Windsor brings all your Facebook Page Insights data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, TableauPostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL

Facebook Page Insights Field Reference


Here is a sample URL for the Facebook Page Insights Connector which fetches Facebook Page Insights on page, post and media level[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=date,page_impressions_unique,page_engaged_users


account_idTEXTAccount IDThe Page ID of the Facebook Page
account_nameTEXTAccount NameThe Page Name of the Facebook Page
backdated_timeTIMESTAMPVideo Backdated TimeA user-specified time for when this object was created.Video
backdated_time_granularityTEXTVideo Backdated Time GranularityThe granularity of the backdated time. How accurate the backdated time is.Video
blue_reels_play_countNUMERICReels Lifetime Play CountLifetime: The number of times your reel starts to play after an impression is already counted. This is defined as reels sessions with 1ms or more of playback and excludes replays.Reels
captionsTEXTVideo CaptionsCaptions for the video.Video
clicksNUMERICPost Clicks (duplicate)The number of times people clicked on anywhere in your posts without generating a story.Post
content_categoryTEXTVideo Content CategoryThe content category of the video.Video
created_timeTIMESTAMPCreated TimeThe time the video was initially published.Video
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateThe dimension that determines how date-based data in a chart is handled (the time dimension).
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
descriptionTEXTVideo DescriptionThe description of the video.Video
embed_htmlTEXTVideo Embed HTMLThe embed HTML of the video.Video
embeddableBOOLEANVideo EmbeddableWhether the video is embeddable.Video
eventTEXTVideo EventEvent info.Video
fb_reels_replay_countNUMERICReels Replay CountThe number of times your reel starts to play again after an initial play of your reel by the same account for at least 1ms in the same session.Reels
fb_reels_total_playsNUMERICReels Total PlaysThe number of times your reel starts to play after an impression is already counted. This is defined as reel sessions with 1ms or more and includes replays. Replays are counted after the initial play of the reel in the same session.Reels
full_pictureTEXTPost full pictureIf the photo's largest dimension exceeds 720 pixels, it is resized, with the largest dimension set to 720.Post
iconTEXTVideo IconThe icon that Facebook displays when videos are published to the Feed.Video
idTEXTVideo IDThe ID of the video.Video
is_crosspost_videoBOOLEANVideo Is Crosspost VideoWhether the video is a crosspost from other page.Video
is_crossposting_eligibleBOOLEANVideo Is Crossposting EligibleWhether the video is eligible for crossposting.Video
is_eligible_for_promotionBOOLEANPost is Eligible For PromotionWhether the post is eligible for promotion.Post
is_episodeBOOLEANVideo Is EpisodeWhether the video is an episode in a series.Video
is_expiredBOOLEANPost is ExpiredWhether the post has expiration time that has passed.Post
is_inline_createdBOOLEANPost is Inline CreatedReturns True if the post was created inline when creating ads.Post
is_instagram_eligibleBOOLEANVideo Is Instagram EligibleWhether the video is eligible for Instagram promotion.Video
BOOLEANPost is PopularWhether the post is currently popular. Based on whether the total actions as a percentage of reach exceeds a certain threshold.Post
is_publishedBOOLEANPost is PublishedIndicates whether a scheduled post was published (applies to scheduled Page Post only, for users post and instanlty published posts this value is always true)Post
lengthTEXTVideo LengthDuration of this video in seconds.Video
live_statusTEXTVideo Live StatusStatus of the video.Video
media_typeTEXTPost media Type[deprecated] A string indicating the object type of this post.Post
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
page_call_phone_clicks_by_age_gender_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Call Phone Clicks By Age Gender Logged In UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by age and gender group.Deprecated
page_call_phone_clicks_by_site_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Call Phone Clicks By Site Logged In UniqueThe number of people who clicked your Page's phone number or Call Now button while they were logged into Facebook, broken down by the type of device they used.Deprecated
page_call_phone_clicks_logged_in_by_city_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Call Phone Clicks Logged In By City UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by city.Deprecated
page_call_phone_clicks_logged_in_by_country_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Call Phone Clicks Logged In By Country UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by countries.Deprecated
page_call_phone_clicks_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Call Phone Clicks Logged In UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button.Deprecated
page_consumptionsNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page ConsumptionsThe number of times people clicked on any of your content.Deprecated
page_consumptions_by_consumption_typeOBJECT(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Consumption TypeThe number of times people clicked on any of your content, by type. Types include link_click, other_click, photo_view, and video_view.Deprecated
NUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Link Click TypeThe number of times people clicked on any of your content, by link_click type.; Deprecated
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_other_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Other Click TypeThe number of times people clicked on any of your content, by other_click type.; Deprecated
