Connect HubSpot to Snowflake

snowflake hubspot integration

Stream contact, customer, lead, deal, pipeline and contract data from HubSpot to Snowflake

Connect Hubspot to Snowflake in 2023

It is very simple to connect HubSpot to Snowflake, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


First Step

Follow the Tutorial Below:

  1. Add all the columns that are returned by your connector’s URL. 
  2. Create the WINDSOR_UPLOAD role (name has no importance) 
  3. Create a user and add the previously created role to that user 
  4. Grant rights to the DATABASE to the created user 
  5. Grand the rights to the destination table 
  6. Get the required fields from Snowflake to use the Snowflake destination in Onboard Form
  • Get the username 
  • Get the password 
  • Get the account 
  • Get the warehouse 
  • Get the database 
  • Get the schema 
  • Get the table name 


Second step

1.You need to select Hubspot as a Data Source and Grant Access to

hubspot looker studio integration


2. In Select Destination select Snowflake as destination

snowflake integration


3. Enter all the credentials required and click Save

4. Your data will now be streamed from Linkedin Ads to Snowflake. In case there is an error you will be notified.

HubSpot metrics and dimensions available for streaming into Snowflake

Connect your data


Account IDTEXTYour Hubspot account ID
Account NameTEXTYour Hubspot account name
Contact Company Name (Alias)TEXTAlias for contact_company
Company About UsTEXTShort about-company
Company Street AddressTEXTThe street address of the company or organization, including unit number. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Street Address 2TEXTThe additional address of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Annual RevenueNUMERICThe actual or estimated annual revenue of the company. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company CityCITYThe city where the company is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Close DateTIMESTAMPThe date the company or organization was closed as a customer
Company Country/RegionCOUNTRYThe country/region in which the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Create DateTIMESTAMPThe date the company or organization was added to the database
Company Days to CloseNUMERICThe number of days between when the company record was created and when they closed as a customer.
Company DescriptionTEXTA short statement about the company's mission and goals. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Domain NameTEXTThe domain name of the company or organization
Company Date of last meeting booked in meetings toolTIMESTAMPThe date of the most recent meeting an associated contact has booked through the meetings tool.
Company Campaign of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which marketing campaign (e.g. a specific email) referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Company Medium of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which channel (e.g. email) referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Company Source of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which site (e.g. Twitter) referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Company Facebook Company PageTEXTThe URL of the Facebook company page for the company or organization
Company Facebook FansNUMERICNumber of facebook fans
Company First Contact Create DateTIMESTAMPThe date that the first contact from this company entered the system, which could pre-date the company's create date
Company First Conversion DateTIMESTAMPThe first conversion date across all contacts associated this company or organization
Company First ConversionTEXTThe first form submitted across all contacts associated this company or organization
Company First Deal Created DateTIMESTAMPThe create date of the first deal associated with this company record.
Company Year FoundedTEXTThe year the company was created. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Google Plus PageTEXTThe URL of the Google Plus page for the company or organization
Company Time First SeenTIMESTAMPThe first activity for any contact associated with this company or organization
Company First Touch Converting CampaignTEXTThe campaign responsible for the first touch creation of the first contact associated with this company
Company Time of First SessionTIMESTAMPTime of first session across all contacts associated with this company or organization
Company Time Last SeenTIMESTAMPTime last seen across all contacts associated with this company or organization
Company Last Touch Converting CampaignTEXTThe campaign responsible for the last touch creation of the first contact associated with this company
Company Time of Last SessionTIMESTAMPTime of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company record.
Company Number of PageviewsNUMERICTotal number of page views across all contacts associated with this company or organization
Company Number of SessionsNUMERICTotal number of sessions across all contacts associated with this company or organization
Company Original Source TypeTEXTOriginal source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization
Company Original Source Data 1TEXTAdditional information about the original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization
Company Original Source Data 2TEXTAdditional information about the original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization
Company object create date/timeTIMESTAMPThe date and time at which this object was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Company Ideal Customer Profile TierTEXTThis property shows how well a Company matches your Ideal Customer Profile. Companies that are Tier 1 should be a great fit for your products/services where Tier 3 might be acceptable, but low priority
Company Target AccountBOOLEANThe Target Account property identifies the companies that you are marketing and selling to as part of your account-based strategy.
Company Last Booked Meeting DateTIMESTAMPThe last date of booked meetings associated with the company
Company Last Logged Call DateTIMESTAMPThe last date of logged calls associated with the company
Company Last Open Task DateTIMESTAMPThe last due date of open tasks associated with the company
Company Last Engagement DateTIMESTAMPThe last time a contact engaged with your site or a form, document, meetings link, or tracked email. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts.
Company Last Modified DateTIMESTAMPMost recent timestamp of any property update for this company. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
Company Lead StatusTEXTThe company's sales, prospecting or outreach status
Company Number of blockersNUMERICThe number of contacts associated with this company with the role of blocker.
Company Number of child companiesNUMERICThe number of child companies of this company
Company Number of contacts with a buying roleNUMERICThe number of contacts associated with this company with a buying role.
Company Number of decision makersNUMERICThe number of contacts associated with this company with the role of decision maker.
Company Number of open dealsNUMERICThe number of open deals associated with this company.
Company IDNUMERICThe unique ID for this company. This unique ID is automatically populated by HubSpot and cannot be changed.
Parent CompanyNUMERICThe parent company of this company
Company Likelihood to closeNUMERICThe highest probability that a contact associated with this company will become a customer within the next 90 days. This score is based on standard contact properties and behavior.
Company Total open deal valueNUMERICThe total value, in your company's currency, of all open deals associated with this company
