Windsor brings all your MNTN ( data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, Azure, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL
MNTN ( Field Reference
ID | Type | Name | Description | Report |
account_id | TEXT | Account ID | Account ID of the connected MNTN account | connector |
account_name | TEXT | Account name | Account name of the connected MNTN account | connector |
advertiser_averageordervalue | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Average Order Value | The average amount spent on each conversion delivered by MNTN | Advertiser |
advertiser_averagepageviewspervisitor | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Average Page Views Per Visitor | The average number of page views on your site by a visitor | Advertiser |
advertiser_completedviewrate | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Completed View Rate | The rate of videos reaching completion | Advertiser |
advertiser_completedviews | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Completed Views | The number of videos reaching completion | Advertiser |
advertiser_conversionassistordervalue | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Conversion Assist Order Value | The total order value that followed an assisted verified visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_conversionassists | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Conversion Assists | The number of conversions that followed an assisted verified visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_conversionattributionpercentage | PERCENT | Advertiser - Conversion Attribution Percentage | The percentage of all site conversions attributed to MNTN | Advertiser |
advertiser_conversionrate | PERCENT | Advertiser - Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Verified Visits that resulted in a Conversion | Advertiser |
advertiser_conversions | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Conversions | The number of conversions delivered by MNTN after a Verified Visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_costperacquisition | NUMERIC | Advertiser - CPA (Duplicate) | The Cost per Verified Conversion | Advertiser |
advertiser_costpercompletedview | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Cost Per Completed View | Ratio of Total Spend over Completed Views | Advertiser |
advertiser_costpervisit | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Cost Per Visit | The cost per Verified Visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_cpa | NUMERIC | Advertiser - CPA | The Cost per Verified Conversion | Advertiser |
advertiser_day | DATE | Advertiser - Day | The day in the advertiser's time zone | Advertiser |
advertiser_existingsitevisitors | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Existing Site Visitors | MNTN Driven Existing Site Visitors | Advertiser |
advertiser_existingusersreached | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Existing Users Reached | MNTN Driven Existing Users Reached | Advertiser |
advertiser_frequency | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Frequency | The average number of ads served per User | Advertiser |
advertiser_id | TEXT | Advertiser - ID | The Advertiser ID | Advertiser |
advertiser_impressionconversionrate | PERCENT | Advertiser - Impression Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that resulted in a Conversion | Advertiser |
advertiser_impressions | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Impressions | The number of ad impressions served | Advertiser |
advertiser_impressionvisitrate | PERCENT | Advertiser - Impression Visit Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that resulted in a Verified Visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_ipm | NUMERIC | Advertiser - IPM | Installs per Mille | Advertiser |
advertiser_lasttouchconversions | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Last Touch Conversions | The number of last touch conversions that followed a verified visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_lasttouchordervalue | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Last Touch Order Value | The total last touch order value that followed a verified visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_lasttouchvisits | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Last Touch Visits | The number of last touch verified visits | Advertiser |
advertiser_multitouchimpressions | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Multi-Touch Impressions | The number of Multi-Touch ad impressions served | Advertiser |
advertiser_multitouchspend | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Multi-Touch Spend | The amount spent on Multi-Touch campaigns | Advertiser |
advertiser_name | TEXT | Advertiser - Name | The name of the Advertiser | Advertiser |
advertiser_newsitevisitors | NUMERIC | Advertiser - New Site Visitors | MNTN Driven New Site Visitors | Advertiser |
advertiser_newusersreached | NUMERIC | Advertiser - New Users Reached | MNTN Driven New Users Reached | Advertiser |
