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Salesforce Marketing Cloud Field Reference


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector retrieves data from Salesforce Marketing Cloud on campaign level.[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=send_id,send_status,sent_date,send_created_date,send_modified_date,send_from_address,send_from_name,send_bcc_email,send_subject,send_email_name,send_limit,send_is_always_on,send_is_multipart,send_preview_url,send_window_close,send_window_open,send_number_delivered,send_unique_opens,send_unique_clicks,send_soft_bounces,send_hard_bounces,send_other_bounces,send_number_errored,send_forwarded_emails,send_duplicates,send_missing_addresses,send_invalid_addresses,send_existing_unsubscribes,send_unsubscribes,send_number_excluded,send_existing_undeliverables,send_number_sent,send_number_targeted,send_partner_key,send_delivery_rate,send_open_rate,send_click_rate,send_bounces,send_bounce_rate,link_id,link_url,link_alias,link_total_clicks,link_unique_clicks,link_shown,link_click_rate,list_id,list_name,list_category,list_classification,list_type,list_name,list_description


campaign_codeTEXTSend Campaign CodeCampaign Code.Campaign
campaign_created_dateDATECampaign Created DateCampaign created date.Campaign
campaign_descriptionTEXTCampaign DescriptionCampaign Description.Campaign
campaign_idTEXTCampaign IDCampaign ID.Campaign
campaign_modified_dateDATECampaign Modified DateCampaign modified date.Campaign
campaign_nameTEXTCampaign NameCampaign Name.Campaign
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateDate of the object's creation.General
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
TEXTLink AliasName of link contained in message.Link
NUMERICLink Click RateLink click rate based on unique link clicks and the number of times a link was shown.Link
TEXTLink IDLink ID.Link
NUMERICLink ShownNumber of times a link was shown based on unique opens of an email where the link is included.Link
NUMERICLink Total ClicksIndicates total number of clicks on link in message.Link
NUMERICLink Unique ClicksIndicates number of unique clicks on link.Link
TEXTLink URLIndicates URL included in an event or configuration.Link
list_categoryTEXTList CategoryID of the folder that an item is located in.List
list_classificationTEXTList ClassificationSpecifies the classification for a list. Valid values include: ExactTargetList, PublicationList, SuppressionList.; List
list_descriptionTEXTList DescriptionDescribes and provides information regarding the list.List
list_idTEXTList IDList IDList
list_nameTEXTList NameList NameList
list_typeTEXTList TypeIndicates type of specific list. Valid values include Public, Private, Salesforce, GlobalUnsubscribe, and Master. Indicates the type of email to send to the address. Valid values include Text and HTML.; List
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
send_bcc_emailTEXTSend Bcc EmailIndicates email addresses to receive blind carbon copy of a message.Send
send_bounce_ratePERCENTEmail Bounce rateEmails bounced divided by emails sent.Send
send_bouncesNUMERICEmail BouncesNumber of times when an email bounced as soft bounce, hard bounce or other bounce.Send
send_click_ratePERCENTEmails Click RateUnique email clicks divided by emails delivered.Send
send_created_dateDATESend Created DateDate and time of the object's creation.Send
send_delivery_ratePERCENTEmails Delivery RateEmails delivered divided by emails sent.Send
send_duplicatesNUMERICEmail DuplicatesRepresent the number of duplicate email addresses associated with a send (exists only when a send occurs to multiple lists).Send
send_email_nameTEXTSend Email NameSpecifies the name of an email message associated with a send.Send
send_existing_undeliverablesTEXTSend Existing UndeliverablesIndicates whether bounces occurred on previous send.Send
send_existing_unsubscribesTEXTSend Existing UnsubscribesIndicates whether unsubscriptions occurred on previous send.Send
send_forwarded_emailsNUMERICForwarded EmailsNumber of emails forwarded for a send.Send
send_from_addressTEXTSend From AddressIndicates From address associated with a object. Deprecated for email send definitions and triggered send definitions.Send
send_from_nameTEXTSend From NameSpecifies the default email message From Name. Deprecated for email send definitions and triggered send definitions.Send
send_hard_bouncesNUMERICEmail Hard BouncesIndicates number of hard bounces associated with a send.Send
send_idTEXTSend IDSend IDSend
send_invalid_addressesNUMERICEmail Invalid AddressesSpecifies the number of invalid addresses associated with a send.Send
send_is_always_onBOOLEANSend Is Always OnIndicates whether the request can be performed while the system is in maintenance mode. A value of true indicates that the system processes the request.Send
send_is_multipartBOOLEANSend Is MultipartIndicates whether the email is sent with Multipart/MIME enabled.Send
send_limitNUMERICSend LimitIndicates limit of messages to send as part of a send definition within a predefined send window.Send
send_missing_addressesNUMERICEmail Missing AddressesSpecifies number of missing addresses encountered within a send.Send
send_modified_dateDATESend Modified DateIndicates the last time object information was modified.Send
send_number_deliveredNUMERICEmails DeliveredNumber of sent emails that did not bounce.Send
send_number_erroredNUMERICEmail Number ErroredNumber of emails not sent as part of a send because an error occurred while trying to build the email.Send
send_number_excludedNUMERICSend Number ExcludedIndicates the number recipients excluded froman email send because of a held, unsubscribed, master unsubscribed, or global unsubscribed status.Send
send_number_sentNUMERICSend Number SentNumber of emails actually sent as part of an email send. This number reflects all of the sent messages and may include bounced messages.Send
