Windsor brings all your ShipHero data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, Azure, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL
ShipHero Field Reference

Sample[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=date,bill_id,bill_status,bill_customer_name,bill_profile_name,bill_created_at,bill_due_date,bill_amount,bill_billing_period_start,bill_billing_period_end,bill_billing_frequency
ID | Type | Name | Description | Report |
account_id | TEXT | Account ID | The Account ID | |
account_name | TEXT | Account Name | The Account Name | |
bill_amount | TEXT | Bill Amount | Bill Amount | bills |
bill_billing_frequency | TEXT | Billing Frequency | Billing Frequency | bills |
bill_billing_period_end | TEXT | Billing Period End | Billing Period End | bills |
bill_billing_period_start | TEXT | Billing Period Start | Billing Period Start | bills |
bill_created_at | DATE | Bill Created Date | Bill Created At | bills |
bill_customer_name | TEXT | Bill Customer Name | Bill Customer Name | bills |
bill_due_date | DATE | Bill Due Date | Bill Due Date | bills |
bill_id | TEXT | Bill ID | Bill ID | bills |
bill_profile_name | TEXT | Bill Profile Name | Bill Profile Name | bills |
bill_status | TEXT | Bill Status | Bill Status | bills |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
date | DATE | Date | Created Date | |
day_of_month | TEXT | Day of month | Day of the month | |
month | TEXT | Month | Number of the month | |
order_account_id | TEXT | Order Account ID | Order Account ID | orders |
order_adult_signature_required | BOOLEAN | Order Adult Signature Required | Order Adult Signature Required | orders |
order_alcohol | BOOLEAN | Order Alcohol | Order Alcohol | orders |
order_allocation_priority | NUMERIC | Order Allocation Priority | Order Allocation Priority | orders |
order_allow_partial | BOOLEAN | Order Allow Partial | Order Allow Partial | orders |
order_allow_split | BOOLEAN | Order Allow Split | Order Allow Split | orders |
order_auto_print_return_label | BOOLEAN | Order Auto Print Return Label | Order Auto Print Return Label | orders |
order_billing_address_address1 | TEXT | Order Billing Address Address1 | Order Billing Address Address1 | orders |
order_billing_address_address2 | TEXT | Order Billing Address Address2 | Order Billing Address Address2 | orders |
order_billing_address_city | CITY | Order Billing Address City | Order Billing Address City | orders |
order_billing_address_company | TEXT | Order Billing Address Company | Order Billing Address Company | orders |
order_billing_address_country | COUNTRY | Order Billing Address Country | Order Billing Address Country | orders |
order_billing_address_country_code | COUNTRY | Order Billing Address Country Code | Order Billing Address Country Code | orders |
order_billing_address_email | TEXT | Order Billing Address Email | Order Billing Address Email | orders |
order_billing_address_first_name | TEXT | Order Billing Address First Name | Order Billing Address First Name | orders |
order_billing_address_last_name | TEXT | Order Billing Address Last Name | Order Billing Address Last Name | orders |
order_billing_address_phone | TEXT | Order Billing Address Phone | Order Billing Address Phone | orders |
order_billing_address_state | TEXT | Order Billing Address State | Order Billing Address State | orders |
order_billing_address_state_code | TEXT | Order Billing Address State Code | Order Billing Address State Code | orders |
order_billing_address_zip | TEXT | Order Billing Address Zip | Order Billing Address Zip | orders |
order_box_name | TEXT | Order Box Name | Order Box Name | orders |
order_currency | TEXT | Order Currency | Order Currency | orders |
order_custom_invoice_url | TEXT | Order Custom Invoice Url | Order Custom Invoice Url | orders |
order_date | DATE | Order Date | Order Date | orders |
order_dry_ice_weight_in_lbs | TEXT | Order Dry Ice Weight In Lbs | Order Dry Ice Weight In Lbs | orders |
order_email | TEXT | Order Email | Order Email | orders |
order_expected_weight_in_oz | TEXT | Order Expected Weight In Oz | Order Expected Weight In Oz | orders |
order_flagged | BOOLEAN | Order Flagged | Order Flagged | orders |
order_ftr_exemption | NUMERIC | Order Ftr Exemption | Order Ftr Exemption | orders |
order_fulfillment_status | TEXT | Order Fulfillment Status | Status of the order (pending, fulfilled, cancelled, etc) | orders |
order_gift_invoice | BOOLEAN | Order Gift Invoice | Order Gift Invoice | orders |
order_gift_note | TEXT | Order Gift Note | Order Gift Note | orders |
order_has_dry_ice | BOOLEAN | Order Has Dry Ice | Order Has Dry Ice | orders |