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_photo_viewNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Photo View TypeThe number of times people clicked on any of your content, by photo_view type.; Deprecated
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_uniqueOBJECT(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Consumption Type UniqueThe number of people who clicked on any of your content, by type. Types include link_click, other_click, photo_view, and video_view.Deprecated
NUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Link Click Type UniqueThe number of people who clicked on any of your content, by link_click type.; Deprecated
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_other_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Other Click Type UniqueThe number of people who clicked on any of your content, by other_click type.; Deprecated
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_photo_viewNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Photo View Type UniqueThe number of people who clicked on any of your content, by photo_view type.; Deprecated
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_video_viewNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Video View Type UniqueThe number of people who clicked on any of your content, by video_view type.; Deprecated
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_video_viewNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions By Video View TypeThe number of times people clicked on any of your content, by video_view type.; Deprecated
page_consumptions_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Consumptions UniqueThe number of people who clicked on any of your content.Deprecated
page_cta_clicks_by_age_gender_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page CTA Clicks By Age Gender Logged In UniqueNumber of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by age and gender group.Deprecated
page_cta_clicks_by_site_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page CTA Clicks By Site Logged In UniqueNumber of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked on the CTA button, broken down by www, mobile, api or other.Deprecated
page_cta_clicks_logged_in_by_city_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page CTA Clicks Logged In By City UniqueNumber of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by city.Deprecated
page_cta_clicks_logged_in_by_country_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page CTA Clicks Logged In By Country UniqueNumber of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by country.Deprecated
page_cta_clicks_logged_in_totalNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page CTA Clicks Logged In TotalTotal number of clicks on the Page CTA button by people who are logged in to Facebook.Deprecated
page_cta_clicks_logged_in_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page CTA Clicks Logged In UniqueUnique number of clicks on the Page CTA button by people who are logged in to Facebook.Deprecated
page_daily_followsNUMERICDaily FollowsThe number of people who have followed your Page daily.Page
page_daily_follows_uniqueNUMERICDaily Follows UniqueThe number of people who have followed your Page daily. (Unique Users)Page
page_daily_unfollowsNUMERICDaily UnfollowsThe number of people who have unfollowed your Page daily.Page
page_daily_unfollows_uniqueNUMERICDaily Unfollows UniqueThe number of people who have unfollowed your Page daily. (Unique Users)Page
page_engaged_usersNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Engaged UsersThe number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click.Deprecated
page_fan_addsNUMERICNew likesThe number of new people who have liked your PagePage
page_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_uniqueTEXTPage Fans Adds By Paid Non Paid UniqueThe number of new people who have liked your Page broken down by paid and non-paid.
page_fan_adds_uniqueNUMERICNew likes (unique users)The number of new people who have liked your Page (Unique users)Page
page_fan_removesNUMERICNew unlikesThe number of new people who have unliked your PagePage
page_fan_removes_uniqueNUMERICUnlikes (unique users)The number of Unlikes of your Page (Unique users)Page
page_fansNUMERICPage Fans total page likesThe total number of people who have liked your PagePage
page_fans_ageTEXT(Deprecated) Page Fans AgeThe number of people who have liked your Page, broken down by age (should be used with 'page_fans_likes' and 'date' fields together)Deprecated
page_fans_cityCITYPage Fans CityThe number of people who have liked your Page, broken down by city (should be used with 'page_fans_likes' and 'date' fields together)
page_fans_countryCOUNTRYPage Fans CountryThe number of people who have liked your Page, broken down by country (should be used with 'page_fans_likes' and 'date' fields together)
page_fans_dailyNUMERICPage Fans total page likes (daily)The total number of people who have liked your Page (daily)Page
page_fans_genderTEXT(Deprecated) Page Fans GenderThe number of people who have liked your Page, broken down by gender (should be used with 'page_fans_likes' and 'date' fields together)Deprecated
page_fans_gender_ageTEXT(Deprecated) Page Fans Gender and AgeThe number of people who have liked your Page, broken down by gender and age (should be used with 'page_fans_likes' and 'date' fields together)Deprecated
page_fans_likesNUMERICPage Fans Likes (for dimensions)The number of people who have liked your Page broken down by dimensions (page_fans_gender_age, page_fans_locale, page_fans_city, page_fans_country, page_fans_gender, page_fans_age fields)Page
page_fans_localeTEXTPage Fans LocaleThe number of people who have liked your Page, broken down by locale (should be used with page_fans_likes and date fields together).
