Windsor brings all your Quickbooks data into Power BI, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, Azure, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, Amazon S3, Azure, Azure MS SQL
Quickbooks Field Reference
ID | Type | Name | Description | Report |
accounts__accountsubtype | TEXT | accounts.AccountSubType | accounts.AccountSubType | accounts |
accounts__accounttype | TEXT | accounts.AccountType | accounts.AccountType | accounts |
accounts__acctnum | TEXT | accounts.AcctNum | accounts.AcctNum | accounts |
accounts__active | BOOLEAN | accounts.Active | accounts.Active | accounts |
accounts__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | accounts.airbyte_cursor | accounts.airbyte_cursor | accounts |
accounts__classification | TEXT | accounts.Classification | accounts.Classification | accounts |
accounts__currencyref | OBJECT | accounts.CurrencyRef | accounts.CurrencyRef | accounts |
accounts__currentbalance | NUMERIC | accounts.CurrentBalance | accounts.CurrentBalance | accounts |
accounts__currentbalancewithsubaccounts | NUMERIC | accounts.CurrentBalanceWithSubAccounts | accounts.CurrentBalanceWithSubAccounts | accounts |
accounts__domain | TEXT | accounts.domain | accounts.domain | accounts |
accounts__fullyqualifiedname | TEXT | accounts.FullyQualifiedName | accounts.FullyQualifiedName | accounts |
accounts__id | TEXT | accounts.Id | accounts.Id | accounts |
accounts__metadata | OBJECT | accounts.MetaData | accounts.MetaData | accounts |
accounts__name | TEXT | accounts.Name | accounts.Name | accounts |
accounts__parentref | OBJECT | accounts.ParentRef | accounts.ParentRef | accounts |
accounts__sparse | BOOLEAN | accounts.sparse | accounts.sparse | accounts |
accounts__subaccount | BOOLEAN | accounts.SubAccount | accounts.SubAccount | accounts |
accounts__synctoken | TEXT | accounts.SyncToken | accounts.SyncToken | accounts |
bill_payments__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | bill_payments.airbyte_cursor | bill_payments.airbyte_cursor | bill_payments |
bill_payments__apaccountref | OBJECT | bill_payments.APAccountRef | bill_payments.APAccountRef | bill_payments |
bill_payments__checkpayment | OBJECT | bill_payments.CheckPayment | bill_payments.CheckPayment | bill_payments |
bill_payments__creditcardpayment | OBJECT | bill_payments.CreditCardPayment | bill_payments.CreditCardPayment | bill_payments |
bill_payments__currencyref | OBJECT | bill_payments.CurrencyRef | bill_payments.CurrencyRef | bill_payments |
bill_payments__departmentref | OBJECT | bill_payments.DepartmentRef | bill_payments.DepartmentRef | bill_payments |
bill_payments__docnumber | TEXT | bill_payments.DocNumber | bill_payments.DocNumber | bill_payments |
bill_payments__domain | TEXT | bill_payments.domain | bill_payments.domain | bill_payments |
bill_payments__exchangerate | NUMERIC | bill_payments.ExchangeRate | bill_payments.ExchangeRate | bill_payments |
bill_payments__id | TEXT | bill_payments.Id | bill_payments.Id | bill_payments |
bill_payments__line | OBJECT | bill_payments.Line | bill_payments.Line | bill_payments |
bill_payments__metadata | OBJECT | bill_payments.MetaData | bill_payments.MetaData | bill_payments |
bill_payments__paytype | TEXT | bill_payments.PayType | bill_payments.PayType | bill_payments |
bill_payments__sparse | BOOLEAN | bill_payments.sparse | bill_payments.sparse | bill_payments |
bill_payments__synctoken | TEXT | bill_payments.SyncToken | bill_payments.SyncToken | bill_payments |
bill_payments__totalamt | NUMERIC | bill_payments.TotalAmt | bill_payments.TotalAmt | bill_payments |
bill_payments__txndate | TEXT | bill_payments.TxnDate | bill_payments.TxnDate | bill_payments |
bill_payments__vendorref | OBJECT | bill_payments.VendorRef | bill_payments.VendorRef | bill_payments |
bills__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | bills.airbyte_cursor | bills.airbyte_cursor | bills |
bills__apaccountref | OBJECT | bills.APAccountRef | bills.APAccountRef | bills |
bills__balance | NUMERIC | bills.Balance | bills.Balance | bills |
bills__currencyref | OBJECT | bills.CurrencyRef | bills.CurrencyRef | bills |
bills__departmentref | OBJECT | bills.DepartmentRef | bills.DepartmentRef | bills |
bills__docnumber | TEXT | bills.DocNumber | bills.DocNumber | bills |
bills__domain | TEXT | bills.domain | bills.domain | bills |
