CallRail Field Reference


account_idTEXTAccount IDAccount ID
account_nameTEXTAccount nameAccount name
calls__agent_emailTEXTcalls.agent_emailEmail address for the user who answered the call, when applicable.calls
calls__answeredBOOLEANcalls.answeredWhether the call was answered (true) or not answered (false).calls
calls__business_phone_numberTEXTcalls.business_phone_numberThe phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number.calls
calls__call_highlightsTEXTcalls.call_highlightsA list of relevant keywords automatically found in the call transcription.calls
calls__call_typeTEXTcalls.call_typeThe type of call. One of abandonded, answered, in_progress, missed, outbound, voicemail, or voicemail_transcription.calls
calls__campaignTEXTcalls.campaignThe name of the campaign the call belongs to.calls
calls__company_idTEXTcalls.company_idThe string id of the company the call belongs to.calls
calls__company_nameTEXTcalls.company_nameThe name of the company the source belongs to .calls
calls__company_time_zoneTEXTcalls.company_time_zoneThe configure time zone of the company in CallRail.calls
calls__created_atTIMESTAMPcalls.created_atThe date and time the call was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.calls
calls__customer_cityCITYcalls.customer_cityThe customer’s city, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.calls
calls__customer_countryCOUNTRYcalls.customer_countryThe customer’s country, based on the area code of their phone number.calls
calls__customer_nameTEXTcalls.customer_nameThe customer’s name, as reported by Caller ID.calls
calls__customer_phone_numberTEXTcalls.customer_phone_numberThe customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).calls
calls__customer_stateTEXTcalls.customer_stateThe 2-character abbreviation for the customer’s state, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.calls
calls__device_typeTEXTcalls.device_typeEither mobile or desktop, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__directionTEXTcalls.directionWhether the call was inbound (from a customer to you) or outbound (from you to a customer).calls
calls__durationNUMERICcalls.durationThe duration of the call in seconds.calls
calls__fbclidTEXTcalls.fbclidfbclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__first_callBOOLEANcalls.first_callWhether or not the call is the caller’s first call to this company.calls
calls__formatted_business_phone_numberTEXTcalls.formatted_business_phone_numberThe phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number, formatted for display.calls
calls__formatted_call_typeTEXTcalls.formatted_call_typeThe type of call, formatted for display.calls
calls__formatted_customer_locationTEXTcalls.formatted_customer_locationThe customer’s city and state formatted for display.calls
calls__formatted_customer_nameTEXTcalls.formatted_customer_nameThe customer’s name with certain values stylized for display.calls
calls__formatted_customer_name_or_phone_numberTEXTcalls.formatted_customer_name_or_phone_numberThe name or phone number of the customer as reported by Caller ID, formatted for display.calls
calls__formatted_customer_phone_numberTEXTcalls.formatted_customer_phone_numberThe customer’s phone number formatted for display.calls
calls__formatted_durationTEXTcalls.formatted_durationThe duration of the call formatted for display.calls
calls__formatted_tracking_phone_numberTEXTcalls.formatted_tracking_phone_numberThe business’ tracking phone number for this call formatted for display.calls
calls__formatted_tracking_sourceTEXTcalls.formatted_tracking_sourceThe name of the call source formatted for display.calls
calls__formatted_valueTEXTcalls.formatted_valueThe value of the call assigned via the CallRail dashboard, formatted as currency or “–” if not set.calls
calls__gaTEXTcalls.gaGoogle Universal Analytics _ga value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__gclidTEXTcalls.gclidgclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. This is also available for calls from Google Ads call assets (formerly called extensions) and call-only ads through the use of our Google Ads Call Details Forwarding integration.calls
calls__good_lead_call_idTEXTcalls.good_lead_call_idIf provided, the id of the call that was originally scored as a good lead.calls
calls__good_lead_call_timeTIMESTAMPcalls.good_lead_call_timeIf provided, the time of the call that was originally scored as a good lead.calls
calls__idTEXTcalls.idUnique identifier for the call.calls
calls__keypad_entriesTEXTcalls.keypad_entriesA list of key-value pairs containing each number entered by the caller as part of a call flow. Each item includes the name given to the keypad entry step in the call flow and the numbers entered by the caller in the keypad entry step of the call flow. { "name": "Account Number", "value": "1234" }calls
calls__keywordsTEXTcalls.keywordsThe keywords the visitor searched for, if available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources.calls
calls__keywords_spottedTEXTcalls.keywords_spottedArray of keywords spotted, each containing keyword with locations in seconds offset from beginning of recording.calls
