CJ Affiliate Field Reference




account_idTEXTAccount IDSame as advertiserId
account_nameTEXTAccount NameSame as advertiserName
action_statusTEXTAction StatusStatus of the commission. Possible values: closed, extended, locked, new.
action_tracker_idTEXTAction Tracker IdUnique identifier of an advertiser’s defined action associated with the commission
action_tracker_nameTEXTAction Tracker NameName of the action (as specified by the advertiser) for that commission
action_typeTEXTAction TypeAction type for the commission. Possible values: bonus, click, imp, item_lead, item_sale, perf_inc, sim_lead, sim_sale.
ad_ownerTEXTAd OwnerDisplays the CID of the advertiser the link was clicked through (only applies to cross correlated accounts)
adv_commission_amount_adv_currencyNUMERICAdv Commission Amount Adv CurrencyAdvertiser commission amount in advertiser's currency (Advertiser-only attribute)
adv_commission_amount_usdNUMERICAdv Commission Amount UsdAdvertiser commission amount in USD (Advertiser-only attribute)
advertiser_idTEXTAdvertiser IdCID of the advertiser for this commission
advertiser_nameTEXTAdvertiser Name (cj)Name of the advertiser for this commission
aidTEXTAd IdAd idenification number
cj_fee_adv_currencyNUMERICCJ Fee Adv CurrencyCJ fee in the advertiser's currency (Advertiser-only attribute)
cj_fee_usdNUMERICCJ Fee UsdCJ fee in USD (Advertiser-only attribute)
click_dateDATEClick DateClick date for the commission
click_referring_urlTEXTClick Referring URLClick referring URL for the commission
commission_idTEXTCommission IdCommission identification number
concluding_browserTEXTConcluding BrowserThe associated browser that the transaction concluded in.
concluding_device_nameTEXTConcluding Device NameThe associated device name that the transaction concluded in.
concluding_device_typeTEXTConcluding Device TypeThe associated device type that the transaction concluded in.
correction_reasonTEXTCorrection ReasonIf this is not an original transaction, the reason the transaction was corrected will be returned. Possible values: INVALID_CREDIT_CARD, RETURNED_MERCHANDISE, DUPLICATED_ORDER, CANT_SHIP_OR_SOLD_OUT, UNQUALIFIED_LEAD, QUALIFIED_LEAD, OTHER_REASON
countryCOUNTRYCountryCountry where the transaction occurred
couponTEXTCouponThe coupon/voucher code used in the transaction
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateEvent date for the commission in UTC time zone (YYYY-MM-DD format)
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
event_dateDATEEvent DateEvent date for the commission in UTC time zone
initiating_browserTEXTInitiating BrowserThe associated browser that the transaction initiated in.
initiating_device_nameTEXTInitiating Device NameThe associated device name that the transaction initiated in.
initiating_device_typeTEXTInitiating Device TypeThe associated device type that the transaction initiated in.
is_cross_deviceBOOLEANIs Cross DeviceIndicates if a transaction was attributed using cross-device tracking with ‘true’ or ‘false’
locking_dateDATELocking DateDate on which the commission is locked for extending or correcting
locking_methodTEXTLocking MethodThe locking method for the commission based on program terms. Possible values: IMMEDIATE, FIXED_DATE, OPEN_ENDED, FIXED_DURATION
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
new_to_fileBOOLEANNew To FileAdvertiser defined, indicates if the customer is new or existing to the advertiser (Advertiser only attribute)
order_discount_adv_currencyNUMERICOrder Discount Adv CurrencyDiscount associated with the order in the advertiser's currency
order_discount_orig_currencyNUMERICOrder Discount Orig CurrencyDiscount associated with the order in original currency
order_discount_pub_currencyNUMERICOrder Discount Pub CurrencyDiscount associated with the order in the publisher's currency
order_discount_usdNUMERICOrder Discount UsdDiscount associated with the order in USD
order_idTEXTOrder IdAdvertiser-assigned identification number for the order
originalBOOLEANOriginalDisplays either a '1' indicating an original transaction or a '0' indicating a non-original or corrected transaction
original_action_idTEXTOriginal Action IdIdentification number used for correlation between the original transaction and corrected transaction
posting_dateDATEPosting DateDate on which the commission is posted
pub_commission_amount_pub_currencyNUMERICPub Commission Amount Pub CurrencyPublisher commission amount in publisher's currency
pub_commission_amount_usdNUMERICPub Commission Amount UsdPublisher commission amount in USD
publisher_idTEXTPublisher IdCID of the publisher for this commission
publisher_nameTEXTPublisher Name (cj)Name of the publisher for this commission
reviewed_statusTEXTReviewed StatusIndicates if an advertiser has reviewed a transaction.
sale_amount_adv_currencyNUMERICSale Amount Adv CurrencySale amount in advertiser's currency
sale_amount_pub_currencyNUMERICSale Amount Pub CurrencySale amount in publisher's currency
sale_amount_usdNUMERICSale Amount UsdSale amount in USD
site_to_store_offerTEXTSite To Store OfferDisplays coupon code used, indicates it was a site to store offer transaction
sourceTEXTSourceSource for the transaction
todayDATETodayToday's date
validation_statusTEXTValidation StatusThe commission's validation status. Possible values: PENDING, ACCEPTED, DECLINED, AUTOMATED
website_idTEXTWebsite IdPublisher website identification number
website_nameTEXTWebsite NamePublisher website name
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20