Company Owner Assigned DateTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when an owner was assigned to this company
Company ownerTEXTThe owner of the company
Company HubSpot TeamTEXTThe team of the owner of the company.
Company IndustryTEXTThe type of business the company performs. By default, this property has approximately 150 pre-defined options to select from. While these options cannot be deleted as they used by HubSpot Insights, you can add new custom options to meet your needs.
Company Is PublicBOOLEANIndicates that the company is publicly traded. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Lifecycle StageTEXTThe most advanced lifecycle stage across all contacts associated with this company or organization
LinkedIn Company PageTEXTThe URL of the LinkedIn company page for the company or organization
Company LinkedIn BioTEXTThe LinkedIn bio for the company or organization
Company Name (Duplicate)TEXTThe name of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Last ContactedTIMESTAMPThe last timestamp when a call, email or meeting was logged for a contact at this company.
Company Last Activity DateTIMESTAMPThe last time a note, call, meeting, or task was logged for a company. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the company record.
Company Next Activity DateTIMESTAMPThe date of the next upcoming scheduled sales activity for this company record.
Company Associated ContactsNUMERICThe number of contacts associated with this company
Company Associated DealsNUMERICThe number of deals associated with this company
Company Number of times contactedNUMERICThe number of times a call, email or meeting was logged for this company
Company Number of Form SubmissionsNUMERICThe number of forms submission for all contacts associated with this company or organization
Company Number of EmployeesNUMERICThe total number of employees who work for the company or organization
Company HubSpot Owner EmailTEXTHubSpot owner email for this company or organization
Company HubSpot Owner NameTEXTHubSpot owner name for this company or organization
Company Phone NumberTEXTA company's primary phone number. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Recent Conversion DateTIMESTAMPThe most recent conversion date across all contacts associated this company or organization
Company Recent ConversionTEXTThe last form submitted across all contacts associated this company or organization
Company Recent Deal AmountNUMERICThe amount of the last deal closed
Company Recent Deal Close DateTIMESTAMPThe date of the last `closed won` deal associated with this company record.
Company State/RegionREGIONThe state or region in which the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Time ZoneTEXTThe time zone where the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Total Money RaisedTEXTThe total amount of money raised by the company. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Total RevenueNUMERICThe total amount of closed won deals
Company Twitter BioTEXTThe Twitter bio of the company or organization
Company Twitter FollowersNUMERICThe number of Twitter followers of the company or organization
Company Twitter HandleTEXTThe main twitter account of the company or organization
Company TypeTEXTThe optional classification of this company record - prospect, partner, etc.
Company Web TechnologiesTEXTThe web technologies used by the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Website URLTEXTThe main website of the company or organization. This property is used to identify unique companies. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Company Postal CodeTEXTThe postal or zip code of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.
Contact Street AddressTEXTA contact's street address, including apartment or unit #
Contact Annual RevenueTEXTAnnual company revenue
Contact CityCITYA contact's city of residence
Contact Close DateTIMESTAMPThe date that a contact became a customer. This property is set automatically by HubSpot when a deal or opportunity is marked as closed-won. It can also be set manually or programmatically.
Contact Company NameTEXTThe name of the contact's company. This is separate from the Name property of the contact's associated company and can be set independently.
Contact Company sizeTEXTA contact's company size. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact Country/RegionCOUNTRYThe contact's country/region of residence. This might be set via import, form, or integration.
Contact Create DateTIMESTAMPThe date that a contact entered the system
Contact Currently in workflowTEXTIf the contact is currently enrolled in any workflow
Contact Date of birthTEXTA contact's date of birth. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact Days To CloseNUMERICThe days that elapsed from when a contact was created until they closed as a customer. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact DegreeTEXTA contact's degree. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced to via Lead Ads tool
Contact EmailTEXTA contact's email address
Contact date of last meeting booked in meetings toolTIMESTAMPThe date of the most recent meeting a contact has booked through the meetings tool.
Contact Campaign of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which marketing campaign (e.g. a specific email) referred the contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Contact Medium of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which channel (e.g. email) referred the contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Contact Source of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which site (e.g. Twitter) referred the contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Contact Fax NumberTEXTA contact's primary fax number
Contact Field of studyTEXTA contact's field of study. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact First Conversion DateTIMESTAMPThe date this contact first submitted a form
Contact First ConversionTEXTThe first form this contact submitted
Contact First Deal Created DateTIMESTAMPThe date the first deal for a contact was created. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact First NameTEXTA contact's first name
Contact Follower CountNUMERICThe number of Twitter followers a contact has
Contact GenderTEXT
Contact Graduation dateTEXTA contact's graduation date. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact Average PageviewsNUMERICThe average number of pages a contact sees. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact First Referring SiteTEXTThe first website that referred a contact to your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Time First SeenTIMESTAMPThe first time a contact has been seen. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact First Touch Converting CampaignTEXTThe campaign responsible for the first touch creation of this contact
Contact First Page SeenTEXTThe first page a contact saw on your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact time of First SessionTIMESTAMPThe first time a contact visited your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Last Referring SiteTEXTThe last website that referred a contact to your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Time Last SeenTIMESTAMPThe last time and date a contact has viewed a page on your website.
Contact Last Touch Converting CampaignTEXTThe campaign responsible for the last touch creation of this contact
Contact Last Page SeenTEXTThe last page a contact saw on your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact time of Last SessionTIMESTAMPThe last time and date a contact visited your website.
