Facebook Ads Field Reference


The Facebook connector pulls data from Facebook and Instagram Ads on a campaign, adset, ad and creative level.

A sample URL on how to query data:


The Facebook Ads connector also supports custom conversions.

Frequently asked support questions for the Facebook Ads connector can be found here.

Available Options

attribution_windowSELECT_MULTIAttribution WindowThe attribution window for the actions. For example, 28d_click means the API returns all actions that happened 28 days after someone clicked on the ad. The 'default' option means ["7d_view","1d_click"]. Relates to action_attribution_windows parameter in Facebook Insights API.1d_view; 7d_view; 28d_view; 1d_click; 7d_click; 28d_click; 1d_ev; dda; default; 7d_view_first_conversion; 28d_view_first_conversion; 7d_view_all_conversions; 28d_view_all_conversions; skan_view; skan_click;
use_unified_attribution_settingCHECKBOXUse Unified Attribution SettingWhen this parameter is set to true, your ads results will be shown using unified attribution settings defined at ad set level and parameter use_account_attribution_setting will be ignored.


account_currencyTEXTAccount currencyCurrency that is used by your ad account. (duplicate)Account
account_idTEXTAccount IDThe ID number of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity. Your ad account includes your campaigns, ads and billing.Account
account_nameTEXTAccount NameThe name of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity. Your ad account includes your campaigns, ads and billing.Account
account_statusTEXTAccount StatusStatus of the account.Account
accountidTEXTAccount ID (Duplicate)The ID number of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity. Your ad account includes your campaigns, ads and billing. (duplicate)Account
action_values_add_payment_infoNUMERICAdds of Payment Info Conversion ValueThe total value of adds of payment info tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_add_to_cartNUMERICAdds to Cart Conversion ValueThe total value of adds to cart tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_add_to_wishlistNUMERICAdds to Wishlist Conversion ValueThe total value of adds to wishlist tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICAction Values App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To CartAction Values
action_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistNUMERICAction Values App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To WishlistAction Values
action_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICAction Values App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Content ViewAction Values
action_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutNUMERICAction Values App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Initiated CheckoutAction Values
action_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICAction Values App Custom Event.Fb Mobile PurchaseAction Values
action_values_app_custom_event_otherNUMERICAction Values App Custom Event.OtherAction Values
action_values_click_to_call_call_confirmNUMERICCall Confirmation Clicks Conversion ValueThe total value of call confirmation clicks conversions.Action Values
action_values_complete_registrationNUMERICRegistrations Completed Conversion ValueThe total value of registrations completed tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_initiate_checkoutNUMERICCheckouts Initiated Conversion ValueThe total value of checkouts initiated tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_leadNUMERICLeads Conversion ValueThe total value of leads tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoNUMERICWebsite Adds of Payment Info Conversion ValueThe total value of website adds of payment info conversions.Action Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMERICWebsite Adds to Cart Conversion ValueThe total value of website add to cart conversions.Action Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistNUMERICWebsite Adds to Wishlist Conversion ValueThe total value of all website add to wishlist conversions.Action Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationNUMERICWebsite Registrations Completed Conversion ValueThe value of complete registration events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Action Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_customNUMERICAction Values Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel CustomCustom pixel events defined by the advertiserAction Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutNUMERICWebsite Checkouts Initiated Conversion ValueThe total value of website checkout initiated conversions.Action Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadNUMERICWebsite Leads Conversion ValueThe total value of website leads conversions.Action Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMERICWebsite Purchases Conversion ValueThe total value of website purchase conversions.Action Values
NUMERICWebsite Searches Conversion ValueThe total value of website searches conversions.Action Values
action_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICWebsite Content Views Conversion ValueThe total value of website content views conversions.Action Values
action_values_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICOmni Adds to Cart Conversion ValueThe total value of omni adds to cart tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_omni_complete_registrationNUMERICOmni Registrations Completed Conversion ValueThe total value of registrations completed tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_omni_customNUMERICAction Values Omni CustomAction Values
action_values_omni_initiated_checkoutNUMERICOmni Checkouts Initiated Conversion ValueThe total value of checkouts initiated tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_omni_purchaseNUMERICPurchases Conversion ValueThe total value of purchases tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
NUMERICOmni Searches Conversion ValueThe total value of search conversions.Action Values
action_values_omni_spend_creditsNUMERICCredit Spends Conversion ValueThe total value of spend credits conversions.Action Values
action_values_omni_view_contentNUMERICContent Views Conversion ValueThe total value of content views tracked with the conversions objective.Action Values
action_values_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedNUMERICOn-Facebook Leads Conversion ValueThe total value of on-facebook leads conversions.Action Values
action_values_onsite_conversion_purchaseNUMERICAction Values Onsite Conversion.PurchaseAction Values
action_values_onsite_web_add_to_cartNUMERICAction Values Onsite Web Add To CartAction Values
action_values_onsite_web_app_add_to_cartNUMERICAction Values Onsite Web App Add To CartAction Values
action_values_onsite_web_app_purchaseNUMERICAction Values Onsite Web App PurchaseAction Values
action_values_onsite_web_purchaseNUMERICAction Values Onsite Web PurchaseAction Values
action_values_purchaseNUMERICAction Values PurchaseAction Values
NUMERICSearches Conversion ValueThe total value of search conversions.Action Values
action_values_signup_eventNUMERICAction Values Signup EventAction Values
action_values_subscription_eventNUMERICAction Values Subscription EventAction Values
action_values_totalNUMERICAction Values TotalTotal values of actionsAction Values
actions_add_payment_infoNUMERICAdds of Payment InfoThe number of add payment info events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_add_to_cartNUMERICAdds to CartThe number of add to cart events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_add_to_wishlistNUMERICAdds to WishlistThe number of add to wishlist events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appNUMERICMobile App ActivactionsThe number of times your app was activated attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoNUMERICActions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add Payment InfoActions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICActions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To CartActions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistNUMERICActions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To WishlistActions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationNUMERICMobile App Registrations CompletedThe number of registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICMobile Content ViewsThe number of content views in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutNUMERICActions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Initiated CheckoutActions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedNUMERICMobile App Levels CompletedThe number of levels achieved in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICActions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile PurchaseActions
NUMERICActions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile SearchActions
actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionNUMERICActions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Tutorial CompletionActions
actions_app_custom_event_otherNUMERICMobile App - OtherActions
actions_app_installNUMERICDesktop App InstallsThe number of installs of your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_checkinNUMERICCheck-InsThe number of check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.Actions
actions_click_to_call_call_confirmNUMERICCall Confirmation ClicksThe number of call confirmation clicks attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_commentNUMERICPost CommentsThe number of comments on your ads.Actions
actions_complete_registrationNUMERICRegistrations CompletedThe number of complete registration events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_initiate_checkoutNUMERICCheckouts InitiatedThe number of initiate checkout events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_landing_page_viewNUMERICLanding Page ViewsThe number of times a person clicked on an ad link and then successfully loaded the destination webpage or Instant Experience. To report on landing page views, you must have created a Facebook pixel.Actions
actions_leadNUMERICLeadsThe number of leads attributed to your ads from Facebook-owned properties (including forms and Messenger) as well as off-Facebook leads tracked by one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_likeNUMERICPage LikesThe number of likes of your Facebook Page attributed to your ads.Actions
NUMERICActions Link ClicksThe number of clicks on links within the ad that led to destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook. For ads promoting Instagram profile views, link clicks include clicks on the ad header or comments that led to the advertiser's profile.Actions