order_hold_until_date | DATE | Order Hold Until Date | Order Hold Until Date | orders |
order_holds_address_hold | BOOLEAN | Order Address Hold | Order Address Hold | orders |
order_holds_client_hold | BOOLEAN | Order Client Hold | Order Client Hold | orders |
order_holds_fraud_hold | BOOLEAN | Order Fraud Hold | Order Fraud Hold | orders |
order_holds_operator_hold | BOOLEAN | Order Operator Hold | Order Operator Hold | orders |
order_holds_payment_hold | BOOLEAN | Order Payment Hold | Order Payment Hold | orders |
order_holds_shipping_method_hold | BOOLEAN | Order Shipping Method Hold | Order Shipping Method Hold | orders |
order_id | TEXT | Order ID | Order ID | orders |
order_ignore_address_validation_errors | BOOLEAN | Order Ignore Address Validation Errors | Order Ignore Address Validation Errors | orders |
order_incoterms | TEXT | Order Incoterms | Order Incoterms | orders |
order_insurance | BOOLEAN | Order Insurance | Order Insurance | orders |
order_insurance_amount | TEXT | Order Insurance Amount | Order Insurance Amount | orders |
order_legacy_id | NUMERIC | Order Legacy ID | Order Legacy ID | orders |
order_number | TEXT | Order Number | The store's internal order number | orders |
order_packing_note | TEXT | Order Packing Note | Order Packing Note | orders |
order_partner_order_id | TEXT | Order Partner Order ID | The order ID assigned by the storefront | orders |
order_priority_flag | BOOLEAN | Order Priority Flag | Order Priority Flag | orders |
order_profile | TEXT | Order Profile | Order Profile | orders |
order_require_signature | BOOLEAN | Order Require Signature | Order Require Signature | orders |
order_required_ship_date | DATE | Order Required Ship Date | Order Required Ship Date | orders |
order_saturday_delivery | BOOLEAN | Order Saturday Delivery | Order Saturday Delivery | orders |
order_shipping_address_address1 | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Address1 | Order Shipping Address Address1 | orders |
order_shipping_address_address2 | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Address2 | Order Shipping Address Address2 | orders |
order_shipping_address_city | CITY | Order Shipping Address City | Order Shipping Address City | orders |
order_shipping_address_company | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Company | Order Shipping Address Company | orders |
order_shipping_address_country | COUNTRY | Order Shipping Address Country | Order Shipping Address Country | orders |
order_shipping_address_country_code | COUNTRY | Order Shipping Address Country Code | Order Shipping Address Country Code | orders |
order_shipping_address_email | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Email | Order Shipping Address Email | orders |
order_shipping_address_first_name | TEXT | Order Shipping Address First Name | Order Shipping Address First Name | orders |
order_shipping_address_last_name | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Last Name | Order Shipping Address Last Name | orders |
order_shipping_address_phone | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Phone | Order Shipping Address Phone | orders |
order_shipping_address_state | TEXT | Order Shipping Address State | Order Shipping Address State | orders |
order_shipping_address_state_code | TEXT | Order Shipping Address State Code | Order Shipping Address State Code | orders |
order_shipping_address_zip | TEXT | Order Shipping Address Zip | Order Shipping Address Zip | orders |
order_shipping_lines_carrier | TEXT | Order Shipping Lines Carrier | Order Shipping Lines Carrier | orders |
order_shipping_lines_method | TEXT | Order Shipping Lines Method | Order Shipping Lines Method | orders |
order_shipping_lines_price | TEXT | Order Shipping Lines Price | Order Shipping Lines Price | orders |
order_shipping_lines_title | TEXT | Order Shipping Lines Title | Order Shipping Lines Title | orders |
order_shop_name | TEXT | Order Shop Name | Order Shop Name | orders |
order_skip_address_validation | BOOLEAN | Order Skip Address Validation | Order Skip Address Validation | orders |
order_source | TEXT | Order Source | Order Source | orders |
order_subtotal | NUMERIC | Order Subtotal | Order Subtotal | orders |
order_tax_id | TEXT | Order Tax ID | Order Tax ID | orders |
order_tax_type | TEXT | Order Tax Type | Order Tax Type | orders |
order_third_party_shipper_account_number | TEXT | Order Third Party Shipper Account Number | Order Third Party Shipper Account Number | orders |
order_third_party_shipper_country | COUNTRY | Order Third Party Shipper Country | Order Third Party Shipper Country | orders |
