Basis DSP Field Reference

Sample[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=date,campaign,campaign_name,campaign_id,campaign_group_id,campaign_group_name,brand_id,brand_name,eligible_impressions,clicks,gross_total_effective_cpcv,total_spend


advertiser_spendNUMERICAdvertiser SpendTotal advertiser spend for the campaign group or campaign.
auctions_bidNUMERICAuctions BidNumber of auctions that the campaign bid on.
auctions_wonNUMERICAuctions WonThe number of auctions the campaign won.
brand_archivedBOOLEANBrand ArchivedIndicates if the brand is archived.
brand_idTEXTBrand IDA unique brand ID is automatically assigned when you create a brand.
brand_landing_page_domainTEXTBrand Landing Page DomainThe landing page domain is the domain name of the advertiser's website.
brand_nameTEXTBrand NameThe name of the brand, up to 255 characters long.
brand_notesTEXTBrand NotesOptional notes about the brand.
campaignTEXTCampaignThe Campaign Name
campaign_group_idTEXTCampaign Group IDA unique group ID is automatically assigned when you create a group.
campaign_group_nameTEXTCampaign Group NameThe name of the group.
campaign_group_notesTEXTCampaign Group NotesA descriptive string for the group
campaign_idTEXTCampaign IDA unique campaign ID is automatically assigned when you create a campaign.
campaign_nameTEXTCampaign NameThe name of the campaign.
campaign_notesTEXTCampaign NotesNotes about the campaign.
campaign_statusTEXTCampaign StatusThe campaign's status. Valid Values: online, offline, archived
click_cvrNUMERICClick Cvrconversions/impressionsWon
click_effective_cpaNUMERICClick Effective CPACost per click-through conversion: totalSpend/clickthruConversions
click_rpmNUMERICClick RPMctcRevenue/(impressionsWon/1000)
clicksNUMERICClicksThe number of advertisement clicks.
clickthru_conversionsNUMERICClickthru ConversionsThe number of click-through conversions.
clickthru_rateNUMERICClickthru RateClick-through rate (CTR): clicks/impressionsWon
companion_clicksNUMERICCompanion ClicksThe number of clicks that were recorded for companion ads. See Companion Ads for details.
companion_conversionsNUMERICCompanion ConversionsThe number of conversions that were recorded for companion ads. See Companion Ads for details.
companion_impressionsNUMERICCompanion ImpressionsThe number of impressions that were recorded for companion ads. See Companion Ads for details.
companion_offer_revenueNUMERICCompanion Offer RevenueRevenue from companion ad click-through conversions.
ctc_revenueNUMERICCTC RevenueClick-through revenue: revenue associated with click-through conversions.
data_effective_cpmNUMERICData Effective CPMEffective Cost Per Mille (CPM) for demographic data: dataSpend/(impressionsWon/1000)
data_spendNUMERICData SpendThe amount that the campaign spent on demographic data.
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateThe Date
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
effective_cpa_on_advertiser_spendNUMERICEffective CPA On Advertiser SpendThe advertiser spend effective cost per conversion, the average cost to the advertiser for each conversion.
effective_cpc_on_advertiser_spendNUMERICEffective CPC On Advertiser SpendThe advertiser spend effective cost per click, the average cost to the advertiser for each click.
effective_cpcv_on_advertiser_spendNUMERICEffective CPCV On Advertiser SpendThe advertiser spend cost per completed view (video). Calculated for video impressions only.
effective_cpmNUMERICEffective CPMEffective Cost Per Mille (CPM), the average cost per 1000 impressions: totalSpend/(auctionsWon/1000)
effective_cpm_on_advertiser_spendNUMERICEffective CPM On Advertiser SpendThe advertiser spend effective cost per mille, the average cost to the advertiser for 1000 impressions.
eligible_impressionsNUMERICEligible ImpressionsThe number of impressions on which the DSP enabled viewability measurements.
gross_total_effective_cpaNUMERICGross Total Effective CPAGross total cost per acquisition: (totalSpend+nonBillableSpend)/(clickthruConversions+ viewthruConversions)
gross_total_effective_cpcNUMERICGross Total Effective CPCGross total effective cost per click: (totalSpend+nonBillableSpend)/clicks
gross_total_effective_cpcvNUMERICGross Total Effective CPCVGross total effective cost per completed view: (totalSpend+nonBillableSpend)/ campaignStats.getVideoCompleted()
gross_total_effective_cpmNUMERICGross Total Effective CPMGross total effective cost per mille: ((totalSpend+nonBillableSpend) / campaignStats.getImpressionsWon())*1000.0
impressions_wonNUMERICImpressions WonNumber of impressions that the campaign won. This value will be the same as auctionsWon except in cases where an auction might result in multiple impressions, such as digital out-of-home (DOOH).
margin_on_advertiser_spendNUMERICMargin On Advertiser SpendYour margin on advertiser spend.
measured_impressionsNUMERICMeasured ImpressionsThe number of impressions, out of the eligible impressions, on which the viewability was able to successfully determined. This includes all viewable impressions and all impressions that were determined to be not viewable.
measured_rateNUMERICMeasured RatemeasuredImpressions/eligibleImpressions
media_spendNUMERICMedia SpendThe amount that the campaign spent on auctions.