page_fans_onlineTEXT(Deprecated) Page Fans OnlineThe number of your fans who saw any posts on Facebook on a given day, broken down by hour of day in PST/PDT.Deprecated
page_fans_online_per_dayNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Fans Online Per DayThe number of your fans who saw any posts on Facebook on a given day.Deprecated
page_followsNUMERICLifetime Total FollowsLifetime - The total number of people who have followed your Page. (Unique Users)Page
page_follows_dailyNUMERICLifetime Total Follows dailyLifetime - The total number of people who have followed your Page daily. (Unique Users)Page
page_get_directions_clicks_by_age_gender_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Get Directions Clicks By Age Gender Logged In UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by age and gender group.Deprecated
page_get_directions_clicks_by_site_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Get Directions Clicks By Site Logged In UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by www, mobile, api or other.Deprecated
page_get_directions_clicks_logged_in_by_city_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Get Directions Clicks Logged In By City UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by city.Deprecated
page_get_directions_clicks_logged_in_by_country_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Get Directions Clicks Logged In By Country UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by country.Deprecated
page_get_directions_clicks_logged_in_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Get Directions Clicks Logged In UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button.Deprecated
page_idTEXTPage IdPage idPage
page_impressionsNUMERICPage ImpressionsThe number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen. This includes posts, stories, ads, as well other content or information on your Page.Page
page_impressions_organic_unique_v2NUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Impressions Organic UniqueThis metric counts reach from the organic distribution of your Facebook Page and Page content. This metric is estimated.Deprecated
page_impressions_organic_v2NUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Impressions OrganicThe number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution.Deprecated
page_impressions_paidNUMERICPage Impressions PaidThe number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad.Page
page_impressions_paid_uniqueNUMERICPage Impressions Paid UniqueThe number of Accounts Center accounts that saw your ads at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same Accounts Center accounts. This metric is estimated.Page
page_impressions_uniqueNUMERICPage Impressions UniqueThe number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more.Page
page_nameTEXTPage NameThe name of the PagePage
page_negative_feedbackNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative FeedbackThe number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post).Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_typeOBJECT(Deprecated) Page Negative Fedback By TypeThe number of times people took a negative action broken down by type.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_all_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback By Hide All Clicks TypeNumber of hide_all_clicks actions.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback By Hide Clicks TypeNumber of hide_clicks actions.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_report_spam_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback By Report Spam Clicks TypeNumber of report_spam_clicks actions.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_uniqueOBJECT(Deprecated) Page Negative Fedback By Type UniqueThe number of people who took a negative action broken down by type.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_all_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback By Hide All Clicks Type UniqueThe number of people who took hide_all_clicks actions.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback By Hide Clicks Type UniqueThe number of people who took hide_clicks actions.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_report_spam_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback By Report Spam Type UniqueThe number of people who took report_spam_clicks actions.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_unlike_page_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback By Unlike Page Clicks Type UniqueThe number of people who took unlike_page_clicks actions.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_by_type_unlike_page_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback By Unlike Page Clicks TypeNumber of unlike_page_clicks actions.Deprecated
page_negative_feedback_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Negative Feedback UniqueThe number of people who took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post).Deprecated
page_places_checkin_mobileNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Places Checkin MobileThe number of times people checked into a place using mobile phones.Deprecated
page_places_checkin_mobile_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Places Checkin Mobile UniqueThe number of people who checked into a place using mobile phones.Deprecated
page_places_checkin_totalNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Places Checkin TotalThe number of times people checked into a place.Deprecated
