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Basis DSP Field Reference
Sample[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=date,campaign,campaign_name,campaign_id,campaign_group_id,campaign_group_name,brand_id,brand_name,eligible_impressions,clicks,gross_total_effective_cpcv,total_spend
ID | Type | Name | Description |
advertiser_spend | NUMERIC | Advertiser Spend | Total advertiser spend for the campaign group or campaign. |
auctions_bid | NUMERIC | Auctions Bid | Number of auctions that the campaign bid on. |
auctions_won | NUMERIC | Auctions Won | The number of auctions the campaign won. |
brand_archived | BOOLEAN | Brand Archived | Indicates if the brand is archived. |
brand_id | TEXT | Brand ID | A unique brand ID is automatically assigned when you create a brand. |
brand_landing_page_domain | TEXT | Brand Landing Page Domain | The landing page domain is the domain name of the advertiser's website. |
brand_name | TEXT | Brand Name | The name of the brand, up to 255 characters long. |
brand_notes | TEXT | Brand Notes | Optional notes about the brand. |
campaign | TEXT | Campaign | The Campaign Name |
campaign_group_id | TEXT | Campaign Group ID | A unique group ID is automatically assigned when you create a group. |
campaign_group_name | TEXT | Campaign Group Name | The name of the group. |
campaign_group_notes | TEXT | Campaign Group Notes | A descriptive string for the group |
campaign_id | TEXT | Campaign ID | A unique campaign ID is automatically assigned when you create a campaign. |
campaign_name | TEXT | Campaign Name | The name of the campaign. |
campaign_notes | TEXT | Campaign Notes | Notes about the campaign. |
campaign_status | TEXT | Campaign Status | The campaign's status. Valid Values: online, offline, archived |
click_cvr | NUMERIC | Click Cvr | conversions/impressionsWon |
click_effective_cpa | NUMERIC | Click Effective CPA | Cost per click-through conversion: totalSpend/clickthruConversions |
click_rpm | NUMERIC | Click RPM | ctcRevenue/(impressionsWon/1000) |
clicks | NUMERIC | Clicks | The number of advertisement clicks. |
clickthru_conversions | NUMERIC | Clickthru Conversions | The number of click-through conversions. |
clickthru_rate | NUMERIC | Clickthru Rate | Click-through rate (CTR): clicks/impressionsWon |
companion_clicks | NUMERIC | Companion Clicks | The number of clicks that were recorded for companion ads. See Companion Ads for details. |
companion_conversions | NUMERIC | Companion Conversions | The number of conversions that were recorded for companion ads. See Companion Ads for details. |
companion_impressions | NUMERIC | Companion Impressions | The number of impressions that were recorded for companion ads. See Companion Ads for details. |
companion_offer_revenue | NUMERIC | Companion Offer Revenue | Revenue from companion ad click-through conversions. |
ctc_revenue | NUMERIC | CTC Revenue | Click-through revenue: revenue associated with click-through conversions. |
data_effective_cpm | NUMERIC | Data Effective CPM | Effective Cost Per Mille (CPM) for demographic data: dataSpend/(impressionsWon/1000) |
data_spend | NUMERIC | Data Spend | The amount that the campaign spent on demographic data. |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row |
date | DATE | Date | The Date |
day_of_month | TEXT | Day of month | Day of the month |
effective_cpa_on_advertiser_spend | NUMERIC | Effective CPA On Advertiser Spend | The advertiser spend effective cost per conversion, the average cost to the advertiser for each conversion. |
effective_cpc_on_advertiser_spend | NUMERIC | Effective CPC On Advertiser Spend | The advertiser spend effective cost per click, the average cost to the advertiser for each click. |
effective_cpcv_on_advertiser_spend | NUMERIC | Effective CPCV On Advertiser Spend | The advertiser spend cost per completed view (video). Calculated for video impressions only. |
effective_cpm | NUMERIC | Effective CPM | Effective Cost Per Mille (CPM), the average cost per 1000 impressions: totalSpend/(auctionsWon/1000) |
effective_cpm_on_advertiser_spend | NUMERIC | Effective CPM On Advertiser Spend | The advertiser spend effective cost per mille, the average cost to the advertiser for 1000 impressions. |
eligible_impressions | NUMERIC | Eligible Impressions | The number of impressions on which the DSP enabled viewability measurements. |
gross_total_effective_cpa | NUMERIC | Gross Total Effective CPA | Gross total cost per acquisition: (totalSpend+nonBillableSpend)/(clickthruConversions+ viewthruConversions) |
gross_total_effective_cpc | NUMERIC | Gross Total Effective CPC | Gross total effective cost per click: (totalSpend+nonBillableSpend)/clicks |
gross_total_effective_cpcv | NUMERIC | Gross Total Effective CPCV | Gross total effective cost per completed view: (totalSpend+nonBillableSpend)/ campaignStats.getVideoCompleted() |
gross_total_effective_cpm | NUMERIC | Gross Total Effective CPM | Gross total effective cost per mille: ((totalSpend+nonBillableSpend) / campaignStats.getImpressionsWon())*1000.0 |
impressions_won | NUMERIC | Impressions Won | Number of impressions that the campaign won. This value will be the same as auctionsWon except in cases where an auction might result in multiple impressions, such as digital out-of-home (DOOH). |
margin_on_advertiser_spend | NUMERIC | Margin On Advertiser Spend | Your margin on advertiser spend. |
