Adjust Field Reference



ad_impressionsNUMERICAd ImpressionsThe total number of ads served to end-users.
ad_revenueNUMERICAd RevenueThe total revenue generated by serving in-app ads.
ad_rpmNUMERICAd RPMAd Revenue per Mille Impressions. Your ad revenue per thousand ad impressions.
adgroupTEXTAdgroupString value usually contains adgroup name and id.
adgroup_id_networkTEXTAdgroup ID NetworkAdgroup ID from the network
adgroup_networkTEXTAdgroup NetworkAdgroup name from the network
adjust_costNUMERICAd Spend (Attribution)The amount of money spent on ads. Calculated using only data retrieved using Adjust’s cost-on-engagement method.
all_revenueNUMERICAll RevenueThe amount of revenue, generated by an app, calculated using all revenue sources.
appTEXTAppName of the app
app_tokenTEXTApp TokenApp ID in the Adjust system
arpdauNUMERICARPDAU (All)Average revenue per daily active user, calculated using all sources of revenue.
arpdau_adNUMERICARPDAU (Ad)Average revenue per daily active user, calculated using only revenue from serving ads.
arpdau_iapNUMERICARPDAU (IAP)Average revenue per daily active user, calculated using in-app purchase revenue.
assisted_installsNUMERICAssisted InstallsThe number of app installs that qualified for attribution but were not selected. Organic users do not have any engagement with an Adjust link, therefore are not considered as assisting an install.
assisted_reattributionsNUMERICAssisted ReattributionsThe number of app installs that qualified for reattribution but were not selected.
base_sessionsNUMERICBase SessionsThe number of user sessions, excluding installs and reattributions.
business_regionREGIONBusiness RegionBusiness region.
campaignTEXTCampaignString value usually contains campaign name and id.
campaign_id_networkTEXTCampaign ID NetworkCampaign ID from the network
campaign_networkTEXTCampaign NetworkCampaign name from the network
cancelsNUMERICCancelsTransaction is not renewed at the end of the subscription period, because the user unsubscribes or the billing retry renewal fails. Only available with Subscription Tracking Growth Solution.
channelTEXTChannelA combination of partner_name and network.
click_based_qualifiersNUMERICAssisting ClicksAll of the user clicks that were considered, but not awarded the attribution.
click_based_qualifiers_per_assisted_installsNUMERICAverage Clicks per Assisted InstallThe average number of clicks that assisted an install.
click_based_reattribution_qualifiersNUMERICAssisting Clicks for ReattributionsAll of the user clicks that were considered, but not awarded the reattribution.
click_conversion_rateNUMERICClick Conversion Rate (CCR)The average number of clicks it takes for a user to install your app.
click_costNUMERICClick CostThe costs of clicks.
clicksNUMERICClicksThe number of times a user clicked on a creative.
clicks_attributionNUMERICClicks (Attribution)The number of times a user clicked on a creative.
clicks_networkNUMERICClicks (Network)The number of clicks reported by the network.
cohort_ad_revenueNUMERICAd Revenue (Cohort)The total ad revenue generated within your selected timeframe up to the current date. calculated per period. It is cumulative and based on tracked ad revenue reported by the Adjust SDK or recorded server-to-server. Example: If the selected time frame is Jan 1-31, and today is May 1st, the revenue is counted up to May 1st.
cohort_all_revenueNUMERICAll Revenue (Cohort)The total amount of in-app revenue and ad revenue generated from users who installed your app within your selected timeframe up to the current date. It is cumulative and based on tracked events reported by the Adjust SDK or server-to-server. Example: If the selected time frame is Jan 1-31, and today is May 1st, the revenue is counted up to May 1st.
cohort_gross_profitNUMERICGross profit (Cohort)The cohorted gross profit.
cohort_revenueNUMERICRevenue (Cohort)The total in-app revenue generated from users who installed your app within your selected timeframe up to the current date. It is cumulative and based on tracked events reported by the Adjust SDK or server-to-server. Example: If the selected time frame is Jan 1-31, and today is May 1st, the revenue is counted up to May 1st.
