LinkedIn Ads Field Reference

Sample[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=campaign,clicks,spend,impressions,date,source&_renderer=csv


account_idTEXTAccount IDAdvertisement account IDAccount
account_nameTEXTAccount NameA label for the account.Account
account_typeTEXTAccount typeAccount typeAccount
accountidTEXTAccount ID (Duplicate)Advertisement account ID (Duplicate)Account
ad_form_descriptionTEXTForm DescriptionDescription of the form, visible to both the owner and the viewer.Form
ad_form_headlineTEXTForm HeadlineHeadline of the form, visible to both the owner and the viewer.Form
TEXTForm Legal DisclaimerOwner's legal disclaimer to accompany this form. Optional since the owner may alternatively use other fields (e.g. legalDisclaimer, consents) to surface the privacy policy.Form
TEXTForm Legal Info IDUnique identifier of the LeadGenFormLegalInfo.Form
ad_form_nameTEXTForm NameName of the Lead Form provided by the owner..Form
ad_form_post_review_last_updatedDATEForm Review Last UpdatedThe date indicating when the review status is initiated/last updated.Form
ad_form_post_review_rejection_reasonsTEXTForm Review Reject ReasonAn array of rejection reasons for the Lead Form. It's Non-empty if the review status is REJECTED in the latest review.Form
ad_form_post_review_statusTEXTForm Review StatusIndicate the state of review for the Lead Form. PENDING - The form is pending review and not serving. APPROVED - The form is approved for serving. REJECTED - The form is rejected. PREAPPROVED - form has been pre-approved, it's ready for serving but still need further review. AUTO_APPROVED - The form has been auto approved by content model. NEEDS_REVIEW - The form has been rejected by content model or policy checker or returned by fallback case that auto approval didn't make any decision. AUTO_REJECTED - The form has been auto rejected by content model. Form
ad_form_post_submission_info_cta_labelTEXTForm Post Submission Call To Action LabelLabel for the call to action shown to the viewer. Default is VISIT_COMPANY_WEBSITEForm
ad_form_post_submission_info_cta_targetTEXTForm Post Submission Call To Action TargetTarget where the user is taken after clicking on the CTA. E.g. a LandingPageUrl which is a url redirect to a web page. It can be empty for CTA's which don't require additional information.Form
ad_form_post_submission_info_messageTEXTForm Post Submission MessageThe message displayed to a member after the Lead Form is submitted.Form
ad_form_privacy_policy_urlTEXTForm Privacy Policy URLThe URL of the privacy policy that covers any data passed to the owner of the form. Optional since it is not required to be present for all the use cases.Form
ad_form_statusTEXTForm StatusDRAFT, PUBLISHED, ARCHIVED. Draft - The form is still being edited. Published - The form is published, i.e. it has gone through processing (e.g. manual review) and is ready to be used. Archived - The form is archived.Form
ad_form_thank_you_messageTEXTForm Post Submission Message (Duplicate)The message displayed to a member after the Lead Form is submitted.Form
ad_form_thank_you_page_call_to_actionTEXTForm Post Submission Call To Action Label (Duplicate)Label for the call to action shown to the viewer. Default is VISIT_COMPANY_WEBSITEForm
ad_nameTEXT(Deprecated) Ad NameDeprecated field. Alias for sponsored_creative_content_title. Probably you are looking for 'Creative Ad Context DSC Name' (creative_content_data_share_ad_context_dsc_name)Creative
adnetwork_conversionsNUMERICAd Network ConversionsThe Ad Network Reported ConversionsAd Network
adnetwork_revenueNUMERICAd Network RevenueThe Ad Network Reported RevenueAd Network
answersTEXTForm Response AnswersAll answers on form responseForm Response
approximate_unique_impressionsNUMERICApproximate Unique ImpressionsThe approximate reach of the campaign. The number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. Can be requested for date ranges with a maximum range of 92 days. The expected delay for current UTC day will be 24-48 hours. Requests which include today in the date range will only return reach for days where data exists.Performance
average_frequencyPERCENTAverage frequencyAverage number of impressions seen by each member account exposed to at least one impressionPerformance
campaignTEXTCampaignThe campaign nameCampaign
campaign_accountTEXTCampaign AccountAccount where campaign is runningCampaign
campaign_cost_typeTEXTCampaign Cost TypeCampaign cost typeCampaign