order_third_party_shipper_zip | TEXT | Order Third Party Shipper Zip | Order Third Party Shipper Zip | orders |
order_total_discounts | NUMERIC | Order Total Discounts | Order Total Discounts | orders |
order_total_price | NUMERIC | Order Total Price | Order Total Price | orders |
order_total_tax | TEXT | Order Total Tax | Order Total Tax | orders |
order_updated_date | DATE | Order Updated Date | Order Updated Date | orders |
product_account_id | TEXT | Product Account ID | Product Account ID | products |
product_barcode | TEXT | Product Barcode | Product Barcode | products |
product_country_of_manufacture | COUNTRY | Product Country Of Manufacture | Product Country Of Manufacture | products |
product_created_at | DATE | Product Created At | Product Created At | products |
product_customs_description | TEXT | Product Customs Description | Product Customs Description | products |
product_customs_value | TEXT | Product Customs Value | Product Customs Value | products |
product_dimensions_height | TEXT | Product Height | Height in unit configured in the account (In by default) | products |
product_dimensions_length | TEXT | Product Length | Lenght in unit configured in the account (In by default) | products |
product_dimensions_weight | TEXT | Product Weight | Weight in unit configured in the account (Oz by default) | products |
product_dimensions_width | TEXT | Product Width | Width in unit configured in the account (In by default) | products |
product_dropship | BOOLEAN | Product Dropship | Product Dropship | products |
product_final_sale | BOOLEAN | Product Final Sale | Product Final Sale | products |
product_id | TEXT | Product ID | Product ID | products |
product_ignore_on_customs | BOOLEAN | Product Ignore On Customs | Product Ignore On Customs | products |
product_ignore_on_invoice | BOOLEAN | Product Ignore On Invoice | Product Ignore On Invoice | products |
product_kit | BOOLEAN | Product Kit | Product Kit | products |
product_kit_build | BOOLEAN | Product Kit Build | Product Kit Build | products |
product_large_thumbnail | TEXT | Product Large Thumbnail | Product Large Thumbnail | products |
product_legacy_id | NUMERIC | Product Legacy ID | Product Legacy ID | products |
product_name | TEXT | Product Name | Name of the product | products |
product_needs_lot_tracking | BOOLEAN | Product Needs Lot Tracking | Product Needs Lot Tracking | products |
product_needs_serial_number | BOOLEAN | Product Needs Serial Number | Product Needs Serial Number | products |
product_no_air | BOOLEAN | Product No Air | Product No Air | products |
product_not_owned | BOOLEAN | Product Not Owned | Product Not Owned | products |
product_packer_note | TEXT | Product Packer Note | Product Packer Note | products |
product_product_note | TEXT | Product Product Note | Product Product Note | products |
product_sku | TEXT | Product Sku | Stock Keeping Unit | products |
product_tariff_code | TEXT | Product Tariff Code | Product Tariff Code | products |
product_thumbnail | TEXT | Product Thumbnail | Product Thumbnail | products |
product_updated_at | DATE | Product Updated At | Product Updated At | products |
product_virtual | BOOLEAN | Product Virtual | Product Virtual | products |
purchase_order_account_id | TEXT | Purchase Order Account ID | Purchase Order Account ID | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_arrived_at | DATE | Purchase Order Arrived At | Purchase Order Arrived At | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_created_at | DATE | Purchase Order Created At | Purchase Order Created At | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_date_closed | DATE | Purchase Order Date Closed | Purchase Order Date Closed | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_description | TEXT | Purchase Order Description | Purchase Order Description | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_discount | TEXT | Purchase Order Discount | Purchase Order Discount | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_fulfillment_status | TEXT | Purchase Order Fulfillment Status | Purchase Order Fulfillment Status | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_id | TEXT | Purchase Order ID | Purchase Order ID | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_images | TEXT | Purchase Order Images | Purchase Order Images | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_legacy_id | TEXT | Purchase Order Legacy ID | Purchase Order Legacy ID | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_locked_by_user_id | TEXT | Purchase Order Locked By User ID | Purchase Order Locked By User ID | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_locking | TEXT | Purchase Order Locking | Purchase Order Locking | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_origin_of_shipment | TEXT | Purchase Order Origin Of Shipment | Purchase Order Origin Of Shipment | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_packing_note | TEXT | Purchase Order Packing Note | Purchase Order Packing Note | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_partner_order_number | TEXT | Purchase Order Partner Order Number | Purchase Order Partner Order Number | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_payment_due_by | TEXT | Purchase Order Payment Due By | Purchase Order Payment Due By | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_payment_method | TEXT | Purchase Order Payment Method | Purchase Order Payment Method | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_payment_note | TEXT | Purchase Order Payment Note | Purchase Order Payment Note | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_pdf | TEXT | Purchase Order Pdf | Purchase Order Pdf | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_po_date | DATE | Purchase Order Po Date | Purchase Order Po Date | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_po_note | TEXT | Purchase Order Po Note | Purchase Order Po Note | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_po_number | TEXT | Purchase Order Po Number | Purchase Order Po Number | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_ship_date | DATE | Purchase Order Ship Date | Purchase Order Ship Date | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_shipping_carrier | TEXT | Purchase Order Shipping Carrier | Purchase Order Shipping Carrier | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_shipping_method | TEXT | Purchase Order Shipping Method | Purchase Order Shipping Method | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_shipping_name | TEXT | Purchase Order Shipping Name | Purchase Order Shipping Name | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_shipping_price | TEXT | Purchase Order Shipping Price | Purchase Order Shipping Price | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_subtotal | TEXT | Purchase Order Subtotal | Purchase Order Subtotal | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_tax | TEXT | Purchase Order Tax | Purchase Order Tax | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_total_price | TEXT | Purchase Order Total Price | Purchase Order Total Price | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_tracking_number | TEXT | Purchase Order Tracking Number | Purchase Order Tracking Number | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_vendor_id | TEXT | Purchase Order Vendor ID | Purchase Order Vendor ID | purchase_orders |
purchase_order_warehouse_id | TEXT | Purchase Order Warehouse ID | Purchase Order Warehouse ID | purchase_orders |
return_account_id | TEXT | Return Account ID | Return Account ID | returns |
return_address_address1 | TEXT | Return Address Address1 | Address line 1 | returns |
return_address_address2 | TEXT | Return Address Address2 | Address line 2 | returns |
return_address_city | CITY | Return Address City | Address's City | returns |
return_address_country | COUNTRY | Return Address Country | Address's Country | returns |
return_address_name | TEXT | Return Address Name | The address's name or name of the person assigned to the address | returns |
return_address_phone | TEXT | Return Address Phone | Return Address Phone | returns |
return_address_state | TEXT | Return Address State | Address's State | returns |
return_address_zip | TEXT | Return Address Zip | Address's Postal Code | returns |
return_cost_to_customer | TEXT | Return Cost To Customer | Return Cost To Customer | returns |
return_created_at | DATE | Return Created At | Return Created At | returns |
return_dimensions_height | TEXT | Return Dimensions Height | Height in unit configured in the account (In by default) | returns |
return_dimensions_length | TEXT | Return Dimensions Length | Lenght in unit configured in the account (In by default) | returns |
return_dimensions_weight | TEXT | Return Dimensions Weight | Weight in unit configured in the account (Oz by default) | returns |
return_dimensions_width | TEXT | Return Dimensions Width | Width in unit configured in the account (In by default) | returns |
return_display_issue_refund | BOOLEAN | Return Display Issue Refund | Return Display Issue Refund | returns |
return_id | TEXT | Return ID | Return ID | returns |