bills__duedate | TEXT | bills.DueDate | bills.DueDate | bills |
bills__exchangerate | NUMERIC | bills.ExchangeRate | bills.ExchangeRate | bills |
bills__id | TEXT | bills.Id | bills.Id | bills |
bills__line | OBJECT | bills.Line | bills.Line | bills |
bills__linkedtxn | OBJECT | bills.LinkedTxn | bills.LinkedTxn | bills |
bills__metadata | OBJECT | bills.MetaData | bills.MetaData | bills |
bills__privatenote | TEXT | bills.PrivateNote | bills.PrivateNote | bills |
bills__salestermref | OBJECT | bills.SalesTermRef | bills.SalesTermRef | bills |
bills__sparse | BOOLEAN | bills.sparse | bills.sparse | bills |
bills__synctoken | TEXT | bills.SyncToken | bills.SyncToken | bills |
bills__totalamt | NUMERIC | bills.TotalAmt | bills.TotalAmt | bills |
bills__txndate | TEXT | bills.TxnDate | bills.TxnDate | bills |
bills__vendorref | OBJECT | bills.VendorRef | bills.VendorRef | bills |
budgets__active | BOOLEAN | budgets.Active | budgets.Active | budgets |
budgets__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | budgets.airbyte_cursor | budgets.airbyte_cursor | budgets |
budgets__budgetdetail | OBJECT | budgets.BudgetDetail | budgets.BudgetDetail | budgets |
budgets__budgetentrytype | TEXT | budgets.BudgetEntryType | budgets.BudgetEntryType | budgets |
budgets__budgettype | TEXT | budgets.BudgetType | budgets.BudgetType | budgets |
budgets__domain | TEXT | budgets.domain | budgets.domain | budgets |
budgets__enddate | TEXT | budgets.EndDate | budgets.EndDate | budgets |
budgets__id | TEXT | budgets.Id | budgets.Id | budgets |
budgets__metadata | OBJECT | budgets.MetaData | budgets.MetaData | budgets |
budgets__name | TEXT | budgets.Name | budgets.Name | budgets |
budgets__startdate | TEXT | budgets.StartDate | budgets.StartDate | budgets |
budgets__synctoken | TEXT | budgets.SyncToken | budgets.SyncToken | budgets |
classes__active | BOOLEAN | classes.Active | classes.Active | classes |
classes__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | classes.airbyte_cursor | classes.airbyte_cursor | classes |
classes__domain | TEXT | classes.domain | classes.domain | classes |
classes__fullyqualifiedname | TEXT | classes.FullyQualifiedName | classes.FullyQualifiedName | classes |
classes__id | TEXT | classes.Id | classes.Id | classes |
classes__metadata | OBJECT | classes.MetaData | classes.MetaData | classes |
classes__name | TEXT | classes.Name | classes.Name | classes |
classes__parentref | OBJECT | classes.ParentRef | classes.ParentRef | classes |
classes__subclass | BOOLEAN | classes.SubClass | classes.SubClass | classes |
classes__synctoken | TEXT | classes.SyncToken | classes.SyncToken | classes |
credit_memos__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | credit_memos.airbyte_cursor | credit_memos.airbyte_cursor | credit_memos |
credit_memos__applytaxafterdiscount | BOOLEAN | credit_memos.ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | credit_memos.ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | credit_memos |
credit_memos__balance | NUMERIC | credit_memos.Balance | credit_memos.Balance | credit_memos |
credit_memos__billaddr | OBJECT | credit_memos.BillAddr | credit_memos.BillAddr | credit_memos |
credit_memos__billemail | OBJECT | credit_memos.BillEmail | credit_memos.BillEmail | credit_memos |
credit_memos__classref | OBJECT | credit_memos.ClassRef | credit_memos.ClassRef | credit_memos |
credit_memos__currencyref | OBJECT | credit_memos.CurrencyRef | credit_memos.CurrencyRef | credit_memos |
credit_memos__customermemo | OBJECT | credit_memos.CustomerMemo | credit_memos.CustomerMemo | credit_memos |
credit_memos__customerref | OBJECT | credit_memos.CustomerRef | credit_memos.CustomerRef | credit_memos |
credit_memos__customfield | OBJECT | credit_memos.CustomField | credit_memos.CustomField | credit_memos |
credit_memos__docnumber | TEXT | credit_memos.DocNumber | credit_memos.DocNumber | credit_memos |
credit_memos__domain | TEXT | credit_memos.domain | credit_memos.domain | credit_memos |
credit_memos__emailstatus | TEXT | credit_memos.EmailStatus | credit_memos.EmailStatus | credit_memos |
credit_memos__exchangerate | NUMERIC | credit_memos.ExchangeRate | credit_memos.ExchangeRate | credit_memos |
credit_memos__hometotalamt | NUMERIC | credit_memos.HomeTotalAmt | credit_memos.HomeTotalAmt | credit_memos |