page_places_checkin_total_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Places Checkin Total UniqueThe number of people who checked into a place.Deprecated
page_places_checkins_by_age_genderNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Places Checkin By Age Gendergender and age of people who checked in at your Place.Deprecated
page_places_checkins_by_countryNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Places Checkins By Countrytop countries of people who checked into your Place.Deprecated
page_places_checkins_by_localeNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Places Checkin By Localetop locales of people who checked into your Place.Deprecated
page_positive_feedback_by_typeTEXT(Deprecated) Page Positive Feedback By TypeThe number of times people took a positive action broken down by type.Deprecated
page_positive_feedback_by_type_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Positive Feedback By Type UniqueThe number of people who took a positive action broken down by type.Deprecated
page_post_engagementsNUMERICPage Post EngagementsThe number of times people have engaged with your posts through reactions, comments, shares and more.Page
page_total_actionsNUMERICPage Total ActionsThe number of clicks on your Page's contact info and call-to-action button.Page
page_video_view_timeNUMERICPage Video View TimeThe total time (in milliseconds) spent by users watching videos on your Page.Page
page_video_viewsNUMERICPage Video ViewsThe number of times your Page video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds, or nearly all if it is shorter than 3 seconds. During separate playback, videos are treated separately, replay time is excluded.Page
page_video_views_autoplayedNUMERICPage Video Views AutoplayedThe number of times your autoplay videos have been viewed for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds. When analyzing a single case of video playback, the time spent on replays is not taken into account.Page
page_video_views_by_paid_non_paid_paidNUMERICPaid Page Video Views By Paid Non PaidThe number of times your Page video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds, or nearly all if it is shorter than 3 seconds, broken down by paid views. During a separate playback event, video views are counted separately, repeat times are excluded.Page
page_video_views_by_paid_non_paid_totalNUMERICTotal Page Video Views By Paid Non PaidThe number of times your Page video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds, or nearly all if it is shorter than 3 seconds, broken down by total views. During a separate playback event, video views are counted separately, repeat times are excluded.Page
page_video_views_by_paid_non_paid_unpaidNUMERICUnpaid Page Video Views By Paid Non PaidThe number of times your Page video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds, or nearly all if it is shorter than 3 seconds, broken down by unpaid views. During a separate playback event, video views are counted separately, repeat times are excluded.Page
page_video_views_click_to_playNUMERICPage Video Views Click To PlayThe number of views of your Page video, initiated by pressing the "Play" button, for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds. When analyzing a single case of video playback, the time spent on replays is not taken into account.Page
page_video_views_organicNUMERICPage Video Views OrganicYour Page's video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds, or nearly all if shorter than 3 seconds, within organic reach. When analyzing a single case of video playback, the time spent on repetitions is not taken into account.Page
page_video_views_paidNUMERICPage Video Views PaidThe number of views of your Page's promoted videos for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds. For each video impression, views are counted separately, the time spent on replays is not counted.Page
page_video_views_uniqueNUMERICPage Video Views UniqueThe number of people who viewed your Page's video for at least 3 seconds, or almost all of them if they are shorter than 3 seconds. When analyzing a single case of video playback, the time spent on replays is not taken into account.Page
page_views_totalNUMERIC(Deprecated) Total Page ViewsThe number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by logged in and logged out people.Deprecated
page_website_clicks_by_age_gender_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Website Clicks By Age Gender Logged In UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by age and gender group.Deprecated
page_website_clicks_by_site_logged_in_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Website Clicks By Site Logged In UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by www, mobile, api and other.Deprecated
page_website_clicks_logged_in_by_city_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Website Clicks Logged In By City UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by city.Deprecated
page_website_clicks_logged_in_by_country_uniqueTEXT(Deprecated) Page Website Clicks Logged In By Country UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by country.Deprecated
page_website_clicks_logged_in_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Page Website Clicks Logged In UniqueNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button.Deprecated
TEXTPost permalink URLThe permanent static URL to the post/video on Example