actions_mobile_app_installNUMERICMobile App InstallsThe number of installs of your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoNUMERICWebsite Adds of Payment InfoThe number of add payment info events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMERICWebsite Adds to CartThe number of add to cart events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistNUMERICWebsite Adds to WishlistThe number of add to wishlist events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationNUMERICWebsite Registrations CompletedThe number of complete registration events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_customNUMERICCustom EventsThe number of custom events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutNUMERICWebsite Checkouts InitiatedThe number of initiate checkout events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadNUMERICWebsite LeadsThe number of lead events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMERICWebsite PurchasesThe number of purchase events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
NUMERICWebsite SearchesThe number of search events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICWebsite Content ViewsThe number of view content events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_omni_achievement_unlockedNUMERICAchievements UnlockedThe number of unlock achievement events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_activate_appNUMERICApp ActivationsThe number of times your app was activated attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICOmni Adds to CartThe number of add to cart omni events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_app_installNUMERICApp InstallsThe number of app installs that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_omni_complete_registrationNUMERICOmni Registrations CompletedThe number of complete registration events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_customNUMERICActions Omni CustomActions
actions_omni_initiated_checkoutNUMERICOmni checkouts InitiatedThe number of initiate checkout events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_level_achievedNUMERICLevels AchievedThe number of achieve level events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_purchaseNUMERICPurchasesThe number of purchase events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_rateNUMERICRatings SubmittedThe number of ratings submitted events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
NUMERICOmni SearchesThe number of search events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_spend_creditsNUMERICCredit SpendsThe number of spend credits events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools. This does not refer to the total value of credits spent.Actions
actions_omni_tutorial_completionNUMERICTutorials CompletedThe number of completed tutorial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_omni_view_contentNUMERICOmni Content ViewsThe number of view content events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_onsite_conversion_flow_completeNUMERICOn-Facebook Workflow CompletionsThe number of times a workflow was completed within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedNUMERICOn-Facebook LeadsThe number of leads submitted on Facebook-owned property (including forms and Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockNUMERICBlocked Messaging ConnectionsThe number of times that people blocked a messaging connection with your business, attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_onsite_conversion_messaging_conversation_started_7dNUMERICMessaging conversation startedThe number of times that a messaging conversation was started with your business after at least seven days of inactivity.Actions
actions_onsite_conversion_messaging_first_replyNUMERICAction Onsite Conversion Messaging First ReplyActions
actions_onsite_conversion_post_saveNUMERICPost SavesThe total number of times your ad has been saved.Actions
actions_onsite_conversion_purchaseNUMERICOn-Facebook PurchasesThe number of purchases made within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_onsite_conversion_total_messaging_connectionNUMERICAction Values Onsite Conversion Total Messaging ConnectionAction Values
actions_onsite_web_add_to_cartNUMERICActions Onsite Web Add To CartActions
actions_onsite_web_app_add_to_cartNUMERICActions Onsite Web App Add To CartActions
actions_onsite_web_app_purchaseNUMERICActions Onsite Web App PurchaseActions
actions_onsite_web_purchaseNUMERICActions Onsite Web PurchaseActions
actions_page_engagementNUMERICPage EngagementThe total number of actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_photo_viewNUMERICPhoto ViewsThe number of views of photos on your Page or posts that are attributed to your ads. Photo views are counted when people click on photos to view them.Actions
actions_postNUMERICPost SharesThe number of shares of your ads. People can share your ads or posts on their own or friends' Timelines, in groups and on their own Pages.Actions
actions_post_engagementNUMERICPost EngagementThe total number of actions that people take involving your ads.Actions
actions_post_reactionNUMERICPost ReactionsThe number of reactions on your ads. The reactions button on an ad allows people to share different reactions to its content: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry.Actions
actions_purchaseNUMERICAction PurchaseActions
actions_rsvpNUMERICEvent ResponsesThe number of people who responded Interested or Going to your Facebook event, attributed to your ads.Actions
NUMERICSearchesThe number of search events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actions_totalNUMERICTotal ActionsTotal amount of actions attributed to your ads.Actions
actions_video_viewNUMERIC3-Second Video PlaysThe number of times your video played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.Actions
actions_view_contentNUMERICContent ViewsThe number of view content events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Actions
actor_idTEXTFacebook Page IDUsed for Instagram Ads. Provide Instagram account ID used for running these ads.Ad
ad_created_timeTIMESTAMPAd Created TimeTime when the ad was created.Ad
ad_format_assetTEXTID of ad format assetThe ID of the ad format asset involved in impression, click, or action.Ad Format Asset
ad_idTEXTAd IDUnique ID of the ad being viewed in reportingAd
ad_nameTEXTAd NameThe name of the ad being viewed in reportingAd
ad_object_typeTIMESTAMPAd Object TypeThe type of Facebook object you want to advertise.Ad
adcontentTEXTAd ContentThe name the ad set you're viewing in reporting. An ad set is a group of ads that share the same budget, schedule, delivery optimization and targeting. This column does not apply to campaigns, only ad sets and ads. (duplicate)Ad
adgroupidTEXTAd Set ID (duplicate)The unique ID of the ad set you're viewing in reporting. An ad set is a group of ads that share the same budget, schedule, delivery optimization and targeting. This column does not apply to campaigns, only ad sets and ads. (duplicate)Ad
adidTEXTAd ID (duplicate)Unique ID of the ad being viewed in reporting (duplicate)Ad
adnetwork_conversionsNUMERIC(Deprecated) Ad Network ConversionsThe Ad Network Reported Conversions.Ad
adnetwork_revenueNUMERICAd Network RevenueThe Ad Network Reported RevenueAd
adset_bid_strategyTEXTAd Set Bid StrategyLowest cost is one of Facebook's bid strategy options, meaning it tells us how to bid in the ad auction.Ad
adset_budget_remainingNUMERICAd Set Budget RemainingRemaining budget of this Ad SetAd
adset_created_timeTIMESTAMPAd Set Created TimeTime when this Ad Set was createdAd
adset_daily_budgetNUMERICAd Set Daily BudgetThe daily budget of the set defined in minimum denomination level of your account currency (such as cents for USD).Ad
adset_destination_typeTEXTAd Set Destination TypeDestination of ads in this Ad Set. Options include - Website, App, Messenger, INSTAGRAM_DIRECT.Ad
adset_effective_statusTEXTAdset Effective StatusThe effective status of the adset.The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent campaign.Ad
adset_end_timeTIMESTAMPAd Set End TimeEnd time, in UTC UNIX timestampAd
adset_idTEXTAd Set IDThe unique ID of the ad set you're viewing in reporting. An ad set is a group of ads that share the same budget, schedule, delivery optimization and targeting. This column does not apply to campaigns, only ad sets and ads.Ad
adset_lifetime_budgetNUMERICAd Set Lifetime BudgetThe lifetime budget of the set defined in minimum denomination level of your account currency (such as cents for USD).Ad
adset_nameTEXTAd Set NameThe name the ad set you're viewing in reporting. An ad set is a group of ads that share the same budget, schedule, delivery optimization and targeting. This column does not apply to campaigns, only ad sets and ads.Ad
adset_start_timeTIMESTAMPAd Set Start TimeStart time, in UTC UNIX timestampAd
adset_statusTEXTAdset StatusThe status of the adset.Ad
adset_updated_timeTIMESTAMPAd Set Updated TimeTime when the Ad Set was updatedAd
ageTEXTAge RangeThe age range of the people you've reached.User
bodyTEXTBody of the adThe body of the ad. Not supported for video post creatives.Ad
body_assetTEXTID of body assetThe ID of the body asset involved in impression, click or action.Body Asset
buying_typeTEXTBuying TypeThe method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns: through dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding, or reach and frequency buying. This field is currently only visible at the campaign level. This column does not apply to ad sets or ads, only campaigns.Dynamic Creative Ads
call_to_action_assetTEXTID of call to action assetThe ID of the call to action asset involved in impression, click, or action.Call to Action Asset
campaignTEXTCampaignThe campaign name of the ad campaign you're viewing in reporting. Your campaign contains ad sets and ads.Campaign
campaign_bid_strategyTEXTCampaign Bid StrategyBid strategy for this campaign when you enable campaign budget optimization and when you use AUCTION as your buying typeCampaign
campaign_budget_remainingNUMERICCampaign Budget RemainingRemaining campaign budget defined in minimum denomination level of your account currency (such as cents for USD).Campaign
campaign_buying_typeTEXTCampaign Buying t ypeBuying type, possible values are - AUCTION default; - RESERVED for reach and frequency ads.Campaign
campaign_configured_statusTEXTCampaign Configured StatusIf this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED.Campaign
campaign_created_timeTIMESTAMPCampaign Created TimeMerging of start_times for the ad sets belonging to this campaign.Campaign
campaign_daily_budgetNUMERICCampaign Daily BudgetDaily budget of this campaign defined in minimum denomination level of your account currency (such as cents for USD). All adsets under this campaign will share this budget.Campaign
campaign_effective_statusTEXTCampaign Effective StatusThe effective status of the campaign.The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent campaign.Campaign
campaign_idTEXTCampaign IDThe unique ID number of the ad campaign you're viewing in reporting. Your campaign contains ad sets and ads.Campaign
campaign_lifetime_budgetNUMERICCampaign Lifetime BudgetThe lifetime budget of the campaign defined in minimum denomination level of your account currency (such as cents for USD).Campaign
