Table of contents
In this article, you’ll be able to find information and answers to the data structure. After setting up our platform, you’ll have access to the data through a dashboard or through the API. Below, you’ll find all the tables, their columns and metrics we make available in our dashboards or through the API.
For more information on the API please refer to our API documentation.
Attributions and costs
The attribution and costs table is, as the name implies a table which contains all the information about the conversions joined with the costs from the respective channels. The name of the attributions and costs table is [yourcustomername]_attributions_and_costs
The attributions and costs table contains the following fields:
Column Name | Verbose Name (in Dashboard) | Type | Description | Applicable for |
ad_product_group | Group | TEXT | Product Group Google Shopping) | Google Shopping |
countbiddingstrategytype | NUMERIC | Count of Bidding Strategy Type | ||
placement | TEXT | Placement Name | Google Analytics 360 or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM | |
creative | TEXT | Creative Name | Google Analytics 360 or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM | |
productgroup | TEXT | Product Group | ||
landingpageexp | DOUBLE PRECISION | Landing Page Experience Score | Google Ads Bing | |
searchtopis | REAL | Search Top Impression Share | Google Ads Bing | |
searchabstopis | REAL | Search Absolute Top Impression Share | Google Ads Bing | |
imprtop | REAL | Impressions Top | Google Ads Bing | |
imprabstop | REAL | Impressions Absolute Top | Google Ads Bing | |
adgroup | TEXT | Ad Group | Google Ads Bing | |
matchtype | TEXT | Matchtype | Google Ads Bing | |
status | TEXT | Status of ad (can be enabled or disabled) | Google Ads Bing | |
displayurl | TEXT | Display URL | Google Ads Bing | |
destinationurl | TEXT | Destination URL | Google Ads Bing | |
channelgrouping | TEXT | Custom Channel Grouping | Google Ads Bing | |
maxcpc | REAL | Max CPC bid | Google Ads Bing | |
avgcpc | REAL | Average CPC | Google Ads Bing | |
firstpagecpc | REAL | First Page CPC bid | Google Ads Bing | |
firstpositioncpc | REAL | First Position CPC bid | Google Ads Bing | |
clickstoconversion | REAL | Clicks which contributed to conversions | ||
impressionstoconversion | REAL | Impressions which contributed to conversions | ||
headline2 | TEXT | Headline 2 | Google Ads Bing | |
totalcost | Cost | REAL | Spend | |
type | Conversion type / Country | TEXT | Conversion type name (eCommerce Transaction or Goal Name) | |
keyword | TEXT | Keyword | Google Ads Bing Facebook (used for ad name) | |
date | Date | TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE | Date | |
source | Source | TEXT | Source or Site | |
medium | Medium | TEXT | Medium | |
campaign | Campaign | TEXT | Campaign | |
markov | Attributed conversions | REAL | Data-Driven Attributed Conversions | |
first_touch | First touch | REAL | First Touch Conversions | |
reportedgoalcompletions | Reported goal completions | REAL | Platform Reported Goal Completions | |
last_touch_value | Last touch attributed revenue | REAL | Last Touch Conversion Value | |
markov_value | Attributed revenue | REAL | Data-Driven Attributed Conversion Value | |
last_touch | Last touch | REAL | Last Touch Conversions | |
first_touch_value | First touch attributed revenue | REAL | First Touch Conversion Value | |
clicks | REAL | Clicks | ||
impressions | REAL | Impressions | ||
viewableimpressions | REAL | Viewable Impressions | Google Ads Bing | |
exactmatchis | REAL | Exact Match Impression Share | Google Ads Bing | |
searchis | REAL | Search Impression Share | Google Ads Bing | |
searchlostisrank | REAL | Search Lost Impression Share because of Rank | Google Ads Bing | |
optimisation_message | TEXT | Optimisation suggestion | ||
bouncerate | REAL | Bounce Rate | Google Ads Bing | |
avgposition | REAL | Average Position | Google Ads Bing | |
adrelevance | DOUBLE PRECISION | Ad Relevance | ||
contentlostisbudget | REAL | Content Impression Share Lost because of budget | Google Ads Bing | |
