Windsor brings all your TikTok Ads data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL
TikTok Ads Field Reference

Sample[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=campaign,clicks,spend,impressions,date,source&_renderer=csv
ID | Type | Name | Description | Report |
ac | TEXT | ac | Group by network | ac |
account_id | TEXT | Account ID | The TikTok Ads account ID | Account |
account_name | TEXT | Account Name | The TikTok Ads account name | Account |
ad_format | TEXT | Ad Format | The ad format. Enum values: SINGLE_IMAGE, SINGLE_VIDEO, LIVE_CONTENT, CAROUSEL_ADS, CATALOG_CAROUSEL. | |
ad_group_budget_mode | TEXT | Ad Group Budget mode | Ad Group budget mode. If Campaign Budget Optimization is enabled, BUDGET_MODE_INFINITE will be returned. | |
ad_group_id | TEXT | Ad Group ID | Ad group ID | Ad |
ad_group_name | TEXT | Ad Group Name | Ad group name | Ad |
ad_group_operation_status | TEXT | Ad group operation status | Ad Group operation status. Enum values: ENABLE, DISABLE, FROZEN. | |
ad_group_placement_type | TEXT | Ad Group Placement type | The placement strategy that decides where your ads will be shown. Enum values: PLACEMENT_TYPE_AUTOMATIC (Automatic placement), PLACEMENT_TYPE_NORMAL (Select placement). | |
ad_group_product_source | TEXT | Ad Group Product Source | Product source where you want to get products for promotion. Possible values: UNSET, CATALOG (Catalog), STORE (TikTok Shop), SHOWCASE (TikTok Showcase). | |
ad_id | TEXT | Ad ID | Ad ID | Ad |
ad_name | TEXT | Ad Name | Ad Name | Ad |
ad_operation_status | TEXT | Ad operation status | Ad operation status. Enum values: ENABLE, DISABLE, FROZEN. | Ad |
ad_playable_url | TEXT | Ad Playable URL | Playable material URL. Only supported by the interactive Playable Ad type. | |
ad_status | TEXT | Ad Status (tiktok) | Ad status | Ad |
ad_text | TEXT | Ad title | Supported at Ad level. | |
adgroup_status | TEXT | Adgroup Status | Adgroup status | |
aeo_type | TEXT | App Event Optimization Type | Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. | |
age | TEXT | Age Range | The Age Range of the Audience | Performance |
anchor_clicks | NUMERIC | Anchor Clicks | The number of clicks on the 'Anchor' button. | |
app_event_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Unique Add to Cart events (app) | The number of unique times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
app_event_add_to_cart_rate | NUMERIC | Add to Cart Rate (app) (%) | The percentage of unique add to cart events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
app_install | NUMERIC | App Install | The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
app_promotion_type | TEXT | App Promotion Type | Supported at Campaign, Ad Group and Ad level. Possible values: APP_INSTALL or APP_RETARGETING if objective type is APP_PROMOTION, otherwise UNSET. | |
average_video_play | NUMERIC | Video Average Watch Time Per Video View | The average time your video was played per single video view, including any time spent replaying the video. | Video |
average_video_play_per_user | NUMERIC | Video Average Watch Time Per Person | The average time your video was played per person, including any time spent replaying the video. This metric is estimated. | Video |
bid | TEXT | Bid | Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. | |
bid_strategy | TEXT | Bid strategy | Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. | |
billing_event | TEXT | Billing Event | Supported at Ad Group and Ad level.Example: `Clicks`, `Impression`. | |
budget | NUMERIC | Ad group budget | Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. | |
budget_optimize_switch | TEXT | Budget Optimize Switch | Whether Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) is enabled | Campaign |
button_click | NUMERIC | Button click events | The number of button click events. | Performance |
call_to_action | TEXT | Call To Action | Call-to-action (CTA) | Ad |
call_to_action_id | TEXT | Call To Action ID (deprecated) | Call-to-action (CTA) ID | Ad |
campaign | TEXT | Campaign | The Campaign Name | Campaign |
campaign_bid_type | TEXT | Campaign Bid Type | Bidding strategy on the campaign level. | Campaign |
campaign_budget | NUMERIC | Campaign Budget | Campaign budget | Campaign |
campaign_budget_mode | TEXT | Campaign Budget mode | Campaign budget mode | Campaign |
campaign_budget_type | TEXT | Campaign Budget Type (deprecated) | Campaign budget type | Campaign |
campaign_creation_time | TIMESTAMP | Campaign Creation Time | Time at which campaign was created | Campaign |
campaign_deep_bid_type | TEXT | Campaign Deep Bid Type | Bidding strategy for in-app events. | Campaign |
campaign_id | TEXT | Campaign ID | The Campaign ID | Campaign |
campaign_modify_time | TIMESTAMP | Campaign Modify Time (deprecated) | Time at which campaign was modified | Campaign |
campaign_name | TEXT | Campaign Name | The Campaign Name | |
campaign_optimize_goal | TEXT | Campaign Optimize Goal (Deprecated) | Campaign Optimization goal. Returned only if Campaign Budget Optimization is enabled. This field isn't supported anymore, use optimization_goal (Adgroup Optimization goal) instead. | Campaign |
