Gravity Forms Field Reference


account_idTEXTAccount IDAd account ID.General
account_nameTEXTAccount NameAd account name.General
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
entries_created_byTEXTEntry Created ByNull or the ID of the logged-in user who submitted the form.Entries
entries_currencyTEXTEntry CurrencyThe three character ISO 4217 currency code used by the submission for any pricing fields and payment add-ons.Entries
entries_date_createdDATEEntry Date CreatedThe UTC date and time the entry was created. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSEntries
entries_date_updatedTIMESTAMPEntry Date UpdatedThe UTC date and time the entry was most recently updated.Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSEntries
entries_form_idTEXTEntry Form IDThe ID of the form the entry was created by.Entries
entries_idTEXTEntry ID (internal)The unique ID assigned to the entry by the database.Entries
entries_ipTEXTEntry Submitter IP addressThe IP address of the user who submitted the form.Entries
entries_is_fulfilledBOOLEANIs FulfilledIndicates if the entry/order has been fulfilled. true when fulfilled, false when not fulfilled.Entries
entries_is_readBOOLEANEntry Is ReadIndicates if the entry has been viewed. true when viewed, false when not viewed.Entries
entries_is_starredBOOLEANEntry Is StarredIndicates if the entry has been starred (i.e., marked with a star). true when starred, false when not starred.Entries
entries_payment_amountNUMERICEntry Payment AmountTransaction amount without the currency symbol.Entries
entries_payment_dateDATEEntry Payment DateUTC date and time the transaction was processed. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSEntries
entries_payment_statusTEXTEntry Payment StatusStatus (limited to 15 characters) of the transaction processed by a payment add-on. Possible values: Authorized, Paid, Processing, Pending, Active, Expired, Failed, Cancelled, Approved, Reversed, Refunded, Voided, or a custom value set by a third-party add-on.Entries
entries_post_idTEXTEntry Post IDNull or the ID of the post created by legacy post fields. This is not used by the Advanced Post Creation add-on.Entries
entries_source_idTEXTEntry Source IDID of the post or page where the form was embedded at the time the entry was saved. Since Gravity Forms 2.9.Entries
entries_source_urlTEXTEntry Source UrlThe URL of the request that saved the entry, limited to 200 characters. Usually, the URL of the page where the form is embedded. It can also contain the Admin Ajax or REST endpoint URL if the entry was created by an Ajax or REST API request.Entries
entries_statusTEXTEntry StatusThe current status of the entry. Possible values: active, spam, trashEntries
entries_transaction_idTEXTEntry Transaction IDID of the transaction returned by the payment gateway.Entries
entries_transaction_typeTEXTEntry Transaction TypeIndicates the transaction type of the entry/order. 1 for a one-time payment (product/service type feed), 2 for a subscription.Entries
entries_user_agentTEXTEntry Submitter User AgentThe user agent string (limited to 250 characters) from the browser the user used to submit the form. Helps identify the browser, operating system, and device used to submit the form, but it can be unreliable.Entries
entries_valueTEXTEntry ValueEntry ValueEntries
forms_button_imageurlIMAGE_URLForm Button Image URLContains the URL for the image button.Forms
forms_button_layoutgridcolumnspanTEXTForm Button Layout Grid Column SpanThe number of layout grid columns the button spans.Forms
forms_button_locationTEXTForm Button LocationThe button location.Forms
forms_button_textTEXTForm Button TextContains the button text.Forms
forms_button_typeTEXTForm Button TypeSpecifies the type of button to be displayed.Forms
forms_button_widthTEXTForm Button WidthThe button width.Forms
forms_cssclassTEXTForm CSS ClassOne or more space separated custom class names that will be added to the class attribute on the <form> tag.Forms
forms_date_createdDATEForm Date CreatedThe date form was created in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSForms
forms_descriptionTEXTForm Description (Gravity Forms)The form description.Forms
forms_descriptionplacementTEXTForm Description PlacementThe default location of the field descriptions.Forms
forms_enableanimationBOOLEANForm Enable AnimationIndicates conditional logic should use a slide animation when displaying and hiding fields and buttons.Forms
forms_enablehoneypotBOOLEANForm Enable HoneypotIndicates if the anti-spam honeypot feature is enabled.Forms
forms_fields_enableautocompleteBOOLEANForm Field Enable AutocompleteForm Field Enable AutocompleteForm Fields
forms_fields_errormessageTEXTForm Field Error MessageForm Field Error MessageForm Fields
forms_fields_idTEXTForm Field IDForm Field IDForm Fields
forms_fields_inputs_choicesTEXTForm Field Input ChoicesForm Field Input ChoicesForm Fields
forms_fields_inputs_idTEXTForm Field Input IDForm Field Input IDForm Fields
forms_fields_inputs_inputtypeTEXTForm Field Input Input TypeForm Field Input Input TypeForm Fields
forms_fields_inputs_ishiddenBOOLEANForm Field Input Is HiddenForm Field Input Is HiddenForm Fields
