Windsor brings all your Rakuten Advertising data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL

Rakuten Advertising Field Reference


The Rakuten Advertising connector retrieves Rakuten Advertising data from the following report types:

    • Gross Sales and Commissions Report
    • Individual Item Report
    • Link Type Report
    • Media Optimization Report
    • Multi-Touch Commissioning Report
    • Non-Commissionable Sales Report
    • Product Success Report
    • Sales and Activity Report
    • Signature Activity Report
    • Signature Orders Report


A sample URL on how to query data:[API_KEY]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=impressions,publishername,transaction_date,clicks,orders,sales,link_name,total_commission

Available Options

tzSELECT_SINGLETime zoneThis is the time zone that the report uses. GMT is the default time zone.Pacific/Midway; Pacific/Honolulu; America/Anchorage; America/Los_Angeles; America/Phoenix; America/Denver; America/Belize; America/Chicago; America/Bogota; America/New_York; America/Caracas; America/Asuncion; America/Manaus; America/St_John; America/Sao_Paulo; America/Buenos_Aires; America/Montevideo; America/Noronha; Atlantic/Cape_Verde; Atlantic/Azores; GMT; Europe/London; Europe/Berlin; Europe/Athens; Europe/Kaliningrad; Europe/Helsinki; Europe/Minsk; Asia/Dubai; Asia/Baku; Asia/Kabul; Asia/Tashkent; Asia/Calcutta; Asia/Kathmandu; Asia/Dhaka; Asia/Rangoon; Asia/Bangkok; Asia/Hovd; Asia/Hong_Kong; Asia/Tokyo; Australia/Darwin; Australia/Brisbane; Australia/Sydney; Australia/Auckland; Pacific/Fiji;
date_typeSELECT_SINGLEDate typeThe date type. Use process for Process Date and transaction for Transaction Date.transaction; process;


