AppsFlyer Field Reference


The AppsFlyer connector loads aggregate, raw and master API data from AppsFlyer.[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=date,country,source,campaign,spend,sessions,clicks,impressions,transactions,transactionrevenue,loyal_users&_renderer=csv


account_idTEXTAccount IDThe App IDpull_api
account_nameTEXTAccount NameThe App Namepull_api
ad_idTEXTAd IDAd IDpull_api
ad_typeTEXTAd TypeAd Typepull_api
advertising_idTEXTAdvertising IDAdvertising IDpull_api
af_adTEXTAd (appsflyer)Adpull_api
af_adset_idTEXTAdset IDAdset IDpull_api
af_prtTEXTPartnerPartner (Agency)pull_api
android_idTEXTAndroid IDAndroid IDpull_api
app_idTEXTApp IDThe App IDpull_api
app_nameTEXTApp NameApp Namepull_api
app_versionTEXTApp VersionApp Versionpull_api
appsflyer_idTEXTAppsFlyer IDAppsFlyer IDpull_api
attributed_touch_timeTIMESTAMPAttributed Touch TimeAttributed Touch Timepull_api
attributed_touch_typeTEXTTouch TypeTouch Type (requires access to the Master API)pull_api
attribution_lookbackTEXTAttribution LookbackAttribution Lookbackpull_api
average_ecpiNUMERICAverage eCPIEffective Cost per Installation (eCPI) over a certain time frame. Available only if cost and installs are included in the call. pull_api
average_revenue_per_userNUMERICARPUAverage revenue per user, for the users who installed in the selected time frame (LTV)pull_api
campaignTEXTCampaignCampaign Namepull_api
campaign_idTEXTCampaign IDCampaign IDpull_api
clicksNUMERICClicksNumber of clicks within the selected time framepull_api
cost_currencyTEXTCost CurrencyCost Currencypull_api
cost_modelTEXTCost ModelCost Modelpull_api
cost_valueNUMERICCost ValueCost Valuepull_api
country_codeCOUNTRYCountry CodeCountry Codepull_api
crNUMERICConversion rateConversion Ratepull_api
ctrPERCENTCTRClick-Through Ratepull_api
customer_user_idTEXTCustomer User IDCustomer User IDpull_api
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
device_modelTEXTDevice ModelDevice Modelpull_api
device_regionREGIONDevice RegionRegionpull_api
devicecategoryTEXTDevice CategoryDevice Categorypull_api
event_counter_af_add_to_cartNUMERICEvent Counter - af_add_to_cartNumber of occurrences of the event 'af_add_to_cart' (LTV)pull_api
event_counter_af_complete_registrationNUMERICEvent Counter - af_complete_registrationNumber of occurrences of the event 'af_complete_registration' (LTV)pull_api
event_counter_af_content_viewNUMERICEvent Counter - af_content_viewNumber of occurrences of the event 'af_content_view' (LTV)pull_api
event_counter_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICEvent Counter - af_initiated_checkoutNumber of occurrences of the event 'af_initiated_checkout' (LTV)pull_api
event_counter_af_loginNUMERICEvent Counter - af_loginNumber of occurrences of the event 'af_login' (LTV)pull_api
event_counter_af_purchaseNUMERICEvent Counter - af_purchaseNumber of occurrences of the event 'af_purchase' (LTV)pull_api
event_nameTEXTEvent NameEvent Namepull_api
event_revenueNUMERICEvent RevenueEvent Revenuepull_api
event_revenue_audNUMERICEvent Revenue AUDEvent Revenue AUDpull_api
event_revenue_currencyTEXTEvent Revenue CurrencyEvent Revenue Currencypull_api
event_sourceTEXTEvent SourceEvent Sourcepull_api
event_timeTIMESTAMPEvent TimeEvent Timepull_api
event_typeTEXTEvent TypeSpecifies if an event is organic or notpull_api
event_value_objectOBJECTEvent Value ObjectEvent Value Objectpull_api
http_referrerTEXTHTTP ReferrerHTTP Referrerpull_api
impressionsNUMERICImpressionsNumber of impressions within the selected time framepull_api
install_timeTIMESTAMPInstall TimeInstall Time (requires access to the Master API)pull_api
installsNUMERICInstallsNumber of installs within the selected time framepull_api
is_primaryTEXTIs Primary AttributionIs Primary Attributionpull_api
is_retargetingTEXTIs RetargetingIs Retargetingpull_api
loyal_usersNUMERICLoyal UsersNumber of loyal users who installed within the selected time framepull_api
loyal_users_ratePERCENTLoyal Users/InstallsLoyal users/installspull_api
master_api__activity_average_arpdauNUMERICARPDAU (Master API)Average revenue per daily active user - the average revenue of a given day out of all unique users (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_dauNUMERICActivity Average DAU (Master API)Average daily active users (DAU) within the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_dau_mau_rateNUMERICAverage DAU/MAU Rate (Master API)Average DAU/MAU rate (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_mauNUMERICActivity Average MAU (Master API)Average monthly active users within the selected time frame (one MAU day represents the unique users in the preceding 30 days) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_unique_users_af_add_to_cartNUMERICActivity - Average Unique Users - af_add_to_cart (Master API)Average unique users performing a given event within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_add_to_cart' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_unique_users_af_complete_registrationNUMERICActivity - Average Unique Users - af_complete_registration (Master API)Average unique users performing a given event within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_complete_registration' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_unique_users_af_content_viewNUMERICActivity - Average Unique Users - af_content_view (Master API)Average unique users performing a given event within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_content_view' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_unique_users_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICActivity - Average Unique Users - af_initiated_checkout (Master API)Average unique users performing a given event within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_initiated_checkout' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_unique_users_af_loginNUMERICActivity - Average Unique Users - af_login (Master API)Average unique users performing a given event within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_login' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_average_unique_users_af_purchaseNUMERICActivity - Average Unique Users - af_purchase (Master API)Average unique users performing a given event within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_purchase' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_event_counter_af_add_to_cartNUMERICActivity - Event Counter - af_add_to_cart (Master API)Number of events generated by users within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_add_to_cart' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_event_counter_af_complete_registrationNUMERICActivity - Event Counter - af_complete_registration (Master API)Number of events generated by users within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_complete_registration' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_event_counter_af_content_viewNUMERICActivity - Event Counter - af_content_view (Master API)Number of events generated by users within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_content_view' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_event_counter_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICActivity - Event Counter - af_initiated_checkout (Master API)Number of events generated by users within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_initiated_checkout' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_event_counter_af_loginNUMERICActivity - Event Counter - af_login (Master API)Number of events generated by users within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_login' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_event_counter_af_purchaseNUMERICActivity - Event Counter - af_purchase (Master API)Number of events generated by users within the selected time frame, for the event 'af_purchase' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_revenueNUMERICActivity Revenue (Master API)Revenue reported within the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_sales_in_usd_af_add_to_cartNUMERICActivity - Sales in USD - af_add_to_cart (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events within the selected time frame, for the events 'af_add_to_cart' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_sales_in_usd_af_complete_registrationNUMERICActivity - Sales in USD - af_complete_registration (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events within the selected time frame, for the events 'af_complete_registration' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_sales_in_usd_af_content_viewNUMERICActivity - Sales in USD - af_content_view (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events within the selected time frame, for the events 'af_content_view' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_sales_in_usd_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICActivity - Sales in USD - af_initiated_checkout (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events within the selected time frame, for the events 'af_initiated_checkout' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_sales_in_usd_af_loginNUMERICActivity - Sales in USD - af_login (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events within the selected time frame, for the events 'af_login' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_sales_in_usd_af_purchaseNUMERICActivity - Sales in USD - af_purchase (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events within the selected time frame, for the events 'af_purchase' (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__activity_sessionsNUMERICActivity Sessions (Master API)Number of sessions performed within the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__ad_idTEXTAd ID (Master API)Ad ID (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__af_adTEXTAd (Master API)Ad (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__af_adsetTEXTAdset (Master API)Adset (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__af_adset_idTEXTAdset ID (Master API)Adset ID (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__af_keywordsTEXTKeywordsKeywords (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__af_prtTEXTPartner (Master API)Partner (Agency) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__attributed_touch_typeTEXTTouch Type (Master API)Touch Type (requires access to the Master API) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__average_ecpiNUMERICAverage eCPI (Master API)Effective Cost per Installation (eCPI) over a certain time frame. Available only if cost and installs are included in the call.  (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__average_revenue_per_userTEXTARPU (Master API)Average revenue per user, for the users who installed in the selected time frame (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__campaignTEXTCampaign (Master API)Campaign Name (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__campaign_idTEXTCampaign ID (Master API)Campaign ID (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__channelTEXTChannel (Master API)Channel (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__clicksNUMERICClicks (Master API)Number of clicks within the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__countryCOUNTRYCountry (Master API)Country (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__crPERCENTConversion Rate (Master API)Conversion Rate (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__event_counter_af_add_to_cartNUMERICEvent Counter - af_add_to_cart (Master API)Number of occurrences of the event 'af_add_to_cart' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__event_counter_af_complete_registrationNUMERICEvent Counter - af_complete_registration (Master API)Number of occurrences of the event 'af_complete_registration' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__event_counter_af_content_viewNUMERICEvent Counter - af_content_view (Master API)Number of occurrences of the event 'af_content_view' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__event_counter_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICEvent Counter - af_initiated_checkout (Master API)Number of occurrences of the event 'af_initiated_checkout' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__event_counter_af_loginNUMERICEvent Counter - af_login (Master API)Number of occurrences of the event 'af_login' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__event_counter_af_purchaseNUMERICEvent Counter - af_purchase (Master API)Number of occurrences of the event 'af_purchase' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__impressionsNUMERICImpressions (Master API)Number of impressions within the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__install_timeTIMESTAMPInstall Time (Master API)Install Time (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__installsNUMERICInstalls (Master API)Number of installs within the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__is_primaryTEXTIs Primary Attribution (Master API)Is Primary Attribution (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__loyal_usersNUMERICLoyal Users (Master API)Number of loyal users who installed within the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__loyal_users_ratePERCENTLoyal Users/Installs (Master API)Loyal users/installs (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__publisheridTEXTPublisher ID (Master API)Publisher ID (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__roiNUMERICROI (Master API)Return on Investment over a certain time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__sales_in_usd_af_add_to_cartNUMERICSales in USD - af_add_to_cart (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_add_to_cart' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__sales_in_usd_af_complete_registrationNUMERICSales in USD - af_complete_registration (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_complete_registration' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__sales_in_usd_af_content_viewNUMERICSales in USD - af_content_view (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_content_view' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__sales_in_usd_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICSales in USD - af_initiated_checkout (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_initiated_checkout' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__sales_in_usd_af_loginNUMERICSales in USD - af_login (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_login' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__sales_in_usd_af_purchaseNUMERICSales in USD - af_purchase (Master API)Revenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_purchase' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__sessionsNUMERICSessions (Master API)Number of sessions created by the users who installed within the selected time frame (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__sourceTEXTSource (Master API)Media Source (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__spendNUMERICSpend (Master API)Total cost in the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__totalcostNUMERICTotal