advertiser_offlineprimaryconversions | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Offline Primary Conversions | The number of primary offline conversions that followed a MNTN impression | Advertiser |
advertiser_offlineprimaryordervalue | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Offline Primary Order Value | The total primary offline order value that followed a MNTN impression | Advertiser |
advertiser_ordervalue | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Order Value | The revenue delivered by MNTN | Advertiser |
advertiser_ordervalueattributionpercentage | PERCENT | Advertiser - Order Value Attribution Percentage | The percentage of all site revenue attributed to MNTN | Advertiser |
advertiser_pageviews | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Page Views | The total number page views on your site | Advertiser |
advertiser_percentageofconversions | PERCENT | Advertiser - Percentage Of Conversions | The percentage of site conversions where MNTN was attributed | Advertiser |
advertiser_percentageofordervalue | PERCENT | Advertiser - Percentage Of Order Value | The percentage of site order value where MNTN was attributed | Advertiser |
advertiser_rawaverageordervalue | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Raw Average Order Value | The average amount spent on each conversion placed on your site organically and from all advertising | Advertiser |
advertiser_rawconversionrate | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Raw Conversion Rate | The number of users that completed a conversion over the number of users that were served ads on the day reported on | Advertiser |
advertiser_rawconversions | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Raw Conversions | The total number of conversions placed on your site organically | Advertiser |
advertiser_rawexistingsitevisitors | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Raw Existing Site Visitors | Raw Existing Site Visitors | Advertiser |
advertiser_rawnewsitevisitors | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Raw New Site Visitors | Raw New Site Visitors | Advertiser |
advertiser_rawordervalue | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Raw Order Value | The total revenue earned from conversions placed on your site organically and from all advertising | Advertiser |
advertiser_rawvisitors | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Raw Visitors | The number of Raw Visitors to Your Site and/or Mobile App | Advertiser |
advertiser_returnonadspend | NUMERIC | Advertiser - ROAS (Duplicate) | The Return on Ad Spend | Advertiser |
advertiser_returnoninvestment | NUMERIC | Advertiser - ROI (Duplicate) | The Return on Investment | Advertiser |
advertiser_roas | NUMERIC | Advertiser - ROAS | The Return on Ad Spend | Advertiser |
advertiser_roi | NUMERIC | Advertiser - ROI | The Return on Investment | Advertiser |
advertiser_sitevisitors | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Site Visitors | MNTN Driven Site Visitors | Advertiser |
advertiser_spend | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Spend | The amount spent in total | Advertiser |
advertiser_tvcommercialsaired | NUMERIC | Advertiser - TV Commercials Aired | The number of TV Commercials aired | Advertiser |
advertiser_tvspend | NUMERIC | Advertiser - TV Spend | The amount spent on TV Commercials aired | Advertiser |
advertiser_userconversionrate | NUMERIC | Advertiser - User Conversion Rate | The number of users that converted | Advertiser |
advertiser_usersreached | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Users Reached | The number of people who received ad impressions | Advertiser |
advertiser_uservisitrate | PERCENT | Advertiser - User Visit Rate | The Percentage of Users Reached that resulted in a Verified Visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_viewableimpressionrate | PERCENT | Advertiser - Viewable Impression Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that met the iAB Viewability Standard | Advertiser |
advertiser_viewableimpressions | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Viewable Impressions | The Number of Impressions that met the iAB Viewability Standard | Advertiser |
advertiser_visitassists | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Visit Assists | The number of assisted verified visits | Advertiser |
advertiser_visitconversionrate | PERCENT | Advertiser - Visit Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Visits that resulted in a Conversion | Advertiser |
advertiser_visitrate | PERCENT | Advertiser - Visit Rate | The Percentage of Users Reached that results in a Verified Visit | Advertiser |
advertiser_visits | NUMERIC | Advertiser - Visits | The number of verified visits | Advertiser |