adjusted_commissionNUMERICAdjusted CommissionFor tiered commission structures, this is the commission that is added to the baseline commission when a publisher reaches a certain level of sales. For example, an advertiser will set an offer that is 3% from $0-$100 in sales but will be 6% for any sales over $100. Cumulative sales are calculated on a per-month basis and the additional commission is added (the difference between 3% and 6%) in the Adjusted Commission field. This value is populated only at the end of the month when the Publisher Invoices are generated.Advertiser
advertisernameTEXTAdvertiser NameSelect this column when running a report for more than one advertiser to see which row of data pertains to which advertiser.Advertiser
average_item_valueTEXTAverage Item ValueThe sum of your sales divided by the total number of items sold.Advertiser
average_order_valueNUMERICAverage Order ValueTotal sales divided by the number of orders.Advertiser
baseline_commissionNUMERICBaseline CommissionThe commission amount that is calculated before adjustments are made at the end of the month for tiered offers.Advertiser
booking_consumed_dateDATEBooking Consumed DateOften associated with the Travel vertical, this date is provided by the advertiser indicating when a reservation was fulfilled.Advertiser
browserTEXTBrowserThe browser a consumer used when clicking your link.Advertiser
browser_major_versionTEXTBrowser Major VersionThe major version of the browser a consumer used when clicking one of your links. For instance, if the browser is Firefox 20.0.1, this column will show 20.Advertiser
browser_nameTEXTBrowser NameThe name of the browser a consumer used when clicking your link. For instance, if the browser is Firefox 20.0.1, this column will show Firefox.Advertiser
browserversionTEXTBrowser VersionThe version of the browser a consumer used when clicking your link. For instance, if the browser is Firefox 20.0.1, this column will show 20.0.1.Advertiser
canceled_itemsNUMERICCanceled ItemsThe number of items canceled or returned in the selected date range.Advertiser
category_idTEXTCategory IDThe ID value of a particular category or service.Advertiser
click_dateDATEClick DateThis is the date that the first click or last click was recorded.Advertiser
click_ip_addressTEXTClick IP AddressThe IP address of the customer who clicked your link.Advertiser
click_positionTEXTClick PositionThis reflects the point in the timeline that is credited with the commission.Advertiser
click_through_rate_ctrTEXTClick-Through Rate (CTR)The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions.Advertiser
clicksNUMERICClicksThe total number of clicks in the selected date range.Advertiser
commission_statusTEXTCommission StatusThe status indicates whether the commission for an order is approved, pending, or canceled. (Note: This is currently only used by the Brazil network.)Advertiser
commission_typeTEXTCommission TypeThis correlates with the advertiser's selection on the Create Offer form. The options are: % of Sale, $ per Action or Item, $ per Click, $ per 1,000 Impressions.Advertiser
commissioning_list_idTEXTCommissioning List IDThis is the alphanumeric ID associated with a Dynamic Commissioning list. The Commissioning List ID is created by our system. This field will be blank for advertisers not using Dynamic Commissioning.Advertiser
commissioning_list_nameTEXTCommissioning List NameThis is the Dynamic Commissioning List applied to a transaction as part of the commissioning rules. Using the Commissioning List Name column allows for greater transparency into the status of Dynamic Commissioning offers. This field will be blank for advertisers not using Dynamic Commissioning.Advertiser
consumer_cityCITYConsumer CityThe city that the consumer was in when they clicked your link.Advertiser
consumer_connection_speedTEXTConsumer Connection SpeedThe consumer’s connection speed when they clicked your link.Advertiser
consumer_countryCOUNTRYConsumer CountryThe country the consumer was in when they clicked your link.Advertiser
consumer_regionREGIONConsumer RegionThe region or state the consumer was in when they clicked your link.Advertiser
converting_site_nameTEXTConverting Site NameAdvertisers may have one or more websites. This value is the site name identified by the advertiser as the site where the conversion took place.Advertiser
currencyTEXTCurrencyThe currency that the reported transaction was in.Advertiser
customer_scoreTEXTCustomer ScoreThe value, provided by the advertiser, that represents their rank of the customer.Advertiser
customer_statusTEXTCustomer StatusThe status assigned by the advertiser to the consumer for a specific order. This is based on the customer's order history with the advertiser.Advertiser
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateAlias for Transaction Date.Advertiser
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
deviceTEXTDeviceThe device a consumer used when clicking your link. For example, PC, Tablet, Phone.Advertiser
earnings_per_click_epcTEXTEarnings Per Click (EPC)The total commissions generated divided by the number of clicks. Values multiplied by 100 for display purposes.Advertiser
estimated_net_total_costNUMERICEstimated Net Total CostEstimated Net Total CostAdvertiser
gross_commissionsNUMERICGross CommissionsThis column gives you a total of all commissions (not including CPC commissions) without taking cancellations into account. It is calculated by adding the sum of all commissions with values greater than 0.Advertiser