Contact Number of event completionsNUMERICThe sum of all events a contact has experienced. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Number of PageviewsNUMERICThe sum of all pages a contact has seen on your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Number of SessionsNUMERICThe sum of all sessions a contact has made to your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Event RevenueNUMERICEvent revenue can be set on a contact though HubSpot's enterprise Events.
Contact Original SourceTEXTFirst known source the contact used to find your website. Set automatically, but may be updated manually.
Contact Original Source Drill-Down 1TEXTAdditional information about the source through which a contact first found your website. This property is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Original Source Drill-Down 2TEXTAdditional information about the source through which a contact first found your website. This property is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Buying RoleTEXTThe role that a contact plays during the sales process. Contacts can have more than one role, and they can share the same role with another contact.
Contact Email ConfirmedBOOLEANEmail Confirmation status of user of Content Membership
Contact Membership NotesTEXTThe notes relating to the contact's content membership.
Contact Registered AtTIMESTAMPDatetime at which this user was set up for Content Membership
Contact Domain to which registration email was sentTEXTDomain to which the registration invitation email for Content Membership was sent to
Contact Time registration email was sentTIMESTAMPDatetime at which this user was sent a registration invitation email for Content Membership
Contact StatusTEXTThe status of the contact's content membership.
Contact Object create date/timeTIMESTAMPThe date and time at which this object was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Contact Invalid email addressBOOLEANThe email address associated with this contact is invalid.
Contact Marketing emails bouncedNUMERICThe number of marketing emails that bounced for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Marketing emails clickedNUMERICThe number of marketing emails which have had link clicks for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Email address quarantine reasonTEXTThe reason why the email address has been quarantined.
Contact Marketing emails deliveredNUMERICThe number of marketing emails delivered for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Email DomainTEXTA contact's email address domain
Contact First marketing email click dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the earliest link click for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Concat first marketing email open dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the earliest open for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact First marketing email reply dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the earliest reply for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact first marketing email send dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the earliest delivery for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Email hard bounce reasonTEXTThe issue that caused a contact to hard bounce from your emails. If this is an error or a temporary issue, you can unbounce this contact from the contact record.
Contact last marketing email click dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the most recent link click for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Last marketing email nameTEXTThe name of the last marketing email sent to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Last marketing email open dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the most recent open for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Last marketing email reply dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the latest reply for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Contac last marketing email send dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the most recent delivery for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Marketing emails openedNUMERICThe number of marketing emails opened for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Unsubscribed from all emailBOOLEANIndicates that the current email address has opted out of all email.
Contact Email Address QuarantinedBOOLEANIndicates that the current email address has been quarantined for anti-abuse reasons and any marketing email sends to it will be blocked. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Email address automated quarantine reasonTEXTThe automated reason why the email address has been quarantined.
Contact Marketing emails repliedNUMERICThe number of marketing emails replied to by the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Sends Since Last EngagementNUMERICThe number of marketing emails that have been sent to the current email address since the last engagement (open or link click). This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Marketing email confirmation statusTEXTThe status of a contact's eligibility to receive marketing email. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Facebook click idTEXT
Contact Last NPS survey commentTEXTLast NPS survey comment that this contact gave
Contact Last NPS survey ratingTEXTLast NPS survey rating that this contact gave
Contact Last NPS survey dateTIMESTAMPThe time that this contact last submitted a NPS survey response. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
Contact Google ad click idTEXT
Contact IP TimezoneTEXTThe timezone reported by a contact's IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact unworkedBOOLEANContact has not been assigned or has not been engaged after last owner assignment/re-assignment
Contact Preferred languageTEXTSet your contact's preferred language for communications. This property can be changed from an import, form, or integration.
Contact Last Engagement DateTIMESTAMPThe last time a contact engaged with your site or a form, document, meetings link, or tracked email. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts.
Contact Last sequence ended dateTIMESTAMPThe last sequence ended date.
Contact Last sequence enrolledNUMERICThe last sequence enrolled.
Contact Last sequence enrolled dateTIMESTAMPThe last sequence enrolled date.
Contact Lead StatusTEXTThe contact's sales, prospecting or outreach status
TEXTLegal basis for processing contact's data; 'Not applicable' will exempt the contact from GDPR protections
Contact Became a Customer DateTIMESTAMPThe date when a contact's lifecycle stage changed to Customer. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Became an Evangelist DateTIMESTAMPThe date when a contact's lifecycle stage changed to Evangelist. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Became a Lead DateTIMESTAMPThe date when a contact's lifecycle stage changed to Lead. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Became a Marketing Qualified Lead DateTIMESTAMPThe date when a contact's lifecycle stage changed to MQL. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Became an Opportunity DateTIMESTAMPThe date when a contact's lifecycle stage changed to Opportunity. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Became an Other Lifecycle DateTIMESTAMPThe date when a contact's lifecycle stage changed to Other. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Became a Sales Qualified Lead DateTIMESTAMPThe date when a contact's lifecycle stage changed to SQL. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Became a Subscriber DateTIMESTAMPThe date when a contact's lifecycle stage changed to Subscriber. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Marketing contact status source nameTEXTThe ID of the activity that set the contact as a marketing contact
Contact Marketing contact status source typeTEXTThe type of the activity that set the contact as a marketing contact