calls__landing_page_urlTEXTcalls.landing_page_urlThe URL the caller first landed on, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__last_requested_urlTEXTcalls.last_requested_urlThe URL of the active page at the time the call was placed, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__lead_statusTEXTcalls.lead_statusThe current lead status of this caller (as of this call). One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null.calls
calls__mediumTEXTcalls.mediumThe medium associated with the call. Most commonly “PPC”, “direct”, or “Organic”.calls
calls__msclkidTEXTcalls.msclkidmsclkid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) Trackers.calls
calls__noteTEXTcalls.noteAny text notes to associate with this call.calls
calls__person_idTEXTcalls.person_idUnique identifier for the lead associated with the phone call.calls
calls__prior_callsNUMERICcalls.prior_callsThe number of times this company received a call from this customer prior to this call. If this is the first call from the customer, prior_calls will be 0.calls
calls__recordingTEXTcalls.recordingA URL pointing to the calls/recording api endpoint.calls
calls__recording_durationNUMERICcalls.recording_durationThe length in seconds of the recording, if available.calls
calls__recording_playerTEXTcalls.recording_playerThe URL for a stand-alone recording player for this call, if available.calls
calls__referrer_domainTEXTcalls.referrer_domainThe domain that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__referring_urlTEXTcalls.referring_urlThe URL that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__sourceTEXTcalls.sourceThe marketing source that led to the phone call.calls
calls__source_nameTEXTcalls.source_nameThe name of the tracking number within CallRail.calls
calls__speaker_percentTEXTcalls.speaker_percentA JSON object containing the values of the percentage of time spent talking by the Agent and Customer on a call.calls
calls__start_timeTIMESTAMPcalls.start_timeThe date and time the call started in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.calls
calls__tagsTEXTcalls.tagsAny tags which have been applied to this call.calls
calls__timeline_urlTEXTcalls.timeline_urlA link to the lead’s timeline, which displays the web sessions and touchpoints a caller had on your website before, during, and after calling your business. For more information, see our support article on Caller Timelines.calls
calls__total_callsNUMERICcalls.total_callsThe total number of calls received from a customer phone number.calls
calls__tracker_idTEXTcalls.tracker_idIf provided, only return calls to this specific tracking number.calls
calls__tracking_phone_numberTEXTcalls.tracking_phone_numberThe business’ tracking phone number for this call (in E.164 format).calls
calls__utm_campaignTEXTcalls.utm_campaignutm_campaign as captured from the landing page parameter, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.calls
calls__utm_contentTEXTcalls.utm_contentutm_content as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__utm_mediumTEXTcalls.utm_mediumutm_medium as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.calls
calls__utm_sourceTEXTcalls.utm_sourceutm_source as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.calls
calls__utm_termTEXTcalls.utm_termutm_term as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__utmaTEXTcalls.utmaGoogle Analytics _utma value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__utmbTEXTcalls.utmbGoogle Analytics _utmb value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__utmcTEXTcalls.utmcGoogle Analytics _utmc value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__utmvTEXTcalls.utmvGoogle Analytics _utmv value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__utmzTEXTcalls.utmzGoogle Analytics _utmz value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.calls
calls__valueTEXTcalls.valueA number representing the monetary value of this call.calls
calls__voicemailBOOLEANcalls.voicemailWhether the call ended with a voicemail (true) or not (false).calls
calls__waveformsTEXTcalls.waveformsOnly present if the call was recorded. Contains the URLs of two images representing the volume of the call over time.calls
calls__zip_codeTEXTcalls.zip_codeA list of each zip code entered by the caller as part of the geo-routing step of a call flow. See our support article for more information.calls
companies__callscore_enabledBOOLEANcompanies.callscore_enabledWhether or not the company has CallScore enabled. See CallScore.companies
companies__callscribe_enabledBOOLEANcompanies.callscribe_enabledWhether or not the company has Transcripts and Call Highlights enabled. See Transcripts and Call Highlights.companies
companies__created_atTEXTcompanies.created_atThe date and time the company was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).companies
companies__disabled_atTEXTcompanies.disabled_atThe date and time the company was disabled in UTC (ISO 8601 format). If the company is still enabled, this value will be null.companies
companies__dni_activeBOOLEANcompanies.dni_activeWhether or not the company has the Javascript Snippet enabled. This field will be null if the Javascript Snippet has never been installed. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.companies
companies__form_captureBOOLEANcompanies.form_captureIndicates whether the company has the external form capture feature enabled.companies
