Connect Bing Ads to Snowflake

Snowflake Bing Ads Integration

Stream your marketing data from Bing Ads to Snowflake

Connect Bing Ads to Snowflake in 2023

It is very simple to connect Bing Ads to Snowflake, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


First Step

Follow the Tutorial Below:

  1. Add all the columns that are returned by your connector’s URL. 
  2. Create the WINDSOR_UPLOAD role (name has no importance) 
  3. Create a user and add the previously created role to that user 
  4. Grant rights to the DATABASE to the created user 
  5. Grand the rights to the destination table 
  6. Get the required fields from Snowflake to use the Snowflake destination in Onboard Form
  • Get the username 
  • Get the password 
  • Get the account 
  • Get the warehouse 
  • Get the database 
  • Get the schema 
  • Get the table name 


Second step

1.You need to select Bing Ads as a Data Source and Grant Access to

bing ads onboarding


2. In Select Destination select Snowflake as destination

snowflake integration


3. Enter all the credentials required and click Save

4.Your data will now be streamed to Snowflake. In case there is an error you will be notified.

Bing Ads metrics and dimensions available for streaming into Snowflake

Connect your data


Absolute Top Impression Rate PercentPERCENTHow often your ad was in the first position of all results, as a percentage of your total impressions.
Absolute Top Impression Lost To BudgetNUMERICAbsolute Top Impression Lost To Budget
Absolute Top Impression Share Lost To Budget PercentPERCENTThe estimated percentage of how often your ad missed showing in the very top ad position, above search results, due to insufficient budget.
Absolute Top Impression Lost To RankNUMERICAbsolute Top Impression Lost To Rank
Absolute Top Impression Share Lost To Rank PercentPERCENTThe estimated percentage of how often poor ad rank kept your ad from showing in the first ad position at the top of search results.
Absolute Top Impression Share PercentPERCENTThe estimated percentage of times your ad was in the first position of all results, out of the estimated number of first position impressions you were eligible to receive.
Absolute Top ImpressionsNUMERICAbsolute Top Impressions
Account IDTEXTThe account id
Account NameTEXTThe account name
Account NumberTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising assigned number of an account.
Account StatusTEXTThe account status
Ad DescriptionTEXTThe first ad description that appears below the path in your ad.
Ad Description 2TEXTThe second ad description that appears below the path in your ad. Ad description 2 might not appear in your ad.
Ad DistributionTEXTThe network where you want your ads to show. This can be the entire Microsoft Advertising Network, Microsoft sites and select traffic, or only partner traffic.
Ad Group Current StatusTEXTThe current ad group status.
Ad group IDTEXTThe ID of the AdGroup.
Ad groupTEXTThe name of the AdGroup.
Ad Group StatusTEXTThe Ad Group status.
Ad Group TypeTEXTThe ad group type. In a Search campaign, the possible values are 'SearchDynamic' and 'SearchStandard'. The field will be empty for other campaign types.
Ad IDTEXTThe ad id
Ad LabelsTEXTThe labels applied to the ad. Delimited by a semicolon (;).
Long HeadlineTEXTThe longer of two possible responsive ad headlines for Audience campaigns.
Ad Path 1TEXTThe path 1 attribute of an ad.
Ad Path 2TEXTThe path 2 attribute of an ad.
Quality ScoreNUMERICThe numeric score shows you how competitive your ads are in the marketplace by measuring how relevant your keywords and landing pages are to customers' search terms. The quality score is calculated by Microsoft Advertising using the ExpectedCtr, AdRelevance, and LandingPageExperience sub scores. If available, the quality score can range from a low of 1 to a high of 10. Quality score is based on the last rolling 30 days for the owned and operated search traffic. A quality score can be assigned without any impressions, in the case where a keyword bid did not win any auctions. The score is calculated only based on Search Traffic. The value in the report will be null if the score was not computed. This can occur if there have been no impressions for the keyword for 30 days or more. Quality score is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends. Keywords in all time zones will be assigned a quality score for the corresponding UTC day. If you run the report multiple times in a day, the quality score values could change from report to report based on when you run the report relative to when the scores are calculated. If you specify a time period that spans multiple days, the quality score is the current and most recently calculated score and will be reported as the same for each day in the time period.
Ad RelevanceTEXTHow closely related your ads is to the customer's search query or other input. It tells you how relevant your ad and landing page are to potential customers.
HeadlineTEXTThe shorter of two possible responsive ad headlines for Audience campaigns.