conversion_1NUMERIConversion Bit 1 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the corresponding conversion event has been triggered. This KPIs only have meaning when you are using the conversion events model.
conversion_2NUMERIConversion Bit 2 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the corresponding conversion event has been triggered. This KPIs only have meaning when you are using the conversion events model.
conversion_3NUMERIConversion Bit 3 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the corresponding conversion event has been triggered. This KPIs only have meaning when you are using the conversion events model.
conversion_4NUMERIConversion Bit 4 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the corresponding conversion event has been triggered. This KPIs only have meaning when you are using the conversion events model.
conversion_5NUMERIConversion Bit 5 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the corresponding conversion event has been triggered. This KPIs only have meaning when you are using the conversion events model.
conversion_6NUMERIConversion Bit 6 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the corresponding conversion event has been triggered. This KPIs only have meaning when you are using the conversion events model.
conversion_value_0NUMERICConversion Value 0 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the conversion value is equal to 0 (install). A conversion value of 0 is returned when the user has installed the app but not triggered any mapped conversion value criteria.
conversion_value_1NUMERICConversion Value 1 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_10NUMERICConversion Value 10 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_11NUMERICConversion Value 11 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_12NUMERICConversion Value 12 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_13NUMERICConversion Value 13 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_14NUMERICConversion Value 14 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_15NUMERICConversion Value 15 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_16NUMERICConversion Value 16 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_17NUMERICConversion Value 17 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_18NUMERICConversion Value 18 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_19NUMERICConversion Value 19 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_2NUMERICConversion Value 2 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_20NUMERICConversion Value 20 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_21NUMERICConversion Value 21 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_22NUMERICConversion Value 22 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_23NUMERICConversion Value 23 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_24NUMERICConversion Value 24 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_25NUMERICConversion Value 25 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_26NUMERICConversion Value 26 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_27NUMERICConversion Value 27 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_28NUMERICConversion Value 28 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_29NUMERICConversion Value 29 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_3NUMERICConversion Value 3 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_30NUMERICConversion Value 30 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_31NUMERICConversion Value 31 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_32NUMERICConversion Value 32 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_33NUMERICConversion Value 33 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_34NUMERICConversion Value 34 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_35NUMERICConversion Value 35 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_36NUMERICConversion Value 36 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_37NUMERICConversion Value 37 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_38NUMERICConversion Value 38 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_39NUMERICConversion Value 39 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_4NUMERICConversion Value 4 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_40NUMERICConversion Value 40 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_41NUMERICConversion Value 41 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_42NUMERICConversion Value 42 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_43NUMERICConversion Value 43 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_44NUMERICConversion Value 44 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_45NUMERICConversion Value 45 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_46NUMERICConversion Value 46 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_47NUMERICConversion Value 47 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_48NUMERICConversion Value 48 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_49NUMERICConversion Value 49 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_5NUMERICConversion Value 5 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_50NUMERICConversion Value 50 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_51NUMERICConversion Value 51 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_52NUMERICConversion Value 52 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_53NUMERICConversion Value 53 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_54NUMERICConversion Value 54 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_55NUMERICConversion Value 55 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_56NUMERICConversion Value 56 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_57NUMERICConversion Value 57 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_58NUMERICConversion Value 58 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_59NUMERICConversion Value 59 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_6NUMERICConversion Value 6 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_60NUMERICConversion Value 60 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_61NUMERICConversion Value 61 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_62NUMERICConversion Value 62 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_63NUMERICConversion Value 63 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_7NUMERICConversion Value 7 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_8NUMERICConversion Value 8 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_9NUMERICConversion Value 9 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks with the corresponding conversion value.
conversion_value_totalNUMERICConversion Value Total (SKAdNetwork)Returns the sum of all conversion values as a single integer. The count of each conversion value is multiplied by its conversion value. For example: for conversion value 40 the total number of recorded occurrences is multiplied by 40 to give the resulting total conversion value.