campaign_objectiveTEXTCampaign ObjectiveCampaign's objective. If it is specified the API will validate that any ads created under the campaign match that objective.Campaign
campaign_special_ad_categoryTEXTCampaign Special Ad CategoryThe campaign's Special Ad Category. One of HOUSING, EMPLOYMENT, CREDIT, or NONE.Campaign
campaign_spend_capTEXTCampaign Spend CapA spend cap for the campaign, such that it will not spend more than this cap.Campaign
campaign_start_timeTIMESTAMPCampaign Start TimeMerging of start_times for the ad sets belonging to this campaign.Campaign
campaign_statusTEXTCampaign StatusThe status of the campaign.Account
campaign_stop_timeTIMESTAMPCampaign Stop TimeMerging of stop_times for the ad sets belonging to this campaign.Campaign
campaignidTEXTCampaign ID (duplicate)The unique ID number of the ad campaign you're viewing in reporting. Your campaign contains ad sets and ads. (duplicate)Campaign
canvas_avg_view_percentPERCENTInstant Experience View PercentageThe average percentage of the Instant Experience that people saw. An Instant Experience is a screen that opens after someone interacts with your ad on a mobile device. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images product catalog and more.Media
canvas_avg_view_timeNUMERICInstant Experience View TimeThe average total time, in seconds, that people spent viewing an Instant Experience. An Instant Experience is a screen that opens after someone interacts with your ad on a mobile device. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images product catalog and more.Media
catalog_segment_actions_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions Add To CartCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions App Custom Event.FB Mobile Add To CartCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions App Custom Event.FB Mobile Content ViewCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions App Custom Event.FB Mobile PurchaseCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel Add To CartCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel View ContentCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions Omni Add To CartCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_omni_purchaseNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions Omni PurchaseCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_omni_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions Omni View ContentCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_purchaseNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions PurchaseCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_actions_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Actions View ContentCatalog Segment Actions
catalog_segment_value_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Add To CartCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_app_custom_eventNUMERICCatalog Segment Value App Custom EventCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Value App Custom Event.FB Mobile Add To CartCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICCatalog Segment Value App Custom Event.FB Mobile Content ViewCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICCatalog Segment Value App Custom Event.FB Mobile PurchaseCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_mobile_purchase_roasNUMERICMobile purchase ROASValue from conversion events, including a breakdown of purchases, add-to-carts and view products for the catalog segment at each ad object level.Catalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_offsite_conversionNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Offsite ConversionCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel Add To CartCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel View ContentCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Omni Add To CartCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_omni_purchaseNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Omni PurchaseCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_omni_purchase_roasNUMERICTotal purchase ROASTotal return on ad spend (ROAS) from purchases of items shared between Brand and Retailer. This number is based on information received from one or more Retailer' connected Facebook Business Tools. The amount is attributed to your ads.Catalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_omni_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Omni View ContentCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_onsite_app_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Onsite App Add To CartCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_onsite_app_purchaseNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Onsite App PurchaseCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_onsite_app_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Onsite App View ContentCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_onsite_web_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Onsite Web Add To CartCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_onsite_web_app_add_to_cartNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Onsite Web App Add To CartCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_onsite_web_app_purchaseNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Onsite Web App PurchaseCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_onsite_web_app_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Onsite Web App View ContentCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_onsite_web_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Value Onsite Web View ContentCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_purchaseNUMERICCatalog Segment Value PurchaseCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_view_contentNUMERICCatalog Segment Value View ContentCatalog Segment Value
catalog_segment_value_website_purchase_roasNUMERICWebsite purchase ROASTotal return on ad spend (ROAS) from website purchases of items shared between Brand and Retailer. This number is based on information received from one or more Retailers' connected Facebook Business Tools. The amount is attributed to your ads.Catalog Segment Value
clicksNUMERICClicksThe number of clicks on your ads.Ad
conversion_values_donate_websiteNUMERICWebsite Donate Conversions ValueThe value of website donationsConversions
conversions_ad_click_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app ad click conversionsThe number of Mobile app ad clickConversions
conversions_ad_impression_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app ad impression conversionsThe number of Mobile app ad clickConversions
conversions_cancel_subscription_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app cancel subscription conversionsThe number of mobile app canceled subscriptionsConversions
conversions_cancel_subscription_offlineNUMERICOffline cancel subscription conversionsThe number of offline canceled subscriptionsConversions
conversions_cancel_subscription_totalNUMERICCancel subscription conversionsThe total number of canceled subscriptionsConversions
conversions_cancel_subscription_websiteNUMERICWebsite cancel subscription conversionsThe number of website canceled subscriptionsConversions
conversions_contact_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app contact conversionsThe number of mobile app contactsConversions
conversions_contact_offlineNUMERICOffline contact conversionsThe number of offline contactsConversions
conversions_contact_totalNUMERICContact conversionsThe total number of contactsConversions
conversions_contact_websiteNUMERICWebsite contact conversionsThe number of website contactsConversions
conversions_customize_product_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app customize product conversionsThe number of mobile app products customizedConversions
conversions_customize_product_offlineNUMERICOffline customize product conversionsThe number of offline products customizedConversions
conversions_customize_product_totalNUMERICCustomize product conversionsThe total number of products customizedConversions
conversions_customize_product_websiteNUMERICWebsite customize product conversionsThe number of website products customizedConversions
conversions_donate_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app donate conversionsThe number of mobile app donationsConversions
conversions_donate_offlineNUMERICOffline donate conversionsThe number of offline donationsConversions
conversions_donate_on_facebookNUMERICDonate on facebook conversionsThe number of donations on facebookConversions
conversions_donate_totalNUMERICDonate conversionsThe total number of donationsConversions
conversions_donate_websiteNUMERICWebsite Donate ConversionsThe number of website donationsConversions
conversions_find_location_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app find location conversionsThe number of mobile app location searchesConversions
conversions_find_location_offlineNUMERICOffline find location conversionsThe number of offline app location searchesConversions
conversions_find_location_totalNUMERICFind location conversionsThe total number of location searchesConversions
conversions_find_location_websiteNUMERICWebsite find location conversionsThe number of website location searchesConversions
conversions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_custom_invitee_meeting_scheduledNUMERICAppointments ScheduledNumber of appointments scheduledWebsite
conversions_recurring_subscription_payment_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app recurring subscription payment conversionsThe number of mobile app recurring subscription paymentsConversions
conversions_recurring_subscription_payment_offlineNUMERICOffline recurring subscription payment conversionsThe number of offline recurring subscription paymentsConversions
conversions_recurring_subscription_payment_totalNUMERICRecurring subscription payment conversionsThe total number of recurring subscription paymentsConversions
conversions_recurring_subscription_payment_websiteNUMERICWebsite recurring subscription payment conversionsThe number of website recurring subscription paymentsConversions
conversions_schedule_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app schedule conversionsThe number of mobile app appointments scheduledConversions
conversions_schedule_offlineNUMERICOffline schedule conversionsThe number of offline app appointments scheduledConversions
conversions_schedule_totalNUMERICSchedule conversionsThe total number of appointments scheduledConversions
conversions_schedule_websiteNUMERICWebsite schedule conversionsThe number of website appointments scheduledConversions
conversions_start_trial_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app start trial conversionsThe number of mobile app trials startedConversions
conversions_start_trial_offlineNUMERICOffline start trial conversionsThe number of offline trials startedConversions
conversions_start_trial_totalNUMERICStart trial conversionsThe total number of trials startedConversions