Contact Marketing contact statusTEXTThe marketing status of a contact
Contact Marketing contact until next updateTEXTSpecifies if this contact will be set as non-marketing on renewal
Contact ID (HubSpot)TEXTThe unique ID for this contact. This unique ID is automatically populated by HubSpot and cannot be changed.
Contact PersonaTEXTA contact's persona
Contact Predictive Lead ScoreNUMERICA score calculated by HubSpot that represents a contact's likelihood to become a customer
Contact Likelihood to closeNUMERICThe probability that a contact will become a customer within the next 90 days. This score is based on standard contact properties and behavior.
Contact Lead RatingTEXTThe rating of this contact based on their predictive lead score
Contact priorityTEXTA ranking system of contacts evenly assigned into four tiers. Contacts in tier one are more likely to become customers than contacts in tier four.
Contact Recent Sales Email Clicked DateTIMESTAMPThe last time a tracked sales email was clicked by this user
Contact Recent Sales Email Opened DateTIMESTAMPThe last time a tracked sales email was opened by this contact. This property does not update for emails that were sent to more than one contact.
Contact Recent Sales Email Replied DateTIMESTAMPThe last time a tracked sales email was replied to by this user. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
Contact Number of sequences enrolledNUMERICThe number of sequences enrolled.
Contact Currently in SequenceBOOLEANA yes/no field that indicates whether the contact is currently in a Sequence.
Contact Facebook ClicksNUMERICThe number clicks on links shared on Facebook
Contact Google Plus ClicksNUMERICThe number clicks on links shared on Google Plus
Contact Most Recent Social ClickTIMESTAMPThe date of the most recent click on a published social message. This is set automatically by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact LinkedIn ClicksNUMERICThe number clicks on links shared on LinkedIn
Contact Broadcast ClicksNUMERICThe number of clicks on published social messages. This is set automatically by HubSpot for each contact.
Contact Twitter ClicksNUMERICThe number of times a contact clicked on links you shared on Twitter through HubSpot. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation.
Contact Time between contact creation and deal closeNUMERIC
Contact Time between contact creation and deal creationNUMERIC
Contact Time to move from lead to customerNUMERIC How long it takes for a contact to move from the HubSpot lead stage to the HubSpot customer stage.
Contact Time to move from marketing qualified lead to customerNUMERIC How long it takes for a contact to move from the HubSpot marketing qualified lead stage to the HubSpot customer stage.
Contact Time to move from opportunity to customerNUMERIC How long it takes for a contact to move from the HubSpot opportunity stage to the HubSpot customer stage.
Contact Time to move from sales qualified lead to customerNUMERIC How long it takes for a contact to move from the HubSpot sales qualified lead stage to the HubSpot customer stage.
Contact Time to move from subscriber to customerNUMERIC How long it takes for a contact to move from the HubSpot subscriber stage to the HubSpot customer stage.
Contact Owner Assigned DateTIMESTAMPThe most recent date a HubSpot Owner was assigned to a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact ownerTEXTThe owner of a contact. This can be any HubSpot user or Salesforce integration user, and can be set manually or via Workflows.
Contact HubSpot TeamTEXTThe team of the owner of a contact.
Contact HubSpot ScoreNUMERICThe number that shows qualification of contacts to sales readiness. It can be set in HubSpot's Lead Scoring app.
Contact IndustryTEXTThe industry a contact is in
Contact IP CityCITYThe city reported by a contact's IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact IP CountryCOUNTRYThe country reported by a contact's IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact IP Country CodeCOUNTRYThe country code reported by a contact's IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact IP State/RegionREGIONThe state or region reported by a contact's IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact IP State Code/Region CodeTEXTThe state code or region code reported by a contact's IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact Job functionTEXTA contact's job function. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact Job TitleTEXTA contact's job title
Contact Klout ScoreNUMERICA contact's Klout score, a measure of Internet influence
Contact Last Modified DateTIMESTAMPThe date any property on this contact was modified
Contact Last NameTEXTA contact's last name
Contact Lifecycle StageTEXTThe qualification of contacts to sales readiness. It can be set through imports, forms, workflows, and manually on a per contact basis.
Contact LinkedIn BioTEXTA contact's LinkedIn bio
Contact LinkedIn ConnectionsNUMERICHow many LinkedIn connections they have
Contact Marital StatusTEXTA contact's marital status. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact MessageTEXTA default property to be used for any message or comments a contact may want to leave on a form.
Contact Military statusTEXTA contact's military status. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact Mobile Phone NumberTEXTA contact's mobile phone number
Contact Last ContactedTIMESTAMPThe last time a call, email, or meeting was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
Contact Notes Last Activity DateTIMESTAMPThe last time a note, call, email, meeting, or task was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
Contact Next Activity DateTIMESTAMPThe date of the next upcoming activity for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
Contact Associated DealsNUMERICThe number of deals associated with this contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot.
Contact number of times contactedNUMERICThe number of times a call, email, or meeting was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
Contact Number of Form SubmissionsNUMERICThe number of forms this contact has submitted
Contact Number of Sales ActivitiesNUMERICThe number of sales activities for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
Contact Number of Unique Forms SubmittedNUMERICThe number of different forms this contact has submitted
Contact Number of EmployeesTEXTThe number of company employees
Contact HubSpot Owner Email (legacy)TEXTA legacy property used to identify the email address of the owner of the contact. This property is no longer in use.
Contact HubSpot Owner Name (legacy)TEXTA legacy property used to identify the name of the owner of the contact. This property is no longer in use.
Contact Phone NumberTEXTA contact's primary phone number
Contact Recent Conversion DateTIMESTAMPThe date this contact last submitted a form
Contact Recent ConversionTEXTThe last form this contact submitted
Contact Recent Deal AmountNUMERICThe amount of the last closed won deal associated with a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on information from the Deals object.
Contact Recent Deal Close DateTIMESTAMPThe date that the last deal associated with a contact was won. This is automatically set by HubSpot based on information from the Deals object.
Contact Relationship StatusTEXTA contact's relationship status. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Sales StatusTEXTSales status
Contact SalutationTEXTThe title used to address a contact
Contact SchoolTEXTA contact's school. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact SeniorityTEXTA contact's seniority. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact SourceTEXTThe contact source