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
offer_clicksNUMERICOffer ClicksThe number of offer (also known as secondary) clicks.
offer_clickthru_rateNUMERICOffer Clickthru RateClick-through rate (CTR) for offer clicks: offerClicks/impressionsWon
primary_click_effective_cpaNUMERICPrimary Click Effective CPACost per primary click-through conversion: totalSpend/primaryClickthruConversions
primary_clickthru_conversionsNUMERICPrimary Clickthru ConversionsPrimary click-through conversions: primary conversions recorded after a user clicked an ad in the campaign.
primary_cost_per_acquisitionNUMERICPrimary Cost Per AcquisitionCost per primary conversion: totalSpend/totalPrimaryConversions
primary_effective_cpa_on_advertiser_spendNUMERICPrimary Effective CPA On Advertiser SpendAdvertiser spend cost per primary click-through conversion: (advertiserSpend)/primaryClickthruConversions
primary_viewthru_conversionsNUMERICPrimary Viewthru ConversionsPrimary view-through conversions: primary conversions recorded after a user saw an ad from the campaign but did not click through.
return_on_ad_spendNUMERICReturn On Ad Spend(ctcRevenue+vtcRevenue)/(totalSpend)
revenueNUMERICRevenueRevenue associated with all conversions: ctcRevenue+vtcRevenue
revenue_per_milleNUMERICRevenue Per MilleRevenue per 1000 impressions (RPM): (ctcRevenue+vtcRevenue)/{impressionsWon/1000)
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
todayDATETodayToday's date
total_conversionsNUMERICTotal ConversionsAll click-through and view-through conversions added together.
total_cvrNUMERICTotal CVR(conversions+viewthruConversions)/(auctionsWon/1000)
total_effective_cpaNUMERICTotal Effective CPAEffective cost per acquisition (eCPA): totalSpend/clickthruConversions + viewthruConversions
total_effective_cpcNUMERICTotal Effective CPCCost per click (eCPC): totalSpend/clicks
total_effective_cpcvNUMERICTotal Effective CPCVTotal effective cost per completed view (video only): totalSpend/videoCompleted
total_effective_cpmNUMERICTotal Effective CPMTotal effective Cost Per Mille (CPM), equal to: effectiveCPM+dataEffectiveCPM
total_primary_conversionsNUMERICTotal Primary ConversionsPrimary conversions: All primary click-through and primary view-through conversions added together: primaryClickthruConversions+ primaryViewthruConversions
total_spendNUMERICTotal SpendTotal amount that the campaign spent, equal to: auctionsSpend+dataSpend
video_completedNUMERICVideo CompletedThe number of completed video plays.
video_completion_rateNUMERICVideo Completion RatevideoCompleted/videoStarted
video_first_quartile_reachedNUMERICVideo First Quartile ReachedThe number of video plays through the first 25%.
video_midpoint_reachedNUMERICVideo Midpoint ReachedThe number of video plays through the first 50%.
video_skippedNUMERICVideo SkippedThe number of videos that were skipped after starting.
video_skipped_rateNUMERICVideo Skipped RatevideoSkipped/videoStarted
video_startedNUMERICVideo StartedThe number of video starts.
video_third_quartile_reachedNUMERICVideo Third Quartile ReachedThe number of video plays through the first 75%.
view_cvrNUMERICView CvrviewthruConversions/impressionsWon
view_effective_cpaNUMERICView Effective CPACost per view-through conversion: totalSpend/viewthruConversions
viewability_spendNUMERICViewability SpendThe spend on viewable impressions.
viewable_impressionsNUMERICViewable Impressions (Basis DSP)The number of impressions that were viewable.
viewable_rateNUMERICViewable RateviewableImpressions/measuredImpressions
viewthru_conversionsNUMERICViewthru ConversionsThe number of view-through conversions.
vtc_revenueNUMERICVTC RevenueView-through revenue: revenue associated with view-through conversions
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
win_rateNUMERICWin RateauctionsWon/auctionsBid
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20