Partnerize Field Reference

Available Options

timezoneSELECT_SINGLETimezoneEnforce a specified Timezone.UTC; Africa/Algiers; Africa/Bangui; Africa/Casablanca; Africa/Dar_es_Salaam; Africa/Johannesburg; Africa/Tripoli; Africa/Windhoek; America/Adak; America/Anchorage; America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires; America/Asuncion; America/Belem; America/Bogota; America/Caracas; America/Cayenne; America/Chicago; America/Cuiaba; America/El_Salvador; America/Glace_Bay; America/Godthab; America/Guayaquil; America/Guyana; America/Havana; America/Indianapolis; America/Jamaica; America/La_Paz; America/Lima; America/Los_Angeles; America/Miquelon; America/Montevideo; America/Noronha; America/Paramaribo; America/Phoenix; America/Porto_Acre; America/Regina; America/Santiago; America/Sao_Paulo; America/Scoresbysund; Antarctica/Davis; Antarctica/DumontDUrville; Antarctica/Mawson; Antarctica/Rothera; Antarctica/Syowa; Antarctica/Vostok; Asia/Almaty; Asia/Anadyr; Asia/Aqtau; Asia/Aqtobe; Asia/Ashgabat; Asia/Baghdad; Asia/Baku; Asia/Bishkek; Asia/Brunei; Asia/Choibalsan; Asia/Colombo; Asia/Dili; Asia/Dubai; Asia/Dushanbe; Asia/Hong_Kong; Asia/Hovd; Asia/Irkutsk; Asia/Jakarta; Asia/Jayapura; Asia/Jerusalem; Asia/Kamchatka; Asia/Karachi; Asia/Krasnoyarsk; Asia/Kuala_Lumpur; Asia/Kuwait; Asia/Magadan; Asia/Makassar; Asia/Manila; Asia/Novosibirsk; Asia/Omsk; Asia/Oral; Asia/Qyzylorda; Asia/Sakhalin; Asia/Seoul; Asia/Shanghai; Asia/Singapore; Asia/Taipei; Asia/Tashkent; Asia/Tbilisi; Asia/Thimbu; Asia/Tokyo; Asia/Ulaanbaatar; Asia/Vladivostok; Asia/Yakutsk; Asia/Yangon; Asia/Yekaterinburg; Asia/Yerevan; Atlantic/Azores; Atlantic/Bermuda; Atlantic/Cape_Verde; Atlantic/Jan_Mayen; Atlantic/South_Georgia; Atlantic/Stanley; Australia/Brisbane; Australia/Hobart; Australia/Melbourne; Australia/Perth; Australia/Sydney; Brazil/West; CET; EET; EST; Europe/Athens; Europe/Lisbon; Europe/London; Europe/Moscow; Europe/Paris; Europe/Samara; GMT; HST; Indian/Chagos; Indian/Christmas; Indian/Kerguelen; Indian/Mahe; Indian/Maldives; Indian/Mauritius; Indian/Reunion; MST7MDT; Pacific/Apia; Pacific/Auckland; Pacific/Easter; Pacific/Efate; Pacific/Enderbury; Pacific/Fakaofo; Pacific/Fiji; Pacific/Funafuti; Pacific/Galapagos; Pacific/Gambier; Pacific/Guam; Pacific/Kiritimati; Pacific/Kosrae; Pacific/Majuro; Pacific/Nauru; Pacific/Niue; Pacific/Noumea; Pacific/Palau; Pacific/Pitcairn; Pacific/Ponape; Pacific/Port_Moresby; Pacific/Rarotonga; Pacific/Tahiti; Pacific/Tarawa; Pacific/Tongatapu; Pacific/Truk; Pacific/Wake; Pacific/Wallis; Pacific/Yap;