Ad Status (Bing)TEXTThe ad status.
Ad TitleTEXTThe ad title
Title Part 1TEXTThe title part 1 attribute of an ad.
Title Part 2TEXTThe title part 2 attribute of an ad.
Title Part 3TEXTThe title part 3 attribute of an ad.
Ad TypeTEXTThe ad type.
Ad Network ConversionsNUMERICThe ad network reported conversions
Ad Network RevenueNUMERICThe ad network reported revenue
Age GroupTEXTThe age group of the audience who viewed the ad. The possible values are 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-64, and 65+.
All Conversion RatePERCENTThe conversion rate as a percentage.
All ConversionsNUMERICThe number of conversions. This column is deprecated in 2022,; so you should use the all_conversions_qualified column instead. Going forward,; performance reports will return '0' (zero) in this column.;
All Conversions QualifiedNUMERICThe number of conversions.
AllCostPerConversionNUMERICThe cost per conversion.
All RevenueNUMERICThe revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions.
All Revenue Per ConversionNUMERICThe revenue per conversion.The formula for calculating the revenue per conversion is (Revenue / Conversions).
AllReturnOnAdSpendNUMERICThe return on ad spend (ROAS).The formula for calculating the ROAS is (Revenue / Spend).
Asset Group IDTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an asset group.
Asset Group NameTEXTThe asset group name.
Asset Group StatusTEXTThe asset group status.
AssistsNUMERICThe number of conversions from other ads within the same account that were preceded by one or; more clicks from this ad. An ad is considered to have assisted the conversion if it was clicked; before the most recently clicked ad that was credited with the conversion. Additionally, the; click corresponding to the assist must occur within the conversion period of the goal.;
Association IDTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of the association between the audience and either an ad group or campaign.
Association LevelTEXTThe level of the audience's association. The possible values are 'Ad group' or 'Campaign'.
Audience Association StatusTEXTThe status of the association between the audience and either an ad group or campaign.
Audience IDTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of the audience, for example the remarketing list ID.
Audience NameTEXTThe audience name.
Audience TypeTEXTThe audience type.
Average CPCNUMERICThe average cost per click (CPC). The total cost of all clicks on an ad divided by the number of clicks. This is the average amount you're actually charged each time your ad is clicked.
Average CPMNUMERICThe total advertising cost divided by the number of impressions (in thousands).
Average CPVNUMERICAverage total spend divided by video views.
Base (Experiment) Campaign IDTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an experiment campaign.; This will be the same value as the CampaignId if the campaign is not an experiment.;
Bid AdjustmentNUMERICThis attribute reflects the current value of your ad group's audience bid adjustment,; even if a different bid adjustment value was used when the ad was shown. This value; is the requested percentage to increase or decrease the bid amount for the remarketing list.;
Bid Match TypeTEXTThe keyword bid match type. This can be different from the DeliveredMatchType column,; for example if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match.; For more information, see Budget and Bid Strategies. The possible values are Broad, Exact, Phrase, and Unknown.;
Bid Strategy TypeTEXTThe bid strategy type. Possible values include EnhancedCpc, ManualCpc, MaxClicks, MaxConversions, and TargetCpa.
Business NameTEXTDepending on your responsive ad's placement, your business's name may appear in your ad.; This column only applies to Audience campaigns.;
CampaignTEXTThe campaign Name
Campaign IDTEXTThe campaign ID
Campaign LabelsTEXTThe labels applied to the campaign. Delimited by a semicolon (;).
Campaign StatusTEXTThe campaign status.
Campaign TypeTEXTThe campaign type.
CityCITYThe city where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad.
Click Share PercentPERCENTThe percentage of clicks that went to your ads. It is the share of the prospective customer's mindshare and buying intent you captured. You can use this performance metric to see where your growth opportunites are.
ClicksNUMERICThe number of clicks
Conversion RatePERCENTThe conversion rate as a percentage.
ConversionsNUMERICThe number of conversions. This column is deprecated in 2022,; so you should use the conversions_qualified column instead. Going forward,; performance reports will return '0' (zero) in this column.;
Conversions QualifiedNUMERICThe number of conversions.
CostPerConversionNUMERICThe cost per conversion.
Cost per InstallPERCENTThe cost per install. The formula for calculating the cost per install is (Spend / Installs)
Cost per SalePERCENTThe cost per sale. The formula for calculating the cost per sale is (Spend / Sales)
CountryCOUNTRYThe country where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad.