forms_fields_inputs_labelTEXTForm Field Input LabelForm Field Input LabelForm Fields
forms_fields_inputs_nameTEXTForm Field Input NameForm Field Input NameForm Fields
forms_fields_inputs_placeholderTEXTForm Field Input PlaceholderForm Field Input PlaceholderForm Fields
forms_fields_inputtypeTEXTForm Field Input TypeForm Field Input TypeForm Fields
forms_fields_isrequiredBOOLEANForm Field Is RequiredForm Field Is RequiredForm Fields
forms_fields_labelTEXTForm Field LabelForm Field LabelForm Fields
forms_fields_maxlengthTEXTForm Field Max LengthForm Field Max LengthForm Fields
forms_fields_noduplicatesBOOLEANForm Field No DuplicatesForm Field No DuplicatesForm Fields
forms_fields_typeTEXTForm Field TypeForm Field TypeForm Fields
forms_fields_visibilityTEXTForm Field VisibilityForm Field VisibilityForm Fields
forms_idTEXTForm ID (Gravity Forms)The form ID.Forms
forms_is_activeBOOLEANForm Is ActiveThe form active/inactive status.Forms
forms_is_trashBOOLEANForm Is TrashIndicates if the form is in the trash.Forms
forms_labelplacementTEXTForm Label PlacementThe default location of the field labels.Forms
forms_limitentriesBOOLEANForm Limit EntriesIndicates if there is a limit on the number of entries this form can have.Forms
forms_limitentriescountTEXTForm Limit Entries CountThe total number of entries that can be created for this form during the period defined for forms_limitentriesperiod.Forms
forms_limitentriesmessageTEXTForm Limit Entries MessageThe message that will be displayed when the limit is reached.Forms
forms_limitentriesperiodTEXTForm Limit Entries PeriodThe period the limit is based on. Possible values: An empty string to indicate the limit is based on the total number of entries that exist for the form regardless of when they were submitted. day: the limit resets daily.week: the limit resets weekly.month: the limit resets monthly.year: the limit resets yearly.Forms
forms_markupversionTEXTForm Markup VersionIndicates which version of the form markup should be used. Possible values: 1: Indicates legacy markup (pre-2.5) is enabled.2: Indicates the accessible markup introduced in v2.5 should be used.Forms
forms_postcontenttemplateTEXTForm Post Content TemplateTemplate to be used when creating the post content.Forms
forms_postcontenttemplateenabledBOOLEANForm Post Content Template EnabledDetermines if the post template functionality is enabled. When enabled, the post content will be created based on the template specified by forms_postcontenttemplate.Forms
forms_posttitletemplateTEXTForm Post Title TemplateTemplate to be used when creating the post title.Forms
forms_posttitletemplateenabledBOOLEANForm Post Title Template EnabledDetermines if the post title template functionality is enabled. When enabled, the post title will be created based on the template specified by forms_posttitletemplate.Forms
forms_requireloginBOOLEANForm Enable LoginIndicates if the user must be logged in to access the form.Forms
forms_requireloginmessageTEXTForm Require Login MessageThe message to be displayed when the user isn’t logged in.Forms
forms_save_button_textTEXTForm Save Button TextThe button text on the form Save button.Forms
forms_save_button_typeTEXTForm Save Button TypeThe 'Save' button type.Forms
forms_save_enabledBOOLEANForm Save Button EnabledIndicates if the save and continue later feature is enabled for the form.Forms
forms_scheduleendTEXTForm Schedule EndDate in the format (MM/DD/YYYY) that the form will become unavailable.Forms
forms_scheduleendampmTEXTForm Schedule End AM PMIndicates if the scheduleEndHour is before or after midday.Forms
forms_scheduleendhourTEXTForm Schedule End HourHour (1 to 12) that the form will become unavailable.Forms
forms_scheduleendminuteTEXTForm Schedule End MinuteMinute that the form will become unavailable.Forms
forms_scheduleformBOOLEANForm Schedule FormIndicates if the form should only be available during a scheduled period of time.Forms
forms_schedulemessageTEXTForm Schedule MessageThe message to be displayed when the form is no longer available.Forms
forms_schedulependingmessageTEXTForm Schedule Pending MessageThe message to be displayed when the form is not yet available.Forms
forms_schedulestartTEXTForm Schedule StartDate in the format (MM/DD/YYYY) that the form will become available.Forms
forms_schedulestartampmTEXTForm Schedule Start AM PMIndicates if the scheduleStartHour is before or after midday. Possible values: am or pmForms
forms_schedulestarthourTEXTForm Schedule Start HourHour (1 to 12) that the form will become available.Forms
forms_schedulestartminuteTEXTForm Schedule Start MinuteMinute that the form will become available.Forms
forms_sublabelplacementTEXTForm Sublabel PlacementThe default location of the field sub labels.Forms
forms_titleTEXTForm TitleThe form title.Forms
forms_usecurrentuserasauthorBOOLEANForm Use Current User As AuthorIndicates if the user logged in at the time the form is submitted should be the author.Forms
forms_versionTEXTForm VersionThe Gravity Forms version used to create the form.Forms
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
todayDATETodayToday's date
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20