Connect Zendesk Support to Snowflake

Zendesk Field Reference

Stream marketing data from Zendesk Support to Snowflake

Connect Zendesk Support to Snowflake

It is very simple to connect Zendesk Support to Snowflake, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


First Step

Follow the Tutorial Below:

  1. Add all the columns that are returned by your connector’s URL. 
  2. Create the WINDSOR_UPLOAD role (name has no importance) 
  3. Create a user and add the previously created role to that user 
  4. Grant rights to the DATABASE to the created user 
  5. Grand the rights to the destination table 
  6. Get the required fields from Snowflake to use the Snowflake destination in Onboard Form
  • Get the username 
  • Get the password 
  • Get the account 
  • Get the warehouse 
  • Get the database 
  • Get the schema 
  • Get the table name 


Second step

1.You need to select Zendesk Support as a Data Source and Grant Access to

Zendesk Support Onboarding


2. In Select Destination select Snowflake as destination

snowflake integration


3. Enter all the credentials required and click Save

4.Your data will now be streamed to Snowflake. In case there is an error you will be notified.

Zendesk Support metrics and dimensions available for streaming into Snowflake

Connect your data


Agent Wait Time In Minutes (business)NUMERICNumber of minutes the agent spent waiting during calendar and business hours
Agent Wait Time In Minutes (calendar)NUMERICNumber of minutes the agent spent waiting during calendar and business hours
Allow AttachmentsBOOLEANPermission for agents to add add attachments to a comment. Defaults to true.
Allow ChannelbackBOOLEANIs false if channelback is disabled, true otherwise. Only applicable for channels framework ticket.
Assigned AtDATEWhen the ticket was assigned
Assignee EmailTEXTWrite only. The email address of the agent to assign the ticket to.
Assignee IDTEXTThe agent currently assigned to the ticket.
Assignee StationsNUMERICNumber of assignees the ticket had
Assignee Updated AtDATEWhen the assignee last updated the ticket
Attribute Value IDsTEXTWrite only. An array of the IDs of attribute values to be associated with the ticket.
Brand IDTEXTEnterprise only. The id of the brand this ticket is associated with.
Collaborator IDsTEXTThe ids of users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
CollaboratorsTEXTPOST requests only. Users to add as cc's when creating a ticket.
CommentTEXTWrite only. An object that adds a comment to the ticket.
Created AtDATEWhen this record was created.
Custom FieldsTEXTCustom fields for the ticket.
Custom Status IDTEXTThe custom ticket status id of the ticket.
Custom Status Updated AtDATEThe date and time the ticket's custom status was last updated
Data SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
DateDATEAlias for Created At.
Day of monthTEXTDay of the month
DescriptionTEXTRead-only first comment on the ticket. When creating a ticket, use comment to set the description.
Due AtDATEIf this is a ticket of type task it has a due date.
Email cc IDsTEXTThe ids of agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Email ccsTEXTWrite only. An array of objects that represent agent or end users email CCs to add or delete from the ticket.
External IDTEXTAn id you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records.
First Resolution Time in Minutes (business)NUMERICNumber of minutes to the first resolution time during calendar and business hours
First Resolution Time in Minutes (calendar)NUMERICNumber of minutes to the first resolution time during calendar and business hours
Follower IDsTEXTThe ids of agents currently following the ticket.
FollowersTEXTWrite only. An array of objects that represent agent followers to add or delete from the ticket.
Followup IDsTEXTThe ids of the followups created from this ticket. Ids are only visible once the ticket is closed.
Forum Topic IDTEXTThe topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from, if any. The Web portal is deprecated.
From Messaging ChannelBOOLEANIf true, the ticket's via type is a messaging channel.
Full Resolution Time in Minutes (business)NUMERICNumber of minutes to the first resolution time during calendar and business hours
Full Resolution Time in Minutes (calendar)NUMERICNumber of minutes to the first resolution time during calendar and business hours
Group IDTEXTThe group this ticket is assigned to.
Has IncidentsBOOLEANIs true if a ticket is a problem type and has one or more incidents linked to it. Otherwise, the value is false.
IDTEXTAutomatically assigned when the ticket is created.
Initially Assigned AtDATEWhen the ticket was initially assigned
Is PublicBOOLEANIs true if any comments are public, false otherwise.
Macro IDTEXTWrite only. A macro ID to be recorded in the ticket audit.
Macro IDsTEXTPOST requests only. List of macro IDs to be recorded in the ticket audit.
MetadataTEXTWrite only. Metadata for the audit. In the audit object, the data is specified in the custom property of the metadata object.
MonthTEXTNumber of the month
Organization IDTEXTThe organization of the requester. You can only specify the ID of an organization associated with the requester.
PriorityTEXTThe urgency with which the ticket should be addressed. Allowed values are urgent, high, normal, or low.
Problem IDTEXTFor tickets of type incident, the ID of the problem the incident is linked to.
Raw SubjectTEXTThe dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the subject value, if not.
RecipientTEXTThe original recipient e-mail address of the ticket. Notification emails for the ticket are sent from this address.
ReopensNUMERICTotal number of times the ticket was reopened.
RepliesNUMERICThe number of public replies added to a ticket by an agent
Reply Time in Minutes (business)NUMERICNumber of minutes to the first reply during calendar and business hourss
Reply Time in Minutes (calendar)NUMERICNumber of minutes to the first reply during calendar and business hours
Reply Time in Seconds (business)NUMERICNumber of seconds to the first reply during calendar and business hourss
Reply Time in Seconds (calendar)NUMERICNumber of seconds to the first reply during calendar and business hours
RequesterTEXTWrite only.
Requester IDTEXTThe user who requested this ticket.
Safe UpdateBOOLEANWrite only. Optional boolean. Prevents updates with outdated ticket data (updated_stamp property required when true).
Satisfaction RatingTEXTThe satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction, offered or unoffered. The value is null for plan types that don't support CSAT.
Sharing Agreement IDsTEXTThe ids of the sharing agreements used for this ticket.
Solved AtDATEWhen the ticket was solved.
SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
StatusTEXTThe state of the ticket. Allowed values are new, open, pending, hold, solved, or closed.
Staus Updated AtDATEWhen the status of the ticket was last updated
SubjectTEXTThe value of the subject field for this ticket.
Submitter IDTEXTThe user who submitted the ticket. The submitter always becomes the author of the first comment on the ticket.
TagsOBJECTThe array of tags applied to this ticket.
Ticket Form IDTEXTEnterprise only. The id of the ticket form to render for the ticket.
TodayDATEToday's date
TypeTEXTThe type of this ticket. Allowed values are problem, incident, question, or task.
Updated AtDATEWhen this record last got updated.
Updated StampDATEWrite only. Datetime of last update received from API.
URLTEXTThe API url of this ticket.
ViaTEXTFor more information, see the Via object reference
Via Followup Source IDTEXTPOST requests only. The id of a closed ticket when creating a follow-up ticket.
Via IDTEXTFor more information, see the Via object reference
Voice CommentTEXTWrite only. See Creating voicemail ticket.
WeekTEXTWeek (Sun-Sat).
Day of week and day numberTEXTWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
Day of week and day number, ISOTEXTWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
Week ISOTEXTWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
YearmonthTEXTYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
Year of weekTEXTThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
Year of week, ISOTEXTThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
Year weekTEXTYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
Year week ISOTEXTYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20

Easily connect Zendesk Support to Snowflake

See the value and return on every marketing touchpoint

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Providing 70+ marketing data streams, we make sure that all the data we integrate is fresh and accessible by marketers, whenever they want.


Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.

Build your Zendesk Support and Snowflake Integrations