CountyTEXTThe county where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad.
Cost Per AssistNUMERICThe cost per assist. The formula for calculating the CPA is (Spend / Assists).
CTRPERCENTThe number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions).
CurrencyTEXTThe account currency type.
Currency CodeTEXTThe account currency type.
Customer IDTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of a customer.
Customer NameTEXTThe customer name.
Daily SpendNUMERICThe average amount of campaign budget spent per day.
Data SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
DateDATEThe date
DayTEXTEach row of the report identifies the month, day, and year when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each day. The time period will be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
Day of monthTEXTDay of the month
Day of weekTEXTEach row of the report identifies the day of the week when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each of the seven days in a week. The possible data values are 1 - 7 where 1 represents Sunday and 7 represents Saturday. If the report time spans multiple weeks, then the performance data across all weeks for a given day of the week will be aggregated in one row. For example if Campaign A has 5 impressions every Monday (day 2) throughout each of the 3 weeks included in the report time range, then the report will include one row with a 2 in the date column and the impressions in that row totaling 15.
Week (Mon-Sun)TEXTEach row of the report identifies the week when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each week running from Monday through Sunday. The time period that contains the date of the Monday for each week will be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd. NOTE: partial data aggregation for weekly time period is not supported. If the selected dates are not full weeks and the corresponding weekly time period column is requested, the selected dates will be converted to full weeks.
Delivered Match TypeTEXTThe match type used to deliver an ad. This can be different from the BidMatchType; column, for example if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match.; For more information, see Budget and Bid Strategies. The possible values are Broad, Exact, Phrase, and Unknown.;
Destination UrlTEXTThe destination URL attribute of the ad, keyword, or ad group criterion.
Device TypeTEXTDevice type
Device OSTEXTThe operating system of the device reported in the DeviceType column. The possible values include Android,; Blackberry, iOS, Other, Unknown, and Windows. If the operating system of the device cannot be determined; or is not one of the operating systems that you can target, the value in this column will be Unknown.;
Display UrlTEXTThe ad display URL.
Dynamic Ad TargetTEXTThe dynamic ad target or webpage condition that Bing matched to your website.; For example the condition could be returned in the report as URL contains xyz.;
Dynamic Ad Target IDTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of the dynamic ad target,; also known in Campaign Management and Bulk API as the ad group criterion ID.;
Dynamic Ad Target StatusTEXTThe current status of the dynamic ad target.
Dynamic Ad DescriptionTEXTThe dynamic search ad text automatically generated by Microsoft Advertising when DynamicDescriptionEnabled is set to true.
TEXTThe Dynamic Search Ad headline that was dynamically generated by Microsoft Advertising.
Eligible Absolute Top ImpressionsNUMERICEligible Absolute Top Impressions
Eligible Top ImpressionsNUMERICEligible Top Impressions
Expected CTRNUMERICHow well your keyword competes against other keywords targeting the same traffic. Ads that are relevant to searchers' queries or other input are more likely to have a higher click-through rate. This metric tells you if a keyword is underperforming and causing a loss in impression share, so you can make keyword changes or remove ads altogether. A score of 3 is Above Average; a score of 2 is Average; and a score of 1 is considered Below Average. The score is calculated only based on Search Traffic. The value in the report will be null if the score was not computed. If you specify a time period that spans multiple days, the score will be the same for each day in the time period, and the value is the most recent calculated score. Data for this column is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends.
Feed URLTEXTThe feed URL will appear either as 'True' or 'False'. If it's 'True', the final; URL came from a page feed associated to the campaign. If it's 'False', the final; URL did not come from a page feed.;
Final Mobile UrlTEXTThe Final Mobile URL of the ad, keyword, or criterion. Only the first; URL in the list is reported. If the URL contains dynamic text substitution; parameters (for example, {param1}), the report will contain the URL before substitution.;
The Final URLTEXTOnly the first URL in the list is reported. If the URL contains dynamic text substitution parameters (for example, {param1}), the report will contain the URL before substitution.