companies__idTEXTcompanies.idUnique identifier for the company.companies
companies__keyword_spotting_enabledBOOLEANcompanies.keyword_spotting_enabled(Deprecated) Indicates whether the company had the Keyword Spotting feature enabled. This field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect. It’s been replaced, see Automation Rules.companies
companies__lead_scoring_enabledBOOLEANcompanies.lead_scoring_enabledWhether or not the company has manual lead scoring enabled.companies
companies__nameTEXTcompanies.nameName of the company.companies
companies__script_urlTEXTcompanies.script_urlThe URL for the CallRail tracking script for this company. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.companies
companies__statusTEXTcompanies.statusIndicates whether the company is currently “active” or “disabled”.companies
NUMERICcompanies.swap_cookie_durationMaximum cookie duration length. Each time a visitor browses the website, their cookie expiration dates will be updated according to this value. Visitors who clear their cookies, return after the cookie expires, or use a different web browser will be treated as new visitors. A maximum duration of 6 months is allowed.companies
companies__swap_exclude_jqueryTEXTcompanies.swap_exclude_jquery(Deprecated) CallRail’s DNI script no longer requires jQuery; this field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect.companies
companies__swap_landing_overrideTEXTcompanies.swap_landing_overrideOption to override the original source when a visitor arrives on a landing page containing a given param.companies
companies__swap_ppc_overrideTEXTcompanies.swap_ppc_overrideOption to override the original source when a visitor arrives via PPC.companies
companies__time_zoneTEXTcompanies.time_zoneTime Zone configured for this company.companies
conversations__company_idTEXTconversations.company_idAn ID indicating which company the message belongs to.conversations
conversations__company_time_zoneTEXTconversations.company_time_zoneThe timezone of the company associated with the conversation.conversations
conversations__current_tracker_idTEXTconversations.current_tracker_idUnique identifier for the tracking number used most recently in the conversation.conversations
conversations__current_tracking_numberTEXTconversations.current_tracking_numberThe tracking phone number used in the most recent conversation (in E.164 format).conversations
conversations__customer_nameTEXTconversations.customer_nameThe customer’s nameconversations
conversations__customer_phone_numberTEXTconversations.customer_phone_numberThe customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).conversations
conversations__formatted_current_tracking_numberTEXTconversations.formatted_current_tracking_numberThe current_tracking_number formatted for display.conversations
conversations__formatted_customer_nameTEXTconversations.formatted_customer_nameThe name or the customer, formatted for display.conversations
conversations__formatted_customer_phone_numberTEXTconversations.formatted_customer_phone_numberThe phone number of the customer, formatted for display.conversations
conversations__formatted_initial_tracking_numberTEXTconversations.formatted_initial_tracking_numberThe initial_tracking_number formatted for display.conversations
conversations__idTEXTconversations.idUnique alphanumeric identifier for the text conversation.conversations
conversations__initial_tracker_idTEXTconversations.initial_tracker_idUnique identifier for the tracking number used to start the conversation.conversations
conversations__initial_tracking_numberTEXTconversations.initial_tracking_numberThe tracking phone number used to start the conversation (in E.164 format).conversations
conversations__last_message_atTEXTconversations.last_message_atThe date and time the text was received or sent in UTC, in ISO 8601 format.conversations
conversations__lead_statusTEXTconversations.lead_statusThe current lead status for the text conversation. One of previously_marked_good_lead, or null.conversations
conversations__recent_messagesTEXTconversations.recent_messagesJSON array containing up to two previous text messages in the current conversation.conversations
conversations__stateTEXTconversations.stateWhether or not the conversation is active or archived in CallRail. One of “active” or “archived”.conversations
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateThe Date
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
todayDATETodayToday's date
users__companiesTEXTusers.companiesA list of the companies the user has access to, including the id and name.users
users__created_atTEXTusers.created_atThe date and time the user was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).users
users__emailTEXTusers.emailThe email address associated with this user.users
users__first_nameTEXTusers.first_nameThe user’s first name.users
users__idTEXTusers.idUnique identifier for the user.users
users__last_nameTEXTusers.last_nameThe user’s last name.users
users__nameTEXTusers.nameFull name of the user formatted for display.users
users__roleTEXTusers.roleThe user’s permission within this CallRail account. One of “admin”, “reporting”, or “manager”.users
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20