Connect Toggl to Power BI

It doesn’t matter how small or big your business is. Connecting Toggl to Power BI will bring you multiple benefits. With the help of Windsor, you can complete the integration within minutes. Enjoy the convenience of a fast and easy setup devoid of complicated steps and processes.

Connect Toggl to Power BI

Why do I need Toggl and Power BI integration?

Automate numerous workflows between Toggl and Power BI. Reduce the amount of time spent completing tasks and the chances of making errors. Increase employee productivity and enhance your operations for better outcomes.


Client reporting and insights

When Toggl’s time-tracking data is embedded in Power BI, it’s possible to produce comprehensive client reports and insights. Leverage Power BI’s analytical capabilities and give clients detailed reports highlighting performance metrics, utilization of resources, and project progress. Build strong client relationships based on mutual trust.


Compliance and audit trail

Integrate Toggl and Power BI to ensure compliance and sustain an audit trail of activities within Power BI projects. Monitor and determine the time spent on various tasks and demonstrate compliance with internal policies, regulatory requirements, and client agreements. Improve accountability and minimize risks related to project management. 


Benchmarking on performance

Compare time tracking data across Power BI projects or teams. Check key metrics and business processes and determine their performance in comparison to industry standards or competitors. Know the top performers, assess productivity trends and execute best practices to drive constant improvement. Enjoy better outcomes in data analysis projects.


Develop employee skills

Capitalize on Toggle and Power BI integration to formulate training and skill development initiatives. When you assess time-tracking data, you are able to note areas that need extra training or support. Equip your staff with more skills and improve overall team competency. Ensure they can analyze data more effectively and easily navigate Power BI features.


Prioritize and optimize projects

Know which projects to complete first, according to Toggl’s time-tracking insights within Power BI. These can be high-value projects that you can identify by analyzing time data. Allocate resources as needed while ensuring these initiatives align with business goals and objectives.


Manage your projects better

Use time-tracking data to manage projects within Power BI better. Allow your business to track progress, identify setbacks, and distribute resources efficiently. Execute your projects smoothly, promote team collaboration, and ensure you meet deadlines and budgets.



Promote accountability through Toggl and Power BI integration. Enable team members to be accountable by transparently monitoring the time they spend to complete Power BI tasks. Empower the employees to handle their workloads better, synchronize efforts more efficiently and enable them to continuously improve on project implementation and outcomes.


Make decisions driven by data

The insights you get from time tracking can help you make smarter decisions in Power BI projects and drive your business forward. Through data analysis, you are able to determine trends and areas for improvement. Consequently, your business can act swiftly and gain a competitive edge.

How to connect Toggl to Power BI

1. Register

Register or login if you already have an account.

 2. Select your source
You need to select Toggl as a Data Source and Grant Access to

Toggl source

3. Select Destination

Choose Power BI as the destination.


4. Sync your Data
Select the fields on the right, and click on “Get data” from the WEB in Power BI.

Power Bi click on “Get data” from WEB
Then copy the URL in the box below:

copy URL in box


What is Toggl?

Toggl software lets you track the time you spend on various activities. The app works online in a browser, but users can also set it up on computers or mobile phones and monitor time from there. Toggl is efficient and easy to use, making it a favorite among businesses and individuals. It enables users to measure profitability and manage workload while reducing the effort spent on administration activities.

What is Power BI?

Power BI is an online tool that provides robust visualization capabilities to help users make sense of their raw data. It comprises multiple data connectors, apps, and software services used to import data from different sources and transform it into useful reports. This eventually enables users to make informed decisions. Services provided by Power BI are based on SaaS and mobile apps, available for various platforms.

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Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.

Import Toggl data into Power BI and measure what matters