campaign_daily_budget_amountTEXTCampaign daily budget amountDaily Budget AmountCampaign
campaign_end_dateDATECampaign end dateCampaign End DateCampaign
campaign_group_backfilledBOOLEANCampaign Group BackfilledFlag that denotes whether the campaign group was created organically or to backfill existing campaigns. This is a read-only field set by the system.Campaign Group
campaign_group_idTEXTCampaign Group IDTumerical identifier for the campaign group. This is a read-only field set by the system.Campaign Group
campaign_group_nameTEXTCampaign Group NameThe name of the campaign group used to make it easier to reference a campaign group and recall its purpose. The value of this field cannot exceed 100 characters.Campaign Group
campaign_group_run_scedule_end_timeTIMESTAMPCampaign Group Run Scedule End TimeRepresents the exclusive (strictly less than) date when to stop running the associated campaigns under this campaign group. If this field is unset, it indicates an open range with no end date. This field is required if totalBudget is set.Campaign Group
campaign_group_run_scedule_start_timeTIMESTAMPCampaign Group Run Scedule Start TimeRepresents the inclusive (greater than or equal to) date when to start running the associated campaigns under this campaign group. This field is required.Campaign Group
campaign_group_statusTEXTCampaign Group StatusStatus of campaign group.Campaign Group
campaign_group_total_budgetNUMERICCampaign Group Total BudgetMaximum amount to spend across all associated campaigns and creatives for duration of the campaign group.Campaign Group
campaign_idTEXTCampaign IDThe campaign IDCampaign
campaign_start_dateDATECampaign Start DateCampaign Start DateCampaign
campaign_statusTEXTCampaign Group StatusStatus of campaign group.Campaign
campaign_total_budget_amountTEXTCampaign total budget amountTotal Budget AmountCampaign
campaign_typeTEXTCampaign TypeCampaign typeCampaign
card_clicksNUMERICCard ClicksThe number of clicks for each card of a carousel ad.Carousel Ad
card_clicks_viralNUMERICCard Clicks (Viral)The number of viralClicks for each card of a carousel ad.Carousel Ad
card_impressionsNUMERICCard ImpressionsThe number of impressions for each card of a carousel ad.Carousel Ad
card_impressions_viralNUMERICCard Impressions (Viral)The number of viralImpressions for each card of a carousel ad.Carousel Ad
card_indexTEXTCard IndexGroup results by conversion.Carousel Ad
clicksNUMERICClicksThe count of clicks.Performance
commentsNUMERICCommentsNumber of CommentsPerformance
completionsNUMERICCompletionsThe count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video.Video
conversion_attribution_typeTEXTConversion Attribution TypeThe model that describes how conversion actions are to be counted. Acceptable values are: LAST_TOUCH_BY_CAMPAIGN and LAST_TOUCH_BY_CONVERSIONConversion
conversion_createdDATEConversion Created DateConversion Created DateConversion
conversion_enabledBOOLEANConversion EnabledSet to true or false to enable or disable this rule from matching on the advertiser’s website. The initial state can be either, but only rules that are enabled will trigger conversion events.Conversion
conversion_idTEXTConversion IDConversion IDConversion
conversion_last_callback_atDATEConversion Last Callback At DateThe last time one or more of the URL match rules fired and called back to the server.Conversion
conversion_last_modifiedDATEConversion Last Modified DateA date corresponding to the last modification of this resource.Conversion
conversion_nameTEXTConversion NameA short name for this conversion.Conversion
conversion_pivotTEXTConversion PivotGroup results by conversion.Conversion
conversion_post_click_attribution_window_sizeTEXTConversion Post Click Attribution Window SizeSpecifies a user's settings on the post click attribution window in days.Conversion
conversion_typeTEXTConversion TypeThe type of the conversion.Conversion
conversion_view_through_attribution_window_sizeTEXTConversion View Through Attribution Window SizeSpecifies a user's settings on the view through (post view) attribution window in days.Conversion
conversionsNUMERICShare conversionsNumber of External Website Conversions after Post ViewCampaign
conversionvalueinlocalcurrencyNUMERICConversion Value (Local Currency)Value of the conversions in the account's local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range.Performance