credit_memos__id | TEXT | credit_memos.Id | credit_memos.Id | credit_memos |
credit_memos__line | OBJECT | credit_memos.Line | credit_memos.Line | credit_memos |
credit_memos__metadata | OBJECT | credit_memos.MetaData | credit_memos.MetaData | credit_memos |
credit_memos__printstatus | TEXT | credit_memos.PrintStatus | credit_memos.PrintStatus | credit_memos |
credit_memos__remainingcredit | NUMERIC | credit_memos.RemainingCredit | credit_memos.RemainingCredit | credit_memos |
credit_memos__salestermref | OBJECT | credit_memos.SalesTermRef | credit_memos.SalesTermRef | credit_memos |
credit_memos__shipaddr | OBJECT | credit_memos.ShipAddr | credit_memos.ShipAddr | credit_memos |
credit_memos__sparse | BOOLEAN | credit_memos.sparse | credit_memos.sparse | credit_memos |
credit_memos__synctoken | TEXT | credit_memos.SyncToken | credit_memos.SyncToken | credit_memos |
credit_memos__totalamt | NUMERIC | credit_memos.TotalAmt | credit_memos.TotalAmt | credit_memos |
credit_memos__txndate | TEXT | credit_memos.TxnDate | credit_memos.TxnDate | credit_memos |
credit_memos__txntaxdetail | OBJECT | credit_memos.TxnTaxDetail | credit_memos.TxnTaxDetail | credit_memos |
customers__active | BOOLEAN | customers.Active | customers.Active | customers |
customers__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | customers.airbyte_cursor | customers.airbyte_cursor | customers |
customers__balance | NUMERIC | customers.Balance | customers.Balance | customers |
customers__balancewithjobs | NUMERIC | customers.BalanceWithJobs | customers.BalanceWithJobs | customers |
customers__billaddr | OBJECT | customers.BillAddr | customers.BillAddr | customers |
customers__billwithparent | BOOLEAN | customers.BillWithParent | customers.BillWithParent | customers |
customers__companyname | TEXT | customers.CompanyName | customers.CompanyName | customers |
customers__currencyref | OBJECT | customers.CurrencyRef | customers.CurrencyRef | customers |
customers__defaulttaxcoderef | OBJECT | customers.DefaultTaxCodeRef | customers.DefaultTaxCodeRef | customers |
customers__displayname | TEXT | customers.DisplayName | customers.DisplayName | customers |
customers__domain | TEXT | customers.domain | customers.domain | customers |
customers__familyname | TEXT | customers.FamilyName | customers.FamilyName | customers |
customers__fax | OBJECT | customers.Fax | customers.Fax | customers |
customers__fullyqualifiedname | TEXT | customers.FullyQualifiedName | customers.FullyQualifiedName | customers |
customers__givenname | TEXT | customers.GivenName | customers.GivenName | customers |
customers__id | TEXT | customers.Id | customers.Id | customers |
customers__job | BOOLEAN | customers.Job | customers.Job | customers |
customers__level | NUMERIC | customers.Level | customers.Level | customers |
customers__metadata | OBJECT | customers.MetaData | customers.MetaData | customers |
customers__middlename | TEXT | customers.MiddleName | customers.MiddleName | customers |
customers__mobile | OBJECT | customers.Mobile | customers.Mobile | customers |
customers__parentref | OBJECT | customers.ParentRef | customers.ParentRef | customers |
customers__paymentmethodref | OBJECT | customers.PaymentMethodRef | customers.PaymentMethodRef | customers |
customers__preferreddeliverymethod | TEXT | customers.PreferredDeliveryMethod | customers.PreferredDeliveryMethod | customers |
customers__primaryemailaddr | OBJECT | customers.PrimaryEmailAddr | customers.PrimaryEmailAddr | customers |
customers__primaryphone | OBJECT | customers.PrimaryPhone | customers.PrimaryPhone | customers |
customers__printoncheckname | TEXT | customers.PrintOnCheckName | customers.PrintOnCheckName | customers |
customers__resalenum | TEXT | customers.ResaleNum | customers.ResaleNum | customers |
customers__salestermref | OBJECT | customers.SalesTermRef | customers.SalesTermRef | customers |
customers__shipaddr | OBJECT | customers.ShipAddr | customers.ShipAddr | customers |
customers__sparse | BOOLEAN | customers.sparse | customers.sparse | customers |
customers__synctoken | TEXT | customers.SyncToken | customers.SyncToken | customers |
customers__taxable | BOOLEAN | customers.Taxable | customers.Taxable | customers |
customers__webaddr | OBJECT | customers.WebAddr | customers.WebAddr | customers |
datasource | TEXT | Data Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