conversions_start_trial_websiteNUMERICWebsite start trial conversionsThe number of website trials startedConversions
conversions_submit_application_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app submit application conversionsThe number of mobile app applications submittedConversions
conversions_submit_application_offlineNUMERICOffline submit application conversionsThe number of offline applications submittedConversions
conversions_submit_application_on_facebookNUMERICSubmit application on facebook conversionsThe number of applications submitted on facebookConversions
conversions_submit_application_totalNUMERICSubmit application conversionsThe total number of applications submittedConversions
conversions_submit_application_websiteNUMERICWebsite submit application conversionsThe number of website applications submittedConversions
conversions_subscribe_mobile_appNUMERICMobile app subscribe conversionsThe number of mobile app subscriptionsConversions
conversions_subscribe_offlineNUMERICOffline subscribe conversionsThe number of offline subscriptionsConversions
conversions_subscribe_totalNUMERICSubscribe conversionsThe total number of subscriptionsConversions
conversions_subscribe_websiteNUMERICWebsite subscribe conversionsThe number of website subscriptionsConversions
converted_product_quantity_app_custom_eventNUMERICConverted Product Quantity App Custom EventConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_quantity_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICConverted Product Quantity App Custom Event.FB Mobile Add To CartConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_quantity_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICConverted Product Quantity App Custom Event.FB Mobile Content ViewConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_quantity_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICConverted Product Quantity App Custom Event.FB Mobile PurchaseConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_quantity_offsite_conversionNUMERICConverted Product Quantity Offsite ConversionConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_quantity_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICConverted Product Quantity Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel View ContentConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_quantity_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICConverted Product Quantity Omni Add To CartConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_quantity_omni_purchaseNUMERICConverted Product Quantity Omni PurchaseConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_quantity_omni_view_contentNUMERICConverted Product Quantity Omni View ContentConverted Product Quantity
converted_product_value_app_custom_eventNUMERICConverted Product Value App Custom EventConverted Product Value
converted_product_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICConverted Product Value App Custom Event.FB Mobile Add To CartConverted Product Value
converted_product_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICConverted Product Value App Custom Event.FB Mobile Content ViewConverted Product Value
converted_product_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICConverted Product Value App Custom Event.FB Mobile PurchaseConverted Product Value
converted_product_value_offsite_conversionNUMERICConverted Product Value Offsite ConversionConverted Product Value
converted_product_value_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICConverted Product Value Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel View ContentConverted Product Value
converted_product_value_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICConverted Product Value Omni Add To CartConverted Product Value
converted_product_value_omni_purchaseNUMERICConverted Product Value Omni PurchaseConverted Product Value
converted_product_value_omni_view_contentNUMERICConverted Product Value Omni View ContentConverted Product Value
cost_per_action_type_add_payment_infoNUMERICCost per Adds of Payment InfoCost per The number of add payment info events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Adds to CartCost per The number of add to cart events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_add_to_wishlistNUMERICCost per Adds to WishlistCost per The number of add to wishlist events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appNUMERICCost per Mobile App ActivactionsCost per The number of times your app was activated attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoNUMERICCost per Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add Payment InfoCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To CartCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistNUMERICCost per Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To WishlistCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationNUMERICCost per Mobile App Registrations CompletedCost per The number of registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICCost per Mobile Content ViewsCost per The number of content views in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutNUMERICCost per Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Initiated CheckoutCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedNUMERICCost per Mobile App Levels CompletedCost per The number of levels achieved in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICCost per Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile PurchaseCost Per Action
NUMERICCost per Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile SearchCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionNUMERICCost per Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Tutorial CompletionCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_otherNUMERICCost per Mobile App - OtherCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_checkinNUMERICCost per Check-InsCost per The number of check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_click_to_call_call_confirmNUMERICCost per Call Confirmation ClicksCost per The number of call confirmation clicks attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_commentNUMERICCost per Post CommentsCost per The number of comments on your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_complete_registrationNUMERICCost per Registrations CompletedCost per The number of complete registration events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_initiate_checkoutNUMERICCost per Checkouts InitiatedCost per The number of initiate checkout events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_landing_page_viewNUMERICCost per Landing Page ViewsCost per The number of times a person clicked on an ad link and then successfully loaded the destination webpage or Instant Experience. To report on landing page views, you must have created a Facebook pixel.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_leadNUMERICCost per LeadsCost per The number of leads attributed to your ads from Facebook-owned properties (including forms and Messenger) as well as off-Facebook leads tracked by one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_likeNUMERICCost per Page LikesCost per The number of likes of your Facebook Page attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
NUMERICCost per Link ClicksCost per The number of clicks on links within the ad that led to destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook. For ads promoting Instagram profile views, link clicks include clicks on the ad header or comments that led to the advertiser's profile.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_mobile_app_installNUMERICCost per Mobile App InstallsCost per The number of installs of your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoNUMERICCost per Website Adds of Payment InfoCost per The number of add payment info events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Website Adds to CartCost per The number of add to cart events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistNUMERICCost per Website Adds to WishlistCost per The number of add to wishlist events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationNUMERICCost per Website Registrations CompletedCost per The number of complete registration events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_customNUMERICCost per Custom EventsCost per The number of custom events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutNUMERICCost per Website Checkouts InitiatedCost per The number of initiate checkout events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadNUMERICCost per Website LeadsCost per The number of lead events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMERICCost per Website PurchasesCost per The number of purchase events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
NUMERICCost per Website SearchesCost per The number of search events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICCost per Website Content ViewsCost per The number of view content events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_achievement_unlockedNUMERICCost per Achievements UnlockedCost per The number of unlock achievement events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_activate_appNUMERICCost per App ActivationsCost per The number of times your app was activated attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICOmni Cost per Adds to CartCost per The number of add to cart events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_app_installNUMERICCost per App InstallsCost per The number of app installs that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_complete_registrationNUMERICOmni Cost per Registrations CompletedCost per The number of complete registration events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_customNUMERICCost per Actions Omni CustomCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_initiated_checkoutNUMERICOmni Cost per Checkouts InitiatedCost per The number of initiate checkout events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_level_achievedNUMERICCost per Levels AchievedCost per The number of achieve level events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_purchaseNUMERICCost per PurchasesCost per The number of purchase events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_rateNUMERICCost per Ratings SubmittedCost per The number of ratings submitted events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