Contact Start dateTEXTA contact's start date. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact State/RegionREGIONThe contact's state of residence. This might be set via import, form, or integration.
Contact Total RevenueNUMERICThe sum from all closed won deal revenue associated with a contact. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Contact Twitter BioTEXTThe contact's Twitter bio. This is set by HubSpot using the contact's email address.
Contact Twitter UsernameTEXTThe contact's Twitter handle. This is set by HubSpot using the contact's email address.
Contact Twitter Profile PhotoTEXTThe contact's Twitter profile photo. This is set by HubSpot using the contact's email address.
Contact TypeTEXTThe contact type
Contact Website URLTEXTThe contact's company website
Contact Work emailTEXTA contact's work email. This property is required for the Facebook Ads Integration. This property will be automatically synced via the Lead Ads tool
Contact Postal CodeTEXTThe contact's zip code. This might be set via import, form, or integration.
Created DateTIMESTAMPAlias for contact_createdate
Custom Field Modified DateTIMESTAMPMost recent timestamp of any property update for this custom object.
Custom Field Last Modified DateTIMESTAMPMost recent timestamp of any property update for this custom object.
Custom Object Created atTIMESTAMPThe date the custom object was created.
Custom Object DescriptionTEXTThe custom object description.
Custom Object Display OrderTEXTThe custom object display order.
Custom Object Field TypeTEXTThe custom object field type
Custom Object Group NameTEXTThe custom object group name.
Custom Object HiddenBOOLEANThe custom object is hiddnen or not.
Custom Object IDTEXTThe custom object type ID.
Custom Object LabelTEXTThe custom object label.
Custom object nameTEXTMost recent timestamp of any property update for this custom object. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
Custom object property nameTEXTName of the custom object properties (fields).
Custom Object TypeTEXTThe custom object type.
Custom Object Updated AtTIMESTAMPMost recent timestamp of any property update for this custom object. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
Data SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
DateDATEThe Date
Day of monthTEXTDay of the month
Deal AmountNUMERICThe total amount of the deal
Deal Amount in company currencyNUMERICThe amount of the deal, using the exchange rate, in your company's currency
Deal Closed Lost ReasonTEXTReason why this deal was lost
Deal Closed Won ReasonTEXTReason why this deal was won
Deal Close DateTIMESTAMPThe expected close date of the deal
Deal Create DateTIMESTAMPThe date the deal was created. This property is set automatically by HubSpot.
Deal CurrencyTEXTCurrency code for the deal.
Deal NameTEXTThe name given to this deal.
Deal StageTEXTThe stage of the deal. Deal stages allow you to categorize and track the progress of the deals that you are working on.
Deal TypeTEXTThe type of deal. By default, categorize your deal as either a New Business or Existing Business.
Deal DescriptionTEXTDescription of the deal
Deal Date of last meeting booked in meetings toolTIMESTAMPThe date of the most recent meeting an associated contact has booked through the meetings tool.
Deal Campaign of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which marketing campaign (e.g. a specific email) referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Deal Medium of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which channel (e.g. email) referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Deal Source of last booking in meetings toolTEXTThis UTM parameter shows which site (e.g. Twitter) referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.
Deal Annual contract valueNUMERICThe annual contract value (ACV) of this deal.
Deal Original Source TypeTEXTOriginal source for the contact with the earliest activity for this deal.
Deal Original Source Data 1TEXTAdditional information about the original source for the associated contact, or associated company if there is no contact, with the oldest value for the Time first seen property.
Deal Original Source Data 2TEXTAdditional information about the original source for the associated contact, or associated company if there is no contact, with the oldest value for the Time first seen property.
Deal Annual recurring revenueNUMERICThe annual recurring revenue (ARR) of this deal.
Deal Forecast AmountNUMERICThe forecasted deal value calculated by multiplying the forecast probability and deal amount
Deal Forecast ProbabilityNUMERICThe percent probability the deal will close, expressed as a decimal.
Deal Last Modified DateTIMESTAMPMost recent timestamp of any property update for this deal. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
Deal Forecast categoryTEXTThe likelihood a deal will close. This property is used for manual forecasting your deals.
Deal Monthly recurring revenueNUMERICThe monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of this deal.
Deal Next stepTEXTA short description of the next step for the deal
Deal ID (HubSpot)NUMERICThe unique ID for this deal. This unique ID is automatically populated by HubSpot and cannot be changed.
Deal PriorityTEXT
Deal Total contract valueNUMERICThe total contract value (TCV) of this deal.
Deal Owner Assigned DateTIMESTAMPThe date the most recent deal owner was assigned to a deal. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.
Deal Owner IDTEXTThe owner of the deal
Deal HubSpot TeamTEXTThe team of the owner of the deal.
Deal Last ContactedTIMESTAMPThe last time a call, sales email, or meeting was logged for this deal. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions.
Deal Last Activity DateTIMESTAMPThe last time a note, call, email, meeting, or task was logged for a deal. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the deal record.
Deal Next Activity DateTIMESTAMPThe date of the next upcoming activity for a deal. This property is set automatically by HubSpot based on user action. This includes logging a future call, sales email, or meeting using the Log feature, as well as creating a future task or scheduling a future meeting. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.
Deal Number of ContactsNUMERICThe number of contacts associated with this deal. This property is set automatically by HubSpot.
Deal Number of times contactedNUMERICThe number of times a call, email or meeting was logged for this deal
Deal Number of Sales ActivitiesNUMERICThe total number of sales activities (notes, calls, emails, meetings, or tasks) logged for a deal. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.
Deal PipelineTEXTThe pipeline the deal is in. This determines which stages are options for the deal.
EmailTEXTAlias for contact_email
Email engagement bouncedNUMERICThe recipient's email server couldn't or wouldn't accept the message, and no further attempts will be made to deliver the message.
Email engagement clicksNUMERICThe recipient clicked on a link within the message.
NUMERICThe recipient click on identified link in the email.
Email engagement deferredNUMERICThe recipient’s email server has temporarily rejected message, and subsequent attempts will be made to deliver the message.
Email engagement deliveredNUMERICThe recipient's email server has accepted the message and the message has been successfully delivered to the recipient.
Email engagement droppedNUMERICThe message was rejected, either by HubSpot or by our delivery provider, and no attempt will be made to deliver the message.
Email engagement errorNUMERIC
Email engagement timestampTIMESTAMPEmail engagement timestamp
Email engagement forwardedNUMERICThe recipient forwarded the email.
Email engagement mta droppedNUMERIC
Email engagement openedNUMERICThe recipient opened the message.
