Deprecated) Campaign Time Zone | Campaign Time Zone | Campaign |
campaign_type | TEXT | (Deprecated) Type of campaign. | The type of the Campaign, options are currently either Standard (default) or ProgrammaticGuaranteed. | Campaign |
campaign_update_time | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Last update time of campagin. | The time in UTC the Campaign was last updated. | Campaign |
click_conversion_01 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion 01 | Click conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_02 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion 02 | Click conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_03 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion 03 | Click conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_04 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion 04 | Click conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_05 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion 05 | Click conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_06 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion 06 | Click conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_currency_01 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Currency 01 | Click conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_currency_02 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Currency 02 | Click conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_currency_03 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Currency 03 | Click conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_currency_04 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Currency 04 | Click conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_currency_05 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Currency 05 | Click conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_currency_06 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Currency 06 | Click conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_revenue_01 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Revenue 01 | Click conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_revenue_02 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Revenue 02 | Click conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_revenue_03 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Revenue 03 | Click conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_revenue_04 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Revenue 04 | Click conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_revenue_05 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Revenue 05 | Click conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
click_conversion_revenue_06 | NUMERIC | Click Conversion Revenue 06 | Click conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
clicks | NUMERIC | Clicks | Clicks. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_01 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch 01 | Conversion touch. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_02 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch 02 | Conversion touch. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_03 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch 03 | Conversion touch. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_04 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch 04 | Conversion touch. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_05 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch 05 | Conversion touch. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_06 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch 06 | Conversion touch. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_revenue_01 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch Revenue 01 | Conversion touch revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_revenue_02 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch Revenue 02 | Conversion touch revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_revenue_03 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch Revenue 03 | Conversion touch revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_revenue_04 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch Revenue 04 | Conversion touch revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_revenue_05 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch Revenue 05 | Conversion touch revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
conversion_touch_revenue_06 | NUMERIC | Conversion Touch Revenue 06 | Conversion touch revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
creative | TEXT | Creative | Creative. | Ad Group Performance |
creative_advertiser_id | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Advertiser ID | The platform ID of the advertiser that owns this creative. | Creative |
creative_availability | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Availability | Indicates whether the Creative is Available for use or Archived and hidden from views. | Creative |
creative_createdatutc | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Creative Created At UTC Timestamp | The time in UTC the Creative was created. | Creative |
creative_creativeauditstatuses | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Audit Statuses | A List of Creative Audit Statuses for the Creative. | Creative |
creative_creativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative id | The ID of the creative. Ignored on create, when an ID will be assigned and returned by The Trade Desk. | Creative |
creative_creativename | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Name | The name of the creative. | Creative |
creative_creativetype | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Type (Tradedesk) | The type of the creative. | Creative |
creative_description | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Description (Tradedesk) | An optional description of the creative. The maximum character length is 512. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Ad Server Creative ID | If the ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Ad Server Name | If the ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the name of the ad server. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_adtechnologyids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Ad Technology IDs | This is a declaration of vendor technologies used for click or impression tracking within this creative. These values will be populated by Google when creatives are approved for serving on their exchange. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_clickthroughurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Clickthrough Url | The URL to invoke when the user clicks the ad. This may include additional click tracking. Typically, the user is redirected to the landing page after this URL is invoked. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_flashclicktrackingparametername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Flash Click Tracking Parameter Name | The click tracking parameter used in the flash file. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_flashcontent | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Flash Content | The contents of the Flash file (.swf) as a base-64 encoded string. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_flashurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Flash Url | The URL where The Trade Desk has stored the Flash file for ad serving. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_height | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Height | The height of the creative in pixels. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_issecurable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Is Securable | If set to true (default value on create), indicates that all the resources that are needed to render and track this creative support access over HTTPS (secure) versions of their URIs. If set to false, no attempts will be made to serve this creative in secure contexts. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_landingpageurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Landing Page Url | The landing page URL is the URL of the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_rightmediaoffertypeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Right Media Offer Type ID | Set the Right Media Offer Type (Right Media's creative category) of this creative. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 1 | A pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl2 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 2 | A second pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl3 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 3 | A third pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_flashattributes_width | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Flash Attributes Width | The width of the creative in pixels. | Creative |
creative_flightenddateutc | DATE | (Deprecated) Creative Flight End Date UTC Timestamp | The Flight End Date and Time in UTC (without the time zone) for the creative. | Creative |
creative_flightstartdateutc | DATE | (Deprecated) Creative Flight Start Date UTC Timestamp | The Flight Start Date and Time in UTC (without the time zone) for the creative. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Ad Server Creative ID | The identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Ad Server Name | Ad Server Name. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_clickthroughurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Click Through Url | The URL to invoke when the user clicks the ad. This may include additional click tracking. Typically, the user is redirected to the landing page after this URL is invoked. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_decimalassets | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Decimal Assets | List of native decimal assets. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_imageassets | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Image Assets | List of native image assets. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_isplayerretargetingenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Is Player Retargeting Enabled | Whether or not this creative has player event retargeting enabled in DMP | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_landingpageurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Landing Page Url | The landing page URL is the URL of the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_textassets | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Text Assets | List of native text assets. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 1 | A pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl2 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 2 | A second pixel URL used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. The maximum character length is 1024. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl3 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 3 | A third pixel URL used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. The maximum character length is 1024. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_trackingevents | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Tracking Events | A list of events that you want to be notified about when a video impression appears, the video is clicked, or is viewed across different quartile boundaries | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_videoasset_duration | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Video Asset | How long the video ad is, in seconds. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_videoasset_videouploadattributes_videocreativeextension | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Video Asset Upload Extension | The extension of the uploaded creative video file. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_videoasset_videouploadattributes_videocreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Video Asset Upload Creative ID | The Id associated with the uploaded creative video file. | Creative |
creative_hostednativeattributes_videoasset_videourl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Hosted Native Attributes Video Asset URL | The URL where The Trade Desk has stored the video file for ad serving. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Ad Server Creative ID | If the ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Ad Server Name | If the ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the name of the ad server. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_adtechnologyids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Ad Technology IDs | This is a declaration of vendor technologies used for click or impression tracking within this creative. These values will be populated by Google when creatives are approved for serving on their exchange. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_backupimagecontent | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Backup Image Content | The contents of the backup image as a base-64 encoded string. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_backupimageurl | IMAGE_URL | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Backup Image Url | The URL where The Trade Desk has stored the backup image file for ad serving, if it exists. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_clickthroughurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Clickthrough Url | The URL to invoke when the user clicks the ad. This may include additional click tracking. Typically, the user is redirected to the landing page after this URL is invoked. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_clicktrackingparametername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Click Tracking Parameter Name | The click tracking parameter used in the HTML file. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_height | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Height | The height of the creative in pixels. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_htmlfilecontent | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Html File Content | The contents of an HTML file as a base-64 encoded string. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_htmlfileurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Html File Url | The URL where The Trade Desk has stored the HTML file for ad serving. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_issecurable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Is Securable | If set to true (default value on create), indicates that all the resources that are needed to render and track this creative support access over HTTPS (secure) versions of their URIs. If set to false, no attempts will be made to serve this creative in secure contexts. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_landingpageurls | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Landing Page Urls | The landing page URLs. Normally, you should specify a single URL that is the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. However, if your hosted HTML 5 creative rotates between different landing pages, specify all the landing pages here. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_primaryhtmlfilename | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Primary Html File Name | The name of the HTML file in a ZIP archive that will be served as the the primary HTML file for the creative. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_rightmediaoffertypeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Right Media Offer Type ID | Set the Right Media Offer Type (Right Media's creative category) of this creative. If null or not specified, the Advertiser's DefaultRightMediaOfferTypeId will be used for this creative until a RightMediaOfferTypeId is assigned. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 1 | A pixel URL used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl2 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 2 | A second pixel URL used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl3 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 3 | A third pixel URL used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_useclickthroughasdefault | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Use Clickthrough As Default | A boolean that indicates whether The Trade Desk should include the provided ClickthroughUrl into the click tracking URL (the URL that is passed via the click tracking parameter to the creative). | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_width | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Width | The width of the creative in pixels. | Creative |
creative_html5attributes_ziparchivecontent | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative HTML5 Attributes Zip Archive Content | The contents of an HTML 5 ZIP archive file as a base-64 encoded string. Use this property when the creative consists of multiple files (e.g., an HTML file and some supporting assets like Javascript, CSS, and images). If the creative is contained in a single HTML file, use 'Creative HTML5 Attributes Html File Content' instead. | Creative |
creative_id | TEXT | Creative ID | ID of the creative. | Ad Group Performance |
creative_imageattributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Ad Server Creative ID | If the ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Ad Server Name | If the ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the name of the ad server. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_adtechnologyids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Ad Technology IDs | This is a declaration of vendor technologies used for click or impression tracking within this creative. These values will be populated by Google when creatives are approved for serving on their exchange. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_clickthroughurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Clickthrough Url | The URL to invoke when the user clicks the ad. This may include additional click tracking. Typically, the user is redirected to the landing page after this URL is invoked. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_height | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Height | The height of the creative in pixels. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_imagecontent | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Image Content | The contents of the image as a base-64 encoded string. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_imageurl | IMAGE_URL | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Image Url | he URL where The Trade Desk has stored the image file for ad serving. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_issecurable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Is Securable | If set to true (default value on create), indicates that all the resources that are needed to render and track this creative support access over HTTPS (secure) versions of their URIs. If set to false, no attempts will be made to serve this creative in secure contexts. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_landingpageurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Landing Page Url | The landing page URL is the URL of the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_rightmediaoffertypeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Right Media Offer Type ID | Set the Right Media Offer Type (Right Media's creative category) of this creative. If null or not specified, the Advertiser's DefaultRightMediaOfferTypeId will be used for this creative until a RightMediaOfferTypeId is assigned. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 1 | A pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl2 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 2 | A second pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl3 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Third Party Impression Tracking Url 3 | A third pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_imageattributes_width | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Image Attributes Width | The width of the creative in pixels. | Creative |
creative_lastupdatedatutc | TIMESTAMP | (Deprecated) Creative Last Updated At UTC Timestamp | The time in UTC the Creative was last updated. | Creative |
creative_politicaldataid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Political Data ID | The political data ID from a candidate profile of an advertiser. IMPORTANT: Required only for political advertising creatives for federal, state, or local candidate elections. | Creative |