campaign_roas_bid | TEXT | ROAS bid | ROAS goal for Value Optimization bid strategies (VO_*) | Campaign |
campaign_status | TEXT | Campaign Status | Campaign status | Campaign |
campaign_type | TEXT | Campaign Type | Campaign objective | Campaign |
clicks | NUMERIC | Clicks | The Number of Clicks | Performance |
comments | NUMERIC | Comments | The number of comments your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad. | Performance |
complete_payment | NUMERIC | Total Complete Payment | Page Event Metric. The number of complete payment events. | Performance |
complete_payment_rate | NUMERIC | Unique Payment Completion Rate (%) | Page Event Metric. The percentage of complete payment events out of all click events. | Performance |
conversion | NUMERIC | Conversion | The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the secondary goal you selected. (Duplicate) | Performance |
conversion_rate | PERCENT | Conversion Rate | The number of conversions and divided by the number of total ad interactions that can be tracked to a conversion. | Performance |
conversion_rate_v2 | NUMERIC | CVR (Impressions) | The percentage of conversions from all impressions on your ads.(The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | |
conversions | NUMERIC | Conversions | The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the secondary goal you selected. | Performance |
cost_per_app_event_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Cost per Add to Cart (app) | The average cost for each unique add to cart event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
cost_per_app_install | NUMERIC | Cost per App Install | The average cost for each app install event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
cost_per_complete_payment | NUMERIC | Average Cost per Complete Payment | Page Event Metric. The average cost of each complete payment event. | Performance |
cost_per_conversion | NUMERIC | Cost per conversion | The cost (Spend) divided by the conversions your ad generates(Conversions) | Performance |
cost_per_create_group | NUMERIC | Cost per Unique Create Group | The average cost for each unique create group event that is attributed toyour ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
cost_per_offline_complete_registration_event | NUMERIC | Cost per Complete Registration (Offline) | The average cost of each offline complete registration event attributed to your TikTok ads. | Performance |
cost_per_onsite_initiate_checkout_count | NUMERIC | Cost per checkout initiated (Shop) | The average cost per TikTok Shop initiate checkout action attributed to your ads. | Performance |
cost_per_onsite_on_web_cart | NUMERIC | Cost per add to cart (Shop) | The average cost per TikTok Shop add-to-cart action attributed to your ads. | Performance |
cost_per_onsite_on_web_detail | NUMERIC | Cost per product page view (Shop) | The average cost per TikTok Shop product details page view attributed to your ads. | Performance |
cost_per_onsite_shopping | NUMERIC | Cost per purchase (Shop) | The average cost per TikTok Shop purchase attributed to your ads. | Performance |
cost_per_registration | NUMERIC | Cost per Unique Registration | The average cost for each unique registration that is attributed to your ad. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
cost_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Total Cost per Add to Cart (app) | Cost per Add to Cart (The total count is based on when you were billed.) | Performance |
cost_per_total_create_group | NUMERIC | Cost per Create Group | Cost per Create Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.) | Performance |
cost_per_total_registration | NUMERIC | Cost per Registration | Cost per Registration (The total count is based on when you were billed.) | Performance |
cost_per_user_registration | NUMERIC | Cost per Complete Registrationn | The average cost of each user registration event. | Performance |
cost_per_web_event_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Cost per Add to Cart (page) | The average cost of each add to cart event. | Performance |
country | COUNTRY | Country | The code of Country of the Audience | |
country_code | COUNTRY | Country Code | Country Code | Audience |
cpc | NUMERIC | CPC | The cost (Spend) divided by the clicks your ad receives(Clicks) | Performance |
create_group | NUMERIC | Cost per Unique Create Group | The average cost for each unique create group event that is attributed toyour ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each adimpression occurred.) | Performance |
create_group_rate | NUMERIC | Create Group Rate (%) | The percentage of unique create group events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
ctr | PERCENT | CTR | The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions). | Performance |
currency | TEXT | Currency | The currency code, e.g. USD. | Account |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
date | DATE | Date | The Date | Time |
day_of_month | TEXT | Day of month | Day of the month | |
dpa_target_audience_type | TEXT | Target audience type for DPA | The Audience that DPA products target | |