pictureTEXTVideo Thumbnail PictureThe URL for the thumbnail picture of the video.Video
placeTEXTVideo PlacePlace info.Video
poll_settingsTEXT(Deprecated) Video Poll SettingsSettings for polls on the video.Video
pollsTEXTVideo Polls(Deprecated) Video polls attached to this video.Video
post_activity_by_action_typeTEXT(Deprecated) Post ActivityUse Post Activity (number of likes), Post Activity (number of comments), Post Activity (times stories have been shared) instead.Post
post_activity_by_action_type_commentNUMERICPost Activity (number of comments).The number of comments on a Post.Post
post_activity_by_action_type_likeNUMERICPost Activity (number of likes)The number of likes on a Post.Post
post_activity_by_action_type_shareNUMERICPost Activity (times stories have been shared).The number of shares on a Post.Post
post_clicksNUMERICPost ClicksThe number of times people clicked on anywhere in your posts without generating a story.Post
post_clicks_by_type_link_clicksNUMERICPost Clicks By Type Link ClicksThe number of clicks on any places in your publications without creating news (link clicks).Post
post_clicks_by_type_other_clicksNUMERICPost Clicks By Type Other clicksThe number of clicks on any places in your publications without creating news (other clicks).Post
post_clicks_by_type_photo_viewNUMERICPost Clicks By Type Photo ViewThe number of clicks on any places in your publications without creating news (photo clicks).Post
post_clicks_by_type_video_playNUMERICPost Clicks By Type Video PlayThe number of clicks on any places in your publications without creating news (video plays).Post
post_clicks_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Post Clicks UniqueThe number of people who clicked anywhere in your post without generating a story.Deprecated
post_created_timeTIMESTAMPPost Created TimePost created timePost
post_descriptionTEXTPost DescriptionThe description of the link (appears beneath the link caption). If not specified, this field is automatically populated by information scraped from the link, typically the title of the page.Post
post_idTEXTPost IdPost idPost
post_impressionsNUMERICPost ImpressionsThe number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more.Post
post_impressions_organicNUMERICPost impressions OrganicThe number of times your Page posts are displayed on the user's screen as a result of unpaid distribution.Post
post_impressions_organic_uniqueNUMERICPost impressions Organic UniqueThe number of people who displayed your Page post as a result of an unpaid distribution (Post Reach - Organic).Post
post_impressions_paidNUMERICPost Impressions PaidThe number of times your Page post appears on the screen of any user as a result of paid distribution - for example, advertising.Post
post_impressions_paid_uniqueNUMERICPost Impressions Paid UniqueThe number of people on whose screen the publication of your Page was displayed as a result of paid distribution - for example, advertising.Post
post_impressions_uniqueNUMERICPost Impressions UniqueThe number of people on the page displayed the publication of your information. Publications are considered statuses, photos, links, videos, etc.Post
post_messageTEXTPost MessagePost messagePost
post_message_onelineTEXTPost Message OnelinePost message in one linePost
post_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_all_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Post Negative Feedback By Type Hide All ClicksNumber of negative actions taken on your post (hide all clicks).Deprecated
post_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Post Negative Feedback By Type Hide ClicksNumber of negative actions taken on your post (hide all clicks).Deprecated
post_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_all_clicksNUMERIC(Deprecated) Post Negative Feedback By Type Unique Hide All ClicksThe number of people who performed a negative action in your post (hide all clicks).Deprecated
post_pictureIMAGE_URLPost PictureThe picture scraped from any link included with the post.Post
post_reactions_anger_totalNUMERICPost Reactions Anger TotalTotal "anger" reactions of a post. Includes "anger" in the original post and its shares.Post
post_reactions_by_type_totalNUMERICPost Reactions By Type TotalTotal post reactions by type. Includes reactions in the original post and its shares.Post
post_reactions_haha_totalNUMERICPost Reactions Haha TotalTotal "haha" reactions of a post. Includes "haha" in the original post and its shares.Post
post_reactions_like_totalNUMERICPost Reactions Like TotalTotal "like" reactions of a post. Includes "like" in the original post and its shares.Post
post_reactions_love_totalNUMERICPost Reactions Love TotalTotal "love" reactions of a post. Includes "love" in the original post and its shares.Post
post_reactions_sorry_totalNUMERICPost Reactions Sorry TotalTotal "sad" reactions of a post. Includes "sad" in the original post and its shares.Post
post_reactions_wow_totalNUMERICPost Reactions Wow TotalTotal "wow" reactions of a post. Includes "wow" in the original post and its shares.Post
post_titleTEXTPost titleThe title of the post.Post
post_video_avg_time_watchedNUMERICReels Avg Time watchedLifetime: the average time (in ms) your reel was played, including any time spent replaying the reel during a single instance of it playing. Because this metric includes replays, this number could be greater than the total length of the reelReels