creative_sharelink | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Share Link | Share link to allow anyone to preview this creative. This only applies to creatives that are tags, videos, audios, hosted native, hosted native videos. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Ad Server Creative ID | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Ad Server Name | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the name of the ad server. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_adtechnologyids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Ad Technology IDs | his is a declaration of vendor technologies used for click or impression tracking within this creative. These values will be populated by Google when creatives are approved for serving on their exchange. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_isplayerretargetingenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Is Player Retargeting Enabled | Whether or not this creative has player event retargeting enabled in DMP | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_landingpageurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Landing Page Url | The landing page URL is the URL of the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_rightmediaoffertypeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Right Media Offer Type ID | Set the Right Media Offer Type (Right Media's creative category) of this creative. If null or not specified, the Advertiser's DefaultRightMediaOfferTypeId will be used for this creative until a RightMediaOfferTypeId is assigned. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_skippable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Skippable | Whether or not this audio ad will be shown for skippable impressions. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Third Party Impression Tracking Url | A pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_trackingevents | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Tracking Events | A list of events that you want to be notified about when an audio impression plays, is clicked, or is heard across different quartile boundaries | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedaudioattributes_vastxmlurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Audio Vast Xml Url | The URL of the VAST/DAAST document that describes the audio creative. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Ad Server Creative ID | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Ad Server Name | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the name of the ad server. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_adtechnologyids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Ad Technology IDs | This is a declaration of vendor technologies used for click or impression tracking within this creative. These values will be populated by Google when creatives are approved for serving on their exchange. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_isplayerretargetingenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Is Player Retargeting Enabled | Whether or not this creative has player event retargeting enabled in DMP | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_landingpageurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Landing Page Url | The landing page URL is the URL of the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_rightmediaoffertypeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Right Media Offer Type ID | Set the Right Media Offer Type (Right Media's creative category) of this creative. If null or not specified, the Advertiser's DefaultRightMediaOfferTypeId will be used for this creative until a RightMediaOfferTypeId is assigned. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_skipoffsetinseconds | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Skip Offset In Seconds | If the Skippable property is set to true, specify the number of seconds to skip. If the Skippable property is set to false, this defaults to null. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_skippable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Skippable | Indicates whether the skip offset option is enabled for the creative. If set to true, specify the number of seconds to skip in the 'Creative Third Party Hosted Video Skip Offset In Seconds' property. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Third Party Impression Tracking Url | pixel URL used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_thirdpartyvideoviewabilityenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Third Party Video Viewability Enabled | Enabling this tracking feature will provide MOAT video viewability and player size reporting within The Trade Desk's omnichannel dashboards and reports, for this 3rd party video creative. This tracking can be enabled on 3rd party VAST 2.0 video creatives, as well as 3rd party VAST 2.0 video creatives containing a VPAID 1.0 media asset. Please note one important limitation - If the 3rd party VAST contains a companion banner asset, we are not able to serve that companion for VPAID-eligible impressions. This may reduce the scale of companion banner impressions won for this creative. If serving a companion on the maximum number of impressions is required, The Tradedesk would not recommend enabling the tracking on this particular creative. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_trackingevents | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Tracking Events | A list of events that you want to be notified about when a video impression appears, the video is clicked, or is viewed across different quartile boundaries | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_universaladid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Universal Ad ID | The universal AdID, ARPP PubID, or ClearCast clock number. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_universaladidregistry | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Universal Ad ID Registry | A string used to identify the URL for the registry website where the unique creative ID is cataloged. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartyhostedvideoattributes_vastxmlurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Hosted Video Vast Xml Url | The URL of the VAST document that describes the video creative. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Ad Server Creative ID | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Ad Server Name | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the name of the ad server. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_adtag | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Ad Tag | The third party HTML tag that will serve the creative. If you're using one of The Trade Desk supported ad servers, The Trade Desk automatically adds a click macro. If your ad does not click through with this macro or if you are using another ad server, try %%TTD_CLICK_ESC%% in pace of %%TTD_CLK%%. The Trade Desk click macros also support multiple escaping by simply adding the number of times you want to escape to the end of the macro. For example, %%TTD_CLK_ESC3%%. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_adtechnologyids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Ad Technology IDs | his is a declaration of vendor technologies used for click or impression tracking within this creative. These values will be populated by Google when creatives are approved for serving on their exchange. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_height | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Height | The height of the creative in pixels. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_issecurable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Is Securable | If set to true (default value on create), indicates that all the resources that are needed to render and track this creative support access over HTTPS (secure) versions of their URIs. If set to false, no attempts will be made to serve this creative in secure contexts. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_landingpageurls | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Landing Page Urls | The landing page URLs. Normally, you should specify a single URL that is the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. However, if your Third Party Ad Tag Creative rotates between different landing pages, specify all the landing pages here. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_mraidversion | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Mraid Version | If this is an MRAID creative, specify the MRAID version, from the CreativeMraidVersion enum. If this is not an MRAID creatives, skip setting this property. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_rightmediaoffertypeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Right Media Offer Type ID | Set the Right Media Offer Type (Right Media's creative category) of this creative. If null or not specified, the Advertiser's DefaultRightMediaOfferTypeId will be used for this creative until a RightMediaOfferTypeId is assigned. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Third Party Impression Tracking Url 1 | A pixel URL used to track impressions with third party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl2 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Third Party Impression Tracking Url 2 | A second pixel URL used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_thirdpartyimpressiontrackingurl3 | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Third Party Impression Tracking Url 3 | A third pixel URL used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. The maximum character length is 500. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_thirdpartytagattributes_width | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Third Party Tag Width | The width of the creative in pixels. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Attributes Ad Server Creative ID | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Ad Server Name | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the name of the ad server. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_audioencodingcomplete | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Audio Encoding Complete | Whether or not encoding of the audio file is completed. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_audiouploadattributes_audiocreativeextension | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Creative Extension | The extension of the uploaded creative audio file. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_audiouploadattributes_audiocreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Creative ID | The Id associated with the uploaded creative audio file. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_clickthroughurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Clickthrough Url | The URL to invoke when the user clicks the ad. This may include additional click tracking. Typically, the user is redirected to the landing page after this URL is invoked. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_companioncreativeids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Companion Creative IDs | The CreativeIds of the display creatives that can be used as companion display ads to this audio impression. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_daasttagurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Daast Tag Url | The URL of the DAAST XML document for this audio creative. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_duration | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Duration | The length of the audio in seconds. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_isplayerretargetingenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Is Player Retargeting Enabled | Whether or not this creative has player event retargeting enabled in DMP | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_issecurable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Is Securable | If set to true (default value on create), indicates that all the resources that are needed to render and track this creative support access over HTTPS (secure) versions of their URIs. If set to false, no attempts will be made to serve this creative in secure contexts. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_landingpageurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Landing Page Url | The landing page URL is the URL of the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_trackingevents | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Tracking Events | A list of events that you want to be notified about when an audio impression plays, is clicked, or is heard across different quartile boundaries | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedaudioattributes_vasttagurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Audio Vast Tag Url | The URL of the VAST XML document for this audio creative. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_adservercreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Ad Server Creative ID | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the identifier of the creative used by the ad server. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_adservername | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Ad Server Name | If the third party ad tag contains a known ad server URL, this will return the name of the ad server. Examples are 'MediaMind' or 'DoubleClick'. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_adtechnologyids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Ad Technology IDs | his is a declaration of vendor technologies used for click or impression tracking within this creative. These values will be populated by Google when creatives are approved for serving on their exchange. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_clickthroughurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Clickthrough Url | The URL to invoke when the user clicks the ad. This may include additional click tracking. Typically, the user is redirected to the landing page after this URL is invoked. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_companioncreativeids | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Companion Creative IDs | The CreativeIds of the display creatives that can be used as companion display ads to this video impression. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_duration | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Duration | How long the video ad is, in seconds. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_imageurl | IMAGE_URL | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Image URL | The URL where The Trade Desk has stored the video file for ad serving. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_isplayerretargetingenabled | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Is Player Retargeting Enabled | Whether or not this creative has player event retargeting enabled in DMP | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_issecurable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Is Securable | If set to true (default value on create), indicates that all the resources that are needed to render and track this creative support access over HTTPS (secure) versions of their URIs. If set to false, no attempts will be made to serve this creative in secure contexts. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_landingpageurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Landing Page Url | The landing page URL is the URL of the page where the user is taken after clicking the ad. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_rightmediaoffertypeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Right Media Offer Type ID | Set the Right Media Offer Type (Right Media's creative category) of this creative. If null or not specified, the Advertiser's DefaultRightMediaOfferTypeId will be used for this creative until a RightMediaOfferTypeId is assigned. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_skipoffsetinseconds | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Skip Offset In Seconds | If the Skippable property is set to true, specify the number of seconds to skip. If the Skippable property is set to false, this defaults to null. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_skippable | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Skippable | Indicates whether the skip offset option is enabled for the creative. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_thirdpartytrackingtags | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Third Party Tracking Tags | A list of <img> or <script> HTML tags used to track impressions with third-party ad servers. If a given tag is a script tag, it may also contain a subsequent <noscript> tag. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_trackingevents | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Tracking Events | A list of events that you want to be notified about when a video impression appears, the video is clicked, or is viewed across different quartile boundaries | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_universaladid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Universal Ad ID | The universal AdID, ARPP PubID, or ClearCast clock number. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_universaladidregistry | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Universal Ad ID Registry | A string used to identify the URL for the registry website where the unique creative ID is cataloged. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_vasttagurl | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Vast Tag Url | The URL of the VAST XML document for this video. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_videoencodingcomplete | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Encoding Complete | Whether or not encoding of the video is completed. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_videouploadattributes_videocreativeextension | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Upload Creative Extension | The extension of the uploaded creative video file. | Creative |
creative_tradedeskhostedvideoattributes_videouploadattributes_videocreativeid | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Tradedesk Hosted Video Upload Creative ID | The Id associated with the uploaded creative video file. | Creative |
creative_vioohreviewrequired | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Viooh Review Required | If set to true, indicates that this creative requires approval by VIOOH. Otherwise, the default value is false. To access and bid on VIOOH inventory, be sure to specify the targeted publisher in the VioohSelectedPublisher property, too. | Creative |
creative_vioohselectedpublisher | TEXT | (Deprecated) Creative Viooh Selected Publisher | The external ID of the targeted publisher, which is the seller ID in VIOOH's sellers.json file. | Creative |
creative_willthisbeservedinchina | BOOLEAN | (Deprecated) Creative Will This Be Served In China | A flag to indicate this creative will served in china or not.This only work when the partner has MSA signed. | Creative |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
date | DATE | Date | The Date | Ad Group Performance |
day_of_month | TEXT | Day of month | Day of the month | |
deal_id | TEXT | Deal ID | ID of the deal. | Ad Group Performance |
frequency | NUMERIC | Frequency | Frequency. | Ad Group Performance |
impressions | NUMERIC | Impressions | Impressions. | Ad Group Performance |
media_type | TEXT | (Deprecated) Primary channel of campaign. (alias for campaign_primary_channel) | The campaign primary channel. | Campaign |
month | TEXT | Month | Number of the month | |
partner_cost_adv_currency | NUMERIC | Partner Cost (Adv Currency) | Partner cost in advertiser currency. | Ad Group Performance |
partner_cost_partner_currency | NUMERIC | Partner Cost (Partner Currency) | Partner cost in partner currency. | Ad Group Performance |
partner_cost_usd | NUMERIC | Partner Cost (USD) | Partner cost in USD. | Ad Group Performance |
partner_currency_code | TEXT | Partner Currency Code | Partner currency code. | Ad Group Performance |
partner_id | TEXT | Partner ID | ID of the partner. | Ad Group Performance |
partner_id_integer | NUMERIC | (Deprecated) Partner Id Integer | The id integer of the partner who owns this advertiser. | General |
partner_name | TEXT | Partner Name | Name of the partner. | Ad Group Performance |
player_25_complete | NUMERIC | Player 25% Complete | Player 25% complete views. | Ad Group Performance |
player_50_complete | NUMERIC | Player 50% Complete | Player 50% complete views. | Ad Group Performance |
player_75_complete | NUMERIC | Player 75% Complete | Player 75% complete views. | Ad Group Performance |
player_close | NUMERIC | Player Close | Player close. | Ad Group Performance |
player_collapse | NUMERIC | Player Collapse | Player collapse. | Ad Group Performance |
player_completed_views | NUMERIC | Player Completed Views | Player completed views. | Ad Group Performance |
player_engaged_views | NUMERIC | Player Engaged Views | Player engaged views. | Ad Group Performance |
player_errors | NUMERIC | Player Errors | Player errors. | Ad Group Performance |
player_expansion | NUMERIC | Player Expansion | Player expansion. | Ad Group Performance |
player_full_screen | NUMERIC | Player Full Screen | Player full screen. | Ad Group Performance |
