Connect Spotify Ads to Google Sheets

Unlock the potential of your Spotify Ads data by integrating it with Google Sheets using Save time by automatically transferring your ads data to the spreadsheet without engaging in manual data entry. platform is codeless, so you can have analysis-ready data in Google Sheets without writing any single line of code and in minutes.

Connect Spotify Ads to Google Sheets

Why do I need Spotify Ads and Google Sheets Integration?

Enhance your data management process and report on your marketing efforts easily. Gain vital insights and make data-driven decisions that optimize your campaign strategies. Boost Spotify Ads viewership and potentially increase your sales.


Budget tracking

Create a dedicated Google Sheets workbook that tracks campaign spend against the money allocated to it in real-time. Compare actual expenses versus budgeted amounts across different Spotify Ads promotions. Note spending trends and make the necessary adjustments to ensure optimal distribution of resources.


Performance monitoring

Monitor metrics like clicks, cost-per-action, conversions, and impressions within Google Sheets. Determine the efficiency of your campaign strategies in real-time. Work with your team to create what works and attract more views and engagement.


Audience segmentation

Group your Spotify Ads audience according to their demographics, listening habits, and interests using the Google Sheets platform. Generate detailed profiles that help you understand what customers want or need. Use the information for more precise targeting, enhancing campaign relevance.


Competitor analysis

Create charts and pivot tables within Google Sheets to compare Spotify Ads’ performance with that of competitors. Pay attention to ad spend, clicks, conversions, and engagement rates. Note your strong and weak areas. Leverage opportunities to improve your campaigns to gain a competitive edge.


Campaign attribution

Automatically sync Spotify Ads data with CRM or other relevant systems in Google Sheets. Monitor user journeys from ad click to conversion, assess conversion paths, and attribute sales/revenue to specific ad campaigns. Gauge how your ads affect overall sales and marketing performance to modify your activities accordingly.

How to connect Spotify Ads to Google Sheets

It is very simple to connect Spotify Ads to Google sheets, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


Connecting Spotify Ads Data Source to


1. Register

Register or login if you already have an account.

 2. Select your source
You need to select Spotify Ads as a Data Source and Grant Access to

3. Select Destination
In the Preview & Destination page select Google Sheets Data Destination and Copy your API key.


google sheets destination

Next Step:

You can choose between two options:


Option 1: Advanced and for large data volumes

  1. Click this link to install the Google Sheets add-on
  2. Go to Extension – Ad Data and Analytics by – Login
  3. Enter your API key: [your API Key] and click Login
  4. Start using the add-on in Google Sheets from the Add-ons menu in Extension – Ad Data and Analytics by – Get Data into Sheet in Google Sheets document and select your fields


Option 2: Quickstart

  • Copy the snippet below into your Google Sheet. Only works for fast queries below 60 seconds, use the add-on in case of issues.
  • The URL works as an API data feed and the fields can be adjusted with the parameters in the URL.
  • You can add any field that is available in the data sources you have added.

    =IMPORTDATA(“[your API Key]&date_preset=last_28d&fields=account_name,clicks,date&_renderer=googlesheets")

    and replace  [your API Key] with your API key. The list of selected fields must contain a date field. The fields which are listed after &fields= are simply a set of standard fields which you can customise. A full list of metrics and dimensions can be found in our Spotify Ads connector documentation. Customise the URL to your liking.


What is Spotify Ads?

Spotify Ads are promotions that appear on the Spotify music streaming platform. They normally target Spotify’s wide user base, consisting of millions of subscribers globally. The ads can take various forms, including videos, images, podcasts, sponsored sessions, displays, and audio. Through the platform, marketers can create brand awareness and target specific audiences effectively. Spotify Ads provides an engaging and immersive advertising experience. This is because the ads are integrated into Spotify, ensuring the listener can continue engaging with the platform without being interrupted.

What is Google Sheets?

Google Sheets is a free program designed by Google to help users run and operate their spreadsheets online. It’s easy to use, and the features are designed for user convenience. The platform is well-known for its collaborative features, which enable different individuals to work on the same spreadsheet at the same time, enhancing teamwork. Google Sheets can also handle large projects and data sets, making it a viable solution for businesses with expanding data needs.

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Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.

Import Spotify Ads data into Google Sheets and measure what matters