Windsor brings all your Adtraction data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, Azure, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL
Adtraction Field Reference
ID | Type | Name | Description | Report |
account_id | TEXT | Account ID | The Account ID | |
account_name | TEXT | Account Name | The Account Name | |
advertiser_account_currency | TEXT | Advertiser Account Currency | The currency used in your account in ISO 4217 format | |
advertiser_account_market | TEXT | Advertiser Account Market | The Market on which your program is available, defined by an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code | |
advertiser_account_program_id | TEXT | Advertiser Account Program ID | Numerical ID of your program | |
advertiser_account_program_name | TEXT | Advertiser Account Program Name | Name of your program | |
advertiser_channel_affiliate_id | TEXT | Advertiser Channel Affiliate ID | Numerical ID of a partner account. | |
advertiser_channel_affiliate_name | TEXT | Advertiser Channel Affiliate Name | Name of the partner. Individual or company. | |
advertiser_channel_application_date | DATE | Advertiser Channel Application Date | The date when the channel first applied to join your program. | |
advertiser_channel_approval_status | TEXT | Advertiser Channel Approval Status | Approval status of a channel for a partner program: 0 = rejected, 1 = approved, 2 = pending review | |
advertiser_channel_description | TEXT | Advertiser Channel Description | A description of a channel. | |
advertiser_channel_id | TEXT | Advertiser Channel ID | ID of the channel. | |
advertiser_channel_name | TEXT | Advertiser Channel Name | Name of the channel. | |
advertiser_channel_reject_reason_id | TEXT | Advertiser Channel Reject Reason ID | Available when approvalStatus is set to: 0. The reason for the program application being rejected, where: 0 = Not enough content/posts, 1 = Not relevant content, 2 = A closed site/group/account, 3 = 404 on site, 4 = Site does not exist, 5 = Wrong contact details / shady details, 6 = Unethical content, 7 = Incorrect site owner, 8 = Missing info about the channel. No URL/link, 9 = To few followers/visitors, 10 = Poor design, 11 = Traffic is not relevant. 12 = Outdated content | |
advertiser_channel_reject_reason_text | TEXT | Advertiser Channel Reject Reason | Available when approvalStatus is set to: 0. The reason for the program application being rejected. | |
advertiser_channel_type | TEXT | Advertiser Channel Type | The type of a channel, such as Blog, Content, Facebook, Cashback, etc. | |
advertiser_channel_url | TEXT | Advertiser Channel URL | The URL of a channel, if applicable. | |
advertiser_segment_id | TEXT | Advertiser Segment ID | Numerical Adtraction ID of the segment | |
advertiser_segment_name | TEXT | Advertiser Segment Name | The name of the segment | |
advertiser_stats_channel_aov | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Average Order Value (AOV) | Average order value, obtained by dividing order value by number of sale transactions | |
advertiser_stats_channel_clicks | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Clicks | Number of clicks | |
advertiser_stats_channel_clicks_unique | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Unique Clicks | Number of unique clicks | |
advertiser_stats_channel_conversion_ratio | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Conversion Ratio | Conversion Ratio, obtained by dividing sales by clicksUnique | |
advertiser_stats_channel_cost | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Cost | The total cost of the transaction, including partner commission and platform fee | |
advertiser_stats_channel_ctr | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics CTR | Click Through Ratio, obtained by dividing clicks by impressions | |
advertiser_stats_channel_id | TEXT | Advertiser Statistics Channel ID | ID of the channel | |
advertiser_stats_channel_impressions | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Impressions | Number of banner / links impressions | |
advertiser_stats_channel_impressions_unique | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Unique Impressions | Number of unique banner / links impressions | |
advertiser_stats_channel_lead_ratio | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Lead Ratio | Lead Ratio, obtained by dividing leads by clicksUnique | |
advertiser_stats_channel_leads | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Leads | Number of lead transactions | |
advertiser_stats_channel_order_value | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Order Value | Order value of the sale transactions | |
advertiser_stats_channel_sales | NUMERIC | Advertiser Statistics Sales | Number of sale transactions | |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
date | DATE | Date | The Date | |
day_of_month | TEXT | Day of month | Day of the month | |
month | TEXT | Month | Number of the month | |
partner_market | TEXT | Partner Market | ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code | |
partner_market_id | TEXT | Partner Market ID | Numerical Adtraction ID of the market | |
partner_market_name | TEXT | Partner Market Name | Market name | |