departments__active | BOOLEAN | departments.Active | departments.Active | departments |
departments__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | departments.airbyte_cursor | departments.airbyte_cursor | departments |
departments__domain | TEXT | departments.domain | departments.domain | departments |
departments__fullyqualifiedname | TEXT | departments.FullyQualifiedName | departments.FullyQualifiedName | departments |
departments__id | TEXT | departments.Id | departments.Id | departments |
departments__metadata | OBJECT | departments.MetaData | departments.MetaData | departments |
departments__name | TEXT | departments.Name | departments.Name | departments |
departments__parentref | OBJECT | departments.ParentRef | departments.ParentRef | departments |
departments__subdepartment | BOOLEAN | departments.SubDepartment | departments.SubDepartment | departments |
departments__synctoken | TEXT | departments.SyncToken | departments.SyncToken | departments |
deposits__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | deposits.airbyte_cursor | deposits.airbyte_cursor | deposits |
deposits__cashback | OBJECT | deposits.CashBack | deposits.CashBack | deposits |
deposits__currencyref | OBJECT | deposits.CurrencyRef | deposits.CurrencyRef | deposits |
deposits__departmentref | OBJECT | deposits.DepartmentRef | deposits.DepartmentRef | deposits |
deposits__deposittoaccountref | OBJECT | deposits.DepositToAccountRef | deposits.DepositToAccountRef | deposits |
deposits__domain | TEXT | deposits.domain | deposits.domain | deposits |
deposits__exchangerate | NUMERIC | deposits.ExchangeRate | deposits.ExchangeRate | deposits |
deposits__id | TEXT | deposits.Id | deposits.Id | deposits |
deposits__line | OBJECT | deposits.Line | deposits.Line | deposits |
deposits__metadata | OBJECT | deposits.MetaData | deposits.MetaData | deposits |
deposits__privatenote | TEXT | deposits.PrivateNote | deposits.PrivateNote | deposits |
deposits__sparse | BOOLEAN | deposits.sparse | deposits.sparse | deposits |
deposits__synctoken | TEXT | deposits.SyncToken | deposits.SyncToken | deposits |
deposits__totalamt | NUMERIC | deposits.TotalAmt | deposits.TotalAmt | deposits |
deposits__txndate | TEXT | deposits.TxnDate | deposits.TxnDate | deposits |
employees__active | BOOLEAN | employees.Active | employees.Active | employees |
employees__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | employees.airbyte_cursor | employees.airbyte_cursor | employees |
employees__billabletime | BOOLEAN | employees.BillableTime | employees.BillableTime | employees |
employees__billrate | NUMERIC | employees.BillRate | employees.BillRate | employees |
employees__birthdate | TEXT | employees.BirthDate | employees.BirthDate | employees |
employees__displayname | TEXT | employees.DisplayName | employees.DisplayName | employees |
employees__domain | TEXT | employees.domain | employees.domain | employees |
employees__employeenumber | TEXT | employees.EmployeeNumber | employees.EmployeeNumber | employees |
employees__familyname | TEXT | employees.FamilyName | employees.FamilyName | employees |
employees__gender | TEXT | employees.Gender | employees.Gender | employees |
employees__givenname | TEXT | employees.GivenName | employees.GivenName | employees |
employees__hireddate | TEXT | employees.HiredDate | employees.HiredDate | employees |
employees__id | TEXT | employees.Id | employees.Id | employees |
employees__metadata | OBJECT | employees.MetaData | employees.MetaData | employees |
employees__middlename | TEXT | employees.MiddleName | employees.MiddleName | employees |
employees__mobile | OBJECT | employees.Mobile | employees.Mobile | employees |
employees__organization | BOOLEAN | employees.Organization | employees.Organization | employees |
employees__primaryaddr | OBJECT | employees.PrimaryAddr | employees.PrimaryAddr | employees |
employees__primaryemailaddr | OBJECT | employees.PrimaryEmailAddr | employees.PrimaryEmailAddr | employees |
employees__primaryphone | OBJECT | employees.PrimaryPhone | employees.PrimaryPhone | employees |
employees__printoncheckname | TEXT | employees.PrintOnCheckName | employees.PrintOnCheckName | employees |
employees__releaseddate | TEXT | employees.ReleasedDate | employees.ReleasedDate | employees |
employees__sparse | BOOLEAN | employees.sparse | employees.sparse | employees |