Email engagement spam opt in changeNUMERIC
Email engagement processedNUMERICThe message has been received by our delivery provider, which has indicated it will attempt to deliver the message to the recipient's email server.
Email recipientTEXTEmail recipient
Email engagement repliedNUMERICThe recipient replied to the email.
Email engagement selectedNUMERIC
Email engagement sentNUMERICThe message was sent to and received by our delivery provider.
Email engagement spam reportedNUMERICThe recipient flagged the message as spam.
Email engagement status changedNUMERICThe recipient changed their email subscriptions in some way.
Email engagement suppressedNUMERICThe message was not sent, the recipient has been unengaged with previous marketing emails.
Email engagement unbouncedNUMERICThis events occur when a particular email address is either automatically or manually unbounced by HubSpot. This resets the bounce status of the recipient, potentially allowing them to receive emails from your portal.
Email engagement unsubscribedNUMERICThe recipient unsubscribed from subscription.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters BounceNUMERICThe number of times contacts were sent your email, but they didn’t receive it because either their address is invalid, your email hit their spam filter, or your email was marked as spam by other people.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters ClickNUMERICThe number of unique recipients who clicked on any link in your email, excluding the Unsubscribe and Subscription Preferences links.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters ContactslostNUMERICThe sum of contacts that have unsubscribed, marked the email as spam, or have hardbounced.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters DeliveredNUMERICThe number of emails succesfully delivered to an inbox
Emailstats Aggregations Counters DroppedNUMERICThe number of contacts that were not sent your email. This may be because they previously hard bounced, unsubscribed, marked you as spam, or because they have not engaged with any of your recent emails.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters HardbouncedNUMERICThese contacts were sent your email, but they didn’t receive it because either their address is invalid, your email hit their spam filter, or your email was marked as spam by other people.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters NotsentNUMERICThese contacts were not sent your email. This may be because they previously hard bounced, unsubscribed, marked you as spam, or because they have not engaged with any of your recent emails.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters OpenNUMERICThe total number of unique opens
Emailstats Aggregations Counters PendingNUMERICThe number of emails still trying to reach a contact's inbox.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters ReplyNUMERICEmails Stats Counters Reply
Emailstats Aggregations Counters SelectedNUMERICThe number of contacts selected to receive this email.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters SentNUMERICThe total number of sent emails
Emailstats Aggregations Counters SoftbouncedNUMERICSoft bounces occur when a contact’s inbox has a temporary problem. You can still send to these people in the future. Contacts who hard bounce will be ineligible for later sends.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters SpamreportNUMERICThe number of contacts received your email and marked it as spam. They won’t be sent to in the future.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters SuppressedNUMERICThe number of contacts that did not receive your email due to graymail suppression.
Emailstats Aggregations Counters UnsubscribedNUMERICThe number of contacts who received your email and unsubscribed. They won’t be sent to in the future.
Emailstats Aggregations Devicebreakdown Click Device Type ComputerNUMERICClick broken down by device type computer.
Emailstats Aggregations Devicebreakdown Click Device Type MobileNUMERICClick broken down by device type mobile.
Emailstats Aggregations Devicebreakdown Click Device Type UnknownNUMERICClick broken down by device type unknown.
Emailstats Aggregations Devicebreakdown Open Device Type ComputerNUMERICOpen broken down by device type computer.
Emailstats Aggregations Devicebreakdown Open Device Type MobileNUMERICOpen broken down by device type mobile.
Emailstats Aggregations Devicebreakdown Open Device Type UnknownNUMERICOpen broken down by device type unknown.
Emailstats Aggregations QualifierstatsNUMERICEmailstats Aggregations Qualifiers
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios BounceratioPERCENTThe number of contacts that bounced from the email over the total number of selected contacts.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios ClickratioPERCENTClick rate is the percentage of people who clicked a link in your email out of the people who were delivered your email.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios ClickthroughratioPERCENTThis is the percentage of people who clicked a link in your email out of the people who opened your email.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios ContactslostratioPERCENTThe number of contacts that can no longer recive emails from the portal over the total number of selected contacts.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios DeliveredratioPERCENTThe number of succesfull deliveries over the number of selected contacts.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios HardbounceratioPERCENTThe number of contacts that hard bounced from the email over the total number of selected contacts.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios NotsentratioNUMERICThe number of contacts that were not sent emails over the total number of selected contacts.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios OpenratioPERCENTOpen rate is the percentage of people who opened your email out of the people who were delivered your email.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios PendingratioPERCENTThe number of contacts that soft bounced from the email over the total number of selected contacts.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios ReplyratioPERCENTOpen rate is the percentage of people who replied to your email out of the people who were delivered your email.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios SoftbounceratioPERCENTThe number of contacts that soft bounced from the email over the total number of selected contacts.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios SpamreportratioPERCENTThe number of contacts that mark the email as spam over the total number of selected contacts.
Emailstats Aggregations Ratios UnsubscribedratioPERCENTthe number of contacts that have unsubscribed over the total number of selected contacts
Emailstats Interval EndTIMESTAMPEnd of the daily interval.
Emailstats Interval StartTIMESTAMPStart of the daily interval.
First NameTEXTAlias for contact_firstname
Last NameTEXTAlias for contact_lastname
Lifecycle StageTEXTAlias for contact_lifecyclestage
Meetings Hubspot Activity TypeTEXTThe type of meeting. The options are based on the meeting types set in your HubSpot account.
Meetings Hubspot Attachment IdsTEXTThe IDs of the meeting's attachments. Multiple attachment IDs are separated by a semi-colon.
Meetings Create DateTIMESTAMPCreated date for the meeting.
Meetings Hubspot Internal Meeting NotesTEXTThe internal notes you take for your team during a meeting that are not included in the attendee meeting description.
Meetings Hubspot Meeting BodyTEXTThe meeting description.
Meetings Hubspot Meeting End TimeTIMESTAMPThe date and time when the meeting ends.