NUMERICOmni Cost per SearchesCost per The number of search events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_spend_creditsNUMERICCost per Credit SpendsCost per The number of spend credits events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools. This does not refer to the total value of credits spent.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_tutorial_completionNUMERICCost per Tutorials CompletedCost per The number of completed tutorial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_omni_view_contentNUMERICOmni Cost per Content ViewsCost per The number of view content events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_flow_completeNUMERICCost per On-Facebook Workflow CompletionsCost per The number of times a workflow was completed within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedNUMERICCost per On-Facebook LeadsCost per The number of leads submitted on Facebook-owned property (including forms and Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockNUMERICCost per Blocked Messaging ConnectionsCost per The number of times that people blocked a messaging connection with your business, attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_conversation_started_7dNUMERICCost per New Messaging ConnectionsCost per The number of people your business added as messaging connections, attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_post_saveNUMERICCost per Post SavesCost per The total number of times your ad has been saved.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_purchaseNUMERICCost per On-Facebook PurchasesCost per The number of purchases made within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_web_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Actions Onsite Web Add To CartCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_web_app_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Actions Onsite Web App Add To CartCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_web_app_purchaseNUMERICCost per Actions Onsite Web App PurchaseCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_onsite_web_purchaseNUMERICCost per Actions Onsite Web PurchaseCost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_page_engagementNUMERICCost per Page EngagementCost per The total number of actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_photo_viewNUMERICCost per Photo ViewsCost per The number of views of photos on your Page or posts that are attributed to your ads. Photo views are counted when people click on photos to view them.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_postNUMERICCost per Post SharesCost per The number of shares of your ads. People can share your ads or posts on their own or friends' Timelines, in groups and on their own Pages.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_post_engagementNUMERICCost per Post EngagementCost per The total number of actions that people take involving your ads.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_post_reactionNUMERICCost per Post ReactionsCost per The number of reactions on your ads. The reactions button on an ad allows people to share different reactions to its content: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_rsvpNUMERICCost per Event ResponsesCost per The number of people who responded Interested or Going to your Facebook event, attributed to your ads.Cost Per Action
NUMERICCost per SearchesCost per The number of search events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_video_viewNUMERICCost per 3-Second Video PlaysCost per The number of times your video played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.Cost Per Action
cost_per_action_type_view_contentNUMERICCost per Content ViewsCost per The number of view content events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Action
cost_per_conversion_ad_click_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app ad click conversionCost per mobile app ad click conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_ad_impression_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app ad impression conversionCost per mobile app ad impression conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_cancel_subscription_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app cancel subscription conversionCost per mobile app cancel subscription conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_cancel_subscription_offlineNUMERICCost per offline cancel subscription conversionCost per offline cancel subscription conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_cancel_subscription_totalNUMERICCost per cancel subscription conversionCost per cancel subscription conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_cancel_subscription_websiteNUMERICCost per website cancel subscription conversionCost per website cancel subscription conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_contact_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app contact conversionCost per mobile app contact conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_contact_offlineNUMERICCost per offline contact conversionCost per offline contact conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_contact_totalNUMERICCost per contact conversionCost per contact conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_contact_websiteNUMERICCost per website contact conversionCost per website contact conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_customize_product_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app customize product conversionCost per mobile app customize product conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_customize_product_offlineNUMERICCost per offline customize product conversionCost per offline customize product conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_customize_product_totalNUMERICCost per customize product conversionCost per customize product conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_customize_product_websiteNUMERICCost per website customize product conversionCost per website customize product conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_donate_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app donate conversionCost per mobile app donate conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_donate_offlineNUMERICCost per offline donate conversionCost per offline donate conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_donate_on_facebookNUMERICCost per donate on facebook conversionCost per donate on facebook conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_donate_totalNUMERICCost per donate conversionCost per donate conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_donate_websiteNUMERICCost per website donate conversionCost per website donate conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_find_location_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app find location conversionCost per mobile app find location conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_find_location_offlineNUMERICCost per offline find location conversionCost per offline find location conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_find_location_totalNUMERICCost per find location conversionCost per find location conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_find_location_websiteNUMERICCost per website find location conversionCost per website find location conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_recurring_subscription_payment_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app recurring subscription payment conversionCost per mobile app recurring subscription payment conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_recurring_subscription_payment_offlineNUMERICCost per offline recurring subscription payment conversionCost per offline recurring subscription payment conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_recurring_subscription_payment_totalNUMERICCost per recurring subscription payment conversionCost per recurring subscription payment conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_recurring_subscription_payment_websiteNUMERICCost per website recurring subscription payment conversionCost per website recurring subscription payment conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_schedule_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app schedule conversionCost per mobile app schedule conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_schedule_offlineNUMERICCost per offline schedule conversionCost per offline schedule conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_schedule_totalNUMERICCost per schedule conversionCost per schedule conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_schedule_websiteNUMERICCost per website schedule conversionCost per website schedule conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_start_trial_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app start trial conversionCost per mobile app start trial conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_start_trial_offlineNUMERICCost per offline start trial conversionCost per offline start trial conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_start_trial_totalNUMERICCost per start trial conversionCost per start trial conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_start_trial_websiteNUMERICCost per website start trial conversionCost per website start trial conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_submit_application_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app submit application conversionCost per mobile app submit application conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_submit_application_offlineNUMERICCost per offline submit application conversionCost per offline submit application conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_submit_application_on_facebookNUMERICCost per submit application on facebook conversionCost per submit application on facebook conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_submit_application_totalNUMERICCost per submit application conversionCost per submit application conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_submit_application_websiteNUMERICCost per website submit application conversionCost per website submit application conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_subscribe_mobile_appNUMERICCost per mobile app subscribe conversionCost per mobile app subscribe conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_subscribe_offlineNUMERICCost per offline subscribe conversionCost per offline subscribe conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_subscribe_totalNUMERICCost per subscribe conversionCost per subscribe conversionConversions
cost_per_conversion_subscribe_websiteNUMERICCost per website subscribe conversionCost per website subscribe conversionConversions
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallersNUMERICCost per Estimated Ad Recall LiftCost per An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives.Cost Per Action
cost_per_outbound_click_outbound_clickNUMERICCost per Outbound ClicksCost per The number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties.Cost Per Outbound
cost_per_thruplay_video_viewNUMERICCost per ThruPlaysCost per The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds.Cost Per Thruplay
