Connect Google Search Console to Snowflake in Minutes

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Stream marketing data from GSC to Snowflake

Connect Google Search Console to Snowflake

It is very simple to connect Google Search Console to Snowflake, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


First Step

Follow the Tutorial Below:

  1. Add all the columns that are returned by your connector’s URL. 
  2. Create the WINDSOR_UPLOAD role (name has no importance) 
  3. Create a user and add the previously created role to that user 
  4. Grant rights to the DATABASE to the created user 
  5. Grand the rights to the destination table 
  6. Get the required fields from Snowflake to use the Snowflake destination in Onboard Form
  • Get the username 
  • Get the password 
  • Get the account 
  • Get the warehouse 
  • Get the database 
  • Get the schema 
  • Get the table name 


Second step

1.You need to select Google Search Console as a Data Source and Grant Access to

Google Search Console Onboarding Screen


2. In Select Destination select Snowflake as destination

snowflake integration


3. Enter all the credentials required and click Save

4.Your data will now be streamed to Snowflake. In case there is an error you will be notified.

Google Search Console metrics and dimensions available for streaming into Snowflake

Connect your data


Account IDTEXTThe Site
Account NameTEXTThe Site
AnchorTEXTAnchor of the Page, e.g. if site is then this is 'anchor1'
Branded vs Non-BrandedTEXTThe value is "branded" if the domain name is included in the search query, otherwise it's "nonbranded"
ClicksNUMERICThe Number of Clicks
Country NameCOUNTRYCountry Name
Country NameCOUNTRYThe Country Name
CTRPERCENTThe Click Through Rate
Data SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
DateDATEThe date (for Sitemaps this is the date of the last submission)
Day of monthTEXTDay of the month
DeviceTEXTThe Device Used for the Search
ErrorsNUMERICNumber of errors in the sitemap
HostnameTEXTThe domain name of the Page
ImpressionsNUMERICThe Number of Impressions
IndexedNUMERICThe number of indexed URLs from the sitemap
Is sitemaps indexBOOLEANIf true, the sitemap is a collection of sitemaps
Last downloadedDATEDate and time in which this sitemap was last downloaded
Last submittedDATEDate and time in which this sitemap was submitted
MonthTEXTNumber of the month
PageTEXTThe Page
Page PathTEXTFull path of the Page, excluding the Protocol and Hostname
PathTEXTThe url of the sitemap
pagePathlevel1TEXTTop-level Directory Path of the Page, e.g. if site is then pathlevel1 is 'a'
pagePathlevel2TEXT2nd level Directory Path of the Page, e.g. if site is then pathlevel2 is 'a/b'
pagePathlevel3TEXT3rd level Directory Path of the Page, e.g. if site is then pathlevel3 is 'a/b/c'
pagePathlevel4TEXT4th level Directory Path of the Page, e.g. if site is then pathlevel4 is 'a/b/c'
PositionNUMERICThe Average Position
Average SERP positionNUMERICThe average page number in the Google search results
ProtocolTEXT"http" or "https"
TEXTThe Search Query
Query paramsTEXTQuery parameters of the Page, e.g. if site is then this is 'a=b'
TEXTHow the site appears in the search results
TEXTnews, image, video or web, fetching this field could impact the time needed to get response
SiteTEXTThe Site
SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
SubmittedNUMERICThe number of submitted URLs in the sitemap
TodayDATEToday's date
WarningsNUMERICNumber of warnings for the sitemap
WeekTEXTWeek (Sun-Sat).
Day of week and day numberTEXTWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
Day of week and day number, ISOTEXTWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
Week ISOTEXTWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
Words in QueryNUMERICThe number of words in the query
YearmonthTEXTYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
Year of weekTEXTThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
Year of week, ISOTEXTThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
Year weekTEXTYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
Year week ISOTEXTYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20

Easily connect Google Search Console to Snowflake

See the value and return on every marketing touchpoint

data warehouse

Providing 70+ marketing data streams, we make sure that all the data we integrate is fresh and accessible by marketers, whenever they want.


Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.

Build your GSC and Snowflake Integrations