Windsor brings all your Bling! data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, Azure, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL
Bling! Field Reference
ID | Type | Name | Description | Report |
account_id | TEXT | Account ID | The Account ID | |
account_name | TEXT | Account Name | The Account Name | |
accounting_accounts_description | TEXT | Accounting Accounts Description | Accounting Accounts Description | accounting_accounts |
accounting_accounts_id | TEXT | Accounting Accounts ID | Accounting Accounts ID | accounting_accounts |
bills_pay_contact_id | TEXT | Bills Pay Contact ID | Bills Pay Contact ID | bills_pay |
bills_pay_due_date | DATE | Bills Pay Due Date | Bills Pay Due Date | bills_pay |
bills_pay_id | TEXT | Bills Pay ID | Bills Pay ID | bills_pay |
bills_pay_payment_method_id | TEXT | Bills Pay Payment Method ID | Bills Pay Payment Method ID | bills_pay |
bills_pay_status | TEXT | Bills Pay Status | Bills Pay Status. Available values : 1 (Open), 2 (Received), 3 (Partially received), 4 (Returned), 5 (Canceled) | bills_pay |
bills_pay_value | NUMERIC | Bills Pay Value | Bills Pay Value | bills_pay |
bills_receive_contact_id | TEXT | Bills Receive Contact ID | Bills Receive Contact ID | bills_receive |
bills_receive_due_date | DATE | Bills Receive Due Date | Bills Receive Due Date | bills_receive |
bills_receive_id | TEXT | Bills Receive ID | Bills Receive ID | bills_receive |
bills_receive_payment_method_id | TEXT | Bills Receive Payment Method ID | Bills Receive Payment Method ID | bills_receive |
bills_receive_status | TEXT | Bills Receive Status | Bills Receive Status. Available values : 1 (Open), 2 (Received), 3 (Partially received), 4 (Returned), 5 (Canceled) | bills_receive |
bills_receive_value | NUMERIC | Bills Receive Value | Bills Receive Value | bills_receive |
categories_income_expenses_description | TEXT | Categories Income Expenses Description | Categories Income Expenses Description | categories_income_expenses |
categories_income_expenses_id | TEXT | Categories Income Expenses ID | Categories Income Expenses ID | categories_income_expenses |
categories_income_expenses_parent_id | TEXT | Categories Income Expenses Parent ID | Categories Income Expenses Parent ID | categories_income_expenses |
categories_income_expenses_type | TEXT | Categories Income Expenses Type | Categories Income Expenses Type. Available values : 0 (All), 1 (Expense), 2 (Revenue), 3 (Revenue and expense) | categories_income_expenses |
categories_products_description | TEXT | Categories Products Description | Categories Products Description | categories_products |
categories_products_id | TEXT | Categories Products ID | Categories Products ID | categories_products |
categories_products_parent_id | TEXT | Categories Products Parent ID | Categories Products Parent ID | categories_products |
categories_stores_category_product_id | TEXT | Categories Stores Category Product ID | Categories Stores Category Product ID | categories_stores |
categories_stores_code | TEXT | Categories Stores Code | Categories Stores Code | categories_stores |
categories_stores_description | TEXT | Categories Stores Description | Categories Stores Description | categories_stores |
categories_stores_id | TEXT | Categories Stores ID | Categories Stores ID | categories_stores |
categories_stores_store_id | TEXT | Categories Stores Store ID | Categories Stores Store ID | categories_stores |
consumer_invoices_contact_address_address | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Address | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Address | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_address_city | CITY | Consumer Invoices Contact Address City | Consumer Invoices Contact Address City | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_address_complement | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Complement | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Complement | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_address_country | COUNTRY | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Country | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Country | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_address_neighborhood | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Neighborhood | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Neighborhood | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_address_number | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Number | Consumer Invoices Contact Address Number | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_address_state | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Address State | Consumer Invoices Contact Address State | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_address_zipcode | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Address ZipCode | Consumer Invoices Contact Address ZipCode | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_document_number | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Document Number | Consumer Invoices Contact Document Number | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_email | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Email | Consumer Invoices Contact Email | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_id | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact ID | Consumer Invoices Contact ID | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_ie | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact IE | Consumer Invoices Contact IE | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_name | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Name | Consumer Invoices Contact Name | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_phone | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact Phone | Consumer Invoices Contact Phone | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_contact_rg | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Contact RG | Consumer Invoices Contact RG | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_id | TEXT | Consumer Invoices ID | Consumer Invoices ID | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_issue_date | DATE | Consumer Invoices Issue Date | Consumer Invoices Issue Date | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_nature_operation_id | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Nature Operation ID | Consumer Invoices Nature Operation ID | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_number | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Number | Consumer Invoices Number | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_operation_date | DATE | Consumer Invoices Operation Date | Consumer Invoices Operation Date | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_status | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Status | Consumer Invoices Status. Available values : 1 (Pending), 2 (Canceled), 3 (Waiting for receipt), 4 (Rejected), 5 (Authorized), 6 (Issued DANFE), 7 (Registered), 8 (Waiting for protocol), 9 (Denied), 10 (Check situation), 11 (Blocked) | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_store_id | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Store ID | Consumer Invoices Store ID | consumer_invoices |
consumer_invoices_type | TEXT | Consumer Invoices Type | Consumer Invoices Type | consumer_invoices |
contacts_code | TEXT | Contacts Code | Contacts Code | contacts |
contacts_document_number | TEXT | Contacts Document Number | Contacts Document Number | contacts |
contacts_id | TEXT | Contacts ID | Contacts ID | contacts |
contacts_mobile | TEXT | Contacts Mobile | Contacts Mobile | contacts |
contacts_name | TEXT | Contacts Name | Contacts Name | contacts |
contacts_phone | TEXT | Contacts Phone | Contacts Phone | contacts |
contacts_status | TEXT | Contacts Status | Contacts Status | contacts |
contacts_types_description | TEXT | Contacts Types Description | Contacts Types Description | contacts_types |
contacts_types_id | TEXT | Contacts Types ID | Contacts Types ID | contacts_types |
contracts_contact_id | TEXT | Contracts Contact ID | Contracts Contact ID | contracts |
contracts_date | DATE | Contracts Date | Contracts Date | contracts |
contracts_description | TEXT | Contracts Description | Contracts Description | contracts |
contracts_id | TEXT | Contracts ID | Contracts ID | contracts |
contracts_number | TEXT | Contracts Number | Contracts Number | contracts |
contracts_status | TEXT | Contracts Status | Contracts Status. Available values : 0 (Inactive), 1 (Active), 2 (Downloaded), 3 (Exempt) | contracts |
contracts_value | NUMERIC | Contracts Value | Contracts Value | contracts |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
date | DATE | Date | The Date | |
day_of_month | TEXT | Day of month | Day of the month | |
deposits_default | BOOLEAN | Deposits Default | Deposits Default | deposits |
deposits_description | TEXT | Deposits Description | Deposits Description | deposits |
deposits_disregard_balance | BOOLEAN | Deposits Disregard Balance | Deposits Disregard Balance | deposits |
deposits_id | TEXT | Deposits ID | Deposits ID | deposits |
deposits_status | TEXT | Deposits Status | Deposits Status. Available values : 0 (Inactive), 1 (Active) | deposits |