Final Url SuffixTEXTA place in your final URL where you can add parameters that will be attached to the end of your landing page URL.
Mainline Bid First Page Amount (Duplicate)NUMERICBased on your campaign performance and marketplace dynamics, this estimate is the; bid amount that Microsoft Advertising calculates for your ad to be placed on the; first page in the search results. These estimates are provided as a reference only.; They are automatically generated by Microsoft Advertising and are not a guarantee of ad position.;
GenderTEXTThe gender (male or female) of the search users to whom the ad was delivered.
GoalTEXTThe name of the goal you set for the conversions you want, meaning actions customers take after clicking your ad.
Goal IDTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of a conversion goal.
Goal TypeTEXTThe type of conversion goal. Possible values include AppInstall, Duration, Event, InStoreTransaction, OfflineConversion, PagesViewedPerVisit, and Url.
HourTEXTEach row of the report identifies the hour when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each hour of the day. The possible values for the hour component are 0 - 23. If the report time spans multiple days, then the performance data for a given hour will be provided separately across multiple rows i.e. the report will include one row for each unique day and hour. For example if Campaign A has 5 impressions during Hour 7 on each of the 3 days included in the report time range, then the report will include three rows each with 5 impressions for Hour 7.
Hour of dayNUMERICEach row of the report identifies the hour of the day when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each of the 24 hours across all days. The possible values are 0 - 23. If the report time spans multiple days, then the performance data across all days for a given hour will be aggregated in one row. For example if Campaign A has 5 impressions during hour 7 on each of the 3 days included in the report time range, then the report will include one row with impressions for HourOfDay totaling 15.
Impression Lost To BudgetNUMERICImpression Lost To Budget
Impression Lost To Budget PercentPERCENTThe estimated percentage of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your daily or monthly budget.
Impression Share PercentPERCENTThe estimated percentage of impressions, out of the total available impressions in the market you were targeting.
ImpressionsNUMERICThe number of impressions
InstallsNUMERICThe total number of installs.
KeywordTEXTThe keyword.
The Keyword IDTEXTThe keyword ID.
Keyword LabelsTEXTThe labels applied to the keyword. Delimited by a semicolon (;).
Keyword StatusTEXTThe keyword status (Active/Deleted/Paused).
Landing Page ExperienceTEXTAn aggregate quality assessment of all landing pages on your site. The landing page experience score measures whether your landing page is likely to provide a good experience to customers who click your ad and land on your website.
Landing Page TitleTEXTThe title of your webpage where the search user landed.
LanguageTEXTThe language of the publisher where the ad was shown. The language display name will be provided in the report e.g. English.
Location IdTEXTThe Microsoft Advertising identifier of the location where the user was physically located; when they clicked the ad. For geographical location identifiers, see Geographical Location; Codes. If the location ID is in the report but not found in the file downloaded via; GetGeoLocationsFileUrl, it is not targetable.;
Mainline Bid First Page AmountNUMERICBased on your campaign performance and marketplace dynamics, this estimate is the; bid amount that Microsoft Advertising calculates for your ad to be placed on the; first page in the search results. These estimates are provided as a reference only.; They are automatically generated by Microsoft Advertising and are not a guarantee of ad position.;
Mainline Bid Top AmountNUMERICBased on your campaign performance and marketplace dynamics, this estimate is the; bid amount that Microsoft Advertising calculates will place your ad at the top of; search results. These estimates are provided as a reference only. They are automatically; generated by Microsoft Advertising and are not a guarantee of ad position.;
Metro AreaTEXTThe metro area (Nielsen DMA in the United States) where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad.
MonthTEXTEach row of the report identifies the month when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each month. The time period that contains the first day of the month will be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd. NOTE: partial data aggregation for monthly time period is not supported. If the selected dates are not full months and the corresponding monthly time period column is requested, the selected dates will be converted to full months.
Month to Date Budget SpendNUMERICThe amount of money spent to date for the month.