player_invitation_accept | NUMERIC | Player Invitation Accept | Player invitation accept. | Ad Group Performance |
player_mute | NUMERIC | Player Mute | Player mute. | Ad Group Performance |
player_pause | NUMERIC | Player Pause | Player pause. | Ad Group Performance |
player_resume | NUMERIC | Player Resume | Player resume. | Ad Group Performance |
player_rewind | NUMERIC | Player Rewind | Player rewind. | Ad Group Performance |
player_skip | NUMERIC | Player Skip | Player skip. | Ad Group Performance |
player_starts | NUMERIC | Player Starts | Player starts. | Ad Group Performance |
player_unmute | NUMERIC | Player Unmute | Player unmute. | Ad Group Performance |
player_views | NUMERIC | Player Views | Player views. | Ad Group Performance |
sampled_tracked_impressions | NUMERIC | Sampled Tracked Impressions | Sampled tracked impressions. | Ad Group Performance |
sampled_viewed_impressions | NUMERIC | Sampled Viewed Impressions | Sampled viewed impressions. | Ad Group Performance |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_01 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion 01 | Time weighted decay conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_02 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion 02 | Time weighted decay conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_03 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion 03 | Time weighted decay conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_04 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion 04 | Time weighted decay conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_05 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion 05 | Time weighted decay conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_06 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion 06 | Time weighted decay conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_revenue_01 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion Revenue 01 | Time weighted decay conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_revenue_02 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion Revenue 02 | Time weighted decay conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_revenue_03 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion Revenue 03 | Time weighted decay conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_revenue_04 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion Revenue 04 | Time weighted decay conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_revenue_05 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion Revenue 05 | Time weighted decay conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
time_weighted_decay_conversion_revenue_06 | NUMERIC | Time Weighted Decay Conversion Revenue 06 | Time weighted decay conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date | |
total_bid_amount_adv_currency | NUMERIC | Total Bid Amount (Adv Currency) | Total bid amount in advertiser currency. | Ad Group Performance |
total_bid_amount_partner_currency | NUMERIC | Total Bid Amount (Partner Currency) | Total bid amount in partner currency. | Ad Group Performance |
total_bid_amount_usd | NUMERIC | Total Bid Amount (USD) | Total bid amount in USD. | Ad Group Performance |
ttd_cost_adv_currency | NUMERIC | TTD Cost (Adv Currency) | TTD cost in advertiser currency. | Ad Group Performance |
ttd_cost_partner_currency | NUMERIC | TTD Cost (Partner Currency) | TTD cost in partner currency. | Ad Group Performance |
ttd_cost_usd | NUMERIC | TTD Cost (USD) | TTD cost in USD. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_01 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion 01 | View through conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_02 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion 02 | View through conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_03 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion 03 | View through conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_04 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion 04 | View through conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_05 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion 05 | View through conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_06 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion 06 | View through conversion. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_currency_01 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Currency 01 | View through conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_currency_02 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Currency 02 | View through conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_currency_03 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Currency 03 | View through conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_currency_04 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Currency 04 | View through conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_currency_05 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Currency 05 | View through conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_currency_06 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Currency 06 | View through conversion currency. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_revenue_01 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Revenue 01 | View through conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_revenue_02 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Revenue 02 | View through conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_revenue_03 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Revenue 03 | View through conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_revenue_04 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Revenue 04 | View through conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_revenue_05 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Revenue 05 | View through conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
view_through_conversion_revenue_06 | NUMERIC | View Through Conversion Revenue 06 | View through conversion revenue. | Ad Group Performance |
week | TEXT | Week | Week (Sun-Sat). | |
week_day | TEXT | Day of week and day number | Weekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday. | |
week_day_iso | TEXT | Day of week and day number, ISO | Weekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7 | |
week_iso | TEXT | Week ISO | Week, ISO format (Mon-Sun). | |
year | TEXT | Year | Year | |
year_month | TEXT | Yearmonth | Year and month, e.g. 2024|3 | |
year_of_week | TEXT | Year of week | The year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat). | |
year_of_week_iso | TEXT | Year of week, ISO | The year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun). | |
year_week | TEXT | Year week | Year and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15 | |
year_week_iso | TEXT | Year week ISO | Year and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20 |