gross_salesNUMERICGross SalesThis column gives you a total of all sales without taking cancellations into account. It is calculated by adding the sum of all sales with values greater than 0, plus any sales marked as "Discounts." Note that Discounts have a value that is less than 0 but is considered to be part of Gross Sales because they are taken into account as part of the total sale price at checkout.Advertiser
gross_total_commissionsNUMERICGross Total CommissionsThis column gives you a total of all commissions (including CPC commissions) without taking cancellations into account. It is calculated by adding the sum of all commissions with values greater than 0.Advertiser
group_offer_idTEXTGroup Offer IDThe Group Offer ID is a single number assigned by our system that connects the base commission, SKU lists, and commissioning rules for more complex offers.Advertiser
impressionsNUMERICImpressionsThe number of times an ad was served to customers from a publisher’s site.Advertiser
in_store_addressTEXTIn-Store AddressAn address provided by the advertiser for the in-store location of the purchase.Advertiser
in_store_cityCITYIn-Store CityThe city, provided by the advertiser, for the in-store location of the purchase.Advertiser
in_store_countryCOUNTRYIn-Store CountryThe country, provided by the advertiser, for the in-store location of the purchase.Advertiser
in_store_idTEXTIn-Store IDAn identifier assigned by the advertiser to the in-store location of the purchase.Advertiser
in_store_nameTEXTIn-Store NameThe name assigned by the advertiser to the in-store location of the purchase.Advertiser
in_store_stateTEXTIn-Store StateThe state, or province provided by the advertiser, for the in-store location of the purchase.Advertiser
in_store_zip_codeTEXTIn-Store Zip CodeThe zip code, provided by the advertiser, for the in-store location of the purchase.Advertiser
item_coupon_codeTEXTItem Coupon CodeThe coupon code applied to an item, as defined by the advertiser. Multiple codes are separated by commas.Advertiser
item_coupon_codesTEXTItem Coupon Code(s)The coupon code applied to an item, as defined by the advertiser. Multiple codes are separated by commas.Advertiser
item_discount_amountNUMERICItem Discount AmountThe amount discounted by the advertiser for an item in an order.Advertiser
itemquantityNUMERICQuantitySimilar to the # of Items column, Quantity is the number of items sold, excluding canceled items.Advertiser
itemsNUMERICItemsThe number of items sold, including canceled items, in the selected date range.Advertiser
landing_urlTEXTLanding URLThis is the URL of the page on the advertiser's site where the consumer lands after clicking the affiliate link on the publisher's site.Advertiser
TEXTLink IDThe unique ID number for a link.Advertiser
TEXTLink NameThe name assigned to a link by the advertiser.Advertiser
TEXTLink SizeThe size of a banner, DRM, Flex Link, or other creative types. This does not apply to text links.Advertiser
TEXTLink TypeThe creative type: Banner, Text, Flex Link, and more.Advertiser
member_id_u1TEXTMember ID (u1)A field the publisher appends to the Rakuten Advertising affiliate link codes. For instance, a rewards or loyalty publisher can use this field to capture member information.Advertiser
midTEXTMIDThe identification number associated with an advertiser's account. Select this column when running a report for more than one advertiser to see which row of data pertains to which MID.Advertiser
mobile_operating_systemTEXTMobile Operating SystemThe operating system of the device a consumer used when clicking your link. For instance, iOS or Android.Advertiser
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
net_itemsNUMERICNet ItemsThe number of items you sold after canceled items are subtracted from the gross number of items.Advertiser
net_items_per_orderNUMERICNet Items Per OrderThe number of items you sold divided by the number of orders that were placed.Advertiser
networkTEXTNetworkThe Rakuten Advertising network the advertiser/transaction is part of.Advertiser
network_idTEXTNetwork IDThe identification number of the advertiser network the advertiser/transaction is part of.Advertiser
non_commissionable_itemsNUMERICNon-Commissionable ItemsThe number of items referred by a publisher that was deemed as non-commissionable based on the terms of the offer.Advertiser
non_commissionable_order_idTEXTNon-Commissionable Order IDThe Order ID for a non-commissionable transaction.Advertiser
non_commissionable_reasonTEXTNon-Commissionable ReasonThe reason a transaction was non-commissionable. It may be that the product was not part of an offer, the return days were exceeded, or some other circumstance.Advertiser
non_commissionable_salesNUMERICNon-Commissionable SalesThe sale amount referred by a publisher that was deemed as non-commissionable based on the terms of the offer.Advertiser
offer_nameTEXTOffer NameThe name given to an offer by an advertiser.Advertiser
offer_numberTEXTOffer NumberThe Offer Number is a sequential number assigned by our system to each base commission, SKU list, and commissioning rule.Advertiser
order_coupon_codesTEXTOrder Coupon Code(s)The coupon code applied to an order, as defined by the advertiser. Multiple codes are separated by commas.Advertiser
order_discount_amountTEXTOrder Discount AmountThe amount discounted by an advertiser for an order.Advertiser
order_idTEXTOrder IDThe ID of the order as reported by the advertiser.Advertiser
order_ship_dateDATEOrder Ship DateAdvertiser-defined value that would hold a date. Represents when the item is shipped (or expected to ship).Advertiser
order_statusTEXTOrder StatusThe status of the order, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
