Connect AdRoll to BigQuery
Sync AdRoll with BigQuery using connector to model and analyze your data with advanced features. is a no-code connector that does not require any maintenance. It also transfers data in five minutes and helps automate reporting on key variables.
Why do I need AdRoll and BigQuery integration?
AdRoll and BigQuery data integration enable you to use the data warehouse’s advanced data management and analytics features to gain workable insights into your ad placement program. Here are the main benefits of the move.
- Store your AdRoll data safely using BigQuery’s security features, such as data encryption and Google Identity and Access Management (IAM).
- Perform SQL queries and use machine-learning features to query AdRoll data with speed and efficiency.
- Manage your AdRoll ad data on a serverless platform where you do not need to care of the underlying software or hardware infrastructure.
- Model your advertising data to show relationships between various data variables like ad reach versus the cost.
How to connect AdRoll to BigQuery
1. Register
Register or login if you already have an account.
2. Select your source
You need to select AdRoll as a Data Source and Grant Access to
3. Select Destination
Choose BigQuery as the destination.
4. Create a destination task
Click the Add Destination Task Button and fill out the necessary fields.
5. Sync your Data
In the final step, grant access to the user: [email protected]. That’s all!
Once you go through these steps, you will see that the data is automatically populated into your BigQuery account.
*Note: As a connector URL, you can use any URL providing a JSON. Either from the connectors or for example a URL with cached and transformed data.
What is AdRoll?
AdRoll is an advertising platform that enables you to prospect and retarget ads. It provides tools for your business to reach potential clients who may have previously bought your services or interacted with you by showing them targeted ads as they browse the internet. The platform also offers features for creating and managing display ads, social media ads, and email marketing campaigns.
What is BigQuery?
BigQuery is a serverless database service offered by Google. It provides warehouse features without requiring you to manage the underlying infrastructure. BigQuery handles resource provisioning, maintenance, and data management. It also offers integration with other cloud services like Looker Studio, Google Docs, and Google Analytics. BigQuery also comes with various security features, including identity management and access controls to keep your data secure.
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