invoice_date_issue | DATE | Invoice Date Issue | Invoice Date (Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas) | invoices |
invoice_date_operation | DATE | Invoice Date Operation | Invoice Date Operation (Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas) | invoices |
invoice_id | TEXT | Invoice ID | Invoice ID (Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas) | invoices |
invoice_number | TEXT | Invoice Number | Invoice Number (Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas) | invoices |
invoice_status | TEXT | Invoice Status | Invoice Status (Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas) Available values : 1 (Pendente), 2 (Cancelada), 3 (Aguardando recibo), 4 (Rejeitada), 5 (Autorizada), 6 (Emitida DANFE), 7 (Registrada), 8 (Aguardando protocolo), 9 (Denegada), 10 (Consulta situação), 11 (Bloqueada) | invoices |
invoice_type | TEXT | Invoice Type | Invoice Type (Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas) Available values : 0 (Entrada), 1 (Saída) | invoices |
invoices_contact_address_address | TEXT | Invoice Contact Address Address | Invoice Contact Address Address | invoices |
invoices_contact_address_city | CITY | Invoice Contact Address City | Invoice Contact Address City | invoices |
invoices_contact_address_complement | TEXT | Invoice Contact Address Complement | Invoice Contact Address Complement | invoices |
invoices_contact_address_country | COUNTRY | Invoice Contact Address Country | Invoice Contact Address Country | invoices |
invoices_contact_address_neighborhood | TEXT | Invoice Contact Address Neighborhood | Invoice Contact Address Neighborhood | invoices |
invoices_contact_address_number | TEXT | Invoice Contact Address Number | Invoice Contact Address Number | invoices |
invoices_contact_address_state | TEXT | Invoice Contact Address State | Invoice Contact Address State | invoices |
invoices_contact_address_zipcode | TEXT | Invoice Contact Address ZipCode | Invoice Contact Address ZipCode | invoices |
invoices_contact_document_number | TEXT | Invoice Contact Document Number | Invoice Contact Document Number | invoices |
invoices_contact_email | TEXT | Invoice Contact Email | Invoice Contact Email | invoices |
invoices_contact_id | TEXT | Invoice Contact ID | Invoice Contact ID | invoices |
invoices_contact_ie | TEXT | Invoice Contact IE | Invoice Contact IE | invoices |
invoices_contact_name | TEXT | Invoice Contact Name | Invoice Contact Name | invoices |
invoices_contact_phone | TEXT | Invoice Contact Phone | Invoice Contact Phone | invoices |
invoices_contact_rg | TEXT | Invoice Contact RG | Invoice Contact RG | invoices |
invoices_nature_operation_id | TEXT | Invoice Nature Operation ID | Invoice Nature Operation ID | invoices |
invoices_store_id | TEXT | Invoice Store ID | Invoice Store ID | invoices |
logistics_description | TEXT | Logistics Description | Logistics Description | logistics |
logistics_id | TEXT | Logistics ID | Logistics ID | logistics |
logistics_integration_id | TEXT | Logistics Integration ID | Logistics Integration ID | logistics |
logistics_integration_type | TEXT | Logistics Integration Type | Logistics Integration Type | logistics |
logistics_native_integration | BOOLEAN | Logistics Native Integration | Logistics Native Integration | logistics |
logistics_services_active | BOOLEAN | Logistics Services Active | Logistics Services Active | logistics_services |
logistics_services_carrier_id | TEXT | Logistics Services Carrier ID | Logistics Services Carrier ID | logistics_services |
logistics_services_code | TEXT | Logistics Services Code | Logistics Services Code | logistics_services |
logistics_services_delivery_estimate | NUMERIC | Logistics Services Delivery Estimate | Logistics Services Delivery Estimate | logistics_services |
logistics_services_description | TEXT | Logistics Services Description | Logistics Services Description | logistics_services |
logistics_services_freight_item | NUMERIC | Logistics Services Freight Item | Logistics Services Freight Item | logistics_services |
logistics_services_id | TEXT | Logistics Services ID | Logistics Services ID | logistics_services |
logistics_services_logistics_id | TEXT | Logistics Services Logistics ID | Logistics Services Logistics ID | logistics_services |
logistics_services_service_code_id | TEXT | Logistics Services Service Code ID | Logistics Services Service Code ID | logistics_services |
logistics_status | TEXT | Logistics Status | Logistics Status. Available values : H (Enabled), D (Disabled) | logistics |
month | TEXT | Month | Number of the month | |