post_video_complete_views_organicNUMERICPost Video Complete Views OrganicYour videos have been viewed up to 95% or more of their organic reach. During a separate playback case, video views are counted separately, video replay time is excluded. Returns 0 for video reposts.Post
post_video_complete_views_organic_uniqueNUMERICPost Video Complete Views Organic UniqueThe number of people who viewed your videos up to 95% or more of their organic reach. During a single playback event, views are counted separately, repeat times are excluded. Returns 0 for video reposts.Post
post_video_followersNUMERICReels FollowersLifetime: The number of people who followed your Page or profile within 24 hours of watching this reel. This metric is estimated.Reels
post_video_likes_by_reaction_type_reaction_angryNUMERICReels Likes By Reaction Type AngryLifetime loves of a video broken down by reaction type.Reels
post_video_likes_by_reaction_type_reaction_careNUMERICReels Likes By Reaction Type CareLifetime loves of a video broken down by reaction type.Reels
post_video_likes_by_reaction_type_reaction_hahaNUMERICReels Likes By Reaction Type HahaLifetime loves of a video broken down by reaction type.Reels
post_video_likes_by_reaction_type_reaction_likeNUMERICReels Likes By Reaction Type LikeLifetime likes of a video broken down by reaction type.Reels
post_video_likes_by_reaction_type_reaction_loveNUMERICReels Likes By Reaction Type LoveLifetime loves of a video broken down by reaction type.Reels
post_video_likes_by_reaction_type_reaction_sadNUMERICReels Likes By Reaction Type SadLifetime loves of a video broken down by reaction type.Reels
post_video_likes_by_reaction_type_reaction_wowNUMERICReels Likes By Reaction Type WOWLifetime loves of a video broken down by reaction type.Reels
post_video_social_actions_commentNUMERICReels Social Actions CommentLifetime comments of a video.Reels
post_video_social_actions_shareNUMERICReels Social Actions ShareLifetime shares of a video.Reels
post_video_total_reactionsNUMERICReels Total ReactionsTotal reels reactions.Reels
post_video_view_timeNUMERICReels View TimeThe total number of milliseconds your reel played, including time spent replaying your reel.Reels
post_video_viewsNUMERICPost Video ViewsThe number of times your videos have been viewed for at least 3 seconds, or nearly all if they are shorter than 3 seconds. During a separate case of playback, video views are counted separately, video replay time is excluded.Post
post_video_views_autoplayedNUMERICPost Video Views AutoplayedThe number of times your autoplay videos have been viewed for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds. When analyzing a single case of video playback, the time spent on replays is not taken into account.Post
post_video_views_clicked_to_playNUMERICPost Video Views Clicked To PlayThe number of views of your videos initiated by pressing the Play button for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds. When analyzing a single case of video playback, the time spent on replays is not taken into account.Post
post_video_views_organicNUMERICPost Vide Views OrganicThe number of views of your videos for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds, within organic reach. During a separate playback case, video views are counted separately, video replay time is excluded.Post
post_video_views_organic_uniqueNUMERICPost Video Views Organic UniqueThe number of people who watched your videos for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds, within organic reach. During a single playback event, views are counted separately, repeat times are excluded.Post
post_video_views_paidNUMERICPost Video Views PaidThe number of views of your promoted videos for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds. For each video display, video views are counted separately, video repeat times are excluded.Post
post_video_views_paid_uniqueNUMERICPost Video Views Paid UniqueThe number of people who watched your promoted videos for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds. For each video show, views are counted separately, repeat times are excluded.Post
post_video_views_uniqueNUMERICPost Video Views UniqueThe number of people who watched your videos for at least 3 seconds, or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds. During a separate playback event, video views are counted separately, repeat times are excluded.Post
post_viewsNUMERICVideo Post ViewsThe number of times the video has been viewed.Video
premiere_living_room_statusTEXTVideo Premiere Living Room StatusThe status of the Premiere Watch Party, if any.Video
privacyTEXTVideo PrivacyThe privacy setting for the video.Video
publishedBOOLEANVideo PublishedWhether the video is published.Video
reels_descriptionTEXTReel DescriptionThe description of the reel.Reels
reels_post_impressions_uniqueNUMERICReels Post Impressions UniqueThe number of people who saw your reel at least once, whether or not the person played your reel. This metric is different from impressions, which includes multiple views of your reel by the same person. This metric is estimated.Reels
scheduled_publish_timeTIMESTAMPVideo Scheduled Publish TimeThe time that the video is scheduled to publish.Video
sourceTEXTVideo SourceA URL to the raw, playable video file.Video
TEXTVideo Sponsor TagsSponsor pages tagged in the video.Video
statusTEXTVideo StatusStatus of the video.Video
tagsOBJECTVideo Tags(Deprecated) Users tagged in the video.Video
targetingTEXTPost targetingObject that limited the audience for this content. Anyone not in these demographics will not be able to view this content. This will not override any Page-level demographic restrictions that may be in place.Post
