Pipedrive Field Reference


The Pipedrive connector retrieves data from the lead and stage objects in Pipedrive.

Sample URL to retrieve lead related data

https://connectors.windsor.ai/pipedrive?date_preset=last_7d&api_key=[API Key]&fields=add_time,cc_email,creator_id,expected_close_date,is_archived,label_ids,lead_id,lead_title,next_activity_id,owner_id,person_id,pipedrive_organization_id,source_name,update_time,value_amount,value_currency,visible_to,was_seen

Sample URL to retrieve stage related data

https://connectors.windsor.ai/pipedrive?date_preset=last_7d&api_key=[API Key]&fields=activity_flag,add_time,deal_probability,order_nr,pipedrive_pipeline_id,pipeline_deal_probability,pipeline_name,rotten_days,rotten_flag,stage_id,stage_name,update_time


IDTypeNameDescriptionObject Type
account_idTEXTAccount IDThe Pipedrive account identifier
account_nameTEXTAccount NameThe Pipedrive account name
add_timeTIMESTAMPAdd TimeTime when the object was added.leads; stages; deals;
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateTime when the object was updatedleads; stages; deals;
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
deal_activeBOOLEANDeal Is ActiveIndicates whether the deal is active.deals;
deal_activities_countNUMERICDeal Activities CountThe count of activities associated with the dealdeals;
deal_add_timeTIMESTAMPDeal Add TimeTime when the deal was added.deals;
deal_additional_dataOBJECTDeal Additional DataAdditional data related to the dealdeals;
deal_close_timeTIMESTAMPDeal Close TimeThe time when the deal was closeddeals;
deal_currencyTEXTDeal Currency The currency of the deal.deals;
deal_deletedBOOLEANDeal Is DeletedIndicates whether the deal is deleted.deals;
deal_done_activities_countNUMERICDeal Done Activities CountThe count of completed activities associated with the dealdeals;
deal_email_messages_countNUMERICDeal Email Messages CountThe count of email messages associated with the dealdeals;
deal_expected_close_dateDATEDeal Expected Close DateThe expected close date of the deal. In ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD.deals;
deal_files_countNUMERICDeal Files CountThe count of files associated with the dealdeals;
deal_first_won_timeTIMESTAMPDeal First Won TimeThe time when the deal was first wondeals;
deal_followers_countNUMERICDeal Followers CountThe count of followers of the dealdeals;
deal_formatted_valueTEXTDeal Formatted ValueThe formatted value of the dealdeals;
deal_formatted_weighted_valueTEXTDeal Formatted Weighted ValueThe formatted weighted value of the dealdeals;
deal_idTEXTDeal IDThe ID of the dealdeals;
deal_last_activity_dateDATEDeal Last Activity Date (Pipedrive)Date of the last activity of the dealdeals;
deal_last_activity_idNUMERICDeal Last Activity IDThe ID of the last activity of the dealdeals;
deal_lost_reasonTEXTDeal Lost ReasonThe reason for losing the dealdeals;
deal_lost_timeTIMESTAMPDeal Lost TimeThe time when the deal was lostdeals;
deal_next_activity_dateDATEDeal Next Activity Date (Pipedrive)Date of the next activity of the dealdeals;
deal_next_activity_durationTEXTDeal Next Activity DurationDuration of the next activity of the dealdeals;
deal_next_activity_idNUMERICDeal Next Activity IDThe ID of the next activity of the dealdeals;
deal_next_activity_noteTEXTDeal Next Activity NoteNote content of the next activity of the dealdeals;
deal_next_activity_subjectTEXTDeal Next Activity SubjectThe subject of the next activity of the dealdeals;
deal_next_activity_timeTIMESTAMPNext Activity TimeTime of the next activity of the dealdeals;
deal_next_activity_typeTEXTDeal Next Activity TypeThe type of the next activity of the dealdeals;
deal_notes_countNUMERICDeal Notes CountThe count of notes associated with the dealdeals;
deal_org_hiddenBOOLEANDeal Organization HiddenIndicates whether the organization is hiddendeals;
deal_owner_nameTEXTDeal Owner NameThe name of the deal ownerdeals;
deal_participants_countNUMERICDeal Participants CountThe count of participants in the dealdeals;
deal_person_hiddenBOOLEANDeal Person HiddenIndicates whether the person is hiddendeals;
deal_pipeline_idNUMERICDeal Pipeline IDThe ID of the pipeline of the dealdeals;