employees__suffix | TEXT | employees.Suffix | employees.Suffix | employees |
employees__synctoken | TEXT | employees.SyncToken | employees.SyncToken | employees |
employees__title | TEXT | employees.Title | employees.Title | employees |
estimates__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | estimates.airbyte_cursor | estimates.airbyte_cursor | estimates |
estimates__applytaxafterdiscount | BOOLEAN | estimates.ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | estimates.ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | estimates |
estimates__billaddr | OBJECT | estimates.BillAddr | estimates.BillAddr | estimates |
estimates__billemail | OBJECT | estimates.BillEmail | estimates.BillEmail | estimates |
estimates__currencyref | OBJECT | estimates.CurrencyRef | estimates.CurrencyRef | estimates |
estimates__customermemo | OBJECT | estimates.CustomerMemo | estimates.CustomerMemo | estimates |
estimates__customerref | OBJECT | estimates.CustomerRef | estimates.CustomerRef | estimates |
estimates__customfield | OBJECT | estimates.CustomField | estimates.CustomField | estimates |
estimates__deliveryinfo | OBJECT | estimates.DeliveryInfo | estimates.DeliveryInfo | estimates |
estimates__docnumber | TEXT | estimates.DocNumber | estimates.DocNumber | estimates |
estimates__domain | TEXT | estimates.domain | estimates.domain | estimates |
estimates__emailstatus | TEXT | estimates.EmailStatus | estimates.EmailStatus | estimates |
estimates__exchangerate | NUMERIC | estimates.ExchangeRate | estimates.ExchangeRate | estimates |
estimates__hometotalamt | NUMERIC | estimates.HomeTotalAmt | estimates.HomeTotalAmt | estimates |
estimates__id | TEXT | estimates.Id | estimates.Id | estimates |
estimates__line | OBJECT | estimates.Line | estimates.Line | estimates |
estimates__linkedtxn | OBJECT | estimates.LinkedTxn | estimates.LinkedTxn | estimates |
estimates__metadata | OBJECT | estimates.MetaData | estimates.MetaData | estimates |
estimates__printstatus | TEXT | estimates.PrintStatus | estimates.PrintStatus | estimates |
estimates__shipaddr | OBJECT | estimates.ShipAddr | estimates.ShipAddr | estimates |
estimates__sparse | BOOLEAN | estimates.sparse | estimates.sparse | estimates |
estimates__synctoken | TEXT | estimates.SyncToken | estimates.SyncToken | estimates |
estimates__totalamt | NUMERIC | estimates.TotalAmt | estimates.TotalAmt | estimates |
estimates__txndate | TEXT | estimates.TxnDate | estimates.TxnDate | estimates |
estimates__txnstatus | TEXT | estimates.TxnStatus | estimates.TxnStatus | estimates |
estimates__txntaxdetail | OBJECT | estimates.TxnTaxDetail | estimates.TxnTaxDetail | estimates |
invoices__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | invoices.airbyte_cursor | invoices.airbyte_cursor | invoices |
invoices__allowipnpayment | BOOLEAN | invoices.AllowIPNPayment | invoices.AllowIPNPayment | invoices |
invoices__allowonlineachpayment | BOOLEAN | invoices.AllowOnlineACHPayment | invoices.AllowOnlineACHPayment | invoices |
invoices__allowonlinecreditcardpayment | BOOLEAN | invoices.AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | invoices.AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment | invoices |
invoices__allowonlinepayment | BOOLEAN | invoices.AllowOnlinePayment | invoices.AllowOnlinePayment | invoices |
invoices__applytaxafterdiscount | BOOLEAN | invoices.ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | invoices.ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | invoices |
invoices__balance | NUMERIC | invoices.Balance | invoices.Balance | invoices |
invoices__billaddr | OBJECT | invoices.BillAddr | invoices.BillAddr | invoices |
invoices__billemail | OBJECT | invoices.BillEmail | invoices.BillEmail | invoices |
invoices__currencyref | OBJECT | invoices.CurrencyRef | invoices.CurrencyRef | invoices |
invoices__customermemo | OBJECT | invoices.CustomerMemo | invoices.CustomerMemo | invoices |
invoices__customerref | OBJECT | invoices.CustomerRef | invoices.CustomerRef | invoices |
invoices__customfield | OBJECT | invoices.CustomField | invoices.CustomField | invoices |
invoices__deliveryinfo | OBJECT | invoices.DeliveryInfo | invoices.DeliveryInfo | invoices |
invoices__docnumber | TEXT | invoices.DocNumber | invoices.DocNumber | invoices |
invoices__domain | TEXT | invoices.domain | invoices.domain | invoices |