cost_per_unique_action_click_to_call_call_confirmNUMERICCost per Unique Call Confirmation ClicksCost per The number of call confirmation clicks attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_add_payment_infoNUMERICCost per Unique Adds of Payment InfoCost per The estimated number of people who submitted payment info.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Unique Actions Add To CartCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_add_to_wishlistNUMERICCost per Unique Adds to WishlistCost per The estimated number of people who added items to their wishlist.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_eventNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom EventCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Activate AppCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add Payment InfoCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To CartCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To WishlistCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Complete RegistrationCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Content ViewCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Initiated CheckoutCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Level AchievedCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile PurchaseCost Per Unique Action
NUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile SearchCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Tutorial CompletionCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_otherNUMERICCost per Unique Actions App Custom Event.OtherCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_checkinNUMERICCost per Unique Check-InsCost per The number of people with check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_commentNUMERICCost per Unique Post CommentsCost per The number of people with comments on your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_complete_registrationNUMERICCost per Unique Registrations CompletedCost per The estimated number of people who registered.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_initiate_checkoutNUMERICCost per Unique Checkouts InitiatedCost per The estimated number of people who initiated checkouts.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_landing_page_viewNUMERICCost per Unique Landing Page ViewsCost per The number of people who caused a landing page view.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_leadNUMERICCost per Unique LeadsCost per The number of people with leads attributed to your ads from Facebook-owned properties (including forms and Messenger) as well as off-Facebook leads tracked by one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_likeNUMERICCost per Unique Page LikesCost per The number of people with likes of your Facebook Page attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
NUMERICCost per Unique Link ClicksCost per The number of people who performed a link click.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_mobile_app_installNUMERICCost per Unique Mobile App InstallsCost per The number of people with installs of your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversionNUMERIC(Deprecated) Cost per Unique Website ConversionsCost per The number of unique people who with conversion events attributed to your ads (estimated)Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoNUMERICCost per Unique Website Adds of Payment InfoCost per The number of people with add payment info events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Unique Website Adds to CartCost per The number of people with add to cart events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistNUMERICCost per Unique Website Adds to WishlistCost per The number of people who performed add to wishlist events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationNUMERICCost per Unique Website Registrations CompletedCost per The number of people with complete registration events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutNUMERICCost per Unique Website Checkouts InitiatedCost per The number of people who initiated checkout events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadNUMERICCost per Unique Website LeadsCost per The number of people with lead events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMERICCost per Unique Website PurchasesCost per The number of people with purchase events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
NUMERICCost per Unique Website SearchesCost per The number of people with search events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICCost per Unique Website Content ViewsCost per The number of people with view content events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_achievement_unlockedNUMERICCost per Unique Achievements UnlockedCost per The estimated number of people who unlocked achievements.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_activate_appNUMERICCost per Unique App ActivationsCost per The estimated number of people who performed app activations.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Unique Adds to CartCost per The estimated number of people who added items to their cart.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_app_installNUMERICCost per Unique App InstallsCost per The number of unique people who took this action attributed to your ads (estimated)Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_complete_registrationNUMERICOmni Cost per Unique Registrations CompletedCost per The estimated number of people who registered.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_customNUMERICCost per Unique Actions Omni CustomCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_initiated_checkoutNUMERICOmni Cost per Unique Checkouts InitiatedCost per The estimated number of people who initiated checkouts.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_level_achievedNUMERICCost per Unique Levels CompletedCost per The estimated number of people who achieved levels.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_purchaseNUMERICCost per Unique PurchasesCost per The estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_rateNUMERICCost per Unique Ratings SubmittedCost per The estimated number of people who submitted ratings.Cost Per Unique Action
NUMERICCost per Unique SearchesCost per The estimated number of people who searched.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_spend_creditsNUMERICCost per Unique Credit SpendsCost per The estimated number of people who spent credits.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_tutorial_completionNUMERICCost per Unique Tutorials CompletedCost per The estimated number of people who completed tutorials.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_omni_view_contentNUMERICOmni Cost per Unique Content ViewsCost per The estimated number of people who viewed content.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_flow_completeNUMERICCost per Unique On-Facebook Workflow CompletionsCost per The number of people who completed a workflow within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedNUMERICCost per Unique On-Facebook LeadsCost per The number of leads submitted on Facebook-owned property (including forms and Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockNUMERICCost per Unique Blocked Messaging ConnectionsCost per The number of people that blocked a messaging connection with your business, attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_purchaseNUMERICCost per Unique On-Facebook PurchasesCost per The number of unique people who took this action attributed to your ads (estimated)Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_web_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Unique Actions Onsite Web Add To CartCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_web_app_add_to_cartNUMERICCost per Unique Actions Onsite Web App Add To CartCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_web_app_purchaseNUMERICCost per Unique Actions Onsite Web App PurchaseCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_web_purchaseNUMERICCost per Unique Actions Onsite Web PurchaseCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_page_engagementNUMERICCost per Unique Page EngagementCost per The number of people who took action on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_photo_viewNUMERICCost per Unique Photo ViewsCost per The number of unique people with views of photos on your Page or posts that are attributed to your ads. Photo views are counted when people click on photos to view them.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_post_engagementNUMERICCost per Unique Post EngagementCost per The total number of people who took actions involving your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_post_reactionNUMERICCost per Unique Post ReactionsCost per The number of unique people who took this action attributed to your ads (estimated)Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_purchaseNUMERICCost per Unique Actions PurchaseCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_rsvpNUMERICCost per Unique Event ResponsesCost per The number of people who responded Interested or Going to your Facebook event, attributed to your ads.Cost Per Unique Action
NUMERICCost per Unique Actions SearchCost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_video_viewNUMERICCost per Unique 3-Second Continuous Video PlaysCost per The number of unique people who took this action attributed to your ads (estimated)Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_action_type_view_contentNUMERICCost per Unique Content ViewsCost per The estimated number of people who viewed content.Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_clickNUMERICCost per Unique ClicksCost per The number of people who performed a click (all).Cost Per Unique Action
cost_per_unique_outbound_click_outbound_clickNUMERICCost per Unique Outbound ClicksCost per The number of people who performed an outbound click.Cost Per Unique Action
countryCOUNTRYCountryThe countries where the people you've reached are located. This is based on information such as a person's hometown, their current city and the geographical location where they tend to be when they visit Facebook.Location
cpcNUMERICCPCThe average cost for each click (all).Clicks Cost
cpmNUMERICCPMThe average cost for 1,000 impressions.Clicks Cost
cppNUMERICCost per 1,000 People ReachedThe average cost to reach 1,000 people.Clicks Cost
ctrPERCENTCTRThe percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click (all).Clicks Cost
currencyTEXTCurrencyCurrency that is used by your ad account.Account
custom_conversion_action_countNUMERICCustom conversion action countThe number of custom conversion actionsCustom Conversions
custom_conversion_action_nameTEXTCustom conversion action nameThe name of the custom conversion actionCustom Conversions
custom_conversion_action_valueNUMERICCustom conversion action valueThe value of custom conversion actionsCustom Conversions
