LinkedIn Pages Field Reference

Sample[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=date,organization_id,careers_page_views,all_page_views,life_at_page_views&_renderer=csv


about_page_viewsNUMERICAbout Page ViewsAbout page viewsPAGE
about_unique_page_viewsNUMERICAbout Unique Page ViewsAbout unique page viewsPAGE
account_idTEXTAccount IDThe organization identifier.CONFIGURATION
account_nameTEXTAccount NameThe locale-specific name of the entity.CONFIGURATION
all_desktop_page_viewsNUMERICAll Desktop Page ViewsAll desktop page viewsPAGE
all_desktop_unique_page_viewsNUMERICAll Desktop Unique Page ViewsAll desktop unique page viewsPAGE
all_mobile_page_viewsNUMERICAll Mobile Page ViewsAll mobile page viewsPAGE
all_mobile_unique_page_viewsNUMERICAll Mobile Unique Page ViewsAll mobile unique page viewsPAGE
all_page_viewsNUMERICAll Page ViewsAll page viewsPAGE
all_unique_page_viewsNUMERICAll Unique Page ViewsAll unique page viewsPAGE
association_follower_countsNUMERICFollower Counts by AssociationFollower Counts by AssociationFOLLOWER
association_follower_counts_organicNUMERICOrganic Follower Counts by AssociationOrganic Follower Counts by AssociationFOLLOWER
association_follower_counts_paidNUMERICPaid Follower Counts by AssociationPaid Follower Counts by AssociationFOLLOWER
association_follower_typeTEXTFollower Counts by Association TypeFollower Counts by AssociationFOLLOWER
careers_page_banner_promo_clicksNUMERICCareers Page Banner Promo ClicksCareers page banner promo clicksPAGE
careers_page_employees_clicksNUMERICCareers Page Employees ClicksCareers page employees clicksPAGE
careers_page_jobs_clicksNUMERICCareers Page Jobs ClicksCareers careers page jobs clicksPAGE
NUMERICCareers Page Promo Links ClicksCareers page promo links clicksPAGE
careers_page_viewsNUMERICCareers Page ViewsCareers page viewsPAGE
careers_unique_page_viewsNUMERICCareers Unique Page ViewsCareers unique page viewsPAGE
country_follower_countsNUMERICFollower Counts by CountryFollower Counts by CountryFOLLOWER
country_follower_counts_organicNUMERICOrganic Follower Counts by CountryOrganic Follower Counts by CountryFOLLOWER
country_follower_counts_paidNUMERICPaid Follower Counts by CountryPaid Follower Counts by CountryFOLLOWER
country_follower_nameCOUNTRYFollower Counts by Country IdFollower Counts by CountryFOLLOWER
ctrPERCENTCTRClick-Through RateSHARE
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
desktop_about_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop About Page ViewsDesktop about page viewsPAGE
desktop_about_unique_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop About Unique Page ViewsDesktop about unique page viewsPAGE
desktop_careers_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Careers Page ViewsDesktop careers page viewsPAGE
desktop_careers_unique_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Careers Unique Page ViewsDesktop careers unique page viewsPAGE
desktop_custom_button_click_countsNUMERICDesktop Custom Button Click CountsDesktop custom button click countsPAGE
desktop_insights_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Insights Page ViewsDesktop insights page viewsPAGE
desktop_insights_unique_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Insights Unique Page ViewsDesktop insights unique page viewsPAGE
desktop_jobs_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Jobs Page ViewsDesktop jobs page viewsPAGE
desktop_jobs_unique_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Jobs Unique Page ViewsDesktop jobs unique page viewsPAGE
desktop_life_at_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Life At Page ViewsDesktop life at page viewsPAGE
desktop_life_at_unique_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Life At Unique Page ViewsDesktop life at unique page viewsPAGE
desktop_overview_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Overview Page ViewsDesktop overview page viewsPAGE
desktop_overview_unique_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Overview Unique Page ViewsDesktop overview unique page viewsPAGE
desktop_people_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop People Page ViewsDesktop people page viewsPAGE
desktop_people_unique_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop People Unique Page ViewsDesktop people unique page viewsPAGE
desktop_products_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Products Page ViewsDesktop products page viewsPAGE
desktop_products_unique_page_viewsNUMERICDesktop Products Unique Page ViewsDesktop products unique page viewsPAGE
followers_gain_organicNUMERICOrganic growth of the organization's followers per dayGrowth of the organization's followers over day through organic.ORGANIZATION
followers_gain_paidNUMERICPaid growth of the organization's followers per dayGrowth of the organization's followers over day through ads.ORGANIZATION
function_follower_countsNUMERICFollower Counts by FunctionFollower Counts by FunctionFOLLOWER
function_follower_counts_organicNUMERICOrganic Follower Counts by FunctionOrganic Follower Counts by FunctionFOLLOWER