costNUMERICAd SpendThe amount of money spent on ads.
countryCOUNTRYCountryCountry name
country_codeCOUNTRYCountry Code2-character value ISO 3166
creativeTEXTCreativeString value usually contains creative name and id.
creative_id_networkTEXTCreative ID NetworkCreative ID from the network
creative_networkTEXTCreative NetworkCreative name from the network
ctrPERCENTClick Through Rate (CTR)The percentage of clicks you received per impressions served.
currencyTEXTCurrencyCurrency name
currency_codeTEXTCurrency Code3-character value ISO 4217
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateThe Date
dausNUMERICAvg. DAUsThe average number of unique daily active users (DAU) for your selected timeframe.
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
deattributionsNUMERICDeattributionsThe total number of users that are removed away from the first attribution source to a reattribution source.
device_typeTEXTDevice TypePossible values: bot, console, ipod, mac, pc, phone, server, simulator, tablet, tv, unknown
ecpcNUMERICeCPCEffective cost per click.
ecpiNUMERICeCPI (Paid Installs)Effect cost per install on paid installs.
ecpi_allNUMERICeCPI (All Installs)Effective cost per install on all installs.
ecpmNUMERICeCPM (Attribution)Effective cost per mille (one thousand impressions) reported by the Attribution ad spend source.
event_costNUMERICEvent CostThe costs of events
first_reinstallsNUMERICFirst ReinstallsThe number of first time reinstalls per period of time. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.
first_uninstallsNUMERICFirst UninstallsThe number of first time uninstalls per period of time. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.
gdpr_forgetsNUMERICGDPR ForgetsThe total number of users who have exercised their right to be forgotten under the EU's GDPR. Adjust permanently deletes the historical personal data for these users but retains their aggregated data for dashboard reporting. Read more about GDPR reporting.
general_revenue_events_estNUMERICTotal Revenue Events (SKAdNetwork) - AverageTotal revenue events include the following revenue event types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue . This metric returns the average number of total revenue events triggered within your conversion value ranges.
general_revenue_events_maxNUMERICTotal Revenue Events (SKAdNetwork) - MaxTotal revenue events include the following revenue event types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue. This metric returns the highest number of total revenue events triggered within your conversion value ranges.
general_revenue_events_minNUMERICTotal Revenue Events (SKAdNetwork) - MinTotal revenue events include the following revenue event types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue. This metric returns the lowest number of total revenue events triggered within your conversion value ranges.
general_revenue_revenue_estNUMERICTotal Revenue (SKAdNetwork) - AverageTotal revenue is calculated from the following conversion value revenue types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue. This metric returns the average amount of total revenue earned from your conversion value ranges.
general_revenue_revenue_maxNUMERICTotal Revenue (SKAdNetwork) - MaxTotal revenue is calculated from the following conversion value revenue types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue. This metric returns the highest amount of total revenue earned from your conversion value ranges.
general_revenue_revenue_minNUMERICTotal Revenue (SKAdNetwork) - MinTotal revenue is calculated from the following conversion value revenue types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue. This metric returns the lowest amount of total revenue earned from your conversion value ranges.
gross_profitNUMERICGross profitRevenue minus ad spend.
impression_based_qualifiersNUMERICAssisting ImpressionsAll of the user impressions that were considered, but not awarded the attribution.
impression_based_qualifiers_per_assisted_installsNUMERICAverage Impressions per Assisted InstallThe average number of impressions that assisted an installs.
impression_based_reattribution_qualifiersNUMERICAssisting Impressions for ReattributionsAll of the user impressions that were considered, but not awarded the reattribution.
impression_conversion_ratePERCENTImpression Conversion Rate (ICR)The percentage of app installs per ad impressions served.
impression_costNUMERICImpression CostCost of impressions.
impressionsNUMERICImpressionsThe total number of ad impressions tracked for your campaigns.