account_idTEXTAccount IDAccount ID.
account_nameTEXTAccount NameAccount Name.
advertiser_referenceTEXTAdvertiser ReferenceThe reference of the advertiser.
campaignTEXTCampaignThe name of the campaign.
campaign_idTEXTCampaign IDThe unique identifier of the campaign.
campaign_titleTEXTCampaign TitleThe name of the campaign.
TEXTClick Cookie IDThe unique identifier of the cookie.
click_idTEXTClick IDThe unique identifier of the click.
click_last_ipTEXTClick Last IPThe last IP of the click.
click_last_usedTIMESTAMPClick Last UsedThe last used date of the click.
click_refererTEXTClick RefererThe referer of the click.
click_set_ipTEXTClick Set IPThe set IP of the click.
click_set_timeTIMESTAMPClick Set TimeThe set time of the click.
click_statusTEXTClick StatusThe status of the click.
click_typeTEXTClick TypeThe type of the click.
clickrefTEXTClick ReferenceThe reference of the click.
commissionNUMERICCommissionThe commission of the conversion.
conversion_idTEXTConversion IDThe unique identifier of the conversion.
conversion_item_approved_atTIMESTAMPConversion Item Approved AtThe approved date of the conversion item.
conversion_item_categoryTEXTConversion Item CategoryThe category of the conversion item.
conversion_item_commissionNUMERICConversion Item CommissionThe commission of the conversion item.
conversion_item_display_to_publisherBOOLEANConversion Item Display to PublisherThe display to publisher of the conversion item.
conversion_item_idTEXTConversion Item IDThe unique identifier of the conversion item.
conversion_item_invoice_idTEXTConversion Item Invoice IDThe invoice ID of the conversion item.
conversion_item_last_updateTIMESTAMPConversion Item Last UpdateThe last update date of the conversion item.
conversion_item_meta_dataOBJECTConversion Item Meta DataThe meta data of the conversion item.
conversion_item_publisher_commissionNUMERICConversion Item Publisher CommissionThe publisher commission of the conversion item.
conversion_item_reject_reasonTEXTConversion Item Reject ReasonThe reject reason of the conversion item.
conversion_item_skuTEXTConversion Item SKUThe SKU of the conversion item.
conversion_item_statusTEXTConversion Item StatusThe status of the conversion item.
conversion_item_status_idTEXTConversion Item Status IDThe status ID of the conversion item.
conversion_item_valueNUMERICConversion Item ValueThe value of the conversion item.
conversion_item_voucher_codesOBJECTConversion Item Voucher CodesThe voucher codes of the conversion item.
conversion_lagNUMERICConversion LagThe lag of the conversion.
conversion_referenceTEXTConversion ReferenceThe reference of the conversion.
conversion_statusTEXTConversion StatusThe status of the conversion.
conversion_timeTIMESTAMPConversion TimeThe time of the conversion.
conversion_typeTEXTConversion TypeThe type of the conversion.
conversion_value_idTEXTConversion Value IDThe unique identifier of the conversion value.
countryCOUNTRYCountryThe country of the conversion.
creative_idTEXTCreative IDThe unique identifier of the creative.
creative_typeTEXTCreative TypeThe type of the creative.
currencyTEXTCurrencyThe currency of the conversion.
currency_conversion_rateTEXTCurrency Conversion RateThe currency conversion rate of the conversion.
currency_originalBOOLEANCurrency OriginalThe original currency of the conversion.
customer_referenceTEXTCustomer ReferenceThe reference of the customer.
customer_typeTEXTCustomer TypeThe type of the customer.
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateThe date of the conversion.
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
device_idTEXTDevice IDThe unique identifier of the device.
last_modifiedTIMESTAMPLast ModifiedThe last modified date of the conversion.
meta_dataOBJECTMeta DataThe meta data of the conversion.
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
publisher_commissionNUMERICPublisher CommissionThe publisher commission of the conversion.
publisher_idTEXTPublisher IDThe unique identifier of the publisher.
publisher_nameTEXTPublisher NameThe name of the publisher.
ref_conversion_metricTEXTRef Conversion MetricThe reference of the conversion metric.
ref_conversion_metric_idTEXTRef Conversion Metric IDThe reference of the conversion metric ID.
ref_deviceTEXTRef DeviceThe reference of the device.
ref_device_idTEXTRef Device IDThe reference of the device ID.
ref_partnership_modelTEXTRef Partnership ModelThe reference of the partnership model.
ref_partnership_model_idTEXTRef Partnership Model IDThe reference of the partnership model ID.
ref_traffic_sourceTEXTRef Traffic SourceThe reference of the traffic source.
ref_traffic_source_idTEXTRef Traffic Source IDThe reference of the traffic source ID.
ref_user_contextTEXTRef User ContextThe reference of the user context.
ref_user_context_idTEXTRef User Context IDThe reference of the user context ID.
referer_ipTEXTReferer IPThe IP of the referer.
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
source_refererTEXTSource RefererThe referer of the source.
specific_creative_idTEXTSpecific Creative IDThe unique identifier of the specific creative.
todayDATETodayToday's date
valueNUMERICValueThe value of the conversion.
was_disputedBOOLEANWas DisputedThe status of the dispute.
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20