custom_conversion_business_idTEXTCustom Conversion Business IDID of the Business that owns the custom conversionCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_business_nameTEXTCustom Conversion Business NameName of the Business that owns the custom conversionCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_creation_timeTIMESTAMPCustom Conversion Creation TimeTime at which the conversion was createdCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_custom_event_typeTEXTCustom Conversion Custom Event TypeThe type of the conversion event, e.g. PURCHASECustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_data_sourcesTEXTCustom Conversion Data SourcesEvent sources of the custom conversionCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_default_conversion_valueNUMERICCustom Conversion Default Conversion ValueWhen conversion is URL based, the default conversion value associated to each conversionCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_descriptionTEXTCustom Conversion DescriptionDescription of the custom conversionCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_event_source_typeTEXTCustom Conversion Event Source TypeEvent source type of the custom conversion, e.g. pixel, app, etcCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_first_fired_timeTIMESTAMPCustom Conversion First Fired TimeTime at which the pixel was ашкые firedCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_idTEXTCustom Conversion IDID of the custom conversionCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_is_archivedBOOLEANCustom Conversion Is ArchivedWhether this conversion is archived. Archived conversions are no longer tracked in the systemCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_is_unavailableBOOLEANCustom Conversion Is UnavailableWhether this conversion is unavailableCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_last_fired_timeTIMESTAMPCustom Conversion Last Fired TimeTime at which the pixel was last firedCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_nameTEXTCustom Conversion NameName of the custom conversionCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_pixel_idTEXTCustom Conversion Pixel IDCustom conversion Pixel IDCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_retention_daysNUMERICCustom Conversion Pixel Retention DaysRetention period for advanced ruleCustom Conversion Definition
custom_conversion_ruleTEXTCustom Conversion RuleRule of the custom conversionCustom Conversion Definition
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateThe dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled (the time dimension).Time
date_startDATEReporting StartsThe start date for your data. This is controlled by the date range you've selected for your reporting view.Time
date_stopDATEReporting EndsThe end date for your data. This is controlled by the date range you've selected for your reporting view.Time
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
description_assetTEXTID of description assetThe ID of the description asset involved in impression, click or action.Description Asset
desktop_feed_standard_preview_urlTEXTDesktop Feed Standard Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the desktop feed standard placementAd
device_platformTEXTDevice platformThe type of device, mobile or desktop, used by people when they viewed or clicked on an ad, as shown in ads reporting.Impressions
dmaTEXTDesignated Market AreaDMA (Designated Market Area) regions are the 210 geographic areas in the United States in which local television viewing is measured by The Nielsen Company.DMA Regions
effective_instagram_media_idTEXTInstagram Post IDThe ID of an Instagram post to use in an ad.Effective
effective_instagram_story_idTEXTInstagram Story IDUsed for Instagram Ads. The ID of an Instagram post to display as an Instagram ad.Effective
effective_object_story_idTEXTFacebook Post IDThe ID of a page post to use in an ad, regardless of whether it's an organic or unpublished page postEffective
effective_statusTEXTEffective StatusThe effective status of the ad.The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent campaign.Effective
estimated_ad_recall_ratePERCENTEstimated Ad Recall Lift RateThe rate at which an estimated number of additional people, when asked, would remember seeing your ads within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives.Ad
estimated_ad_recallersNUMERICEstimated Ad Recall LiftAn estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives.Ad
facebook_story_mobile_preview_urlTEXTFacebook Story Mobile Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the facebook story mobile placementAd
frequencyNUMERICFrequencyThe average number of times each person saw your ad.Performance
frequency_valueTEXTNumber of frequencyThe number of times an ad in your Reach and Frequency campaign was served to each person.Performance
genderTEXTGenderGender of people you've reached. People who don't list their gender are shown as 'not specified'.User
hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zoneTEXTHourly breakdown aggregated by the time ads were delivered in the advertiser's time zone.Hourly breakdown aggregated by the time ads were delivered in the advertiser's time zone. For example, if your ads are scheduled to run from 9 AM to 11 AM, but they reach audiences in multiple time zones, they may deliver from 9 AM to 1 PM in the advertiser's time zone. Stats will be aggregated into four groups 9 AM - 10 AM, 10 AM - 11 AM, 11 AM - 12 PM, and 12 PM - 1 PM.Time Aggregate Advertiser
hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zoneTEXTHourly breakdown aggregated by the time ads were delivered in the audiences' time zone.Hourly breakdown aggregated by the time ads were delivered in the audiences' time zone. For example, if your ads are scheduled to run from 9 AM to 11 AM but they reach audiences in multiple time zones, they may deliver from 9 AM to 1 PM in the advertiser's time zone. Stats will be aggregated into two groups 9 AM - 10 AM and 10 AM - 11 AM.Time Aggregate Audience
image_assetTEXTID of image assetThe ID of the image asset involved in impression, click or action.Image Asset
image_urlIMAGE_URLAd Image URLA URL for the image for this creative. We save the image at this URL to the ad account's image library.Dynamic Creative Ads
impression_deviceTEXTThe device where your last ad was served to someoneThe device where your last ad was served to someone on Facebook. For example "iPhone" if someone viewed your ad on an iPhone.Impressions
impressionsNUMERICImpressionsThe number of times your ads were on screen.Performance
instagram_actor_idTEXTInstagram Page IDUsed for Instagram Ads. Provide Instagram account ID used for running these ads.Ad
TEXTInstagram Post URLURL for a post on Instagram you want to run as an ad. Also known as Instagram media.Ad
instagram_standard_preview_urlTEXTInstagram Standard Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the instagram standard placementAd
instagram_story_preview_urlTEXTInstagram Story Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the instagram story placementAd
instant_article_standard_preview_urlTEXTInstant Article Standard Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the instant article standard placementAd
instream_video_desktop_preview_urlTEXTInstream Video Desktop Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the instream video desktop placementAd
instream_video_mobile_preview_urlTEXTInstream Video Mobile Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the instream video mobile placementAd
keywordTEXTKeywordThe name of the ad being viewed in reporting (duplicate)Ad
TEXTAd Link (Destination URL)The link where the user is taken to upon clicking on the ad.Ad
NUMERICLink ClicksThe number of clicks on links within the ad that led to destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook. For ads promoting Instagram profile views, link clicks include clicks on the ad header or comments that led to the advertiser's profile.(duplicate)Dynamic Creative Ads
TEXTID of the URL assetThe ID of the URL asset involved in impression, click or action.Link Asset
TEXTWebsite URL of the URL assetThe website URL of the URL asset involved in impression, click or action.Dynamic Creative Ads
mobile_app_purchase_roas_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICMobile App Purchase ROAS App Custom Event.Fb Mobile PurchaseMobile App
mobile_feed_basic_preview_urlTEXTMobile Feed Basic Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the mobile feed basic placementMobile App
mobile_feed_standard_preview_urlTEXTMobile Feed Standard Preview URLURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the mobile feed standard placementMobile App
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
objectiveTEXTObjectiveThe objective reflecting the goal you want to achieve with your advertising. It may be different from the selected objective of the campaign in some cases. This column does not apply to ad sets, only campaigns and ads.Campaign
outbound_clicks_ctr_outbound_clickPERCENTOutbound CTRThe percentage of times people saw your ad and performed an outbound click.Clicks
outbound_clicks_outbound_clickNUMERICOutbound ClicksThe number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties.Clicks
place_page_idTEXTThe ID of the place pageThe ID of the place page involved in impression or click.Impressions
platform_positionTEXTWhere your ad was shown within a platformWhere your ad was shown within a platform, for example on Facebook desktop News Feed, or Instagram Mobile News Feed.Impressions
product_idTEXTThe ID and name of the productThe ID and name of the product involved in impression, click, or action.Product
IMAGE_URLPromoted Post Full PictureFull size picture from attachmentDynamic Creative Ads
publisher_platformTEXTPlatform your ad was shownWhich platform your ad was shown, for example on Facebook, Instagram, or Audience Network.Impressions
reachNUMERICReachThe number of people who saw your ads at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same people.Performance
regionREGIONRegionThe regions where the people you've reached are located. This is based on information such as a person's hometown, their current city and the geographical location where they tend to be when they visit Facebook.Location
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
source_instagram_media_idTEXTInstagram Source Media IDInstagram Media ID of post for creative that was set up using an Instagram post.Ad
spendNUMERICAmount SpentThe estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad set or ad during its schedule.Campaign
statusTEXTAd StatusThe status of the ad.Ad
thumbnail_urlIMAGE_URLThumbnail URLURL for a thumbnail image for this ad creative.Ad
titleTEXTLink Ad TitleTitle for link ad, which does not belong to a page.Ad
title_assetTEXTID of the title assetThe ID of the title asset involved in impression, click or action.Title Asset
todayDATETodayToday's date
totalcostNUMERICTotal CostThe estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad set or ad during its schedule. (duplicate)Campaign
unique_actions_add_payment_infoNUMERICUnique Adds of Payment InfoThe estimated number of people who submitted payment info.Unique Actions
unique_actions_add_to_cartNUMERICUnique Actions Add To CartUnique Actions