Meetings Hubspot Meeting External URLTEXTThe external URL for the calendar event. For example, this could be a Google calendar link or a Microsoft Outlook calendar link.
Meetings Hubspot Meeting LocationTEXTThe internal notes you take for your team during a meeting that are not included in the attendee meeting description.
Meetings Hubspot Meeting Start TimeTIMESTAMPThe date and time when the meeting starts. The value for this property should match the value for hs_timestamp.
Meetings Hs Meeting TitleTEXTThe title of the meeting.
Meetings Hs TimestampTIMESTAMPThis field marks the date and time that the meeting occurred. You can use either a Unix timestamp in milliseconds or UTC format.
Meetings Hubspot Owner IdTEXTThe ID of the owner associated with the meeting. This field determines the user listed as the meeting creator on the record timeline.
MonthTEXTNumber of the month
Owner ArchivedTEXTOwner Archived
Owner Created AtTIMESTAMPOwner Created At
Owner EmailTEXTOwner Email
Owner First NameTEXTOwner First Name
Owner Last NameTEXTOwner Last Name
Owner IdTEXTOwner Id
Owner Updated AtTIMESTAMPOwner Updated At
Owner User IdTEXTOwner User Id
Phone NumberTEXTAlias for contact_phone
Pipeline IDTEXTPipeline ID
Pipeline NameTEXTPipeline name
Pipeline Stage Created DateTIMESTAMPThe timestamp that specifies when the stage was created
Pipeline Stage Display Order NumberNUMERICStage display order number
Pipeline Stage IDTEXTStage ID
Pipeline Is Stage ArchivedBOOLEANIs stage archived
Pipeline Is ClosedBOOLEANIs deal closed
Pipeline Stage NameTEXTStage name
Pipeline ProbablityTEXTDeal probability
Pipeline Stage Last Modified DateTIMESTAMPThe timestamp that specifies when the stage was modified
SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
Close dateTIMESTAMPThe date the ticket was closed
Ticket descriptionTEXTDescription of the ticket
Created byTEXTVID of contact that created the ticket
Create dateTIMESTAMPThe date the ticket was created
First agent email response dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the first email response from an agent after a ticket was created
All teamsTEXTThe team IDs, including up the team hierarchy, corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom
Business unitsTEXTThe business units this record is assigned to.
All associated contact companiesTEXTAll associated contact companies
All associated contact emailsTEXTAll associated contact emails
All associated contact first namesTEXTAll associated contact first names
All associated contact last namesTEXTAll associated contact last names
All associated contact mobile phonesTEXTAll associated contact mobile phones
All associated contact phonesTEXTAll associated contact phones
All conversation mentionsTEXTAll mentioned users on the associated conversations
All owner idsTEXTThe value of all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom
All team idsTEXTThe team IDs, including up the team hierarchy, corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom
Applied SLA Rule Config DateTEXTTimestamp the current SLA Rule Config was applied to the ticket
Applied SLA Rule Config IDTEXTReference to the SLA rule that was applied to this ticket
Assigned TeamsTEXTThe target main teams or the user's main team assigned to the ticket by automatic assignment.
Assignment MethodTEXTdefines how the Object Assignment is done
Auto-generated from thread idTEXTThread that this ticket was automatically created for using ticket rules
Originating Conversations Message IdTEXTConversations Message Id of the message that originated this ticket
Conversations originating thread idTEXTThread that this ticket was originally created for
Created by user IDTEXTThe user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
HubSpot create dateTIMESTAMPInternal read-only property representing the date the ticket was created in HubSpot
Custom inbox IDTEXTID of the custom inbox the ticket is associated with
Date entered 'New (Support Pipeline)'TIMESTAMPThe date and time when the ticket entered the 'New' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Date entered 'Waiting on contact (Support Pipeline)'TIMESTAMPThe date and time when the ticket entered the 'Waiting on contact' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Date entered 'Waiting on us (Support Pipeline)'TIMESTAMPThe date and time when the ticket entered the 'Waiting on us' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Date entered 'Closed (Support Pipeline)'TIMESTAMPThe date and time when the ticket entered the 'Closed' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Date exited 'New (Support Pipeline)'TIMESTAMPThe date and time when the ticket exited the 'New' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Date exited 'Waiting on contact (Support Pipeline)'TIMESTAMPThe date and time when the ticket exited the 'Waiting on contact' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Date exited 'Waiting on us (Support Pipeline)'TIMESTAMPThe date and time when the ticket exited the 'Waiting on us' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Date exited 'Closed (Support Pipeline)'TIMESTAMPThe date and time when the ticket exited the 'Closed' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Email subjectTEXTEmail subject
External object idsTEXTUnique ids corresponding to tickets in a system outside of HubSpot
Last CES survey commentTEXTLast CES survey comment that this contact gave for this ticket
Last CES survey ratingTEXTLast CES survey rating that this contact gave for this ticket
Last CES survey dateTIMESTAMPThe time that this contact last submitted a CES survey response. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
File uploadTEXTFiles attached to a support form by a contact.
First agent response dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the first response from an agent out of all associated conversations
Helpdesk Sort TimestampTIMESTAMPA calculated property to help with sorting in the Helpdesk
In Help DeskTEXTIs this Ticket rendered in the Help Desk
Inbox IDTEXTInbox the ticket is in
Is latest message failedTEXTIs latest message failed
Is Visible in Help deskTEXTWhether the ticket is visible in help desk
Last email activityTEXTThe type of the last email activity with the contact associated with the ticket.
Last email dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the last email activity with the contact associated with the ticket.
Last message from visitorTIMESTAMPWhether the last message came from visitor
Last message received dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the last response from the visitor
Last response dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the last response from an agent or bot
Last activity dateTIMESTAMPThe last time a note, call, email, meeting, or task was logged for a ticket. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.
Last contacted dateTIMESTAMPThe last time a call, chat conversation, LinkedIn message, postal mail, meeting, sales email, SMS, or WhatsApp message was logged for a ticket. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the ticket record.
Last modified dateTIMESTAMPMost recent timestamp of any property update for this ticket. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
Latest message attachment typesTEXTList of attachment types from the latest message
Latest message is forwarded emailTEXTIs latest message a forwarded email
Latest message is thread commentTEXTIs latest message a thread comment
Latest message seen by agent idsTEXTAgents who have seen the newest message across all conversations associated to the ticket
Latest Message TextTEXTLatest message text (truncated)
Merged Ticket IDsTEXTThe list of Ticket record IDs that have been merged into this Ticket. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Most relevant SLA statusTEXTMost relevant sla status