invoices__duedate | TEXT | invoices.DueDate | invoices.DueDate | invoices |
invoices__emailstatus | TEXT | invoices.EmailStatus | invoices.EmailStatus | invoices |
invoices__exchangerate | NUMERIC | invoices.ExchangeRate | invoices.ExchangeRate | invoices |
invoices__hometotalamt | NUMERIC | invoices.HomeTotalAmt | invoices.HomeTotalAmt | invoices |
invoices__id | TEXT | invoices.Id | invoices.Id | invoices |
invoices__line | OBJECT | invoices.Line | invoices.Line | invoices |
invoices__linkedtxn | OBJECT | invoices.LinkedTxn | invoices.LinkedTxn | invoices |
invoices__metadata | OBJECT | invoices.MetaData | invoices.MetaData | invoices |
invoices__printstatus | TEXT | invoices.PrintStatus | invoices.PrintStatus | invoices |
invoices__privatenote | TEXT | invoices.PrivateNote | invoices.PrivateNote | invoices |
invoices__salestermref | OBJECT | invoices.SalesTermRef | invoices.SalesTermRef | invoices |
invoices__shipaddr | OBJECT | invoices.ShipAddr | invoices.ShipAddr | invoices |
invoices__sparse | BOOLEAN | invoices.sparse | invoices.sparse | invoices |
invoices__synctoken | TEXT | invoices.SyncToken | invoices.SyncToken | invoices |
invoices__totalamt | NUMERIC | invoices.TotalAmt | invoices.TotalAmt | invoices |
invoices__txndate | TEXT | invoices.TxnDate | invoices.TxnDate | invoices |
invoices__txntaxdetail | OBJECT | invoices.TxnTaxDetail | invoices.TxnTaxDetail | invoices |
items__active | BOOLEAN | items.Active | items.Active | items |
items__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | items.airbyte_cursor | items.airbyte_cursor | items |
items__assetaccountref | OBJECT | items.AssetAccountRef | items.AssetAccountRef | items |
items__description | TEXT | items.Description | items.Description | items |
items__domain | TEXT | items.domain | items.domain | items |
items__expenseaccountref | OBJECT | items.ExpenseAccountRef | items.ExpenseAccountRef | items |
items__fullyqualifiedname | TEXT | items.FullyQualifiedName | items.FullyQualifiedName | items |
items__id | TEXT | items.Id | items.Id | items |
items__incomeaccountref | OBJECT | items.IncomeAccountRef | items.IncomeAccountRef | items |
items__invstartdate | TEXT | items.InvStartDate | items.InvStartDate | items |
items__metadata | OBJECT | items.MetaData | items.MetaData | items |
items__name | TEXT | items.Name | items.Name | items |
items__purchasecost | NUMERIC | items.PurchaseCost | items.PurchaseCost | items |
items__purchasedesc | TEXT | items.PurchaseDesc | items.PurchaseDesc | items |
items__qtyonhand | NUMERIC | items.QtyOnHand | items.QtyOnHand | items |
items__sparse | BOOLEAN | items.sparse | items.sparse | items |
items__synctoken | TEXT | items.SyncToken | items.SyncToken | items |
items__taxable | BOOLEAN | items.Taxable | items.Taxable | items |
items__trackqtyonhand | BOOLEAN | items.TrackQtyOnHand | items.TrackQtyOnHand | items |
items__type | TEXT | items.Type | items.Type | items |
items__unitprice | NUMERIC | items.UnitPrice | items.UnitPrice | items |
journal_entries__adjustment | BOOLEAN | journal_entries.Adjustment | journal_entries.Adjustment | journal_entries |
journal_entries__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | journal_entries.airbyte_cursor | journal_entries.airbyte_cursor | journal_entries |
journal_entries__currencyref | OBJECT | journal_entries.CurrencyRef | journal_entries.CurrencyRef | journal_entries |
journal_entries__docnumber | TEXT | journal_entries.DocNumber | journal_entries.DocNumber | journal_entries |
journal_entries__domain | TEXT | journal_entries.domain | journal_entries.domain | journal_entries |
journal_entries__exchangerate | NUMERIC | journal_entries.ExchangeRate | journal_entries.ExchangeRate | journal_entries |
journal_entries__id | TEXT | journal_entries.Id | journal_entries.Id | journal_entries |
journal_entries__line | OBJECT | journal_entries.Line | journal_entries.Line | journal_entries |
journal_entries__metadata | OBJECT | journal_entries.MetaData | journal_entries.MetaData | journal_entries |
journal_entries__privatenote | TEXT | journal_entries.PrivateNote | journal_entries.PrivateNote | journal_entries |
journal_entries__sparse | BOOLEAN | journal_entries.sparse | journal_entries.sparse | journal_entries |
journal_entries__synctoken | TEXT | journal_entries.SyncToken | journal_entries.SyncToken | journal_entries |