advertiserinfo_contactemail | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Contact Email | The email of the advertiser's main contact person | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_contactfirstname | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Contact First Name | The first name of the advertiser's main contact person | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_contactlastname | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Contact Last Name | The last name of the advertiser's main contact person | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_contactmobilephone | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Contact Mobile Phone | The mobile phone number of the advertiser's main contact person | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_contactofficephone | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Contact Office Phone | The office phone number of the advertiser's main contact person | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_createtime | TIMESTAMP | Advertiser Info - Create Time | The time the advertiser was created or updated | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_id | TEXT | Advertiser Info - ID | The Advertiser ID | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_name | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Name | The name of the advertiser | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_salescyclelast1days | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Sales Cycle Last 1 days | Average Sales Cycle (Last 1 day) | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_salescyclelast30days | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Sales Cycle Last 30 days | Average Sales Cycle (Last 30 days) | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_salescyclelast7days | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Sales Cycle Last 7 days | Average Sales Cycle (Last 7 days) | AdvertiserInfo |
advertiserinfo_timezone | TEXT | Advertiser Info - Time Zone | The time zone where the advertiser is located | AdvertiserInfo |
campaign | TEXT | Campaign Name | The name of the Campaign | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_averageordervalue | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Average Order Value | The average amount spent on each conversion delivered by MNTN | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_completedviewrate | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Completed View Rate | The rate of videos reaching completion | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_completedviews | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Completed Views | The number of videos reaching completion | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_conversionassistordervalue | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Conversion Assist Order Value | The total order value that followed an assisted verified visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_conversionassists | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Conversion Assists | The number of conversions that followed an assisted verified visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_conversionrate | PERCENT | Campaign Group - Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Verified Visits that resulted in a Conversion | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_conversions | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Conversions | The number of conversions delivered by MNTN after a Verified Visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_costperacquisition | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - CPA (Duplicate) | The Cost per Verified Conversion | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_costpercompletedview | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Cost Per Completed View | Ratio of Total Spend over Completed Views | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_costpervisit | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Cost Per Visit | The cost per Verified Visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_cpa | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - CPA | The Cost per Verified Conversion | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_day | DATE | Campaign Group - Day | The day in the advertiser's time zone | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_existingsitevisitors | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Existing Site Visitors | MNTN Driven Existing Site Visitors | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_existingusersreached | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Existing Users Reached | MNTN Driven Existing Users Reached | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_frequency | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Frequency | The average number of ads served per User | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_id | TEXT | Campaign Group - ID | The Campaign ID | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_impressionconversionrate | PERCENT | Campaign Group - Impression Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that resulted in a Conversion | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_impressions | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Impressions | The number of ad impressions served | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_impressionvisitrate | PERCENT | Campaign Group - Impression Visit Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that resulted in a Verified Visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_ipm | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - IPM | Installs per Mille | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_lasttouchconversions | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Last Touch Conversions | The number of last touch conversions that followed a verified visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_lasttouchordervalue | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Last Touch Order Value | The total last touch order value that followed a verified visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_lasttouchvisits | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Last Touch Visits | The number of last touch verified visits | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_multitouchimpressions | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Multi-Touch Impressions | The number of Multi-Touch ad impressions served | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_multitouchspend | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Multi-Touch Spend | The amount spent on Multi-Touch campaigns | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_name | TEXT | Campaign Group - Name | The name of the Campaign Group | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_newsitevisitors | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - New Site Visitors | MNTN Driven New Site Visitors | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_newusersreached | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - New Users Reached | MNTN Driven New Users Reached | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_offlineprimaryconversions | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Offline Primary Conversions | The number of primary offline conversions that followed a MNTN impression | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_offlineprimaryordervalue | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Offline Primary Order Value | The total primary offline order value that followed a MNTN impression | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_ordervalue | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Order Value | The revenue delivered by MNTN | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_returnonadspend | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - ROAS (Duplicate) | The Return on Ad Spend | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_returnoninvestment | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - ROI (Duplicate) | The Return on Investment | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_roas | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - ROAS | The Verified Return on Ad Spend | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_roi | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - ROI | The Return on Investment | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_sitevisitors | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Site Visitors | MNTN Driven Site Visitors | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_spend | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Spend | The amount spent in total | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_tvcommercialsaired | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - TV Commercials Aired | The number of TV Commercials aired | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_tvspend | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - TV Spend | The amount spent on TV Commercials aired | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_userconversionrate | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - User Conversion Rate | The number of users that converted | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_usersreached | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Users Reached | The number of people who received ad impressions | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_uservisitrate | PERCENT | Campaign Group - User Visit Rate | The Percentage of Users Reached that resulted in a Verified Visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_viewableimpressionrate | PERCENT | Campaign Group - Viewable Impression Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that met the iAB Viewability Standard | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_viewableimpressions | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Viewable Impressions | The Number of Impressions that met the iAB Viewability Standard | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_visitassists | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Visit Assists | The number of assisted verified visits | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_visitconversionrate | PERCENT | Campaign Group - Visit Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Visits that resulted in a Conversion | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_visitrate | PERCENT | Campaign Group - Visit Rate | The Percentage of Users Reached that results in a Verified Visit | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroup_visits | NUMERIC | Campaign Group - Visits | The number of verified visits | CampaignGroup |