install_costNUMERICInstall CostThe costs of installs.
installsNUMERICInstallsThe number of installs for your app.
installs_per_mileNUMERICInstalls per Mile (IPM)Installs per one thousand impressions.
invalid_payloadsNUMERICInvalid Payloads (SKAdNetwork)Counter of SKAdnetwork postbacks (install/reinstall), which are invalid based on the verification via the attribution-signature.
limit_ad_tracking_install_ratePERCENTLimit Ad Tracking RateThe percentage of your total installs coming from devices with LAT enabled.
limit_ad_tracking_installsNUMERICLimit Ad Tracking InstallsThe total number of installs coming from devices with limit ad tracking (LAT) enabled.
limit_ad_tracking_reattribution_ratePERCENTLimit Ad Tracking Reattribution RateThe percentage of your total reattributions coming from devices with LAT enabled.
limit_ad_tracking_reattributionsNUMERICLimit Ad Tracking ReattributionsThe total number of reattributions coming from devices with LAT enabled.
mausNUMERICAvg. MAUsThe average number of unique monthly active users (MAU) for your selected timeframe.
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
networkTEXTNetworkThe name of the advertising network
network_ad_spend_skanNUMERICAd Spend (Network - SKAdNetwork)The amount of ad spend related to SKAdNetwork campaigns, as reported by the network partner.
network_costNUMERICAd Spend (Network)Shows ad spend data retrieved using the Network API.
network_cost_diffNUMERICAd Spend Diff (Network)Shows an absolute value with the difference between the Attribution and Network sources.
network_ecpiNUMERICeCPI (Network)Effective cost per install reported by the Network API.
network_ecpmNUMERICeCPM (Network)Effective cost per mille (one thousand impressions) reported by the Network API.
network_impressionsNUMERICImpressions (Network)Number of impressions reported by the network.
network_installsNUMERICInstalls (Network)The number of installs reported by the network.
network_installs_diffNUMERICInstalls Diff (Network)Shows an absolute value with the difference between the Attribution and Network sources.
non_assisted_installsNUMERICNon-Assisted InstallsThe number of app installs that had no qualifying touchpoints within the attribution window prior to the attributed engagement. Organic users do not have any engagement with an Adjust link, therefore are not considered as assisting an install.
non_organic_installsNUMERICNon-Organic InstallsThe number of Installs that are not attributed to an Organic source.
organic_installsNUMERICOrganic InstallsThe number of Installs that are attributed to an Organic source.
os_nameTEXTOS NamePossible values: android, bada, blackberry, ios, linux, macos, server, symbian, unknown, webos, windows, windows-phone
NUMERICClicks (Paid)The number of clicks, for which there is cost data.
NUMERICImpressions (Paid)The number of impressions for which there is ad spend data.
NUMERICInstalls (Paid)The number of installs, for which there is ad spend data.
partner_idTEXTPartner IDPartner’s id in the Adjust system.
partner_nameTEXTPartner NamePartner's name in the Adjust system.
partner_slugTEXTPartner SlugThe unique slug of the partner.
platformTEXTPlatformThe device operating system/platform. Supported platforms: android, android-tv, bada, blackberry, facebook, fire-tv, ios, linux, macos, server, symbian, webos, windows, windows-phone
qualifiersNUMERICAssisting EngagementsAll of the user touchpoints that were considered, but not awarded the attribution. These can be clicks or impressions, but must fall within the link's attribution window.
qualifiers_per_assisted_installsNUMERICAverage Engagements per Assisted InstallThe average number of engagements that assisted an install.
quarterTEXTQuarterQ YYYY
reattribution_qualifiersNUMERICAssisting Engagements for ReattributionsAll of the user touchpoints that were considered, but not awarded the reattribution. These can be clicks or impressions, but must fall within the link's reattribution window.
reattribution_reinstallsNUMERICReattribution ReinstallsThe total number of reinstalls that occurred that also led to a reattribution.