journal_entries__taxrateref | OBJECT | journal_entries.TaxRateRef | journal_entries.TaxRateRef | journal_entries |
journal_entries__txndate | TEXT | journal_entries.TxnDate | journal_entries.TxnDate | journal_entries |
journal_entries__txntaxdetail | OBJECT | journal_entries.TxnTaxDetail | journal_entries.TxnTaxDetail | journal_entries |
payment_methods__active | BOOLEAN | payment_methods.Active | payment_methods.Active | payment_methods |
payment_methods__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | payment_methods.airbyte_cursor | payment_methods.airbyte_cursor | payment_methods |
payment_methods__domain | TEXT | payment_methods.domain | payment_methods.domain | payment_methods |
payment_methods__id | TEXT | payment_methods.Id | payment_methods.Id | payment_methods |
payment_methods__metadata | OBJECT | payment_methods.MetaData | payment_methods.MetaData | payment_methods |
payment_methods__name | TEXT | payment_methods.Name | payment_methods.Name | payment_methods |
payment_methods__sparse | BOOLEAN | payment_methods.sparse | payment_methods.sparse | payment_methods |
payment_methods__synctoken | TEXT | payment_methods.SyncToken | payment_methods.SyncToken | payment_methods |
payment_methods__type | TEXT | payment_methods.Type | payment_methods.Type | payment_methods |
payments__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | payments.airbyte_cursor | payments.airbyte_cursor | payments |
payments__araccountref | OBJECT | payments.ARAccountRef | payments.ARAccountRef | payments |
payments__currencyref | OBJECT | payments.CurrencyRef | payments.CurrencyRef | payments |
payments__customerref | OBJECT | payments.CustomerRef | payments.CustomerRef | payments |
payments__deposittoaccountref | OBJECT | payments.DepositToAccountRef | payments.DepositToAccountRef | payments |
payments__domain | TEXT | payments.domain | payments.domain | payments |
payments__exchangerate | NUMERIC | payments.ExchangeRate | payments.ExchangeRate | payments |
payments__id | TEXT | payments.Id | payments.Id | payments |
payments__line | OBJECT | payments.Line | payments.Line | payments |
payments__linkedtxn | OBJECT | payments.LinkedTxn | payments.LinkedTxn | payments |
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purchase_orders__txntaxdetail | OBJECT | purchase_orders.TxnTaxDetail | purchase_orders.TxnTaxDetail | purchase_orders |
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purchase_orders__vendorref | OBJECT | purchase_orders.VendorRef | purchase_orders.VendorRef | purchase_orders |
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purchases__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | purchases.airbyte_cursor | purchases.airbyte_cursor | purchases |
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purchases__docnumber | TEXT | purchases.DocNumber | purchases.DocNumber | purchases |
purchases__domain | TEXT | purchases.domain | purchases.domain | purchases |
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purchases__txndate | TEXT | purchases.TxnDate | purchases.TxnDate | purchases |
refund_receipts__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | refund_receipts.airbyte_cursor | refund_receipts.airbyte_cursor | refund_receipts |
refund_receipts__applytaxafterdiscount | BOOLEAN | refund_receipts.ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | refund_receipts.ApplyTaxAfterDiscount | refund_receipts |
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refund_receipts__domain | TEXT | refund_receipts.domain | refund_receipts.domain | refund_receipts |
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refund_receipts__id | TEXT | refund_receipts.Id | refund_receipts.Id | refund_receipts |
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refund_receipts__paymentmethodref | OBJECT | refund_receipts.PaymentMethodRef | refund_receipts.PaymentMethodRef | refund_receipts |
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refund_receipts__sparse | BOOLEAN | refund_receipts.sparse | refund_receipts.sparse | refund_receipts |
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refund_receipts__txntaxdetail | OBJECT | refund_receipts.TxnTaxDetail | refund_receipts.TxnTaxDetail | refund_receipts |
sales_receipts__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | sales_receipts.airbyte_cursor | sales_receipts.airbyte_cursor | sales_receipts |