ordercouponcodeTEXTOrder Coupon CodeThe coupon code applied to an order by the advertiser. Multiple codes are separated by commas.Advertiser
ordersNUMERICOrdersThe number of orders reported to Rakuten Advertising in the selected date range.Advertiser
orders/clickNUMERICOrders/ClickThe number of orders divided by the number of clicks.Advertiser
orders/clicksNUMERICOrders/ClicksThe number of orders divided by the number of clicks.Advertiser
process_dateDATEProcess DateThe date the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
process_day_of_weekTEXTProcess Day of WeekThe day of the week the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
process_monthTEXTProcess MonthThe month the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
process_month_and_yearTEXTProcess Month and YearThe month and year the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
process_month_dayTEXTProcess Month-DayThe month and date the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
process_timeTIMESTAMPProcess TimeThe time the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
process_week_begin_dateDATEProcess Week Begin DateThe date for the beginning of the week, always a Sunday, that the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
process_week_end_dateDATEProcess Week End DateThe date for the end of the week, always a Saturday, that the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
process_yearTEXTProcess YearThe year the advertiser reported a transaction to us.Advertiser
product_brandTEXTProduct BrandThe brand associated with the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_2TEXTProduct Category 2The second category of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_3TEXTProduct Category 3The third category of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_4TEXTProduct Category 4The fourth category of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_5TEXTProduct Category 5The fifth category of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_idTEXTProduct Category IDThe category ID of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_id_2TEXTProduct Category ID 2The second category level ID of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_id_3TEXTProduct Category ID 3The third category level ID of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_id_4TEXTProduct Category ID 4The fourth category level ID of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_category_id_5TEXTProduct Category ID 5The fifth category level ID of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
product_nameTEXTProduct NameThe name of the product sold.Advertiser
productcategoryTEXTProduct CategoryThe category of the product or service, as defined by the advertiser.Advertiser
publishernameTEXTPublisher NamePublisher Name.Advertiser
referrer_urlTEXTReferrer URLThe URL of the publisher's site that referred a customer to the advertiser's site. This field is useful for investigating the source of traffic.Advertiser
salesNUMERICSalesTotal sales in the selected period.Advertiser
ship_to_countryCOUNTRYShip-To CountryThe country, provided by the advertiser, for where the order will be shipped.Advertiser
signature_match_dateDATESignature Match DateThe date that our system matched the referring Signature information to a transaction.Advertiser
signature_match_timeTIMESTAMPSignature Match TimeThe time our system matched the referring Signature information to a transaction.Advertiser
skuTEXTSKUThe stock-keeping unit (SKU) number of the product sold.Advertiser
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
tax_exemptTEXTTax ExemptSome advertisers include tax within the Sales value. The Item Tax Exempt flag will be set to 'Y' by the advertiser to identify if the item is tax-exempt. The flag will be set to 'N' by the advertiser if the item is not tax-exempt.Advertiser
todayDATETodayToday's date
total_commissionNUMERICTotal CommissionThe sum of the baseline commission and adjusted commission.Advertiser
transaction_created_on_dateDATETransaction Created On DateThe date of the referring clickthrough for a transaction. This date is reported by the advertiser.Advertiser
transaction_created_on_timeTIMESTAMPTransaction Created On TimeThe time of the referring clickthrough for a transaction. This timestamp is reported by the advertiser.Advertiser
transaction_dateDATETransaction DateThe date that a consumer completed a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_day_of_weekTEXTTransaction Day of WeekThe day of the week a consumer completed a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_idTEXTUnique Transaction IDA unique ID assigned to a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_monthTEXTTransaction MonthThe month that a consumer created a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_month_and_yearTEXTTransaction Month and YearThe month and year when a consumer created a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_month_dayTEXTTransaction Month-DayThe month and date when a consumer created a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_timeTIMESTAMPTransaction TimeThe time of day that a consumer completed a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_week_begin_dateDATETransaction Week Begin DateThe date of the beginning of the week, always a Sunday, that a consumer completed a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_week_end_dateDATETransaction Week End DateThe date for the end of the week, always a Saturday, that a consumer completed a transaction.Advertiser
transaction_yearTEXTTransaction YearThe year that a consumer completed a transaction.Advertiser
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20