reattributionsNUMERICReattributionThe total number of reattributions that have occurred. See reattribution tracking.
reinstallsNUMERICReinstallsThe total number of reinstalls that have occurred. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.
rejected_install_anon_ip_ratePERCENTRejected Installs Anonymous IP RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust has rejected because they came from an anonymous IP.
rejected_install_click_injection_ratePERCENTRejected Installs Click Injection RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust rejected for falsified clicks sent between an app download and install.
rejected_install_distribution_outlier_ratePERCENTRejected Installs Distribution Outlier RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust rejected for falling outside the threshold set by our distribution modeling analysis.
rejected_install_invalid_signature_ratePERCENTInvalid Signature Rejected Install RateRate of rejected installs due to invalid Signature.
rejected_install_malformed_advertising_idNUMERICRejected Installs Malformed Advertising IDThe total number of installs that Adjust rejected because they had a malformed advertising ID.
rejected_install_malformed_advertising_id_ratePERCENTRejected Installs Malformed Advertising ID RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust rejected because of the malformed advertising ID.
rejected_install_ratePERCENTRejected Install RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust has identified and rejected as fraudulent. The calculation for the Total row excludes Organic and Untrusted Devices trackers.
rejected_install_too_many_engagements_ratePERCENTRejected Installs Too Many Engagements RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust rejected for registering too many engagements within the attribution window.
rejected_installsNUMERICRejected InstallsThe total number of installs that Adjust identified and rejected as fraudulent.
rejected_installs_anon_ipNUMERICRejected Installs Anonymous IPThe total number of installs that Adjust rejected because they came from anonymous IPs.
rejected_installs_click_injectionNUMERICRejected Installs Click InjectionThe total number of installs Adjust rejected for falsified clicks sent between an app download and install.
rejected_installs_distribution_outlierNUMERICRejected Installs Distribution OutlierThe total number of installs Adjust rejected for falling outside the threshold set by our distribution modeling analysis.
rejected_installs_invalid_signatureNUMERICRejected Installs SDK SignatureThe total number of installs Adjust rejected for containing an invalid or missing SDK Signature.
rejected_installs_too_many_engagementsNUMERICRejected Installs Too Many EngagementsThe total number of installs that Adjust rejected for registering too many engagements within the attribution window.
rejected_reattribution_anon_ip_ratePERCENTRejected Reattributions Anonymous IP RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has rejected because they came from an anonymous IP.
rejected_reattribution_distribution_outlier_ratePERCENTRejected Reattributions Distribution Outlier RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has rejected for falling outside the threshold set by our distribution modeling analysis.
rejected_reattribution_ratePERCENTRejected Reattribution RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has identified and rejected as fraudulent. The calculation for the Total row excludes rejected installs from your Organic and Untrusted Devices trackers.
rejected_reattribution_too_many_engagements_ratePERCENTRejected Reattributions Too Many Engagements RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has rejected for registering too many engagements within the attribution window.
rejected_reattributionsNUMERICRejected ReattributionThe total number of reattributions Adjust identified and rejected as fraudulent.
rejected_reattributions_anon_ipNUMERICRejected Reattributions Anonymous IPThe total number of reattributions that Adjust rejected because they came from an anonymous IP.
rejected_reattributions_click_injectionNUMERICRejected Reattributions Click InjectionThe total number of reattributions rejected for falsified clicks between an app download and install for a user who previously had your app installed and had that install attributed within Adjust.
rejected_reattributions_click_injection_ratePERCENTRejected Reattributions Click Injection RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has rejected for falsified clicks sent between an app download and install for a user who previously had your app installed and had that install attributed within Adjust.
rejected_reattributions_distribution_outlierNUMERICRejected Reattributions Distribution OutlierThe total number of reattributions rejected for falling outside the threshold set by our distribution modeling analysis.
rejected_reattributions_too_many_engagementsNUMERICRejected Reattributions Too Many EngagementsThe total number of reattributions rejected for registering too many engagements within the reattribution window.