duet_clicks | NUMERIC | Duet Clicks | The number of clicks on the 'Duet' button. | |
engagement_rate | PERCENT | Engagement Rate | The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click (all). | Performance |
engagements | NUMERIC | Engagements | The sum of all clickable interactions on your ads, including clicks led to advertiser-specified destinations and non-destination clicks from social actions and interactive experiences. | Performance |
focused_view_15s | NUMERIC | 15-Second Focused Video Views | The number of times your video has been played at least 15 seconds, or received at least 1 engagement within 1 day of the user seeing a paid ad. Engagements to be measured: Likes, shares, follows, profile visits, clicks, hashtag clicks, music clicks, anchor clicks, and interactive add-ons activity clicks. Note: This metric is on the allowlist. If you would like access to it, please reach out to your TikTok representative. | Video |
focused_view_6s | NUMERIC | 6-Second Focused Video Views | The number of times your video has been played at least 6 seconds, or received at least 1 engagement within 1 day of the user seeing a paid ad. Engagements to be measured: Likes, shares, follows, profile visits, clicks, hashtag clicks, music clicks, anchor clicks, and interactive add-ons activity clicks. | Video |
follows | NUMERIC | Follows | The number of new followers that were gained within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad. This metric is only for Boosted TikToks. | Performance |
form | NUMERIC | Form submissions | The number of form submission events. | Performance |
frequency | NUMERIC | Frequency | The average number of times each person saw your ad.(Conversions) | Performance |
gender | TEXT | Gender | The Gender of the Audience | |
gross_impressions | NUMERIC | Gross Impressions (Includes Invalid Impressions) | The number of times an ad was seen on screen, including invalid impressions. | |
identity_id | TEXT | Identity ID | TikTok identity ID used for creating the ad. Only available at Ad level. | Ad |
identity_type | TEXT | Identity type (Spark Ads) | Identity type. Enum values: CUSTOMIZED_USER, AUTH_CODE, TT_USER, BC_AUTH_TT. Any value except for CUSTOMIZED_USER indicatesthat the ad is a Spark Ad.Only available at Ad level. | Ad |
image_mode | TEXT | Format | Supported at Campaign, Ad Group and Ad level. | |
impressions | NUMERIC | Impressions | The Number of Impressions | Performance |
initiate_checkout | NUMERIC | Total Initiate Checkout | Page Event Metric. The number of initiate checkout events. | Performance |
is_automated_ad | TEXT | Is Automated AD | Whether the ad is automated. | Ad |
is_smart_creative | BOOLEAN | Is Smart Creative ad. | Whether the ad is a Smart Creative ad. | Ad |
item_id | TEXT | TikTok post ID | The ID of the TikTok post that is used as Spark Ad. Only available at Ad level. | Ad |
landing_page_url | TEXT | Landing page URL | Ad Landing page URL. | Ad |
language | TEXT | Language | The Language of the Audience | Audience |
likes | NUMERIC | Likes | The number of likes your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad. | Performance |
live_effective_views | NUMERIC | 10-second LIVE views | Number of times your LIVE was viewed for at least 10 seconds from an ad. Revisits are counted. | LIVE |
live_product_clicks | NUMERIC | LIVE Product Clicks | Number of time viewers clicked a product and viewed its details page during your LIVE. | LIVE |
live_unique_views | NUMERIC | LIVE unique views | Number of unique users who saw your LIVE at least once from an ad. | LIVE |
live_views | NUMERIC | LIVE views | Number of times your LIVE was viewed from an ad. Revisits are counted. | LIVE |
mobile_app_id | TEXT | Mobile App ID | Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. Returned if the promotion type of one Ad Group is App. | |
month | TEXT | Month | Number of the month | |
objective | TEXT | Objective | Campaign type (application or landing page). | Campaign |
offline_complete_registration_event_rate | PERCENT | Complete Registration Rate (Offline) | The percentage of offline complete registration events out of all click events attributed to your TikTok ads. | Performance |
offline_complete_registration_events | NUMERIC | Total Complete Registration (Offline) | The number of offline complete registration events attributed to your TikTok ads. | Performance |
offline_complete_registration_events_value | NUMERIC | Total Complete Registration Value (Offline) | The total value returned from offline complete registration events attributed to your TikTok ads. | Performance |
on_web_order | NUMERIC | Total Place an Order | Page Event Metric. The number of place an order events. | Performance |
onsite_form | NUMERIC | Form submission (onsite) | The number of onsite form submissions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
onsite_initiate_checkout_count | NUMERIC | Checkouts initiated (Shop) | The number of TikTok Shop initiate checkout actions attributed to your ads, such as clicks on "Buy now" and "Buy with coupon" buttons on your product pages. | Performance |