Monthly BudgetNUMERICThe anticipated maximum monthly budget amount that was calculated on the date of the most recent budget change.
NeighborhoodTEXTThe neighborhood where an ad was physically served, or the neighborhood that your customer; had shown interest in through searches or content they had viewed. This helps you find out; how your ads are doing in different locations, which can help you decide where to; focus more of your advertising efforts.;
NetworkTEXTThe entire Microsoft Advertising Network made up of Microsoft sites and select traffic,; and only partner traffic. Use this data to make the best decision on network selection for your ad groups.;
Phone CallsNUMERICThe number of total calls to the tracked phone number that showed with your ad.
Postal CodeTEXTThe postal code where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad.
Potential ClicksNUMERICPotential Clicks
Product Assisted ClicksNUMERICClicks on your ads that have received co-bids from your manufacturer partners. Clicks are what you pay for. Clicks typically include a customer clicking an ad on a search results page or on a website on the search network. Clicks can also come from other sources (for example, spiders, robots, and test servers).This performance statistic is only available for Sponsored Products in Microsoft Shopping Campaigns.
Product Assisted ConversionsNUMERICThe number of conversions. A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product, registering for your webinar, joining an organization, or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad's success.Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking.
Product Assisted ImpressionsNUMERICThe number of times an ad that is being co-bid by your manufacturer partners has been displayed on search results pages or other sites on the Microsoft Advertising Network. This performance statistic is only available for Sponsored Products in Microsoft Shopping Campaigns.
Product Benchmark CTRNUMERICShows you how other product ads for similar products are performing on average based on how often people who see the ad end up clicking on it. If the benchmark CTR is significantly higher than the CTR for your product group, you might consider raising your bid for that product group, or improving the product information, particularly product images and titles.
Product BoughtTEXTThe product purchased from your catalog or via your retail partner. The purchased product will always match the same brand, but can differ from the specific product ad that was clicked on. If different products were purchased as a result of one click, the report will include multiple rows with the same ad ID and Merchant product ID, and each will contain a unique ProductBought value. You can also include the QuantityBought column to get data on quantity purchased per product.
Product Bought TitleTEXTThe title associated with the purchased product.
Product brandTEXTThe product item's manufacturer, brand, or publisher.
Product category 1TEXTThe first level value of the Product_category field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product category 2TEXTThe second level value of the Product_category field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product category 3TEXTThe third level value of the Product_category field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product category 4TEXTThe fourth level value of the Product_category field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product category 5TEXTThe fifth level value of the Product_category field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product Click TypeTEXTClick type refers to each component of an ad that a customer can click. The possible click types are ad title, image, phone number, driving directions, sitelink, and review.
Product Click Type IDTEXTThe click type ID.
Product conditionTEXTThe condition of a product item.
Product Country of SaleCOUNTRYThe country/region of sale for the product catalog.
Product custom label 0TEXTThe value of the Custom_label_0 field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product custom label 1TEXTThe value of the Custom_label_1 field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product custom label 2TEXTThe value of the Custom_label_2 field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product custom label 3TEXTThe value of the Custom_label_3 field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product custom label 4TEXTThe value of the Custom_label_4 field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product gtinTEXTGlobal Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique numerical value for commercial products that usually appears printed under the barcode on retail products.
Product IDTEXTThe unique identifier provided by a merchant for each product offer.
Product Local Store CodeTEXTAn alphanumeric identifier defined by the merchant to uniquely identify each local store.
Product mpnTEXTManufacturer Part Number (MPN) is a unique number that identifies the product to its manufacturer.