campaigngroupinfo_endtime | TIMESTAMP | Campaign Group Info - End Time | The end time for the campaign | CampaignInfo |
campaigngroupinfo_flightendtime | TIMESTAMP | Campaign Group Info - Flight End Time | The end time for the flight | CampaignInfo |
campaigngroupinfo_flightstarttime | TIMESTAMP | Campaign Group Info - Flight Start Time | The start time for flight | CampaignInfo |
campaigngroupinfo_id | TEXT | Campaign Group Info - ID | The Campaign Group ID | CampaignInfo |
campaigngroupinfo_name | TEXT | Campaign Group Info - Name | The name of the campaign Group | CampaignInfo |
campaigngroupinfo_starttime | TIMESTAMP | Campaign Group Info - Start Time | The start time for the campaign | CampaignInfo |
campaigngroupinfo_status | TEXT | Campaign Group Info - Status | The status of a campaign group | CampaignInfo |
creative_averageordervalue | NUMERIC | Creative - Average Order Value | The average amount spent on each conversion delivered by MNTN | Creative |
creative_completedviewrate | NUMERIC | Creative - Completed View Rate | The rate of videos reaching completion | Creative |
creative_completedviews | NUMERIC | Creative - Completed Views | The number of videos reaching completion | Creative |
creative_conversionassistordervalue | NUMERIC | Creative - Conversion Assist Order Value | The total order value that followed an assisted verified visit | Creative |
creative_conversionassists | NUMERIC | Creative - Conversion Assists | The number of conversions that followed an assisted verified visit | Creative |
creative_conversionrate | PERCENT | Creative - Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Verified Visits that resulted in a Conversion | Creative |
creative_conversions | NUMERIC | Creative - Conversions | The number of conversions delivered by MNTN after a Verified Visit | Creative |
creative_costperacquisition | NUMERIC | Creative - CPA (Duplicate) | The Cost per Verified Conversion | Creative |
creative_costpercompletedview | NUMERIC | Creative - Cost Per Completed View | Ratio of Total Spend over Completed Views | Creative |
creative_costpervisit | NUMERIC | Creative - Cost Per Visit | The cost per Verified Visit | Creative |
creative_cpa | NUMERIC | Creative - CPA | The Cost per Verified Conversion | Creative |
creative_day | DATE | Creative - Day | The day in the advertiser's time zone | Creative |
creative_existingsitevisitors | NUMERIC | Creative - Existing Site Visitors | MNTN Driven Existing Site Visitors | Creative |
creative_existingusersreached | NUMERIC | Creative - Existing Users Reached | MNTN Driven Existing Users Reached | Creative |
creative_frequency | NUMERIC | Creative - Frequency | The average number of ads served per User | Creative |
creative_id | TEXT | Creative - ID | The Creative Ad Size ID | Creative |
creative_impressionconversionrate | PERCENT | Creative - Impression Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that resulted in a Conversion | Creative |
creative_impressions | NUMERIC | Creative - Impressions | The number of ad impressions served | Creative |
creative_impressionvisitrate | PERCENT | Creative - Impression Visit Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that resulted in a Verified Visit | Creative |
creative_ipm | NUMERIC | Creative - IPM | Installs per Mille | Creative |
creative_lasttouchconversions | NUMERIC | Creative - Last Touch Conversions | The number of last touch conversions that followed a verified visit | Creative |
creative_lasttouchordervalue | NUMERIC | Creative - Last Touch Order Value | The total last touch order value that followed a verified visit | Creative |
creative_lasttouchvisits | NUMERIC | Creative - Last Touch Visits | The number of last touch verified visits | Creative |
creative_multitouchimpressions | NUMERIC | Creative - Multi-Touch Impressions | The number of Multi-Touch ad impressions served | Creative |
creative_multitouchspend | NUMERIC | Creative - Multi-Touch Spend | The amount spent on Multi-Touch campaigns | Creative |
creative_name | TEXT | Creative - Name | The name of the creative | Creative |
creative_newsitevisitors | NUMERIC | Creative - New Site Visitors | MNTN Driven New Site Visitors | Creative |
creative_newusersreached | NUMERIC | Creative - New Users Reached | MNTN Driven New Users Reached | Creative |
creative_offlineprimaryconversions | NUMERIC | Creative - Offline Primary Conversions | The number of primary offline conversions that followed a MNTN impression | Creative |
creative_offlineprimaryordervalue | NUMERIC | Creative - Offline Primary Order Value | The total primary offline order value that followed a MNTN impression | Creative |
