Connect ProfitWell to Google BigQuery


Analyze your ProfitWell data with Google BigQuery

Connect ProfitWell to Google BigQuery

It is very simple to connect ProfitWell to Google BigQuery, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


First Step:

Sign up for You can also take advantage of the free trial to get a feel of the platform and see its features.

Once in your account’s dashboard, select Profitwell in the left column as a data source.



Second Step:

Once you select the data source, click the Next (Data Preview Button). 

Select BigQuery by clicking on the logo, as shown in the screenshot below.  

select bigquery


Third Step:

Once you select Bigquery, click the Add Destination Task Button and fill out necessary fields . 

create bigQuery destination task

Fourth Step:

In the final step, grant access to the user: [email protected]. That’s all!

Once you go through these steps, you will see that the data is automatically populated into your BigQuery account.


Note: As a connector URL, you can use any URL providing a JSON. Either from the connectors or for example a URL with cached and transformed data.


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ProfitWell metrics & dimensions available for streaming into BigQuery

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