thumbnailsTEXTVideo ThumbnailsThumbnails for the video.Video
titleTEXTVideo TitleThe title of the video.Video
todayDATETodayToday's date
total_video_10s_viewsNUMERICLifetime Total 10-Second ViewsLifetime: Total number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count)Video
total_video_10s_views_auto_playedNUMERICLifetime Auto-Played 10-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 10 seconds, or viewed it to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count)Video
total_video_10s_views_clicked_to_playNUMERICLifetime Clicked-to-Play 10-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it for 10 seconds or viewed it to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count)Video
total_video_10s_views_organicNUMERICLifetime Organic 10-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without a paid promotion. (Total Count)Video
total_video_10s_views_paidNUMERICLifetime Paid 10-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. (Total Count)Video
total_video_10s_views_sound_onNUMERICLifetime 10-Second Views with sound onLifetime: Number of times your video sound was turned on and was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count)Video
total_video_10s_views_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Unique 10-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of unique people who viewed your video for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_15s_viewsNUMERICLifetime Total 15-Second ViewsLifetime: Total number of times your video was viewed for at least 15 seconds.Video
total_video_30s_viewsNUMERICLifetime Total 30-Second ViewsLifetime: Total number of times your video was viewed for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds. (Total Count)Video
total_video_30s_views_auto_playedNUMERICLifetime Auto-Played 30-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds. (Total Count)Video
total_video_30s_views_clicked_to_playNUMERICLifetime Clicked-to-Play 30-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds. (Total Count)Video
total_video_30s_views_organicNUMERICLifetime Organic 30-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video was viewed for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds without a paid promotion. (Total Count)Video
total_video_30s_views_paidNUMERICLifetime Paid 30-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video was viewed for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds after a paid promotion. (Total Count)Video
total_video_30s_views_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Unique 30-Second ViewsLifetime: Number of unique people who viewed your video for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_60s_excludes_shorter_viewsNUMERICLifetime Total 60-Second Views for videos 60 seconds or longerLifetime: Total number of times your video was viewed for 60 seconds only if the video is 60 seconds or longer.Video
total_video_avg_time_watchedNUMERICLifetime Average time video viewedLifetime: Average time video viewed (Total Count)Video
total_video_complete_viewsNUMERICLifetime Total Video Watches at 95%Lifetime: Total number of times your video was watched at 95% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. (Total Count)Video
total_video_complete_views_auto_playedNUMERICLifetime Auto-Played Video Watches at 95%Lifetime: Number of times your video started automatically playing and people watched it at 95% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. (Total Count)Video
total_video_complete_views_clicked_to_playNUMERICLifetime Clicked-to-Play Video Watches at 95%Lifetime: Number of times people clicked to play your video and watched it at 95% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. (Total Count)Video
total_video_complete_views_organicNUMERICLifetime Organic Watches at 95%Lifetime: Number of times your video was watches at 95% of its length without any paid promotion, including watches that skipped to this point. (Total Count)Video
total_video_complete_views_organic_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Organic Unique Watches at 95%Lifetime: The number of unique people who watched your video at 95% of its length without any paid promotion, including people that skipped to this point. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_complete_views_paidNUMERICLifetime Paid Watches at 95%Lifetime: Number of times your video was watched at 95% of its length after paid promotion, including watches that skipped to this point. (Total Count)Video
total_video_complete_views_paid_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Paid Unique Watches at 95%Lifetime: The number of unique people who watched your video at 95% of its length after paid promotion, including people that skipped to this point. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_complete_views_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Unique Video Watches at 95%Lifetime: Total number of unique people who watched your video at 95% of its length or more, including people that skipped to this point. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_consumption_rateNUMERICLifetime Video Consumption RateThe ratio of unique video views to total unique impressions.Video
total_video_impressionsNUMERICLifetime Video Total ImpressionsLifetime: The number of impressions of the video. (Total Count)Video