creative_ordervalue | NUMERIC | Creative - Order Value | The revenue delivered by MNTN | Creative |
creative_returnonadspend | NUMERIC | Creative - ROAS (Duplicate) | The Return on Ad Spend | Creative |
creative_returnoninvestment | NUMERIC | Creative - ROI (Duplicate) | The Return on Investment | Creative |
creative_roas | NUMERIC | Creative - ROAS | The Verified Return on Ad Spend | Creative |
creative_roi | NUMERIC | Creative - ROI | The Return on Investment | Creative |
creative_sitevisitors | NUMERIC | Creative - Site Visitors | MNTN Driven Site Visitors | Creative |
creative_size | TEXT | Creative - Size | The Size of the Creative | Creative |
creative_spend | NUMERIC | Creative - Spend | The amount spent in total | Creative |
creative_tvcommercialsaired | NUMERIC | Creative - TV Commercials Aired | The number of TV Commercials aired | Creative |
creative_tvspend | NUMERIC | Creative - TV Spend | The amount spent on TV Commercials aired | Creative |
creative_userconversionrate | NUMERIC | Creative - User Conversion Rate | The number of users that converted | Creative |
creative_usersreached | NUMERIC | Creative - Users Reached | The number of people who received ad impressions | Creative |
creative_uservisitrate | PERCENT | Creative - User Visit Rate | The Percentage of Users Reached that resulted in a Verified Visit | Creative |
creative_viewableimpressionrate | PERCENT | Creative - Viewable Impression Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that met the iAB Viewability Standard | Creative |
creative_viewableimpressions | NUMERIC | Creative - Viewable Impressions | The Number of Impressions that met the iAB Viewability Standard | Creative |
creative_visitassists | NUMERIC | Creative - Visit Assists | The number of assisted verified visits | Creative |
creative_visitconversionrate | PERCENT | Creative - Visit Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Visits that resulted in a Conversion | Creative |
creative_visitrate | PERCENT | Creative - Visit Rate | The Percentage of Users Reached that results in a Verified Visit | Creative |
creative_visits | NUMERIC | Creative - Visits | The number of verified visits | Creative |
creativeinfo_active | BOOLEAN | Creative Info - Active | True if the creative is active | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_adcode | TEXT | Creative Info - Ad Code | The A2 ad code for the creative | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_approved | BOOLEAN | Creative Info - Approved | Whether the creative is approved to run in a campaign | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_createtime | TIMESTAMP | Creative Info - Create Time | The time the creative was created or updated | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_height | TEXT | Creative Info - Height | The height of the creative in pixels | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_id | TEXT | Creative Info - ID | The Creative ID | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_name | TEXT | Creative Info - Name | The name of the creative | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_size | TEXT | Creative Info - Size | The size of the creative in pixels | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_status | TEXT | Creative Info - Status | The status of the creative | AdInfo |
creativeinfo_width | TEXT | Creative Info - Width | The width of the creative in pixels | AdInfo |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
date | DATE | Date | The date | |
day_of_month | TEXT | Day of month | Day of the month | |
dma_averageordervalue | NUMERIC | DMA - Average Order Value | The average amount spent on each conversion delivered by MNTN | DMA |
dma_code | TEXT | DMA - Code | The DMA ID | DMA |
dma_completedviewrate | NUMERIC | DMA - Completed View Rate | The rate of videos reaching completion | DMA |
dma_completedviews | NUMERIC | DMA - Completed Views | The number of videos reaching completion | DMA |
dma_conversionassistordervalue | NUMERIC | DMA - Conversion Assist Order Value | The total order value that followed an assisted verified visit | DMA |
dma_conversionassists | NUMERIC | DMA - Conversion Assists | The number of conversions that followed an assisted verified visit | |
dma_conversionrate | PERCENT | DMA - Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Verified Visits that resulted in a Conversion | DMA |
dma_conversions | NUMERIC | DMA - Conversions | The number of conversions delivered by MNTN after a Verified Visit | DMA |
dma_costperacquisition | NUMERIC | DMA - CPA (Duplicate) | The Cost per Verified Conversion | DMA |
dma_costpervisit | NUMERIC | DMA - Cost Per Visit | The cost per Verified Visit | DMA |
dma_cpa | NUMERIC | DMA - CPA | The Cost per Verified Conversion | DMA |
dma_day | DATE | DMA - Day | The day in the advertiser's time zone | DMA |
dma_existingsitevisitors | NUMERIC | DMA - Existing Site Visitors | MNTN Driven Existing Site Visitors | DMA |
dma_existingusersreached | NUMERIC | DMA - Existing Users Reached | MNTN Driven Existing Users Reached | DMA |