cost_in_usdNUMERICShare cost in USDCampaign Cost in USDCampaign
cost_per_externalwebsiteconversionsNUMERICCost Per External Website ConversionsCost in the account's local currency divided by the count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.Social Actions
cost_per_externalwebsitepostclickconversionsNUMERICCost Per External Website Post Click ConversionsCost in the account's local currency divided by the count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads.on an external advertiser website.Social Actions
cost_per_externalwebsitepostviewconversionsNUMERICCost Per External Website Post View ConversionsCost in the account's local currency divided by the count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.Social Actions
cost_per_job_applicationNUMERICCost Per Job ApplicationCost in the account's local currency divided by the number of times a member completed a job applicationJob
country_codeCOUNTRYCountry CodeList of country codes of target locationsCountry
cpcNUMERICCPCCost-per-click (CPC)Performance
cpmNUMERICCPMCost per mille (CPM).It is the cost an advertiser pays for one thousand views or impressions of an advertisement (1000 * cost / impressions)Performance
creative_content_data_share_ad_context_ad_typeTEXTCreative Ad Context DSC Ad TypeThe type of DSC (e.g. VIDEO, STANDARD, CAROUSEL, etc.)Creative
creative_content_data_share_ad_context_dsc_nameTEXTCreative Ad Context DSC NamePlain text name of the DSC post.Creative
creative_content_data_share_ad_context_dsc_statusTEXTCreative Ad Context DSC StatusThe status of the advertising company content. Representing whether the content is usable from the advertiser's perspective as a DSCCreative
creative_creation_datetimeTIMESTAMPCreative Creation DatetimeCreative Creation Date and TimeCreative
creative_idTEXTCreative IDCreative IDCreative
creative_last_modified_datetimeTIMESTAMPCreative Last Modified DatetimeCreative Last Modified Date and TimeCreative
creative_statusTEXTCreative StatusCreative StatusCreative
creative_thumbnailIMAGE_URLCreative thumbnailCreative thumbnailCreative
ctrPERCENTCTRClick-through rate (CTR)Performance
currencyTEXTCurrencyAccount currency (default="USD")Account
datasourceTEXTData SourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
dateDATEDateDates covered by the report data point. Date is specified in UTC.Time
day_of_monthTEXTDay of monthDay of the month
engagement_ratePERCENTEngagement RateNumber of times members interacted with your ad (paid and free clicks divided by total impressions)Performance
engagementsNUMERICEngagementsThe total number of actions that people took on your Linkedin Ads.Performance
externalwebsiteconversionsNUMERICExternal Website ConversionsThe count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.Social Actions
externalwebsitepostclickconversionsNUMERICExternal Website Post Click ConversionsThe count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.Social Actions
externalwebsitepostviewconversionsNUMERICExternal Website Post View ConversionsThe count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.Social Actions
followsNUMERICFollowsThe count of follows. Sponsored Updates only.Social Actions
form_campaign_idTEXTForm Response Campaign IDCampaign id that this form response is connectedForm Response
form_campaign_nameTEXTForm Response Campaign NameCampaign name that this form response is connectedForm Response
form_campaign_typeTEXTForm Response Campaign TypeCampaign type that this form response is connectedForm Response
form_created_datetimeDATEForm Created DateDate and time corresponding to the creation of the form.Form
form_creation_locale_countryCOUNTRYForm Creation Locale CountryA lowercase two-letter language code as defined by ISO-639-1Form
form_creation_locale_languageTEXTForm Creation Locale LanguageAn uppercase two-letter country code as defined by ISO-3166Form
form_creative_idTEXTForm Response Creative IDForm creative idForm Response
form_idTEXTForm IDNumerical identifier for the form.Form
form_last_modified_datetimeDATEForm Last Modified DateDate and time corresponding to the last modified date of the form.Form
form_owner_account_nameTEXTForm Response Owner Account Info NameName of the owner of the Lead Form Response.Form Response
form_owner_idTEXTForm Owner IDID that identifies the owner of the Lead Form.Form
form_response_associated_creative_statusTEXTForm Response Associated Creative StatusStatus of creative, associated with this Form ResponseForm Response