return_label_cost | TEXT | Return Label Cost | Return Label Cost | returns |
return_label_type | TEXT | Return Label Type | Return Label Type | returns |
return_legacy_id | NUMERIC | Return Legacy ID | Return Legacy ID | returns |
return_order_id | TEXT | Return Order ID | Return Order ID | returns |
return_partner_id | TEXT | Return Partner ID | Return Partner ID | returns |
return_reason | TEXT | Return Reason | Return Reason | returns |
return_shipping_carrier | TEXT | Return Shipping Carrier | Return Shipping Carrier | returns |
return_shipping_method | TEXT | Return Shipping Method | Return Shipping Method | returns |
return_status | TEXT | Return Status | Return Status | returns |
return_total_items_expected | NUMERIC | Return Total Items Expected | Return Total Items Expected | returns |
return_total_items_received | NUMERIC | Return Total Items Received | Return Total Items Received | returns |
return_total_items_restocked | NUMERIC | Return Total Items Restocked | Return Total Items Restocked | returns |
shipment_address_address1 | TEXT | Shipment Address Address1 | Address line 1 | shipments |
shipment_address_address2 | TEXT | Shipment Address Address2 | Address line 2 | shipments |
shipment_address_city | CITY | Shipment Address City | Address's City | shipments |
shipment_address_country | COUNTRY | Shipment Address Country | Address's Country | shipments |
shipment_address_name | TEXT | Shipment Address Name | The address's name or name of the person assigned to the address | shipments |
shipment_address_phone | TEXT | Shipment Address Phone | Shipment Address Phone | shipments |
shipment_address_state | TEXT | Shipment Address State | Address's State | shipments |
shipment_address_zip | TEXT | Shipment Address Zip | Address's Postal Code | shipments |
shipment_completed | BOOLEAN | Shipment Completed | This field indicates if store was notified about the shipment. It should be 'true' by default and 'false' when using the Bulk Ship UI. | shipments |
shipment_created_date | DATE | Shipment Created Date | Shipment Created Date | shipments |
shipment_delivered | BOOLEAN | Shipment Delivered | Shipment Delivered | shipments |
shipment_dropshipment | BOOLEAN | Shipment Dropshipment | Shipment Dropshipment | shipments |
shipment_id | TEXT | Shipment ID | Shipment ID | shipments |
shipment_legacy_id | NUMERIC | Shipment Legacy ID | Shipment Legacy ID | shipments |
shipment_needs_refund | BOOLEAN | Shipment Needs Refund | Shipment Needs Refund | shipments |
shipment_order_id | TEXT | Shipment Order ID | Shipment Order ID | shipments |
shipment_pending_shipment_id | TEXT | Shipment Pending Shipment ID | Shipment Pending Shipment ID | shipments |
shipment_picked_up | BOOLEAN | Shipment Picked Up | Shipment Picked Up | shipments |
shipment_profile | TEXT | Shipment Profile | Shipment Profile | shipments |
shipment_refunded | BOOLEAN | Shipment Refunded | Shipment Refunded | shipments |
shipment_shipped_off_shiphero | BOOLEAN | Shipment Shipped Off Shiphero | Shipment Shipped Off Shiphero | shipments |
shipment_total_packages | NUMERIC | Shipment Total Packages | Shipment Total Packages | shipments |
shipment_user_id | TEXT | Shipment User ID | Shipment User ID | shipments |
shipment_warehouse_id | TEXT | Shipment Warehouse ID | Shipment Warehouse ID | shipments |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date | |
warehouse_product_account_id | TEXT | Warehouse Product Account ID | Warehouse Product Account ID | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_active | BOOLEAN | Warehouse Product Active | Warehouse Product Active | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_allocated | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Allocated | Count of how many units you have in stock and owe to customers for open orders | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_available | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Available | The number of available stock for any given SKU that is pushed to any connected sales channel. This is On Hand minus any allocations to open orders. | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_backorder | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Backorder | Count of how many units you owe to customers for open orders and don’t have stock for in the warehouse | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_created_at | DATE | Warehouse Product Created At | Warehouse Product Created At | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_custom | BOOLEAN | Warehouse Product Custom | Warehouse Product Custom | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_customs_value | TEXT | Warehouse Product Customs Value | Warehouse Product Customs Value | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_id | TEXT | Warehouse Product ID | Warehouse Product ID | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_inventory_bin | TEXT | Warehouse Product Inventory Bin | The name of the bin where the product is stored | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_inventory_overstock_bin | TEXT | Warehouse Product Inventory Overstock Bin | The name of the bin where overstock is stored | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_legacy_id | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Legacy ID | Warehouse Product Legacy ID | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_non_sellable_quantity | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Non Sellable Quantity | Count of non sellable units of a SKU in the warehouse. | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_on_hand | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product On Hand | The total count of a SKU physically in the warehouse. (Note, Available is the count indicated in your sales channels) | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_price | TEXT | Warehouse Product Price | Price of the product | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_reorder_amount | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Reorder Amount | The number that should be reordered when a SKU reaches the Reorder Level | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_reorder_level | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Reorder Level | The Available value a SKU must reach to trigger a Reorder. (See Reorder Amount). Setting this to 0 will prevent a SKU from automatically being added to a PO | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_replenishment_level | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Replenishment Level | Available only for accounts that use Dynamic Slotting and used specifically for replenishment reports. SKUs will appear on the replenishment report if inventory allocated and not enough in pickable bins, or if the pickable bin inventory is less than the replenishment level | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_reserve_inventory | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Reserve Inventory | Count of a SKU that is not to be sold in your sales channel.For example, if you’re running a flash sale and want to hold some stock for returns or exchanges, you would enter your full inventory of say 100 units as the On Hand and a Reserve of 5 units. We’ll then tell the platform that you have 95 available for sale (On Hand minus Reserve). The Available count will remain 100 | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_sell_ahead | NUMERIC | Warehouse Product Sell Ahead | Warehouse Product Sell Ahead | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_sku | TEXT | Warehouse Product Sku | Stock Keeping Unit | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_updated_at | DATE | Warehouse Product Updated At | Warehouse Product Updated At | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_value | TEXT | Warehouse Product Value | Price paid for the product | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_value_currency | TEXT | Warehouse Product Value Currency | Warehouse Product Value Currency | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_warehouse_id | TEXT | Warehouse Product Warehouse ID | Warehouse Product Warehouse ID | warehouse_products |
warehouse_product_warehouse_identifier | TEXT | Warehouse Product Warehouse IDentifier | The warehouse identifier, usually Primary/Secondary | warehouse_products |
week | TEXT | Week | Week (Sun-Sat). | |
week_day | TEXT | Day of week and day number | Weekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday. | |
week_day_iso | TEXT | Day of week and day number, ISO | Weekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7 | |
week_iso | TEXT | Week ISO | Week, ISO format (Mon-Sun). | |
year | TEXT | Year | Year | |
year_month | TEXT | Yearmonth | Year and month, e.g. 2024|3 | |
year_of_week | TEXT | Year of week | The year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat). | |
year_of_week_iso | TEXT | Year of week, ISO | The year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun). | |
year_week | TEXT | Year week | Year and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15 | |
year_week_iso | TEXT | Year week ISO | Year and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20 |