function_follower_counts_paidNUMERICPaid Follower Counts by FunctionPaid Follower Counts by FunctionFOLLOWER
function_follower_typeTEXTFollower Counts by Type of FunctionFollower Counts by Type of FunctionFOLLOWER
industry_follower_countsNUMERICFollower Counts by IndustryFollower Counts by IndustryFOLLOWER
industry_follower_counts_organicNUMERICOrganic Follower Counts by IndustryOrganic Follower Counts by IndustryFOLLOWER
industry_follower_counts_paidNUMERICPaid Follower Counts by IndustryPaid Follower Counts by IndustryFOLLOWER
industry_follower_typeTEXTFollower Counts by Industry TypeFollower Counts by Industry TypeFOLLOWER
insights_page_viewsNUMERICInsights Page ViewsInsights page viewsPAGE
insights_unique_page_viewsNUMERICInsights Unique Page ViewsInsights unique page viewsPAGE
jobs_page_viewsNUMERICJobs Page ViewsJobs page viewsPAGE
jobs_unique_page_viewsNUMERICJobs Unique Page ViewsJobs unique page viewsPAGE
life_at_page_viewsNUMERICLife At Page ViewsLife at page viewsPAGE
life_at_unique_page_viewsNUMERICLife At Unique Page ViewsLife at unique page viewsPAGE
mobile_about_page_viewsNUMERICMobile About Page ViewsMobile about page viewsPAGE
mobile_about_unique_page_viewsNUMERICMobile About Unique Page ViewsMobile about unique page viewsPAGE
mobile_careers_page_employees_clicksNUMERICMobile Careers Page Employees ClicksMobile careers page employees clicksPAGE
mobile_careers_page_jobs_clicksNUMERICMobile Careers Page Jobs ClicksMobile careers page jobs clicksPAGE
NUMERICMobile Careers Page Promo Links ClicksMobile careers page promo links clicksPAGE
mobile_careers_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Careers Page ViewsMobile careers page viewsPAGE
mobile_careers_unique_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Careers Unique Page ViewsMobile careers unique page viewsPAGE
mobile_custom_button_click_countsNUMERICMobile Custom Button Click CountsMobile custom button clicksPAGE
mobile_insights_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Insights Page ViewsMobile insights page viewsPAGE
mobile_insights_unique_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Insights Unique Page ViewsMobile insights unique page viewsPAGE
mobile_jobs_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Jobs Page ViewsMobile jobs page viewsPAGE
mobile_jobs_unique_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Jobs Unique Page ViewsMobile jobs unique page viewsPAGE
mobile_life_at_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Life At Page ViewsMobile life at page viewsPAGE
mobile_life_at_unique_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Life At Unique Page ViewsMobile life at unique page viewsPAGE
mobile_overview_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Overview Page ViewsMobile overview page viewsPAGE
mobile_overview_unique_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Overview Unique Page ViewsMobile overview unique page viewsPAGE
mobile_people_page_viewsNUMERICMobile People Page ViewsMobile people page viewsPAGE
mobile_people_unique_page_viewsNUMERICMobile People Unique Page ViewsMobile people unique page viewsPAGE
mobile_products_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Products Page ViewsMobile products page viewsPAGE
mobile_products_unique_page_viewsNUMERICMobile Products Unique Page ViewsMobile products unique page viewsPAGE
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
organization_descriptionTEXTOrganization DescriptionThe locale-specific description of the entity.ORGANIZATION
organization_follower_countNUMERICOrganization Follower CountNumber of organization followers.ORGANIZATION
organization_idTEXTOrganization IDThe organization identifier.ORGANIZATION
organization_nameTEXTOrganization NameThe locale-specific name of the entity.ORGANIZATION
organization_primary_typeTEXTOrganization Primary TypeType of primary organization being used in the lookup. Possible values - NONE,SCHOOL,BRANDORGANIZATION
organization_statusTEXTOrganization StatusStatus of the organization, such as operating or out of business.ORGANIZATION
organization_vanity_nameTEXTOrganization Vanity NameEntity's unique name used in URLs.ORGANIZATION
organization_websiteTEXTOrganization WebsiteThe locale-specific website of the entity.ORGANIZATION
overview_page_viewsNUMERICOverview Page ViewsOverview page viewsPAGE
overview_unique_page_viewsNUMERICOverview Unique Page ViewsOverview unique page viewsPAGE
people_page_viewsNUMERICPeople Page ViewsPeople page viewsPAGE
people_unique_page_viewsNUMERICPeople Unique Page ViewsPeople unique page viewsPAGE
post_idTEXTPost IDPost ID (could be Share ID or UGC post ID)SHARE
products_page_viewsNUMERICProducts Page ViewsProducts page viewsPAGE
products_unique_page_viewsNUMERICProducts Unique Page ViewsProducts unique page viewsPAGE
region_follower_countsNUMERICFollower Counts by RegionFollower Counts by RegionFOLLOWER
region_follower_counts_organicNUMERICOrganic Follower Counts by RegionOrganic Follower Counts by RegionFOLLOWER
