Looker Studio SalesForce Connector

Directly connect SalesForce to Looker Studio in an easy-to-use format.

salesforce google data studio integration

Analyze Marketing Metrics from SalesForce in GDS


Why integrate SalesForce with Looker Studio?

Integrating Salesforce with Looker Studio can offer significant benefits to organizations by combining customer relationship management (CRM) data from Salesforce with powerful data analytics and visualization capabilities from Looker Studio.


  • Integrating Salesforce with Looker Studio can help you streamline your sales processes and gain a better understanding of your customer data.
  • Looker Studio’s analytical tools can assist in creating predictive models and forecasting future sales trends based on historical Salesforce data.
  • Connecting Salesforce with Google Data Studio can help you integrate sales and marketing data together. It’s easy to create powerful visualizations which will assist you in determining which channels are providing the most leads and income and adjusting your marketing strategies accordingly.
  • Google Data Studio allows you to share your reports with others in your organization or with third parties. This can make it easier to collaborate on business strategies and track progress, especially for larger teams.


About the SalesForce Looker Studio Connector

The SalesForce Looker Studio Connector pulls metrics and dimensions for SalesForce. The Insights are retrieved at the campaign and ad levels.

Once the user successfully logs into the connector he can then choose the metrics and dimensions he is interested to create a report on.


To set up the connector, the user should have:

How to connect SalesForce to Looker Studio?

You need to select SalesForce as a Data Source and grant access to Windsor.ai.

Salesforce connector

Select the fields on the right to later use in your data source. For example, you can include metrics such as Cost per Click, Cost per Action or Total Spend.select fields on the right

Go to “Select Destination” and choose Looker Studio.

select looker studio

Once done, select “connect” and authorize access to your data source.

Salesforce Google Data Studio Integration



What are the available methods to connect Salesforce with Looker Studio?

Looker Studio offers a user-friendly platform for visualizing Salesforce data according to your preferences. While there isn’t a built-in Salesforce connector, several effective options enable seamless integration between Salesforce and Looker Studio:


Extract to Intermediary Apps (Google Sheets or BigQuery) and then Connect to Looker Studio

Leveraging Google Sheets and BigQuery allows you to prepare, process, and transform Salesforce data before exporting it to Looker Studio. Utilizing the Windsor.ai connector, you can extract data from Salesforce to Google Sheets or BigQuery. Subsequently, the processed dataset can be linked to Looker Studio via a native connector.


Query Salesforce API

Salesforce permits data extraction through its REST API, sending data in JSON or XML formats. Utilize ETL scripts or Windsor.ai’s JSON importer to extract desired data from Salesforce. Connect the Salesforce data to Looker Studio using available connectors—for instance, export Salesforce API data to Google Sheets or BigQuery and then link it via native connectors in Looker Studio.


CSV Import using Salesforce Data Loader

Salesforce Data Loader, a client application for importing and exporting Salesforce data, is available for select Salesforce editions. Accessible through the user interface and command line (Windows only), Data Loader allows exporting data as CSV files for subsequent upload to Looker Studio. Keep in mind that this process needs to be repeated each time you want to fetch updated data.



Free Looker Studio templates for Salesforce

We have free Salesforce Looker Studio templates and this can prove to be very successful if you’re new to analyzing Hubspot results in Looker Studio.



Salesforce dimensions available for streaming into Looker Studio

Extract Salesforce data to Google Data Studio with Windsor.ai

See the value and return on every marketing touchpoint

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Providing 70+ marketing data streams, we make sure that all the data we integrate is fresh and accessible by marketers, whenever they want.


Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.


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