onsite_initiate_checkout_count_rate | NUMERIC | Checkout initiation rate (Shop) | The percentage of TikTok Shop initiate checkout actions from clicks on your ads | Performance |
onsite_on_web_cart | NUMERIC | Add to cart (Shop) | The number of TikTok Shop add to cart actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
onsite_on_web_cart_rate | NUMERIC | Add to cart rate (Shop) | The average value of TikTok Shop add-to-cart actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
onsite_on_web_detail | NUMERIC | Product page views (Shop) | The number of TikTok Shop product details page views attributed to your ads. | Performance |
onsite_on_web_detail_rate | NUMERIC | Product page view rate (Shop) | The percentage of TikTok Shop product details page views from clicks on your ads. | Performance |
onsite_shopping | NUMERIC | Purchases (Shop) | The number of TikTok Shop order submission actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
onsite_shopping_rate | NUMERIC | Purchase rate (Shop) | The percentage of TikTok Shop purchases from clicks on your ads. | Performance |
onsite_shopping_roas | NUMERIC | ROAS - return on ad spend (Shop) | The return on ad spend (ROAS) from TikTok Shop gross revenue attributed to your ads. | Performance |
opt_status | TEXT | Automated creative optimization | Automated creative optimization | |
optimization_goal | TEXT | Adgroup Optimization goal | Optimization goal. Only available at Adgroup level and when Campaign Budget Optimization is enabled. | |
organic_video_views | NUMERIC | Organic Video Views | The number of times your video was played from organic traffic, excluding replays. Data from before Jan 21, 2023, or through paid ads stopped for more than 7 days won't be counted. | Ad |
placement | TEXT | Placement | The Placement Location (e.g. TikTok). Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. | |
placement_type | TEXT | Placement type (Duplicate of Placement) | The Placement type | |
platform | TEXT | Platform | The Operating System of the Audience | |
play_duration_2s | NUMERIC | 2-Second Video Views | The number of times your video played for at least 2 seconds. Replays will not be counted. | Video |
play_duration_6s | NUMERIC | 6-Second Video Views | The number of times your video played for at least 6 seconds, or completely played. Replays will not be counted. | Video |
play_first_quartile | NUMERIC | Video Views at 25% | The number of times your video was played at 25% of its length. Replays will not be counted. | Video |
play_midpoint | NUMERIC | Video Views at 50% | The number of times your video was played at 50% of its length. Replays will not be counted. | Video |
play_over | NUMERIC | Video Views at 100% | The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length. Replays will not be counted. | Video |
play_third_quartile | NUMERIC | Video Views at 75% | The number of times your video was played at 75% of its length. Replays will not be counted. | Video |
profile_image_url | IMAGE_URL | Profile Image URL | Profile Image URL used for ad. | |
promotion_type | TEXT | Promotion type (Optimization location) | Promotion type (Optimization location). It can be app, website, or others. | |
province_id | TEXT | Province ID | Province ID | Audience |
province_name | TEXT | Province Name | Province Name | Audience |
purchase | NUMERIC | Unique Purchases (app) | In-app event metric. The number of unique purchases event occurred in your app that were recorded by your measurement partner. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
purchase_rate | NUMERIC | Purchase Rate (%) | In-app event metric. The percentage of unique purchase event out of all the app install event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
reach | NUMERIC | Reach | The number of unique users who saw your ads at least once | Reach |
real_time_app_install | NUMERIC | Real-time App Install | The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened.) | Performance |
real_time_app_install_cost | NUMERIC | Cost per Real-time App Install | The average cost for each app install event. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened.) | Performance |
registration | NUMERIC | Unique Registration | The number of unique registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
registration_rate | NUMERIC | Registration Rate (%) | The percentage of unique registration events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.) | Performance |
results | NUMERIC | Results | Number of times your ad resulted in an intended outcome based on your campaign objective and optimization goal. | Performance |
sales_lead | NUMERIC | Unique leads generated (app) | The number of unique app generate lead actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
schedule_end_time | TEXT | Schedule end time | Ad delivery end time (UTC+0). | |
schedule_start_time | TEXT | Schedule start time | Ad delivery start time (UTC+0). | |
shares | NUMERIC | Shares | The number of shares your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad. | Performance |