TEXTForm Response Consent ResponsesAll Consent Response answers on this Form ResponseForm Response
form_response_idTEXTForm Response idID of a Form response Form Response
form_response_owner_idTEXTForm Response Owner IDID that identifies the owner of the Lead Form Response.Form Response
form_submitterTEXTForm Response SubmitterID that identifies the person who submitted the Lead Form Response.Form Response
form_version_idTEXTForm Version IDThe version ID of the form. This is a derived field and is generated on the server side.Form
form_version_tagTEXTForm Version TagThe number of times the form has been modified.Form
full_screen_playsNUMERICShare full screen playsNumber of Full Screen PlaysSocial Actions
hidden_fieldsOBJECTForm Hidden FieldsHidden fields used by the owner to track key attributes of the form that generated the lead. The field is empty if the owner chooses to not append any tracking attributes to the Lead Form.Form
impression_device_typeTEXTImpression device typeGroup results by the device type the ad made an impression on. Reach metrics and conversion metrics will not be available when this pivot is used.Impression Device Type
impressionsNUMERICImpressionsThis is the count of "impressions" for Direct Ads and Sponsored Updates and "sends" for InMails.Performance
job_applicationsNUMERICJob ApplicationsThe number of times a member completed a job applicationafter viewing or clicking on an ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplications (if the member applied after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplications (if the member applied after clicking the ad).Job
job_apply_clicksNUMERICJob Apply ClicksThe number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the ad).Job
landing_pageTEXTLanding PageLanding PageCreative
landing_page_clicksNUMERICShare landing page clicksNumber of Clicks to the Landing PageCampaign
landingpageclicksNUMERICLanding Page ClicksThe count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page.Performance
lead_typeTEXTForm Response Lead typeType of the lead representing the origination of the lead.Form Response
leadgenerationmailcontactinfosharesNUMERICLead Generation Mail Contact Info SharesThe number of times users shared contact info through the One Click Lead Gen for Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only.Performance
likesNUMERICLikesThe count of likes. Sponsored Updates only.Performance
member_company_nameTEXTMember company nameCompany names of LinkedIn members engaged with campaigns. Groups metrics by audience companies, cannot be combined with any other aggregation fields.Member Company Name
member_company_sizeTEXTMember company sizeApproximate company size of LinkedIn members engaged with campaigns. Groups metrics by audience company sizes, cannot be combined with any other aggregation fields.Member Company Size
member_countryCOUNTRYMember countryCountries of LinkedIn members engaged with campaigns. Groups metrics by audience countries, cannot be combined with any other aggregation fields.Country
member_industryTEXTMember industryIndustry of LinkedIn members engaged with campaigns. Groups metrics by audience industries, cannot be combined with any other aggregation fields.Member Industry
member_job_functionTEXTMember job functionJob functions of LinkedIn members engaged with campaigns. Groups metrics by audience job functions, cannot be combined with any other aggregation fields.Member Function
member_job_titleTEXTMember job titleJob titles of LinkedIn members engaged with campaigns. Groups metrics by audience job titles, cannot be combined with any other aggregation fields.Demographics
member_regionREGIONMember regionGeographic regions of LinkedIn members engaged with campaigns. Groups metrics by audience regions, cannot be combined with any other aggregation fields.Region
member_seniorityTEXTMember senioritySeniority of LinkedIn members engaged with campaigns. Groups metrics by audience seniorities, cannot be combined with any other aggregation fields.Member Seniority
monthTEXTMonthNumber of the month
objective_typeTEXTObjective TypeCampaign Objective type values.Campaign
oneclickleadformopensNUMERICOne Click Lead Form OpensThe count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign.Performance
oneclickleadsNUMERICOne Click LeadsThe count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen.Performance
