Walmart Marketplace Field Reference


account_idTEXTAccount IDThe account ID
customer_email_idTEXTCustomer Email IDThe customer email IDOrder
customer_order_idTEXTCustomer Order IDThe customer order IDOrder
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
line_item__currencyTEXTLine Item CurrencyThe currencyOrder
line_item__item_priceNUMERICLine Item Item PriceThe price of the itemOrder
line_item__item_quantityNUMERICLine Item Item QuantityThe item quantityOrder
line_item__line_numberTEXTLine Item Line NumberThe line numberOrder
line_item__nameTEXTLine Item Product NameThe product nameOrder
line_item__sales_taxNUMERICLine Item Sales TaxThe sales taxOrder
line_item__shipping_priceNUMERICLine Item Shipping PriceThe shipping priceOrder
line_item__shipping_taxNUMERICLine Item Shipping TaxThe shipping taxOrder
line_item__skuTEXTLine Item SKUThe stock keeping unitOrder
line_item__statusTEXTLine Item Current StatusThe statusOrder
line_item__subscription_discountNUMERICLine Item Subscription DiscountThe subscription discountOrder
line_item__unit_of_quantityTEXTLine Ite Unit of QuantityThe item unit of quantityOrder
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
order_dateDATEOrder DateThe date when the order was placedOrder
order_typeTEXTOrder TypeThe type of the orderOrder
original_customer_order_idTEXTOriginal Customer Order IDThe original customer order IDOrder
postal_address_address1TEXTPostal AddressThe postal addressOrder
purchase_order_idTEXTPurchase Order IDThe purchase order IDOrder
shipping_estimated_delivery_dateDATEEstimated Delivery DateThe estimated delivery dateOrder
shipping_estimated_ship_dateDATEEstimated Ship DateThe estimated ship dateOrder
shipping_info_phoneTEXTShipping Info Phone NumberThe phone numberOrder
shipping_method_codeTEXTShipping Method CodeThe method codeOrder
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
todayDATETodayToday's date
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20