Income Access Field Reference


%_commissionPERCENT% CommissionTotal revenue share commission generated by the player across all products during the periodPlayer Accounts
account_idTEXTAccount IDThe Account ID
account_nameTEXTAccount NameThe Account Name
acidTEXTACIDIA ACID tagged to the playerPlayer Accounts
affiliate_idTEXTAffiliate IDAffiliate ID numberPlayer Accounts
average_revenueNUMERICAverage RevenueAverage revenue generated by the player during the periodPlayer Accounts
bonusNUMERICBonustotal bonuses granted to the player during the periodPlayer Accounts
casino_betsNUMERICCasino BetsTotal bets placed under casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
casino_commissionNUMERICCasino CommissionTotal affiliate revenue share commission generated for casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
casino_net_revenueNUMERICCasino Net RevenueTotal net reevenue generated by the player during the period under casinoPlayer Accounts
casino_pointsNUMERICCasino PointsTotal amount of points generated by the player under casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
casino_revenueNUMERICCasino RevenueTotal gross revenue generated by the player during the period under casinoPlayer Accounts
casino_tournamentNUMERICCasino TournamentTotal amount of tournament fees generated by the player under casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
casino_wagersNUMERICCasino WagersTotal wagers placed under casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
chargebacksNUMERICChargebackstotal chargebacks performed by the player during the periodPlayer Accounts
commadminfeeNUMERICcommadminfeeTotal commission admin fee deducted from the affiliate commissionPlayer Accounts
costsNUMERICCostsTotal amount of costs incurred by the player (calculated as Bonus + Chargebacks)Player Accounts
cpa_commissionNUMERICCPA CommissionTotal amount of CPA commission generated by the player across all products during the periodPlayer Accounts
cpa_countNUMERICCPA countTotal number of CPAs triggered by the player during the periodPlayer Accounts
cpa_dateDATECPA DateDate the CPA was triggered for this playerPlayer Accounts
creative_idTEXTCreative IDCreative ID associated to the playerPlayer Accounts
creative_nameTEXTCreative NameName of the creative corresponding to the Creative IDPlayer Accounts
currency_symbolTEXTCurrency Symbol3 character currency codePlayer Accounts
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateThe Date
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
depositsNUMERICDepositsTotal deposits made by the player during the periodPlayer Accounts
external_aff_idTEXTExternal Aff IDAlternate affiliate identifierPlayer Accounts
first_depositDATEFirst DepositPlayer first deposit date as calculated by Income AccessPlayer Accounts
gross_revenueNUMERICGross revenueTotal gross revenue generated by the player. This may take into account certain percentage deductions for taxes and feesPlayer Accounts
merchantTEXTMerchantMerchant NamePlayer Accounts
merchantidTEXTMerchantIDID number of the merchant represented in IAPlayer Accounts
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
net_pointsNUMERICNet PointsTotal amount of points/other data generated by the playerduring the periodPlayer Accounts
net_revenueNUMERICNet revenueNet revenue generated by the player during the period (calculated as Total Gross - Total bonuses - Chargebacks)Player Accounts
newNUMERICNewNew active player countPlayer Accounts
player_idTEXTPlayer IDplayer ID/CIDPlayer Accounts
player_nameTEXTPlayer NameSecondary player identifierPlayer Accounts
playercountryCOUNTRYplayercountryPlayer countryPlayer Accounts
playercurrencyTEXTplayercurrencyPlayer Currency or other account infoPlayer Accounts
poker_betsNUMERICPoker BetsTotal bets placed under poker during the periodPlayer Accounts
poker_commissionNUMERICPoker CommissionTotal affiliate revenue share commission generated for poker during the periodPlayer Accounts
poker_net_revenueNUMERICPoker Net RevenueTotal net revenue generated by the player during the period under pokerPlayer Accounts
poker_pointsNUMERICPoker PointsTotal amount of points generated by the player under poker during the periodPlayer Accounts
poker_revenueNUMERICPoker RevenueTotal gross revenue generated by the player during the period under pokerPlayer Accounts
poker_tournamentNUMERICPoker TournamentTotal amount of tournament fees generated by the player under poker during the periodPlayer Accounts