deal_probabilityPERCENTDeal ProbabilityThe probability of the deal closing in percent.deals;
deal_products_countNUMERICDeal Products CountsThe count of products associated with the dealdeals;
OBJECTDeal Related ObjectsRelated objects associated with the dealdeals;
deal_rotten_timeTIMESTAMPDeal Rotten TimeTime when the deal turned rottendeals;
deal_stage_change_timeTIMESTAMPDeal Stage Change TimeTime when the deal stage changed.deals;
deal_statusTEXTDeal StatusThe status of the dealdeals;
deal_titleTEXTDeal TitleThe deal titledeals;
deal_undone_activities_countNUMERICDeal Undone Activities CountThe count of incomplete activities associated with the dealdeals;
deal_update_timeTIMESTAMPDeal Update TimeTime when the deal was updated.deals;
deal_user_idTEXTDeal User IDThe ID of the user associated with the dealdeals;
deal_valueNUMERICDeal ValueThe value of the deal.deals;
deal_visible_toTEXTDeal Visible ToThe visibility of the dealdeals;
deal_weighted_valueNUMERICDeal Weighted ValueThe weighted value of the dealdeals;
deal_weighted_value_currencyTEXTDeal Weighted Value CurrencyThe currency of the weighted value of the dealdeals;
deal_won_timeTIMESTAMPDeal Won TimeThe time when the deal was wondeals;
label_idsOBJECTLabel IDsThe IDs of the lead labels which will be associated with the leadleads;
lead_add_timeTIMESTAMPLead Add TimeTime when the lead was added.leads;
lead_cc_emailTEXTLead Company EmailThe lead company emailleads;
lead_creator_idTEXTLead Creator IDThe ID of the creator of the leadleads;
lead_expected_close_dateDATELead Expected Close DateThe date of when the deal which will be created from the lead is expected to be closed.leads;
lead_idTEXTLead IDThe ID of the lead.leads;
lead_is_archivedBOOLEANLead Is ArchivedA flag indicating if the lead is archived or not.leads;
lead_next_activity_idNUMERICLead Next Activity IDThe next activity ID of the lead.leads;
lead_owner_idTEXTLead Owner IDThe ID of the owner of the leadDleads;
lead_person_idTEXTLead Person IDThe ID of a person which this lead will be linked to. If the person does not exist yet, it needs to be created first. This property is required unless organization_id is specified.leads;
lead_pipedrive_organization_idNUMERICLead Organization IDThe ID of an organization which this lead will be linked to. If the organization does not exist yet, it needs to be created first. leads;
lead_source_nameTEXTLead Source NameThe source name of the lead (e.g. API)leads;
lead_titleTEXTLead TitleThe name of the leadleads;
lead_update_timeTIMESTAMPLead Update TimeTime when the lead was updated.leads;
lead_value_amountNUMERICLead Value AmountThe amount of the deal which will be created from the leadleads;
lead_value_currencyTEXTLead Value CurrencyThe currency of the deal which will be created from the leadleads;
lead_visible_toTEXTLead Visible ToVisible toleads;
lead_was_seenBOOLEANLead Was SeenA flag indicating whether the lead was seen by someone in the Pipedrive UIleads;
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
stage_active_flagBOOLEANActivity FlagFlag whether the stage is active or notstages;
stage_add_timeTIMESTAMPStage Add TimeTime when the stage was added.stages;
stage_deal_probabilityPERCENTStage Deal ProbabilityThe stage probability in percentstages;
stage_idTEXTStage IDThe stage IDstages;
stage_nameTEXTStage NameThe stage namestages;
stage_order_nrNUMERICStage Order NumberThe stage order numberstages;
stage_pipedrive_pipeline_idNUMERICStage Pipedrive Pipeline IDThe pipeline IDstages;
stage_pipeline_deal_probabilityBOOLEANStage Pipeline Deal ProbabilityThe pipeline deal probabilitystages;
stage_pipeline_nameTEXTStage Pipeline NameThe name of the pipelinestages;
stage_pipeline_rotten_daysNUMERICStage Pipeline Rotten DaysThe number of days the deals not updated in this stage would become rotten. Applies only if the rotten_flag is set.stages;
stage_pipeline_rotten_flagBOOLEANStage Pipeline Rotten FlagWhether deals in this stage can become rotten.stages;
stage_update_timeTIMESTAMPStage Update TimeTime when the stage was updated.stages;
todayDATETodayToday's date
update_timeTIMESTAMPUpdate TimeTime when the object was updated.leads; stages; deals;
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20