GitHub Connector GitHub connector efficiently transfers data to destinations like spreadsheets, databases, and data analytics tools. The connector is easy to use and delivers data integration within minutes. No coding is required.

About GitHub

GitHub is the world’s largest source code repository. It allows developers to build, store, and manage code from one platform. The most important feature of GitHub could easily be getting feedback about the code from other users. With AI integrations, GitHub empowers rapid software development and enhances developer productivity. GitHub is available in personal and enterprise plans. Individual developers and large organizations get access to the same repository. The features available to individual developers are different from those accessed by enterprises.

GitHub Connector

Start analyzing your GitHub data in minutes

Do you plan to connect and visualize your GitHub in data visualisation, data storage, data warehouse or BI tool?

Follow the Tutorial Below:


Step 1:

You need to select GitHub as a Data Source and grant access to

Step 2:

Select the fields on the right to later use in your data source. For example, you can include metrics such as Cost per Click, Cost per Action or Total Spend.



Step 3:

Select a destination to get GitHub data into

select destination

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Data Destinations for GitHub

Detailed Information About GitHub

GitHub is an important resource for software developers. It offers the Git software that developers use to manage any code hosted on GitHub. Using Git, the developers can manage access to the code, receive contributions and feedback on the code, and even manage different versions of the same code. The ability to share code with other software developers for the purpose of obtaining feedback or collaboration in code development is one of the major reasons why GitHub continues to enjoy a huge user base. The community of software developers is also a major reason why new users take an interest in GitHub when compared to other similar platforms.


GitHub has social media-like features that generate rich data about a developer’s code. The data comes from interactions with other developers. The features allow the developer to receive feeds about the code. The followers’ feature allows the developer to connect with other developers who take an interest in the project or who are working on similar projects. As such, the developer gets contributions from people who are likely to give new ideas to the project. Additionally, GitHub wikis are useful when the developer is keen on developing ideas about the code.


GitHub has continued to develop its capabilities. Recent advancements in GitHub include AI-powered code analysis capabilities. With AI, developers on GitHub can easily and quickly get feedback and insights about their code. AI simplifies tasks such as finding bugs or issues in the code. The feature is also useful in obtaining insights before testing the code. The implication is that GitHub contributes to faster development and more accurate coding.


How much does it cost to integrate GitHub with

The pricing of the GitHub connector is based on the volume of your activity. Windsor considers the number of data sources you intend to connect, users, data destinations, and accounts. The pricing is transparent and carefully considered to match your needs. Visit for more pricing information.


Why do people use to integrate GitHub data?

  1. offers a hassle-free data connector that is fast and easy to use.
  2. Setting up the connector is seamless, allowing you more time to focus on data insights.
  3. With’s dataflow automation, you can customize your data to suit your analytics needs.


How long does it take to connect GitHub to the data destination?

With connector, you export data from GitHub to any data destination in about 5 minutes.

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Providing 50+ marketing data streams, we make sure that all the data we integrate is fresh and accessible by marketers, whenever they want.


Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.

Integrate GitHub data and measure what matters