total_video_impressions_fanNUMERICLifetime Video Impressions by people who have liked your PageLifetime: Number of impressions of your Page Video to people who have liked your Page. (Total Count)Video
total_video_impressions_fan_paidNUMERICLifetime Video Paid Impressions by people who have liked your PageLifetime: Number of paid impressions of your Page Video Asset to people who have liked your Page. (Total Count)Video
total_video_impressions_fan_paid_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Paid reach of a Video by people who like your PageLifetime: Number of people who like your Page and who saw your Page Video in an ad or sponsored story. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_impressions_fan_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Video reach by people who like your PageLifetime: Number of people who saw your Page video because they've liked your Page (Unique Users)Video
total_video_impressions_organicNUMERICLifetime Video Organic ImpressionsLifetime: The number of impressions of your Video in Feed or ticker or on your Page's Timeline. (Total Count)Video
total_video_impressions_organic_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Video organic reachLifetime: Number of people who saw your Page Video in Feed or ticker, or on your Page's timeline. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_impressions_paidNUMERICLifetime Video Paid ImpressionsLifetime: Number of impressions of your Page Video in an Ad or Sponsored Story. (Total Count)Video
total_video_impressions_paid_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Video Paid ReachLifetime: Number of people your advertised Page Video was served to. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_impressions_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Video Total ReachLifetime: The total number of people your video was served to. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_impressions_viralNUMERICLifetime Video Viral ImpressionsLifetime: The number of impressions of your Page Video in a story generated by a friend. (Total Count)Video
total_video_impressions_viral_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Video viral reachLifetime: Number of people who saw your Page Video in a story from a friend. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_play_countNUMERICLifetime Video Play CountLifetime Video Play Count.Video
total_video_view_total_timeNUMERICLifetime Total Video View Time (in ms)Lifetime: Total time (in ms) video has been viewed. (Total Count)Video
total_video_view_total_time_organicNUMERICLifetime Total Organic Video View Time (in ms)Lifetime: Total time (in ms) video has been viewed in Feed or ticker or on your Page's Timeline. (Total Count)Video
total_video_view_total_time_paidNUMERICLifetime Total Paid Video View Time (in ms)Lifetime: Total time (in ms) video has been viewed after paid promotion. (Total Count)Video
total_video_viewsNUMERICTotal Video ViewsLifetime: Total number of times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count)Video
total_video_views_autoplayedNUMERICLifetime Auto-Played Video ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 3 seconds or viewed it to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count)Video
total_video_views_clicked_to_playNUMERICLifetime Clicked-to-Play Video ViewsLifetime: Number of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it for 3 seconds or viewed it to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count)Video
total_video_views_organicNUMERICLifetime Organic Video ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without any paid promotion. (Total Count)Video
total_video_views_organic_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Unique Organic Video ViewsLifetime: Number unique viewers who viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without any paid promotion. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_views_paidNUMERICLifetime Paid Video ViewsLifetime: Number of times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after paid promotion. (Total Count)Video
total_video_views_paid_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Unique Paid Video ViewsLifetime: Number of unique viewers who viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after paid promotion. (Unique Users)Video
total_video_views_sound_onNUMERICLifetime Video Views with sound onLifetime: Number of times your video sound was turned on and was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count)Video
total_video_views_uniqueNUMERICLifetime Unique Video ViewsLifetime: Number of unique people who viewed your video for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. (Unique Users)Video
typeTEXTPost typeA string indicating the object type of this post.Post
universal_video_idTEXTVideo Universal Video IDThe publishers asset management code for this video.Video
updated_timeTIMESTAMPVideo Updated TimeThe last time the video or its caption was updated.Video
urlTEXTPost URLURL of the attachment.Post
TEXTVideo Permalink URLThe permanent static URL to the video on Example
video_post_idTEXTVideo Post IdVideo Post idVideo
video_post_impressions_uniqueNUMERIC(Deprecated) Video Post Impressions UniqueThe number of people who saw your reel at least once, whether or not the person played your reel. This metric is different from impressions, which includes multiple views of your reel by the same person. This metric is estimated.Reels
viewsNUMERICViews (video)The number of times the video has been viewed.Video
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20