poker_wagersNUMERICPoker WagersTotal wagers placed under poker during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod7_betsNUMERICProd7 BetsTotal bets placed under Live Casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod7_commissionNUMERICProd7 CommissionTotal affiliate revenue share commission generated for Live Casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod7_net_revenueNUMERICProd7 Net RevenueTotal net revenue generated by the player during the period under Live CasinoPlayer Accounts
prod7_pointsNUMERICProd7 PointsTotal amount of points generated by the player under Live Casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod7_revenueNUMERICProd7 RevenueTotal gross revenue generated by the player during the period under Live CasinoPlayer Accounts
prod7_tournamentNUMERICProd7 TournamentTotal amount of tournament fees generated by the player under Live Casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod7_wagersNUMERICProd7 WagersTotal wagers placed under Live Casino during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod8_betsNUMERICProd8 BetsTotal bets placed under Virtual Sports during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod8_commissionNUMERICProd8 CommissionTotal affiliate revenue share commission generated for Virtual Sports during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod8_net_revenueNUMERICProd8 Net RevenueTotal net revenue generated by the player during the period under Virtual SportsPlayer Accounts
prod8_pointsNUMERICProd8 PointsTotal amount of points generated by the player under Virtual Sports during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod8_revenueNUMERICProd8 RevenueTotal gross revenue generated by the player during the period under Virtual SportsPlayer Accounts
prod8_tournamentNUMERICProd8 TournamentTotal amount of tournament fees generated by the player under Virtual Sports during the periodPlayer Accounts
prod8_wagersNUMERICProd8 WagersTotal wagers placed under Virtual Sports during the periodPlayer Accounts
product_1_betsNUMERICProduct 1 BetsTotal bets placed under product 1 during the periodPlayer Accounts
product_1_commissionNUMERICProduct 1 CommissionTotal affiliate revenue share commission generated for product 1 during the periodPlayer Accounts
product_1_net_revenueNUMERICProduct 1 Net RevenueTotal net revenue generated by the player during the period under product 1Player Accounts
product_1_pointsNUMERICProduct 1 PointsTotal amount of points generated by the player under product 1 during the periodPlayer Accounts
product_1_revenueNUMERICProduct 1 RevenueTotal gross revenue generated by the player during the period under product 1Player Accounts
product_1_tournamentNUMERICProduct 1 TournamentTotal amount of tournament fees generated by the player under product 1 during the periodPlayer Accounts
product_1_wagersNUMERICProduct 1 WagersTotal wagers placed under product 1 during the periodPlayer Accounts
referafriendTEXTreferafriendAdditional player account infoPlayer Accounts
registration_dateDATERegistration DatePlayer registration datePlayer Accounts
rowidTEXTrowidrow id numberPlayer Accounts
site_idTEXTSite IDAffiliate Site ID tagged to the playerPlayer Accounts
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
sportsbook_betsNUMERICSportsbook BetsTotal bets placed under sportsbook during the periodPlayer Accounts
sportsbook_commissionNUMERICSportsbook CommissionTotal affiliate revenue share commission generated for sportsbook during the periodPlayer Accounts
sportsbook_net_revenueNUMERICSportsbook Net RevenueTotal net revenue generated by the player during the period under sportsbookPlayer Accounts
sportsbook_pointsNUMERICSportsbook PointsTotal amount of points generated by the player under sportsbook during the periodPlayer Accounts
sportsbook_revenueNUMERICSportsbook RevenueTotal gross revenue generated by the player during the period under sportsbookPlayer Accounts
sportsbook_tournamentNUMERICSportsbook TournamentTotal amount of tournament fees generated by the player under sportsbook during the periodPlayer Accounts
sportsbook_wagersNUMERICSportsbook WagersTotal wagers placed under sportsbook during the periodPlayer Accounts
stakeNUMERICstakeTotal amount staked/wagered by the player during the periodPlayer Accounts
todayDATETodayToday's date
total_bets_handsNUMERICTotal Bets/HandsTotal number of bets/hands made by the player during the periodPlayer Accounts
total_commission_valueNUMERICTotal Commission ValueTotal combined revenue share and CPA commission generated by the playerPlayer Accounts
total_recordsNUMERICTotal RecordsTotal records in the reportPlayer Accounts
typeTEXTTypeCreative typePlayer Accounts
usernameTEXTUsernameAffiliate UsernamePlayer Accounts
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20