searchlostisbudget | REAL | Search Impression Share lost because of budget | Google Ads Bing | |
contentis | REAL | Content Impression Share | Google Ads Bing | |
contentlostisrank | REAL | Content Impression Share lost because of rank | Google Ads Bing | |
qualityscore | Quality Score (1-10) | DOUBLE PRECISION | Quality Score | Google Ads Bing |
channelgroup | Channel group | Custom Channel Group | ||
adcontent | Content | TEXT | Ad Content | Google Ads Bing |
adgroupid | TEXT | Ad Group ID | Google Ads | |
keywordid | TEXT | Keyword ID | Google Ads | |
accountid | TEXT | Account ID | Google Ads | |
countaccountid | NUMERIC | Count of Account ID’s | ||
expectedctr | DOUBLE PRECISION | Expected Click-through rate | Google Ads Bing | |
topofpagecpc | REAL | Top of page CPC | Google Ads | |
adwordsnetwork | TEXT | Adwords Network | Google Ads | |
countadwordsnetwork | NUMERIC | Count of Adwords Network | Google Ads | |
device | TEXT | Device Type | Google Ads Bing | |
countdevice | NUMERIC | Device Count | Google Ads | |
adwordskeyword | TEXT | Keyword | Google Ads | |
countadgroup | NUMERIC | Count of Ad Groups | Google Ads | |
label | TEXT | Google Ads Label | Google Ads Bing | |
countlabel | NUMERIC | Count of Google Ads Label | Google Ads | |
countmatchtype | NUMERIC | Count of matchtype | Google Ads | |
countstatus | NUMERIC | Count of status | Google Ads | |
countheadline2 | NUMERIC | Count of headline 2 | Google Ads Bing | |
countdisplayurl | NUMERIC | Count of display URL’s | Google Ads Bing | |
countdestinationurl | NUMERIC | Count of destination URL’s | Google Ads Bing | |
countproductgroup | REAL | Count of ad product group | Google Ads Bing | |
adid | TEXT | Google Ads Ad Id | Google Ads | |
countadid | NUMERIC | Count of Google Ads Ad ID | Google Ads | |
countadgroupid | NUMERIC | Count of Adgroup ID | Google Ads | |
countkeywordid | NUMERIC | Count of Keyword ID | Google Ads | |
campaignid | TEXT | Campaign ID | Google Ads | |
countcampaignid | NUMERIC | Count of Campaign ID | Google Ads | |
reportedgoalallcompletions | REAL | Platform reported Goal Completions | ||
productgroupl2 | Product Group L2 | TEXT | Google Ads Product Group L2 | Google Ads |
biddingstrategytype | BiddingStrategyType | TEXT | Bidding Strategy Type | Google Ads Bing |
The conversions table contains the conversion journeys before they are modelled. This table provides the opportunity to gain customer journey information on a goal completion or transaction level.
The attributions and costs table contains the following fields:
Column | Type | Description | Applicable for |
type | TEXT | Conversion type name (eCommerce Transaction or Goal Name) | |
sourcepath | TEXT | Source or site path to conversion | Google Analytics or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM |
mediumpath | TEXT | Medium path to conversion | Google Analytics or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM |
campaignpath | TEXT | Campaign path to conversion | Google Analytics or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM |
keywordpath | TEXT | Keyword path to conversion | Google Analytics or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM |
adwordsadcontentpath | TEXT | Adwords ad content path to conversion | Google Analytics or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM |
placementpath | TEXT | Placement path to conversion | Google Analytics 360 or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM |
creativepath | TEXT | Creative path to conversion | Google Analytics 360 or Google Campaign Manager/ DCM |
dayslag | REAL | Count of days from first interaction to conversion | |
totalconversions | REAL | Count of conversions | |
totalnotconversions | REAL | Count of non-conversions | |
totalconversionvalue | REAL | Sum of conversion value | |
totalnotconversionvalue | REAL | Sum of non-conversion value | |
adwordsadgrouppath | TEXT | Google Ads ad group path | |
channelgroupingpath | TEXT | Custom channel-group path | |
adwordscreativeidpath | TEXT | Google Ads creative ID path | |
transactionid | REAL | eCommerce Transaction ID | Google Analytics eCommerce Transactions |