Connect Zoho CRM to Looker Studio

Directly connect Zoho CRM to Looker Studio,in minutes, and in an easy-to-use format.

zoho crm google data studio integration

Analyze Marketing Metrics from Zoho CRM in Looker Studio

Why integrate Zoho CRM with Looker Studio?

Integrating Zoho CRM with Looker Studio offers several advantages for businesses:

  • By integrating your Zoho CRM data with Looker Studio (Google Data Studio), you can improve your overall workflow by streamlining communication between teams across departments.


  • Looker Studio & Zoho CRM integration can help you analyze your customer data more effectively. You’ll also be able to improve your marketing efforts by tracking which campaigns are working best for your customers.


  • Connecting Zoho CRM to Looker Studio will give you a complete understanding of how your customers are interacting with your business – from the moment they first encounter it.


  • The integration enables you to access real-time data from Zoho CRM directly in Looker Studio. This means you can make informed decisions based on the most current information about your leads, contacts, deals, and customer interactions.


About the Zoho CRM Looker Studio Connector

The Zoho CRM Looker Studio Connector pulls metrics and dimensions for Zoho CRM. The Insights are retrieved at the campaign and ad levels.

Once the user successfully logs into the connector he can then choose the metrics and dimensions he is interested to create a report on.


To set up the connector, the user should have:

How to connect Zoho CRM to Looker Studio?

Do you plan to connect and visualize your Zoho CRM in Looker Studio? Follow the Tutorial Below:

Select the fields on the right to later use in your data source. For example, you can include metrics such as Cost per Click, Cost per Action or Total fields on the right

Go to “Select Destination” and choose Looker Studio.

select looker studio

Once done, select “connect” and authorize access to your data source.

Zoho CRM Looker Studio Integration


Zoho metrics and dimensions available for streaming into Looker Studio

Extract Zoho data to Looker Studio with

See the value and return on every marketing touchpoint

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Providing 70+ marketing data streams, we make sure that all the data we integrate is fresh and accessible by marketers, whenever they want.


Spend less time on manual data loading and spreadsheets. Focus on delighting your customers.

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