Product Offer LanguageTEXTThe language for the product offer.
Product priceNUMERICThe different price for products in your catalog.
Product Quantity BoughtNUMERICThe quantity of the product purchased (product_bought) from your catalog or via your retail partner.
Product Seller NameTEXTThe merchant or store name that offers the product.
Product Store IDTEXTThe unique identifier for the Microsoft Merchant Center store.
Product Total Clicks On Ad ElementsTEXTThe number of clicks when this ad element was present in the ad copy, whether this or another ad element was clicked on.
Product type 1TEXTThe first level value of the Product_type field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product type 2TEXTThe second level value of the Product_type field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product type 3TEXTThe third level value of the Product_type field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product type 4TEXTThe fourth level value of the Product_type field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Product type 5TEXTThe fifth level value of the Product_type field in your Microsoft Merchant Center catalog.
Proximity Target LocationTEXTThe radius target bid name. The name of the geographic radius where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The Radius attribute column contains the distance of the radius.
Query Intent CityCITYThe name of a city if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The city is set if the user's intent is a city, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the city.
Query Intent CountryCOUNTRYThe name of a country if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The country is set if the user's intent is related to a country, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the county.
Query Intent CountyTEXTThe name of a county if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The county is set if the user's intent is related to a county, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the county.
Query Intent DMATEXTThe name of a metro area (Nielsen DMA in the United States) if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The metro area is set if the user's intent; is a metro area or city within the metro area, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the metro area.;
Query Intent Location IdTEXTThe location identifier if the user's geographical intent can be determined.
Query Intent NeighborhoodTEXTThe name of a neighborhood if the user's geographical intent can be determined.; The neighborhood is set if the user's intent is related to a neighborhood, and not; necessarily if they are physically located in the neighborhood. For example, the user's; search query was rental cars in Encino.;
Query Intent Postal CodeTEXTThe name of a postal code if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The postal code is set if the user's intent is a postal code, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the postal code.
Query Intent StateTEXTThe name of a state if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The state is set if the user's intent is a state or sub geography of the state, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the state.
RadiusNUMERICThe radius of a radius target bid. The geographic radius where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The ProximityTargetLocation attribute column contains the address or landmark name of the radius.
RevenueNUMERICThe amount of revenue
Revenue per InstallPERCENTThe revenue per install. The formula for calculating the revenue per install is (Revenue / Installs)
Revenue per SalePERCENTThe revenue per sale. The formula for calculating the revenue per sale is (Revenue / Sales)
Revenue Per AssistNUMERICThe revenue per assist. The formula for calculating the RPA is (Revenue / Assists).
SalesNUMERICThe total number of sales.
TEXTThe search term used by your potential audience.
SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
SpendNUMERICThe media spend
StateTEXTThe state where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad.
SummaryTEXTThe report data will be aggregated by the entire specified report time. The report column will be equal in the format 'start_date - end_date'.
Targeting SettingTEXTThis attribute reflects the current value of your ad group's audience targeting setting.; The possible values are 'Target and bid' or 'Bid only'. Target and bid: Show ads only to; people included in the remarketing list, with the option to change the bid amount.; Bid only: Show ads to people searching for your ad, with the option to change the bid; amount for people included in the remarketing list.;
TodayDATEToday's date
Top Impression Rate PercentPERCENTThe percentage of times your ad showed in the mainline, the top placement where ads appear above the search results, out of your total impressions.
Top Impression Lost To BudgetNUMERICTop Impression Lost To Budget