opensNUMERICOpensThe count of opens of Sponsored InMail and Sponsored Messaging ads.only.Performance
optimization_target_typeTEXTOptimization Target TypeDetermines how this campaign is optimized for spending. If this is not set, there is no optimization.Campaign
other_engagementsNUMERICShare other engagementsNumber of Other EngagementsCampaign
placement_nameTEXTPlacement NameGroup results by placement.Placement
quartile_1NUMERICVideo watches at 25%The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video.Video
quartile_2NUMERICVideo watches at 50%The count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video.Video
quartile_3NUMERICVideo watches at 75%The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video.Video
reactionsNUMERICShare reactionsNumber of Reactions by CampaignCampaign
sendsNUMERICSendsThe count of sends of Sponsored Messaging ads.Performance
serving_locationTEXTService LocationGroup results by serving location, onsite or offsite.Serving Location
share_creation_datetimeTIMESTAMPShare creation datetimePost Creation Date and TimeCreative
share_idTEXTShare IDShare (Post) IDCreative
share_landing_pageTEXTShare landing pagePost landing pageCreative
share_last_modified_datetimeTIMESTAMPShare last modified datetimePost Last Modification Date and TimeCreative
share_textTEXTShare textPost TextCreative
share_titleTEXTShare titlePost TitleCreative
share_typeTEXTShare TypeShare/post media categoryCreative
sharesNUMERICSharesThis is the count of "shares" for sponsored Shares.Performance
sourceTEXTSourceThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
spendNUMERICSpendCost in the account's local currencyPerformance
TEXTCreative DescriptionSponsored creative (ad) descriptionSponsored Creative
TEXTCreative Titlecreative (ad) titleSponsored Creative
submitted_atDATEForm Response submitted at timeForm response submitted time f: YYYY-MM-DDForm Response
targeting_exclude_agerangesOBJECTTargeting Exclude Age RangeA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by organization.Campaign
targeting_exclude_employersOBJECTTargeting Exclude EmployersA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by age rate.Campaign
targeting_exclude_groupsOBJECTTargeting Exclude GroupsA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by groups.Campaign
targeting_exclude_industriesOBJECTTargeting Exclude IndustriesA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by standardized industries.Campaign
targeting_exclude_interfacelocalesOBJECTTargeting Exclude Interface LocalesA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by interface locales.Campaign
targeting_exclude_jobfunctionsOBJECTTargeting Exclude Job FunctionsA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by standardized job functions.Campaign
targeting_exclude_locationsOBJECTTargeting Exclude LocationsA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by locations.Campaign
targeting_exclude_senioritiesOBJECTTargeting Exclude SenioritiesA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by standardized seniorities.Campaign
targeting_exclude_titlesOBJECTTargeting Exclude TitlesA segment of members who will be excluded from the advertising campaign's targeting by standardized titles.Campaign
targeting_include_agerangesOBJECTTargeting Include Age RangeA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by organization.Campaign
targeting_include_employersOBJECTTargeting Include EmployersA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by age rate.Campaign
targeting_include_groupsOBJECTTargeting Include GroupsA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by groups.Campaign
targeting_include_industriesOBJECTTargeting Include IndustriesA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by standardized industries.Campaign
targeting_include_interfacelocalesOBJECTTargeting Include Interface LocalesA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by interface locales.Campaign
targeting_include_jobfunctionsOBJECTTargeting Include Job FunctionsA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by standardized job functions.Campaign
targeting_include_locationsOBJECTTargeting Include LocationsA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by locations.Campaign
targeting_include_senioritiesOBJECTTargeting Include SenioritiesA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by standardized seniorities.Campaign