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sales_receipts__billemail | OBJECT | sales_receipts.BillEmail | sales_receipts.BillEmail | sales_receipts |
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sales_receipts__docnumber | TEXT | sales_receipts.DocNumber | sales_receipts.DocNumber | sales_receipts |
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sales_receipts__emailstatus | TEXT | sales_receipts.EmailStatus | sales_receipts.EmailStatus | sales_receipts |
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sales_receipts__txntaxdetail | OBJECT | sales_receipts.TxnTaxDetail | sales_receipts.TxnTaxDetail | sales_receipts |
source | TEXT | Source | The name of the Windsor connector returning the row | |
tax_agencies__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | tax_agencies.airbyte_cursor | tax_agencies.airbyte_cursor | tax_agencies |
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tax_agencies__taxtrackedonpurchases | BOOLEAN | tax_agencies.TaxTrackedOnPurchases | tax_agencies.TaxTrackedOnPurchases | tax_agencies |
tax_agencies__taxtrackedonsales | BOOLEAN | tax_agencies.TaxTrackedOnSales | tax_agencies.TaxTrackedOnSales | tax_agencies |
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tax_codes__domain | TEXT | tax_codes.domain | tax_codes.domain | tax_codes |
BOOLEAN | tax_codes.Hidden | tax_codes.Hidden | tax_codes | |
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tax_codes__purchasetaxratelist | OBJECT | tax_codes.PurchaseTaxRateList | tax_codes.PurchaseTaxRateList | tax_codes |
tax_codes__salestaxratelist | OBJECT | tax_codes.SalesTaxRateList | tax_codes.SalesTaxRateList | tax_codes |
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tax_codes__synctoken | TEXT | tax_codes.SyncToken | tax_codes.SyncToken | tax_codes |
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tax_rates__airbyte_cursor | TEXT | tax_rates.airbyte_cursor | tax_rates.airbyte_cursor | tax_rates |
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tax_rates__id | TEXT | tax_rates.Id | tax_rates.Id | tax_rates |
tax_rates__metadata | OBJECT | tax_rates.MetaData | tax_rates.MetaData | tax_rates |
tax_rates__name | TEXT | tax_rates.Name | tax_rates.Name | tax_rates |
tax_rates__ratevalue | NUMERIC | tax_rates.RateValue | tax_rates.RateValue | tax_rates |
tax_rates__sparse | BOOLEAN | tax_rates.sparse | tax_rates.sparse | tax_rates |
tax_rates__specialtaxtype | TEXT | tax_rates.SpecialTaxType | tax_rates.SpecialTaxType | tax_rates |
tax_rates__synctoken | TEXT | tax_rates.SyncToken | tax_rates.SyncToken | tax_rates |
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time_activities__billablestatus | TEXT | time_activities.BillableStatus | time_activities.BillableStatus | time_activities |
time_activities__customerref | OBJECT | time_activities.CustomerRef | time_activities.CustomerRef | time_activities |
time_activities__description | TEXT | time_activities.Description | time_activities.Description | time_activities |
time_activities__domain | TEXT | time_activities.domain | time_activities.domain | time_activities |
time_activities__employeeref | OBJECT | time_activities.EmployeeRef | time_activities.EmployeeRef | time_activities |
time_activities__hourlyrate | NUMERIC | time_activities.HourlyRate | time_activities.HourlyRate | time_activities |
time_activities__hours | NUMERIC | time_activities.Hours | time_activities.Hours | time_activities |
time_activities__id | TEXT | time_activities.Id | time_activities.Id | time_activities |
time_activities__itemref | OBJECT | time_activities.ItemRef | time_activities.ItemRef | time_activities |
time_activities__metadata | OBJECT | time_activities.MetaData | time_activities.MetaData | time_activities |
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time_activities__sparse | BOOLEAN | time_activities.sparse | time_activities.sparse | time_activities |
time_activities__synctoken | TEXT | time_activities.SyncToken | time_activities.SyncToken | time_activities |
time_activities__taxable | BOOLEAN | time_activities.Taxable | time_activities.Taxable | time_activities |
time_activities__txndate | TEXT | time_activities.TxnDate | time_activities.TxnDate | time_activities |
today | DATE | Today | Today's date | |
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