skan_app_install | NUMERIC | App Installs (SKAN) | The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_checkout | NUMERIC | Unique Checkout events (SKAN) | The number of unique times a user made a checkout in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_conversion | NUMERIC | Conversions (SKAN) | Conversions (SKAN) | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_conversion_rate | NUMERIC | CVR (SKAN) | Conversion rate (SKAN) | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_conversion | NUMERIC | CPA (SKAN) | Cost per conversion (SKAN) | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_purchase | NUMERIC | Cost per Unique Purchase (SKAN) | The average cost of each unique purchase that is attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_result | NUMERIC | Cost per result (SKAN) | Average cost per each result from your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_purchase | NUMERIC | Unique Purchase events (SKAN) | The number of unique purchases event occurred in your app that were recorded by your measurement partner. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_registration | NUMERIC | Unique Registration Events (SKAN) | The number of unique registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_result_rate | NUMERIC | Result rate (SKAN) | Percentage of results that happened out of all impressions on your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_results | NUMERIC | Results (SKAN) | Number of times your ad resulted in an intended outcome based on your campaign objective and optimization goal. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_sales_lead | NUMERIC | Unique generate lead (SKAN) | The number of unique leads generated in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_total_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Total Add to cart events (SKAN) | The number of times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_total_checkout | NUMERIC | Total Checkout events (SKAN) | The number of times a user made a checkout in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_total_purchase | NUMERIC | Total Purchase events (SKAN) | The number of purchases in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_total_registration | NUMERIC | Total Registration Events (SKAN) | The number of registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_total_sales_lead | NUMERIC | Total generate lead events (SKAN) | The number of leads generated in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
skan_total_view_content | NUMERIC | Total View content events (SKAN) | The number of times a user viewed content in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. | Performance (SKAN) |
smart_target | TEXT | Optimization goal | Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. | |
sound_usage_clicks | NUMERIC | Sound Usage Clicks | The number of clicks on the 'Use this sound' button. | |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
spend | NUMERIC | spend | The Media Spend | Performance |
split_test | TEXT | Split Test Status | Supported at Campaign, Ad Group and Ad level. | |
stitch_clicks | NUMERIC | Stitch Clicks | The number of clicks on the 'Stitch' button. | |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date | |
total_app_event_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Total Add to Cart events (app) | The number of app add to cart actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_app_event_add_to_cart_value | NUMERIC | Total Add to Cart Value (app) | Total Add to Cart Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.) | Performance |
total_checkout | NUMERIC | Total Checkout | In-app event metric. Checkout (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.) | Performance |
total_checkout_value | NUMERIC | Total Checkout Value | In-app event metric. Total Checkout Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.) | Performance |
total_complete_payment_rate | NUMERIC | Total Complete Payment Value | Page Event Metric. The total value returned from all Complete Payment events. | Performance |
total_complete_tutorial | NUMERIC | Total Complete Tutorial | The number of complete tutorial events that are attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_complete_tutorial_value | NUMERIC | Total Complete Tutorial Value | The total value returned from all complete tutorial events. | Performance |
total_create_group | NUMERIC | Total Create Group | The number of create group events that are attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_create_group_value | NUMERIC | Total Create Group Value | The total value returned from all create group events. | Performance |
total_initiate_checkout_value | NUMERIC | Total Initiate Checkout Value | Page Event Metric. The total value returned from initiate checkout events. | Performance |
total_on_web_order_value | NUMERIC | Total Place an Order Value | Page Event Metric. The total value returned from all Place an Order events. | Performance |