Top Impression Share Lost To Budget PercentPERCENTThe estimated percentage of mainline impressions, where ads appear above the search results, that were lost due to insufficient budget.
Top Impression Share Lost To RankNUMERICTop Impression Share Lost To Rank
Top Impression Share Lost To Rank PercentPERCENTA percentage estimate of how often poor ad rank kept your ad from showing in the mainline, the top ad placements above the search results.
Top Impression Share PercentPERCENTThe percentage of impressions for your ad in the mainline, the top ad placements above the search results, out of the estimated number of mainline impressions you were eligible to receive.
Top ImpressionsNUMERICTop Impressions
Top vs OtherTEXTIndicates whether the ad impression appeared in a top position or elsewhere.; The possible values include AOL search - Top, AOL search - Other, Audience network,; Bing and Yahoo! search - Top, Bing and Yahoo! search - Other, Syndicated search; partners - Top, Syndicated search partners - Other, Content network, and Unknown.;
Total CostNUMERICThe media spend (Duplicate)
Tracking TemplateTEXTThe current tracking template of the ad, keyword, or criterion.
Transaction RevenueNUMERICThe amount of revenue
Average Watch Time Per ImpressionPERCENTTotal video watch time divided by the number of impressions.
Average Watch Time Per Video ViewPERCENTTotal video watch time divided by the number of video views.
Video Completion RateNUMERICThe number of completed video views divided by the number of total video views.
Total Video Watch Time MSNUMERICTotal amount of time a person spent watching the video in milliseconds.
Video ViewsNUMERICThe number of times the video was played and watched for; at least two continuous seconds with more than 50% of the screen in view.;
Video Views Completed (100%)NUMERICNumber of times a person watched the entire video to completion.
Video Views 25%NUMERICThe number of times a person completed at least 25% of a video.
Video Views 50%NUMERICThe number of times a person completed at least 50% of a video.
Video Views 75%NUMERICThe number of times a person completed at least 75% of a video.
View Through ConversionsNUMERICView-through conversions are conversions that people make after they have seen; your ad, even though they did not click the ad.; View-through conversions don't have a click associated but do have an impression; associated within the advertiser defined conversion window. If the user also clicked; on an ad that was delivered via the Microsoft Audience or Search network, there won't; be any view-through conversion counted. Only the click-based conversion would be counted.; View-through conversions are only counted for ads in the Microsoft Audience network.;
View Through RatePERCENTThe number of video views divided by the number of impressions.
View Through RevenueNUMERICThe revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of view-through conversions.
Website CoverageNUMERICA score from 0.0 to 1.0 that indicates the percentage of pages in the; requested language that belong to a particular domain out of all the pages; that Bing has indexed for the same language your website's domain. In other; words coverage is the percentage of webpages that match a category and language; divided by the total number of webpages using the same language in the domain.; For example, if the category US/CA/SFO matches 500 english webpages and US/CA matches; 1,000 english webpages, then the coverage will be 0.50 (50 percent).;
WeekTEXTEach row of the report identifies the week when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each week running from Sunday through Saturday. The time period that contains the date of the Sunday for each week will be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd. NOTE: partial data aggregation for weekly time period is not supported. If the selected dates are not full weeks and the corresponding weekly time period column is requested, the selected dates will be converted to full weeks.
Day of week and day numberTEXTWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
Day of week and day number, ISOTEXTWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
Week ISOTEXTWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
YearTEXTEach row of the report identifies the year when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each year. The time period that contains the year will be formatted as yyyy. NOTE: partial data aggregation for yearly time period is not supported. If the selected dates are not full years and the corresponding yearly time period column is requested, the selected dates will be converted to full years.
YearmonthTEXTYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
Year of weekTEXTThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
Year of week, ISOTEXTThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
Year weekTEXTYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
Year week ISOTEXTYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20

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Build your Bing Ads and Snowflake Integrations