send_number_targetedNUMERICSend Number TargetedIndicates the number of possible recipients for an email send. This number does not include unsubscribed or excluded subscribers for a given list or data extension.Send
send_open_rateNUMERICEmails Open RateUnique email opens divided by emails delivered.Send
send_other_bouncesNUMERICEmail Other BouncesSpecifies number of Other-type bounces in a send.Send
send_partner_keyTEXTSend Partner KeyUnique identifier provided by partner for an object.Send
send_preview_urlTEXTSend Preview UrlIndicates URL used to preview the message associated with a send.Send
send_soft_bouncesNUMERICEmail Soft BouncesIndicates number of soft bounces associated with a specific send.Send
send_statusTEXTSend StatusDefines status of object. Status of an address.Send
send_subjectTEXTSend SubjectContains subject area information for a message.Send
send_unique_clicksNUMERICSend Unique ClicksIndicates number of unique clicks on message.Send
send_unique_opensNUMERICEmails Unique OpensIndicates number of unique opens resulting from a triggered send.Send
send_unsubscribesNUMERICSend UnsubscribesIndicates the number of unsubscribe events associated with a send.Send
send_window_closeTEXTSend Window CloseDefines the end of a send window for a send definition.Send
send_window_openTEXTSend Window OpenDefines the beginning of a send window for a send definition.Send
sent_dateDATESend Sent DateIndicates date on which a send took place.Send
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
todayDATETodayToday's date
triggered_send_bcc_emailTEXTTriggered Send BCC EmailIndicates email addresses to receive blind carbon copy of a message.Triggered_Send_Definition
triggered_send_bouncesNUMERICTriggered Send BouncesIndicates number of bounces resulting from a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_clicksNUMERICTriggered Send ClicksIndicates the number of clicks resulting from a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_conversionsNUMERICTriggered Send ConversionsIndicates the number of conversions results from a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_created_dateDATETriggered Send Created DateDate and time of the object's creation.Triggered_Send_Definition
triggered_send_email_subjectTEXTTriggered Send Email SubjectContains subject area information for a message.Triggered_Send_Definition
triggered_send_ftaf_emails_sentNUMERICTriggered Send FTAF Emails SentIndicates Forward To A Friend emails sent as a result of a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_ftaf_opt_insNUMERICTriggered Send FTAF Opt InsIndicates number of subscribers opting in to receiving messages as a result of a Forward To A Friend action from a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_ftaf_requestsTEXTTriggered Send FTAF RequestsIndicates number of Forward To A Friend requests received as part of a triggered sendTriggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_is_multipartBOOLEANTriggered Send Is MultipartIndicates whether the email is sent with Multipart/MIME enabledTriggered_Send_Definition
triggered_send_limitNUMERICTriggered Send LimitIndicates limit of messages to send as part of a send definition within a predefined send window.Triggered_Send_Definition
triggered_send_modified_dateDATETriggered Send Modified DateIndicates the last time object information was modified.Triggered_Send_Definition
triggered_send_not_sent_due_to_errorNUMERICTriggered Send Not Sent Due To ErrorIndicates number of triggered send messages not sent due to error.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_not_sent_due_to_opt_outNUMERICTriggered Send Not Sent Due To Opt OutIndicates number of sends not completed due to a subscriber's decision to opt out of receiving messagesTriggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_not_sent_due_to_undeliverableNUMERICTriggered Send Not Sent Due To UndeliverableIndicates number of sends not completed due to a subscriber's undeliverable status.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_opensNUMERICTriggered Send OpensIndicates number of opens from a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_opt_outsNUMERICTriggered Send Opt OutsIndicates number of subscribers who opted out of receiving messages after receiving a triggered sendTriggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_queuedNUMERICTriggered Send QueuedIndicates number of messages queued for sending.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_sentNUMERICTriggered Send SentIndicates number of messages sent. Indicates the message was sent to a subscriber.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_statusTEXTTriggered Send StatusDefines status of object. Status of an address.Triggered_Send_Definition
triggered_send_survey_responsesNUMERICTriggered Send Survey ResponsesIndicates number of responses to a survey question contained in a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_unique_clicksNUMERICTriggered Send Unique ClicksIndicates number of unique clicks on message.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_unique_conversionsNUMERICTriggered Send Unique ConversionsIndicates number of unique conversions resulting from a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_unique_opensNUMERICTriggered Send Unique OpensIndicates number of unique opens resulting from a triggered send.Triggered_Send_Summary
triggered_send_window_closeDATETriggered Send Window CloseDefines the end of a send window for a send definition.Triggered_Send_Definition
triggered_send_window_openDATETriggered Send Window OpenDefines the beginning of a send window for a send definition.Triggered_Send_Definition
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20