total_onsite_initiate_checkout_count_value | NUMERIC | Checkout initiation value (Shop) | The total value of TikTok Shop initiate checkout actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_onsite_on_web_cart_value | NUMERIC | Add to cart value (Shop) | The total value of TikTok Shop add-to-cart actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_onsite_on_web_detail_value | NUMERIC | Product page view value (Shop) | The total value of TikTok Shop product details page views attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_onsite_shopping_value | NUMERIC | Gross revenue (Shop) | The gross revenue of TikTok Shop orders attributed to your ads. It's the amount people pay, plus any discounts provided to them by TikTok Shop platform. | Performance |
total_play | NUMERIC | Video Views (TikTok) | The number of times your video starts to play. Replays will not be counted. | Video |
total_purchase | NUMERIC | Total Purchases (app) | The number of app purchase actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_purchase_value | NUMERIC | Total Purchase value (app) | The total value of app purchase actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_registration | NUMERIC | Total Registration | Total Registration. The total count is based on when you were billed. | Performance |
total_sales_lead | NUMERIC | Total leads generated (app) | The number of app generate lead actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_user_registration_value | NUMERIC | Total Complete Registration Value | The total value returned from user registration events. | Performance |
total_view_content | NUMERIC | Total View Content events | The number of app view content actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
total_web_event_add_to_cart_value | NUMERIC | Total Add to Cart Value (page) | The total value returned from add to cart events. | Performance |
totalcost | NUMERIC | Total Cost | The Media Spend (Duplicate) | Performance |
tt_app_id | TEXT | TikTok App ID | TikTok App ID, the App ID you used when creating an Ad Group. Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. Returned if the promotion type of one Ad Group is App. | |
tt_app_name | TEXT | TikTok App Name | The name of your TikTok App. Supported at Ad Group and Ad level. Returned if thepromotion type of one Ad Group is App. | |
user_registration | NUMERIC | Total Complete Registration | The number of user registration events. | Performance |
user_registration_rate | PERCENT | Complete Registration Rate (%) | The percentage of user registration events out of all click events. | Performance |
value_per_offline_complete_registration_event | NUMERIC | Value per Complete Registration (Offline) | The average value returned from each offline complete registration event attributed to your TikTok ads. | Performance |
value_per_onsite_initiate_checkout_count | NUMERIC | Value per checkout initiated (Shop) | The average value of TikTok Shop initiate checkout actions attributed to your ads. | Performance |
value_per_onsite_on_web_detail | NUMERIC | Value per product page view (Shop) | The average value of TikTok Shop product details page views attributed to your ads. | Performance |
value_per_onsite_shopping | NUMERIC | Average order value (Shop) | The average order value per TikTok Shop purchase attributed to your ads. | Performance |
value_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Value per Add to Cart (app) | Value per Add to Cart (The total count is based on when you were billed.) | Performance |
value_per_total_create_group | NUMERIC | Value per Create Group | Value per Create Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.) | Performance |
value_per_user_registration | NUMERIC | Value per Complete Registration | The average value returned from user registration events. | Performance |
value_per_web_event_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Value per Add to Cart (page) | The average value returned from add to cart events. | Performance |
video_id | TEXT | Ad Video ID | The ad's video ID. | Ad |
video_thumbnail_url | IMAGE_URL | Video Thumbnail URL | Thumbnail image URL for the video of ad. Only available at Ad level. | Ad |
web_event_add_to_cart | NUMERIC | Unique Add to Cart events (page) | The number of add to cart events. | Performance |
web_event_add_to_cart_rate | NUMERIC | Add to Cart Rate (page) (%) | The percentage of add to cart events out of all click events. | Performance |
week | TEXT | Week | Week (Sun-Sat). | |
week_day | TEXT | Day of week and day number | Weekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday. | |
week_day_iso | TEXT | Day of week and day number, ISO | Weekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7 | |
week_iso | TEXT | Week ISO | Week, ISO format (Mon-Sun). | |
year | TEXT | Year | Year | |
year_month | TEXT | Yearmonth | Year and month, e.g. 2024|3 | |
year_of_week | TEXT | Year of week | The year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat). | |
year_of_week_iso | TEXT | Year of week, ISO | The year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun). | |
year_week | TEXT | Year week | Year and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15 | |
year_week_iso | TEXT | Year week ISO | Year and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20 |