Most Relevant SLA TypeTEXTMost relevant SLA type between Close By, First Response, Next Response
Microsoft Teams message ID for this ticket.TEXTMicrosoft Teams message ID for this ticket.
Next activity dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the next upcoming activity for a ticket. This property is set automatically by HubSpot based on user action. This includes logging a future call, email, or meeting using the Log feature, as well as creating a future task or scheduling a future meeting. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.
Next ActivityTEXTThe coordinates of the next upcoming activity for a ticket. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the ticket record.
Next Activity TypeTEXTThe type of the next upcoming activity for a ticket. This property is set automatically by HubSpot based on user action. This includes logging a future call, email, or meeting using the Log feature, as well as creating a future task or scheduling a future meeting. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.
Number of Associated CompaniesTEXTNumber of companies associated with this ticket
Number of Associated ConversationsTEXTNumber of conversations associated to the ticket
Number of times contactedTEXTThe number of times a call, email, or meeting was logged on the ticket
Record IDTEXTThe unique ID for this record. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Record Creation SourceTEXTSource (PropertySource) that created this object record
Record Source Detail 1TEXTFirst level of detail on how this record was created
Record Source Detail 2TEXTSecond level of detail on how this record was created
Record Source Detail 3TEXTThird level of detail on how this record was created
Record Creation Source IDTEXTThe sourceId -- further detail -- of the source that created this object record
Record SourceTEXTHow this record was created
Record Creation Source User IDTEXTUser ID of the user who initiated creation of this object record
Originating channel accountTEXTFirst channel account used when conversation was started
Originating email engagement idTEXTEngagement id of the email originating this ticket
Originating channel typeTEXTThe channel the conversation is in
Pinned Engagement IDTEXTThe object ID of the current pinned engagement. This will only be shown if there is already an association to the engagement.
PipelineTEXTThe pipeline that contains this ticket
Ticket statusTEXTThe pipeline stage that contains this ticket
Primary CompanyTEXTPrimary company of a ticket
Primary Company IDTEXTPrimary company ID of a ticket
Primary Company NameTEXTPrimary company name of a ticket
Read Only ObjectTEXTIs the object read only
ResolutionTEXTThe action taken to resolve the ticket
Recent Sales Email Replied DateTEXTThe last time a tracked sales email was replied to for this ticket
Users interactionTEXTStores a list of users who have viewed the most recent interaction on a ticket
Source Object IDTEXTThe ID of the object from which the data was migrated. This is set automatically during portal data migration.
Ticket TagsTEXTList of tag ids applicable to a ticket. This property is set automatically by HubSpot.
Thread IDs To RestoreTEXTThread IDs (from cv-threads) used to implement custom cascading delete/restore
Tickets Hubspot CategoryTEXTMain reason customer reached out for help
Ticket IDTEXTThe unique ID for this ticket. This unique ID is automatically populated by HubSpot and cannot be changed.
Tickets Hubspot PriorityTEXTThe level of attention needed on the ticket
Time in 'New (Support Pipeline)'TEXTThe total time in seconds spent by the ticket in the 'New' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Time in 'Waiting on contact (Support Pipeline)'TEXTThe total time in seconds spent by the ticket in the 'Waiting on contact' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Time in 'Waiting on us (Support Pipeline)'TEXTThe total time in seconds spent by the ticket in the 'Waiting on us' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Time in 'Closed (Support Pipeline)'TEXTThe total time in seconds spent by the ticket in the 'Closed' stage, 'Support Pipeline' pipeline
Time to Close SLA Due DateTEXTWhen the ticket falls out of Time to Close SLA.
Time to Close SLA Ticket StatusTEXTCurrent Time to Close SLA status of ticket
Time to First Response SLA Due DateTIMESTAMPWhen the ticket falls out of the Time to First Response SLA
Time to First Response SLA StatusTEXTCurrent Time to First Response SLA status.
Time to Next Response SLA Due DateTIMESTAMPWhen the ticket falls out of Time to Next Response SLA
Time to Next Response SLA StatusTEXTCurrent Time to Next Response SLA status
Unique creation keyTEXTUnique property used for idempotent creates
Updated by user IDTEXTThe user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
User IDs of all notification followersTEXTThe user IDs of all users that have clicked follow within the object to opt-in to getting follow notifications
User IDs of all notification unfollowersTEXTThe user IDs of all object owners that have clicked unfollow within the object to opt-out of getting follow notifications
User IDs of all ownersTEXTThe user IDs of all owners of this object
Performed in an importTEXTObject is part of an import
Owner assigned dateTIMESTAMPThe date an owner was assigned to the ticket
Ticket ownerTEXTThe user from your team that the ticket is assigned to. You can assign additional users to a ticket record by creating a custom HubSpot user property.
HubSpot teamTEXTThe Primary team of the ticket owner for the ticket. This property is set automatically by HubSpot.
Date of last engagementTIMESTAMPThe date of the last reply or note
Last customer reply dateTIMESTAMPThe date of the last customer response
Last Contacted (Ticket Note)TEXTThe last time a call, chat conversation, LinkedIn message, postal mail, meeting, note, sales email, SMS, or WhatsApp message was logged for a ticket. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the ticket record.
Last Activity Date (Ticket Note)TIMESTAMPThe last time a note, call, email, meeting, or task was logged for a ticket. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the ticket record.
Next Activity Date (Ticket Note)TIMESTAMPThe date of the next upcoming activity for this ticket
NPS follow upTEXTAnswer to NPS follow up question
NPS follow up questionTEXTSpecific version of NPS follow up question that was asked
Conversation NPS scoreTEXTNPS score received after ticket resolution
Number of times contacted (Ticket Note)TEXTThe number of times a call, email or meeting was logged for this ticket
Number of Sales ActivitiesTEXTNumber of sales activities for this ticket
Reference to source-specific objectTEXTThe id of a connected source object
Reference to email threadTEXTThe id of an email thread with ticket conversation
Tickets Source TypeTEXTChannel where ticket was originally submitted
Ticket nameTEXTShort summary of ticket
TagsTEXTTags associated with your tickets
Time to closeTEXTThe time between when the ticket was created and closed
Time to first agent email replyTEXTThe time from the ticket create date to the first agent email reply
TodayDATEToday's date
WeekTEXTWeek (Sun-Sat).
Day of week and day numberTEXTWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
Day of week and day number, ISOTEXTWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
Week ISOTEXTWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
YearmonthTEXTYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
Year of weekTEXTThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
Year of week, ISOTEXTThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
Year weekTEXTYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
Year week ISOTEXTYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20

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