measured_impressions | NUMERIC | Measured Impressions | The number of impressions, out of the eligible impressions, on which the viewability was able to successfully determined. This includes all viewable impressions and all impressions that were determined to be not viewable. |
measured_rate | NUMERIC | Measured Rate | measuredImpressions/eligibleImpressions |
media_spend | NUMERIC | Media Spend | The amount that the campaign spent on auctions. |
month | TEXT | Month | Number of the month |
offer_clicks | NUMERIC | Offer Clicks | The number of offer (also known as secondary) clicks. |
offer_clickthru_rate | NUMERIC | Offer Clickthru Rate | Click-through rate (CTR) for offer clicks: offerClicks/impressionsWon |
primary_click_effective_cpa | NUMERIC | Primary Click Effective CPA | Cost per primary click-through conversion: totalSpend/primaryClickthruConversions |
primary_clickthru_conversions | NUMERIC | Primary Clickthru Conversions | Primary click-through conversions: primary conversions recorded after a user clicked an ad in the campaign. |
primary_cost_per_acquisition | NUMERIC | Primary Cost Per Acquisition | Cost per primary conversion: totalSpend/totalPrimaryConversions |
primary_effective_cpa_on_advertiser_spend | NUMERIC | Primary Effective CPA On Advertiser Spend | Advertiser spend cost per primary click-through conversion: (advertiserSpend)/primaryClickthruConversions |
primary_viewthru_conversions | NUMERIC | Primary Viewthru Conversions | Primary view-through conversions: primary conversions recorded after a user saw an ad from the campaign but did not click through. |
return_on_ad_spend | NUMERIC | Return On Ad Spend | (ctcRevenue+vtcRevenue)/(totalSpend) |
revenue | NUMERIC | Revenue | Revenue associated with all conversions: ctcRevenue+vtcRevenue |
revenue_per_mille | NUMERIC | Revenue Per Mille | Revenue per 1000 impressions (RPM): (ctcRevenue+vtcRevenue)/{impressionsWon/1000) |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date |
total_conversions | NUMERIC | Total Conversions | All click-through and view-through conversions added together. |
total_cvr | NUMERIC | Total CVR | (conversions+viewthruConversions)/(auctionsWon/1000) |
total_effective_cpa | NUMERIC | Total Effective CPA | Effective cost per acquisition (eCPA): totalSpend/clickthruConversions + viewthruConversions |
total_effective_cpc | NUMERIC | Total Effective CPC | Cost per click (eCPC): totalSpend/clicks |
total_effective_cpcv | NUMERIC | Total Effective CPCV | Total effective cost per completed view (video only): totalSpend/videoCompleted |
total_effective_cpm | NUMERIC | Total Effective CPM | Total effective Cost Per Mille (CPM), equal to: effectiveCPM+dataEffectiveCPM |
total_primary_conversions | NUMERIC | Total Primary Conversions | Primary conversions: All primary click-through and primary view-through conversions added together: primaryClickthruConversions+ primaryViewthruConversions |
total_spend | NUMERIC | Total Spend | Total amount that the campaign spent, equal to: auctionsSpend+dataSpend |
video_completed | NUMERIC | Video Completed | The number of completed video plays. |
video_completion_rate | NUMERIC | Video Completion Rate | videoCompleted/videoStarted |
video_first_quartile_reached | NUMERIC | Video First Quartile Reached | The number of video plays through the first 25%. |
video_midpoint_reached | NUMERIC | Video Midpoint Reached | The number of video plays through the first 50%. |
video_skipped | NUMERIC | Video Skipped | The number of videos that were skipped after starting. |
video_skipped_rate | NUMERIC | Video Skipped Rate | videoSkipped/videoStarted |
video_started | NUMERIC | Video Started | The number of video starts. |
video_third_quartile_reached | NUMERIC | Video Third Quartile Reached | The number of video plays through the first 75%. |
view_cvr | NUMERIC | View Cvr | viewthruConversions/impressionsWon |
view_effective_cpa | NUMERIC | View Effective CPA | Cost per view-through conversion: totalSpend/viewthruConversions |
viewability_spend | NUMERIC | Viewability Spend | The spend on viewable impressions. |
viewable_impressions | NUMERIC | Viewable Impressions (Basis DSP) | The number of impressions that were viewable. |
viewable_rate | NUMERIC | Viewable Rate | viewableImpressions/measuredImpressions |
viewthru_conversions | NUMERIC | Viewthru Conversions | The number of view-through conversions. |
vtc_revenue | NUMERIC | VTC Revenue | View-through revenue: revenue associated with view-through conversions |
week | TEXT | Week | Week (Sun-Sat). |
week_day | TEXT | Day of week and day number | Weekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday. |
week_day_iso | TEXT | Day of week and day number, ISO | Weekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7 |
week_iso | TEXT | Week ISO | Week, ISO format (Mon-Sun). |
win_rate | NUMERIC | Win Rate | auctionsWon/auctionsBid |
year | TEXT | Year | Year |
year_month | TEXT | Yearmonth | Year and month, e.g. 2024|3 |
year_of_week | TEXT | Year of week | The year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat). |
year_of_week_iso | TEXT | Year of week, ISO | The year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun). |
year_week | TEXT | Year week | Year and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15 |
year_week_iso | TEXT | Year week ISO | Year and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20 |