unique_actions_add_to_wishlistNUMERICUnique Adds to WishlistThe estimated number of people who added items to their wishlist.Unique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_eventNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom EventUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Activate AppUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add Payment InfoUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To CartUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Add To WishlistUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Complete RegistrationUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Content ViewUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Initiated CheckoutUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Level AchievedUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile PurchaseUnique Actions
NUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile SearchUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.Fb Mobile Tutorial CompletionUnique Actions
unique_actions_app_custom_event_otherNUMERICUnique Actions App Custom Event.OtherUnique Actions
unique_actions_checkinNUMERICUnique Check-InsThe number of people with check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.Unique Actions
unique_actions_click_to_call_call_confirmNUMERICUnique Call Confirmation ClicksThe number of call confirmation clicks attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_commentNUMERICUnique Post CommentsThe number of people with comments on your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_complete_registrationNUMERICUnique Registrations CompletedThe estimated number of people who registered.Unique Actions
unique_actions_initiate_checkoutNUMERICUnique Checkouts InitiatedThe estimated number of people who initiated checkouts.Unique Actions
unique_actions_landing_page_viewNUMERICUnique Landing Page ViewsThe number of people who caused a landing page view.Unique Actions
unique_actions_leadNUMERICUnique LeadsThe number of people with leads attributed to your ads from Facebook-owned properties (including forms and Messenger) as well as off-Facebook leads tracked by one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools.Unique Actions
unique_actions_likeNUMERICUnique Page LikesThe number of people with likes of your Facebook Page attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
NUMERICUnique Link ClicksThe number of people who performed a link click.Unique Actions
unique_actions_mobile_app_installNUMERICUnique Mobile App InstallsThe number of people with installs of your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversionNUMERIC(Deprecated) Unique Website ConversionsThe number of unique people who with conversion events attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoNUMERICUnique Website Adds of Payment InfoThe number of people with add payment info events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMERICUnique Website Adds to CartThe number of people with add to cart events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistNUMERICUnique Website Adds to WishlistThe number of people who performed add to wishlist events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationNUMERICUnique Website Registrations CompletedThe number of people with complete registration events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutNUMERICUnique Website Checkouts InitiatedThe number of people who initiated checkout events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadNUMERICUnique Website LeadsThe number of people with lead events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMERICUnique Website PurchasesThe number of people with purchase events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
NUMERICUnique Website SearchesThe number of people with search events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMERICUnique Website Content ViewsThe number of people with view content events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_achievement_unlockedNUMERICUnique Achievements UnlockedThe estimated number of people who unlocked achievements.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_activate_appNUMERICUnique App ActivationsThe estimated number of people who performed app activations.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_add_to_cartNUMERICUnique Adds to CartThe estimated number of people who added items to their cart.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_app_installNUMERICUnique App InstallsThe number of unique people who took this action attributed to your ads (estimated)Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_complete_registrationNUMERICOmni Unique Registrations CompletedThe estimated number of people who registered.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_customNUMERICUnique Actions Omni CustomUnique Actions
unique_actions_omni_initiated_checkoutNUMERICUnique Omni Checkouts InitiatedThe estimated number of people who initiated checkouts.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_level_achievedNUMERICUnique Levels CompletedThe estimated number of people who achieved levels.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_purchaseNUMERICOmni Unique PurchasesThe estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_rateNUMERICUnique Ratings SubmittedThe estimated number of people who submitted ratings.Unique Actions
NUMERICUnique SearchesThe estimated number of people who searched.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_spend_creditsNUMERICUnique Credit SpendsThe estimated number of people who spent credits.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_tutorial_completionNUMERICUnique Tutorials CompletedThe estimated number of people who completed tutorials.Unique Actions
unique_actions_omni_view_contentNUMERICUnique Omni Content ViewsThe estimated number of people who viewed content.Unique Actions
unique_actions_onsite_conversion_flow_completeNUMERICUnique On-Facebook Workflow CompletionsThe number of people who completed a workflow within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedNUMERICUnique On-Facebook LeadsThe number of leads submitted on Facebook-owned property (including forms and Messenger) and attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockNUMERICUnique Blocked Messaging ConnectionsThe number of people that blocked a messaging connection with your business, attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_onsite_conversion_purchaseNUMERICUnique On-Facebook PurchasesThe number of unique people who took this action attributed to your ads (estimated)Unique Actions
unique_actions_onsite_web_add_to_cartNUMERICUnique Actions Onsite Web Add To CartUnique Actions
unique_actions_onsite_web_app_add_to_cartNUMERICUnique Actions Onsite Web App Add To CartUnique Actions
unique_actions_onsite_web_app_purchaseNUMERICUnique Actions Onsite Web App PurchaseUnique Actions
unique_actions_onsite_web_purchaseNUMERICUnique Actions Onsite Web PurchaseUnique Actions
unique_actions_page_engagementNUMERICUnique Page EngagementThe number of people who took action on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_photo_viewNUMERICUnique Photo ViewsThe number of unique people with views of photos on your Page or posts that are attributed to your ads. Photo views are counted when people click on photos to view them.Unique Actions
unique_actions_post_engagementNUMERICUnique Post EngagementThe total number of people who took actions involving your ads.Unique Actions
unique_actions_post_reactionNUMERICUnique Post ReactionsThe number of unique people who took this action attributed to your ads (estimated)Unique Actions
unique_actions_purchaseNUMERICUnique Actions PurchaseUnique Actions
unique_actions_rsvpNUMERICUnique Event ResponsesThe number of people who responded Interested or Going to your Facebook event, attributed to your ads.Unique Actions
NUMERICUnique Actions SearchUnique Actions
unique_actions_video_viewNUMERICUnique 3-Second Continuous Video PlaysThe number of unique people who took this action attributed to your ads (estimated)Unique Actions
unique_actions_view_contentNUMERICUnique Content ViewsThe estimated number of people who viewed content.Unique Actions
unique_clicksNUMERICUnique ClicksThe number of people who performed a click (all).Clicks
unique_ctrPERCENTUnique CTRThe percentage of people who saw your ad and performed a unique click (all).Clicks
PERCENTUnique Link Clicks CTRThe percentage of people who saw your ad and performed a link click.Clicks
unique_outbound_clicks_ctr_outbound_clickPERCENTUnique Outbound CTRThe percentage of people who saw your ad and performed an outbound click.Clicks
unique_outbound_clicks_outbound_clickNUMERICUnique Outbound ClicksThe number of people who performed an outbound click.Clicks
url_tagsTEXTURL TagsA set of query string parameters (e.g. UTM tags) which will replace or be appended to urls clicked from page post ads, message of the post, and canvas app install creatives only.Ad
video_30_sec_watched_actions_video_viewNUMERICVideo 30 Sec Watched ActionsThe number of times your video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 30 seconds.Video
video_avg_time_watched_actions_video_viewNUMERICVideo Average Play TimeThe average time a video was played, including any time spent replaying the video for a single impression.Video
video_p100_watched_actions_video_viewNUMERICVideo Watched at 100 percentThe number of times your video was played at 100% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.Video
video_p25_watched_actions_video_viewNUMERICVideo Watched at 25 percentThe number of times your video was played at 25% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.Video
video_p50_watched_actions_video_viewNUMERICVideo Watched at 50 percentThe number of times your video was played at 50% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.Video
video_p75_watched_actions_video_viewNUMERICVideo Watched at 75 percentThe number of times your video was played at 75% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.Video
video_p95_watched_actions_video_viewNUMERICVideo Plays at 95 percentThe number of times your video was played at 95% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.Video
video_play_actions_video_viewNUMERICVideo PlaysThe number of times your video starts to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays. This metric is in development.Video
video_thruplay_watched_actions_video_viewNUMERICThruPlay actionsThe number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds.Video
PERCENTWebsite CTR link clickThe percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a link click.Clicks
website_purchase_roas_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMERICWebsite Purchase ROASThe total return on ad spend (ROAS) from website purchases. This is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the Facebook pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.Ad
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20