natures_operations | TEXT | Natures Operations | Natures Operations | natures_operations |
natures_operations_default | BOOLEAN | Natures Operations Default | Natures Operations Default | natures_operations |
natures_operations_description | TEXT | Natures Operations Description | Natures Operations Description | natures_operations |
natures_operations_status | TEXT | Natures Operations Status | Natures Operations Status. Available values : 0 (Inactive), 1 (Active) | natures_operations |
order_purchases_date | DATE | Order Purchases Date | Order Purchases Date (Pedidos Compras) | orders_purchases |
order_purchases_date_prevision | DATE | Order Purchases Date Prevision | Order Purchases Date Prevision (Pedidos Compras) | orders_purchases |
order_purchases_id | TEXT | Order Purchases ID | Order Purchases ID (Pedidos Compras) | orders_purchases |
order_purchases_number | TEXT | Order Purchases Number | Order Purchases Number (Pedidos Compras) | orders_purchases |
order_purchases_status | TEXT | Order Purchases Status | Order Purchases Status (Pedidos Compras) | orders_purchases |
order_purchases_supplier_id | TEXT | Order Purchases Supplier ID | Order Purchases Supplier ID (Pedidos Compras) | orders_purchases |
order_purchases_total | NUMERIC | Order Purchases Total | Order Purchases Total (Pedidos Compras) | orders_purchases |
order_purchases_total_products | NUMERIC | Order Purchases Total Products | Order Purchases Total Products (Pedidos Compras) | orders_purchases |
order_sales_contact_document_number | TEXT | Order Sales Contact Document Number | Order Sales Contact Document Number (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_contact_id | TEXT | Order Sales Contact ID | Order Sales Contact ID (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_contact_name | TEXT | Order Sales Contact Name | Order Sales Contact Name (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_contact_person_type | TEXT | Order Sales Contact Person Type | Order Sales Contact Person Type (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_date | DATE | Order Sales Date | Order Sales Date (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_date_out | DATE | Order Sales Date Out | Order Sales Date Out (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_date_prevision | DATE | Order Sales Date Prevision | Order Sales Date Prevision (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_id | TEXT | Order Sales ID | Order Sales ID (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_number | TEXT | Order Sales Number | Order Sales Number (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_number_store | TEXT | Order Sales Number Store | Order Sales Number Store (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_status_id | TEXT | Order Sales Status ID | Order Sales Status ID (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_status_value | TEXT | Order Sales Status Value | Order Sales Status Value (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_store_id | TEXT | Order Sales Store ID | Order Sales Store ID (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_total | NUMERIC | Order Sales Total | Order Sales Total (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
order_sales_total_products | NUMERIC | Order Sales Total Products | Order Sales Total Products (Pedidos Vendas) | orders_sales |
payment_methods_default | BOOLEAN | Payment Methods Default | Payment Methods Default | payment_methods |
payment_methods_description | TEXT | Payment Methods Description | Payment Methods Description | payment_methods |
payment_methods_fixed | BOOLEAN | Payment Methods Fixed | Payment Methods Fixed | payment_methods |
payment_methods_id | TEXT | Payment Methods ID | Payment Methods ID | payment_methods |
payment_methods_payment_type | TEXT | Payment Methods Payment Type | Payment Methods Payment Type. Available values : 1 (Money), 2 (Check), 3 (Credit Card), 4 (Debit Card), 5 (Store Credit), 10 (Meal Ticket), 11 (Meal Ticket), 12 (Gift Voucher), 13 (Fuel Voucher), 14 (Commercial Duplicate), 15 (Bank Slip), 16 (Bank Deposit), 17 (Instant Payment (PIX)), 18 (Bank Transfer, Digital Wallet), 19 (Loyalty Program, Cashback, Virtual Credit), 90 (No payment), 99 (Others) | payment_methods |
payment_methods_status | TEXT | Payment Methods Status | Payment Methods Status. Available values : 1 (Active), 0 (Inactive) | payment_methods |
product_code | TEXT | Product Code (product_code) | Product Code | products |
product_format | TEXT | Product Format | Product Format | products |
product_id | TEXT | Product ID | Product ID | products |
product_name | TEXT | Product Name | Product Name | products |