partner_program_ad_id | TEXT | Partner Program Ad ID | Numerical ID of the ad. When using /partner/programs/ the adId provided is equal to the programAdId for each partner program. Use this as the parameter 'a' in your tracking links | |
partner_program_approval_status | TEXT | Partner Program Approval Status | Approval status for a partner program. Only available when channelId is provided as input and when an application has been made by the channelId to the programId. 0 = rejected, 1 = approved, 2 = pending review | |
partner_program_cashback_marketing | TEXT | Partner Program Cashback Marketing Rule | Rules for cashback / reward partners: 0 = not allowed, 1 = allowed | |
partner_program_category_id | TEXT | Partner Program Category ID | Numerical ID of the category that the partner program belongs to on the Adtraction platform | |
partner_program_category_name | TEXT | Partner Program Category Name | The name of the category that the partner program belongs to on the Adtraction platform | |
partner_program_commissions | TEXT | Partner Program Commisions | Array containing the name, value and type of all currently active commissions types in a partner program | |
partner_program_cookie_duration | TEXT | Partner Program Cookie Duration | Number of days after each click during which transactions are tracked | |
partner_program_coupon_marketing | TEXT | Partner Program Coupon Marketing Rule | Advertising rules for voucher / coupon partners, where: 0 = not allowed, 1 = allowed | |
partner_program_currency | TEXT | Partner Program Currency | The currency used for the program. ISO 4217 format | |
partner_program_current_segment | TEXT | Partner Program Current Segment | The commission segment the specified channel currently belongs to in the specified partner program. Only available when channelId is provided as input. | |
partner_program_email_marketing | TEXT | Partner Program Email Marketing Rule | Rules for Email Marketing, where: 0 = not allowed, 1 = allowed, 2 = restricted (preview is required) | |
partner_program_epc | NUMERIC | Partner Program EPC | EPC (Earnings Per Click) is a measurement of the average amount that partners earn every time they direct a click to a partner program. It serves as an indicator of the profitability of each program, and is determined by averaging the EPC for all channels active on the program, excluding the top and bottom 5 %. | |
partner_program_feeds | TEXT | Partner Program Feeds | Information about product data feeds provided by the advertiser. Only available when channelId is provided and approvalStatus = 1. | |
partner_program_id | TEXT | Partner Program ID | Numerical ID of the partner program. | |
partner_program_logo_url | IMAGE_URL | Partner Program Logo URL | URL of the advertiser logo image file | |
partner_program_market | TEXT | Partner Program Market | Geographical market on which a partner program is available, defined by an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code | |
partner_program_name | TEXT | Partner Program Name | Name of the partner program | |
partner_program_pending_active | BOOLEAN | Partner Program Pending Active | Set to true if the advertiser reviews transactions manually. Transactions will have status Pending until they are approved or rejected by the advertiser | |
partner_program_ppc_marketing | TEXT | Partner Program PPC Marketing Rule | Rules for Pay Per Click Marketing (Google Adwords, etc), where: 0 = not allowed,1 = allowed, 2 = restricted (no brand bidding) | |
partner_program_social_marketing | TEXT | Partner Program Social Marketing Rule | Rules for Social Media Marketing (Facebook, etc), where: 0 = not allowed, 1 = allowed | |
partner_program_status | TEXT | Partner Program Status | The status of the partner program on the Adtraction platform, where Live = 0 and Closing = 3 | |
partner_program_tracking_type | TEXT | Partner Program Tracking Type | The type of tracking the advertiser has implemented where 1 or 5 = first-party cookie tracking, 2 = server-to-server tracking, 3 = legacy cookie tracking, 4 = dedicated subdomain tracking | |
partner_program_tracking_url | TEXT | Partner Program Tracking URL | Default click tracking URL for a specified channel and partner program, where "a" is the adId and "as" is the channelId. Only available when channelId is provided as input and approvalStatus is "1" (approved). | |
partner_program_url | TEXT | Partner Program URL | Main URL for a specified partner program | |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date | |
week | TEXT | Week | Week (Sun-Sat). | |
week_day | TEXT | Day of week and day number | Weekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday. | |
week_day_iso | TEXT | Day of week and day number, ISO | Weekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7 | |
week_iso | TEXT | Week ISO | Week, ISO format (Mon-Sun). | |
year | TEXT | Year | Year | |
year_month | TEXT | Yearmonth | Year and month, e.g. 2024|3 | |
year_of_week | TEXT | Year of week | The year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat). | |
year_of_week_iso | TEXT | Year of week, ISO | The year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun). | |
year_week | TEXT | Year week | Year and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15 | |
year_week_iso | TEXT | Year week ISO | Year and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20 |