targeting_include_titlesOBJECTTargeting Include TitlesA segment of members who will be included in the advertising campaign's targeting by standardized titles.Campaign
test_leadBOOLEANForm Response Is Test LeadTrue/False is this test lead form responseForm Response
todayDATETodayToday's date
total_engagementsNUMERICShare total engagementsNumber of total EngagementsCampaign
totalcostNUMERICTotal CostCost in the account's local currency (Duplicate of Spend)Performance
transactionrevenueNUMERICTransaction Revenue (Local Currency)Conversion Value (Duplicate of Conversion Value (Local Currency))Performance
transactionsNUMERICTransactionsThe number of transactions (Duplicate of External Website Conversions)Social Actions
video_completionsNUMERICVideo CompletionsThe count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video.Video
video_startNUMERICVideo playsThe number of times a video starts to playVideo
video_startsNUMERICVideo plays (duplicate)The number of times a video starts to playVideo
video_viewed_25pcntNUMERICVideo watches at 25% (Duplicate)The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. (Duplicate)Video
video_viewed_50pcntNUMERICVideo watches at 50% (Duplicate)The count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. (Duplicate)Video
video_viewed_75pcntNUMERICVideo watches at 75% (Duplicate)The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. (Duplicate)Video
video_viewsNUMERICVideo views2 or more continuous seconds of playback while the video is at least 50% on screen, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first.Video
viral_clicksNUMERICShare viral clicksNumber of Viral Clicks Aggregated by CampaignViral
viral_commentsNUMERICShare viral commentsNumber of Viral Comments by CampaignViral
viral_conversionsNUMERICViral External Website ConversionsThe count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral event.Campaign
viral_followsNUMERICShare viral followsNumber of Viral Follows by CampaignViral
viral_full_screen_playsNUMERICShare viral full screen playsNumber of Viral Full Screen PlaysViral
viral_impressionsNUMERICShare viral impressoinsNumber of Viral Impressions Aggregated by CampaignViral
viral_landing_page_clicksNUMERICShare viral landing page clicksNumber of Viral Clicks to the Landing PageCampaign
viral_likesNUMERICShare viral likesNumber of Viral Likes by CampaignViral
viral_reactionsNUMERICShare viral reactionsNumber of Viral Reactoins by CampaignViral
viral_sharesNUMERICShare viral sharesNumber of Viral Shares by ShareViral
viral_total_engagementsNUMERICShare viral total engagementsViral Total EngagementsViral
viral_video_completionsNUMERICShare viral video completionsNumber of Viral Video Views to 100%Viral
viral_video_startsNUMERICShare viral video startsNumber of Viral Video StartsViral
viral_video_viewed_25pcntNUMERICShare viral video viewed 25pcntNumber of Viral Video Views to 25%Viral
viral_video_viewed_50pcntNUMERICShare viral video viewed 50pcntNumber of Viral Video Views to 50%Viral
viral_video_viewed_75pcntNUMERICShare viral video viewed 75pcntNumber of Viral Video Views to 75%Viral
viral_video_viewsNUMERICShare viral video viewsNumber of Viral Video ViewsViral
viralexternalwebsiteconversionsNUMERICViral External Website Conversions (Duplicate)The count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral event.Viral
viralexternalwebsitepostclickconversionsNUMERICViral External Website Post Click ConversionsThe count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral click.Viral
viralexternalwebsitepostviewconversionsNUMERICViral External Website Post View ConversionsThe count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral impression.Viral
viraloneclickleadsNUMERICViral One Click LeadsThe count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity.Viral
weekTEXTWeekWeek (Sun-Sat).
week_dayTEXTDay of week and day numberWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
week_day_isoTEXTDay of week and day number, ISOWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
week_isoTEXTWeek ISOWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
year_monthTEXTYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
year_of_weekTEXTYear of weekThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
year_of_week_isoTEXTYear of week, ISOThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
year_weekTEXTYear weekYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
year_week_isoTEXTYear week ISOYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20