product_price | NUMERIC | Product Price | Product Price | products |
product_short_description | TEXT | Product Short Description | Product Short Description | products |
product_status | TEXT | Product Status | Product Status | products |
product_type | TEXT | Product Type | Product Type Available values : P (Produtos), S (Serviços), E (Composições), PS (Produtos simples), C (Com variações), V (Variações) | products |
products_suppliers_code | TEXT | Products Suppliers Code | Products Suppliers Code | products_suppliers |
products_suppliers_cost_price | NUMERIC | Products Suppliers Cost Price | Products Suppliers Cost Price | products_suppliers |
products_suppliers_default | BOOLEAN | Products Suppliers Default | Products Suppliers Default | products_suppliers |
products_suppliers_description | TEXT | Products Suppliers Description | Products Suppliers Description | products_suppliers |
products_suppliers_id | TEXT | Products Suppliers ID | Products Suppliers ID | products_suppliers |
products_suppliers_product_id | TEXT | Products Suppliers Product ID | Products Suppliers Product ID | products_suppliers |
products_suppliers_purchase_price | NUMERIC | Products Suppliers Purchase Price | Products Suppliers Purchase Price | products_suppliers |
products_suppliers_supplier_id | TEXT | Products Suppliers Supplier ID | Products Suppliers Supplier ID | products_suppliers |
sellers_contact_id | TEXT | Sellers Contact ID | Sellers Contact ID | sellers |
sellers_contact_name | TEXT | Sellers Contact Name | Sellers Contact Name | sellers |
sellers_contact_status | TEXT | Sellers Contact Status | Sellers Contact Status | sellers |
sellers_discount_limit | NUMERIC | Sellers Discount Limit | Sellers Discount Limit | sellers |
sellers_id | TEXT | Sellers ID | Sellers ID | sellers |
sellers_store_id | TEXT | Sellers Store ID | Sellers Store ID | sellers |
service_invoices_contact_document_number | TEXT | Service Invoices Contact Document Number | Service Invoices Contact Document Number | service_invoices |
service_invoices_contact_email | TEXT | Service Invoices Contact Email | Service Invoices Contact Email | service_invoices |
service_invoices_contact_id | TEXT | Service Invoices Contact ID | Service Invoices Contact ID | service_invoices |
service_invoices_contact_name | TEXT | Service Invoices Contact Name | Service Invoices Contact Name | service_invoices |
service_invoices_id | TEXT | Service Invoices ID | Service Invoices ID | service_invoices |
service_invoices_issue_date | DATE | Service Invoices Issue Date | Service Invoices Issue Date | service_invoices |
service_invoices_number | TEXT | Service Invoices Number | Service Invoices Number | service_invoices |
service_invoices_rps_number | TEXT | Service Invoices RPS Number | Service Invoices RPS Number | service_invoices |
service_invoices_series | TEXT | Service Invoices Series | Service Invoices Series | service_invoices |
service_invoices_status | TEXT | Service Invoices Status | Service Invoices Status. Available values : 1 (Pending), 2 (Issued), 3 (Available for consultation), 4 (Canceled) | service_invoices |
service_invoices_value | NUMERIC | Service Invoices Value | Service Invoices Value | service_invoices |
situations_modules_create_situations | BOOLEAN | Situations Modules Create Situations | Situations Modules Create Situations | situations_modules |
situations_modules_description | TEXT | Situations Modules Description | Situations Modules Description | situations_modules |
situations_modules_id | TEXT | Situations Modules ID | Situations Modules ID | situations_modules |
situations_modules_name | TEXT | Situations Modules Name | Situations Modules Name | situations_modules |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date | |
week | TEXT | Week | Week (Sun-Sat). | |
week_day | TEXT | Day of week and day number | Weekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday. | |
week_day_iso | TEXT | Day of week and day number, ISO | Weekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7 | |
week_iso | TEXT | Week ISO | Week, ISO format (Mon-Sun). | |
year | TEXT | Year | Year | |
year_month | TEXT | Yearmonth | Year and month, e.g. 2024|3 | |
year_of_week | TEXT | Year of week | The year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat). | |
year_of_week_iso | TEXT | Year of week, ISO | The year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun). | |
year_week | TEXT | Year week | Year and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15 | |
year_week_iso | TEXT | Year week ISO | Year and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20 |