dma_frequency | NUMERIC | DMA - Frequency | The average number of ads served per User | DMA |
dma_id | TEXT | DMA - ID | The DMA ID | DMA |
dma_impressionconversionrate | PERCENT | DMA - Impression Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that resulted in a Conversion | DMA |
dma_impressions | NUMERIC | DMA - Impressions | The number of ad impressions served | DMA |
dma_impressionvisitrate | PERCENT | DMA - Impression Visit Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that resulted in a Verified Visit | DMA |
dma_ipm | NUMERIC | DMA - IPM | Installs per Mille | DMA |
dma_lasttouchconversions | NUMERIC | DMA - Last Touch Conversions | The number of last touch conversions that followed a verified visit | DMA |
dma_lasttouchordervalue | NUMERIC | DMA - Last Touch Order Value | The total last touch order value that followed a verified visit | DMA |
dma_lasttouchvisits | NUMERIC | DMA - Last Touch Visits | The number of last touch verified visits | DMA |
dma_multitouchimpressions | NUMERIC | DMA - Multi-Touch Impressions | The number of Multi-Touch ad impressions served | DMA |
dma_multitouchspend | NUMERIC | DMA - Multi-Touch Spend | The amount spent on Multi-Touch campaigns | DMA |
dma_name | TEXT | DMA - Name | The name of the DMA | DMA |
dma_newsitevisitors | NUMERIC | DMA - New Site Visitors | MNTN Driven New Site Visitors | DMA |
dma_newusersreached | NUMERIC | DMA - New Users Reached | MNTN Driven New Users Reached | DMA |
dma_offlineprimaryconversions | NUMERIC | DMA - Offline Primary Conversions | The number of primary offline conversions that followed a MNTN impression | DMA |
dma_offlineprimaryordervalue | NUMERIC | DMA - Offline Primary Order Value | The total primary offline order value that followed a MNTN impression | DMA |
dma_ordervalue | NUMERIC | DMA - Order Value | The revenue delivered by MNTN | DMA |
dma_returnonadspend | NUMERIC | DMA - ROAS (Duplicate) | The Return on Ad Spend | DMA |
dma_returnoninvestment | NUMERIC | DMA - ROI (Duplicate) | The Return on Investment | DMA |
dma_roas | NUMERIC | DMA - ROAS | The Verified Return on Ad Spend | DMA |
dma_roi | NUMERIC | DMA - ROI | The Return on Investment | DMA |
dma_sitevisitors | NUMERIC | DMA - Site Visitors | MNTN Driven Site Visitors | DMA |
dma_spend | NUMERIC | DMA - Spend | The amount spent in total | DMA |
dma_tvcommercialsaired | NUMERIC | DMA - TV Commercials Aired | The number of TV Commercials aired | DMA |
dma_tvspend | NUMERIC | DMA - TV Spend | The amount spent on TV Commercials aired | DMA |
dma_uniquecode | TEXT | DMA - Unique Code | The DMA ID | DMA |
dma_userconversionrate | NUMERIC | DMA - User Conversion Rate | The number of users that converted | DMA |
dma_usersreached | NUMERIC | DMA - Users Reached | The number of people who received ad impressions | DMA |
dma_uservisitrate | PERCENT | DMA - User Visit Rate | The Percentage of Users Reached that resulted in a Verified Visit | DMA |
dma_viewableimpressionrate | PERCENT | DMA - Viewable Impression Rate | The Percentage of Impressions that met the iAB Viewability Standard | DMA |
dma_viewableimpressions | NUMERIC | DMA - Viewable Impressions | The Number of Impressions that met the iAB Viewability Standard | DMA |
dma_visitassists | NUMERIC | DMA - Visit Assists | The number of assisted verified visits | DMA |
dma_visitconversionrate | PERCENT | DMA - Visit Conversion Rate | The Percentage of Visits that resulted in a Conversion | DMA |
dma_visitrate | PERCENT | DMA - Visit Rate | The Percentage of Users Reached that results in a Verified Visit | DMA |
dma_visits | NUMERIC | DMA - Visits | The number of verified visits | DMA |
dmainfo_id | TEXT | DMA Info - ID | The DMA Code | DMAInfo |
dmainfo_name | TEXT | DMA Info - Name | The name of the DMA | DMAInfo |
impressions | NUMERIC | Impressions | The number of ad impressions served | CampaignGroup |
month | TEXT | Month | Number of the month | |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
spend | NUMERIC | Spend | The amount spent in total | CampaignGroup |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date | |
totalcost | NUMERIC | Total Cost | The amount spent in total | CampaignGroup |
week | TEXT | Week | Week (Sun-Sat). | |
week_day | TEXT | Day of week and day number | Weekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday. | |
week_day_iso | TEXT | Day of week and day number, ISO | Weekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7 | |
week_iso | TEXT | Week ISO | Week, ISO format (Mon-Sun). | |
year | TEXT | Year | Year | |
year_month | TEXT | Yearmonth | Year and month, e.g. 2024|3 | |
year_of_week | TEXT | Year of week | The year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat). | |
year_of_week_iso | TEXT | Year of week, ISO | The year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun). | |
year_week | TEXT | Year week | Year and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15 | |
year_week_iso | TEXT | Year week ISO | Year and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20 |