return_on_investmentNUMERICReturn On Investment (ROI)The cohorted gross profit divided by ad spend.
revenueNUMERICRevenueThe total revenue your app has generated within a selected timeframe based on the tracked revenue events reported by the Adjust SDK or as recorded via server-to-server event tracking.
revenue_eventsNUMERICRevenue EventsThe total number of revenue events that have been triggered.
revenue_to_costNUMERICRevenue To Cost Ratio (RCR)The revenue-to-cost ratio.
roasPERCENTROAS (All Revenue)Return on ad spend, calculated using all sources of revenue.
roas_adPERCENTROAS (Ad Revenue)Return on ad spend, calculated using only ad revenue.
roas_iapPERCENTROAS (IAP Revenue)Return on ad spend, calculated using only in-app revenue.
sessionsNUMERICSessionsThe total number of sessions, including installs (first sessions), reinstalls, reattributions, and reattribution reinstalls that have occurred.
skad_conversion_value_gt_0NUMERICConversion Value greater than 0 (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the conversion value is greater than 0 (install).
skad_conversion_value_nullNUMERICConversion Value Null (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of all valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where the conversion value is null, or the count of all installs and reinstalls minus those with a conversion value not greater than or equal to 0.
skad_ecpiNUMERICeCPI (SKAdNetwork)Effective cost per install on all installs through SKAdNetwork.
skad_installsNUMERICInstalls (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where redownload = false. SKAdNetwork postbacks are valid when the attribution signature is correct.
skad_qualifiersNUMERICQualifiers (SKAdNetwork)Returns the number of installs that had a touchpoint with the network, but did not win the final SKAdNetwork attribution. This means the SKAd postback returned a did-win: false flag.
skad_reinstallsNUMERICReinstalls (SKAdNetwork)Returns the count of valid SKAdNetwork postbacks where redownload = true. SKAdNetwork postbacks are valid when the attribution signature is correct.
skad_revenue_est_roasNUMERICROAS (SKAN average)Average return on ad spend, calculated using only revenue and spend data from SKAdNetwork.
skad_revenue_est_roiNUMERICROI (SKAN average)The average return on investment, calculated using only SKAdNetwork data.
skad_revenue_max_roasNUMERICROAS (SKAN maximum)Maximum return on ad spend, calculated using only revenue and spend data from SKAdNetwork.
skad_revenue_max_roiNUMERICROI (SKAN maximum)The maximum return on investment, calculated using only SKAdNetwork data.
skad_revenue_min_roasNUMERICROAS (SKAN minimum)Minimum return on ad spend, calculated using only revenue and spend data from SKAdNetwork.
skad_revenue_min_roiNUMERICROI (SKAN minimum)The minimum return on investment, calculated using only SKAdNetwork data.
skad_total_installsNUMERICTotal Installs (SKAdNetwork)Number of installs and reinstalls reported by SKAdNetwork.
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
source_id_networkTEXTSource ID NetworkID of the source network.
source_networkTEXTSource NetworkName of the source network. Optional value dependent on the network.
spendNUMERICSpendThe amount of money spent on ads. (Duplicate cost)
store_idTEXTStore IDStore App ID
store_typeTEXTStore TypeStore from where the app was installed
todayDATETodayToday's date
totalcostNUMERICTotal CostThe amount of money spent on ads. (Duplicate cost)
uninstall_cohortNUMERICUninstalls (Cohort)The total number of uninstalls from users who installed your app within your selected timeframe. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.
uninstallsNUMERICUninstallsNumber of uninstalls. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.
valid_conversionsNUMERICValid Conversions (SKAdNetwork)Counter of SKAdN postbacks (install/reinstall) that have a valid conversion value (0-63) attached. It shows the number of postbacks where the conversion value was not null.
wausNUMERICAvg. WAUsThe average number of unique weekly active users (WAU) for your selected timeframe.
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20