region_follower_counts_paidNUMERICPaid Follower Counts by RegionPaid Follower Counts by RegionFOLLOWER
region_follower_nameREGIONFollower Counts by Region NameFollower Counts by Region NameFOLLOWER
seniority_follower_countsNUMERICFollower Counts by SeniorityFollower Counts by SeniorityFOLLOWER
seniority_follower_counts_organicNUMERICOrganic Follower Counts by SeniorityOrganic Follower Counts by SeniorityFOLLOWER
seniority_follower_counts_paidNUMERICPaid Follower Counts by SeniorityPaid Follower Counts by SeniorityFOLLOWER
seniority_follower_typeTEXTFollower Counts by Seniority TypeFollower Counts by SeniorityFOLLOWER
share_activityTEXTShare ActivityURN of the activity associated with this share. Activities act as a wrapper around shares and articles to represent content in the LinkedIn feed.SHARE
share_audience_type_all_followersBOOLEANShare Audience Type All FollowersMake share visible to everyone, even guests on LinkedIn (default="true")SHARE
share_change_actorTEXTShare Change ActorThe entity authorized the change.SHARE
share_clicks_countNUMERICShare Clicks CountNumber of clicks (per day).SHARE
share_comment_countNUMERICShare Comment CountNumber of comments (per day).SHARE
share_comment_mentions_countNUMERICShare Comment Mentions CountNumber of mentions of the organizational entity in a comment across LinkedIn. The field does not have a value when individual share statistics are requested.SHARE
share_countNUMERICShare CountNumber of shares.SHARE
share_created_timeTIMESTAMPShare Created TimeWhen the event created.SHARE
share_descriptionTEXTShare DescriptionContent description. This field is displayed to a small percentage of members on the mobile web version of the site. It is not displayed on the desktop site or native mobile apps. Maximum of 256 characters.SHARE
share_editedBOOLEANShare EditedA flag that indicates if this share was edited by a member.SHARE
share_engagement_ratePERCENTShare Engagement RateNumber of organic clicks, likes, comments, and shares over impressions.SHARE
share_entityTEXTShare EntityURN of the content being shared. Typical URN format is urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C551DAQFRc4PDJV0OBg or urn:li:richMediaSummary:{id} (deprecated).SHARE
share_idTEXTShare IDUnique ID for the share.SHARE
share_impression_countNUMERICShare Impression CountNumber of impressions.SHARE
share_last_modified_actorTEXTShare Last Modified ActorThe entity authorized the last change.SHARE
share_last_modified_timeTIMESTAMPShare Last Modified TimeWhen the event last time modified.SHARE
share_like_countNUMERICShare Like CountNumber of likes. This field can become negative when members who liked a sponsored share later unlike it. The like is not counted since it is not organic, but the unlike is counted as organic.SHARE
share_media_categoryTEXTShare Media CategoryThe type of media represented by contentEntities.SHARE
share_mention_countNUMERICShare Mention CountNumber of mentions of the organizational entity in a share across LinkedIn. The field does not have a value when individual share statistics are requested.SHARE
share_ownerTEXTShare OwnerOwner of the share.SHARE
share_target_functionsNUMERICShare Target FunctionsRestrict share to specific functions. Not applicable to member shares.SHARE
share_target_geolocationsNUMERICShare Target GeoLocationsRestrict share to specific geoLocations. Not applicable to member shares. Supported URN types - countryGroup, country, state, and region.SHARE
share_target_industriesNUMERICShare Target IndustriesRestrict share to specific industries. Not applicable to member shares.SHARE
share_target_interface_localesNUMERICShare Target Interface LocalesRestrict share to specific user locales. Not applicable to member shares.SHARE
share_target_locationsNUMERICShare Target LocationsRestrict share to specific locations. Not applicable to member shares. Supported URN types - countryGroup, country, state, and region.SHARE
share_target_senioritiesNUMERICShare Target SenioritiesRestrict share to specific seniorities. Not applicable to member shares.SHARE
share_textTEXTShare TextUnique ID for the share.SHARE
share_titleTEXTShare TitleContent title. Either Share URL or share text is shown when no title is provided.SHARE
share_unique_impressions_countNUMERICShare Unique Impressions CountNumber of unique impressions.SHARE
share_urlTEXTShare URLURL of the content being shared.SHARE
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
staff_follower_countsNUMERICFollower Counts by Staff Count RangeFollower Counts by Staff Count RangeFOLLOWER
staff_follower_counts_organicNUMERICOrganic Follower Counts by Organic Staff Count RangeFollower Counts by Organic Staff Count RangeFOLLOWER
staff_follower_counts_paidNUMERICFollower Counts by Paid Staff Count RangeFollower Counts by Paid Staff Count RangeFOLLOWER
staff_follower_rangeTEXTFollower Counts by Staff Count Range NameFollower Counts by Staff Count Range NameFOLLOWER
todayDATETodayToday's date
ugc_post_idTEXTUGC Post IDUnique UGC post IDSHARE
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20