Cost (Master API)Total cost in the selected time frame (alias for Spend) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__transactionrevenueNUMERICTotal Revenue (Master API)Lifetime revenue generated by the users who installed in the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__transactionsNUMERICTransactions (Master API)Number of installs within the selected time frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__uninstallsNUMERICUninstalls (Master API)Uninstalling users, who installed in the selected timeuninstalls_rate frame (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__uninstalls_ratePERCENTUninstall Rate (Master API)Uninstallation rate (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__unique_users_af_add_to_cartNUMERICUnique Users - af_add_to_cart (Master API)Number of unique users who performed the event 'af_add_to_cart' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__unique_users_af_complete_registrationNUMERICUnique Users - af_complete_registration (Master API)Number of unique users who performed the event 'af_complete_registration' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__unique_users_af_content_viewNUMERICUnique Users - af_content_view (Master API)Number of unique users who performed the event 'af_content_view' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__unique_users_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICUnique Users - af_initiated_checkout (Master API)Number of unique users who performed the event 'af_initiated_checkout' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__unique_users_af_loginNUMERICUnique Users - af_login (Master API)Number of unique users who performed the event 'af_login' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
master_api__unique_users_af_purchaseNUMERICUnique Users - af_purchase (Master API)Number of unique users who performed the event 'af_purchase' (LTV) (requires access to the Master API)master_api
match_typeTEXTMatch TypeMatch Typepull_api
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
original_urlTEXTOriginal URLOriginal URLpull_api
os_versionTEXTOS VersionOS Versionpull_api
postal_codeTEXTPostal CodePostal Codepull_api
reengagement_windowTEXTReengagement WindowReengagement Windowpull_api
retargeting_conversion_typeTEXTRetargeting Conversion TypeRetargeting Conversion Typepull_api
roiPERCENTROIReturn on Investment over a certain time framepull_api
sales_in_usd_af_add_to_cartNUMERICSales in USD - af_add_to_cartRevenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_add_to_cart' (LTV)pull_api
sales_in_usd_af_complete_registrationNUMERICSales in USD - af_complete_registrationRevenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_complete_registration' (LTV)pull_api
sales_in_usd_af_content_viewNUMERICSales in USD - af_content_viewRevenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_content_view' (LTV)pull_api
sales_in_usd_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICSales in USD - af_initiated_checkoutRevenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_initiated_checkout' (LTV)pull_api
sales_in_usd_af_loginNUMERICSales in USD - af_loginRevenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_login' (LTV)pull_api
sales_in_usd_af_purchaseNUMERICSales in USD - af_purchaseRevenue reported as part of the reported events 'af_purchase' (LTV)pull_api
sdk_versionTEXTSDK VersionSDK Versionpull_api
sessionsNUMERICSessionsNumber of sessions created by the users who installed within the selected time frame (LTV)pull_api
site_idTEXTSite IDSite IDpull_api
sourceTEXTSourceMedia Sourcepull_api
spendNUMERICSpendTotal cost in the selected time framepull_api
store_product_pageTEXTStore Product PageStore Product Pagepull_api
todayDATETodayToday's date
totalcostNUMERICTotal CostTotal cost in the selected time frame (alias for Spend)pull_api
transactionrevenueNUMERICTotal RevenueLifetime revenue generated by the users who installed in the selected time framepull_api
transactionsNUMERICTransactionsNumber of installs within the selected time framepull_api
unique_users_af_add_to_cartNUMERICUnique Users - af_add_to_cartNumber of unique users who performed the event 'af_add_to_cart' (LTV)pull_api
unique_users_af_complete_registrationNUMERICUnique Users - af_complete_registrationNumber of unique users who performed the event 'af_complete_registration' (LTV)pull_api
unique_users_af_content_viewNUMERICUnique Users - af_content_viewNumber of unique users who performed the event 'af_content_view' (LTV)pull_api
unique_users_af_initiated_checkoutNUMERICUnique Users - af_initiated_checkoutNumber of unique users who performed the event 'af_initiated_checkout' (LTV)pull_api
unique_users_af_loginNUMERICUnique Users - af_loginNumber of unique users who performed the event 'af_login' (LTV)pull_api
unique_users_af_purchaseNUMERICUnique Users - af_purchaseNumber of unique users who performed the event 'af_purchase' (LTV)pull_api
user_agentTEXTUser AgentUser Agentpull_api
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20